BWTAR_D Field in SAP | Valuation type Data Element using tables

BWTAR_D is a data element in SAP used for storing Valuation type data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this BWTAR_D field in SAP.

  • Data Element : BWTAR_D
  • Description : Valuation type
  • Data Type :CHAR

Valuation type tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using BWTAR_D Field

ACCTITCompressed Data from FI/CO Document
ADPMIVROTSUBAD: Define inventory structure for rotable parts (subitem)
AFFWGoods Movements with Errors from Confirmations
AFPOOrder item
AUAASettlement Document: Receiver Segment
AUFMGoods movements for order
AUPOAllocation Table Document Item
BBP_PDBEIBackend Specific Item Data
BSEGAccounting Document Segment
BSIMSecondary Index, Documents for Material
BSIM_BAKSecondary Index, Documents for Material
CDBD_GM_IMaterial Document Item Table
CKISItems Unit Costing/Itemization Product Costing
CKML2Material Ledger Header Record (Release 3.xx)
CKMLAVRDOCITLines for Cumulation Posting Document
CKMLDUVDistribution of Usage Diff.(Status for each ISEG entry)
CKMLDUVNDistribution of Usage Diff.(Status for each ISEG entry)
CKMLHDMaterial Ledger: Header Record
CKMLHD_AGGRMaterial Ledger: Header Record
CKMLMV001Procurement alternatives
CKMLMV002Assignments material / procurement alternatives
CKMLMV003Process model: Receipts / mixing strategies
CKMLMV004Process model: Withdrawals
CKMLMV005Consumption alternatives
CKMLMV_AUX_KALNRCost Estimate Numbers for Valuated Objects in QST
CKMVFM_BSEG_OUTDisplay of FI Documents, Transaction CKMVFM, SAP Note 912984
CKMVFM_OUTOutput for the Value_Flow_Monitor, see SAP Note 912984
COBRBDistribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement
COMPMOVEGoods Movement of Components
DIT434PStock determination: FS item table
DUVMSEG_EXTRACTduv mseg extract for performance
EBANPurchase Requisition
EBEWSales Order Stock Valuation
EBEWHValuation of Sales Order Stock: History
EBSEGDoc.Segment of Fin.Accntng External Documents
EINEPurchasing Info Record: Purchasing Organization Data
EKBEHistory per Purchasing Document
EKBEHRemoved PO History Records
EKBZHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKBZHHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKPOPurchasing Document Item
FCML_MATML Characteristics for Material (Selection Criteria)
FCO_DOC_HEADFailure Cost Document Header
FCO_DOC_POSFailure Cost Document Item
FEB_ACCNT_SAVESaving of Posting Lines for Postprocessing (Account Assign.)
FEB_ACTAcct Assignment Templates
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
GLPCAEC-PCA: Actual Line Items
GLPCA_CTProfit Center Documents
GLPCPEC-PCA: Plan Line Items
GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View
GLPOS_N_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type
GLPPCProfit Center Accounting: Plan line items
GLSPCProfit Center Accounting: Line Items
J_1AIMMLOGReplacement Cost Valuation : Logging Table
J_1AINFINVInflation: Invoices for Replacement Value Determination
J_1AINFMBWMaterial Master - Inflation
J_1AINFT16Warehouse report ( data of previous fiscal years )
J_1BLPPAverage Tax Rates for Reimbursement
J_1BNFLINNota Fiscal line items
J_3RFANKAFI-AA class settings for CIS
J_3RF_WW_VALTYPEAssignment: Workwear movement type-> Valuation Type
KALMCosting Run: Costing Objects
KALOCosting Run: Costing Objects (KVMK)
KEKOProduct Costing - Header Data
KNOBAssignment of Cost Est. Number to Config. Object
KOSA_BALTProcurement Alternative for Prod Cost Coll. in Make-to-Order
LECOMPKomponenten für Lohnbearbeitungsanlieferungen
LIPSSD document: Delivery: Item data
MABWManagement of Differently Maintained Material Data in Retail
MBEWMaterial Valuation
MBEWHMaterial Valuation: History
MBEW_TMPFile for Incorrect Data in Direct Input
MCKALKVVersions: Cost Itemization
MCKALKWVersions: Cost Itemization
MEV_D_AD_ITEM_MMPeriod-End Valuation: Accruals Document Item MM
MEV_D_WL_MMPeriod-end valuation: Worklist - Materials Management Data
MLITMaterial Ledger Document: Items
MMINKON_UPCorrections due to Technical Problems with Stock
MSEGDocument Segment: Material
MSTAMaterial Master Status
MSTBStock in Transit
MSTBHStock in Transit - History
MSTEStock in Transit to Sales and Distribution Document
MSTEHSiT to Sales and Distribution Document - History
MSTQStock in Transit for Project
MSTQHStock in Transit for Project - History
MVEWMaterial Valuation
MVEWHMaterial Valuation: History
MWXMSEGZMSEG: Interface for Posting of Value
MWZMSEGZMSEG:Interface for Posting of Value
MYLAUFITObject Table for Delta Run Using MRN9
MYMBEW_BUKRSIndex Table for Material Company Code
MYMFTFIFO Results Table
MYML1LIFO: Transaction-Related Material Layer
MYML1QLIFO: Transaction-Related Material Layer (Quantity)
MYMP1Receipt Data LFIO/FIFO Valuation
MYMP1RStorage for Invoice Differences (LIFO/FIFO)
MYSEG_EXTRACTDocument Segment: Material
OBEWValuated Stock with Subcontractor
OBEWHValuated Stock with Subcontractor: History
OIA11Exchange assignment for deliveries
OIAMPPrice reference plant assignment
OIGSMTD Material Allocated to a Shipment
OIGSVMQTD Quantity Item for Material on Vehicle
OIH08Default values for external procurement functions
OIH08ADefault values for external procurement functions
OIH11Defaults for ext. sales functions
OIH11ADefaults for ext. sales functions
OIH14Tax rate revaluation - obsolete
OIH26License Requirements Tab
OIH26ALicense Requirements Tab
OIH40Excise Duty defaulting table GI/GR for production orders
OIHEDAActual line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDOObject table 1, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDPPlan line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDTSummary table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHSLATDP (excise duty) special ledger actual line item table
OIHSLOTDP (excise duty) special ledger object table
OIHSLTTDP (excise duty) special ledger summary table
OIH_MIGO_HTDPStore the TDP-GOITEM for MIGOs hold/restore feature
OIH_TAX_REVExcise Duty Revaluation Documents
OIISOCTSMSOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> material (IS-Oil BDR
OIJNOMCOIL-TSW: Nomination copy table
OIJNOMINomination Item
OIJNOMIVERSNomination Item Version Table
OIJ_SCHEDPlanned Schedule Lines
OIK01IS-OIL/TAS: LID Document Data
OIK01DIS-OIL/TAS: deactivated LID Document Data
OIKCFTAS - Control Field Data
OIKCFWTAS - Control Field Data
OIKLIDTAS active LIDs(NOTE:keep eq to DB OIKLIDW->append includes)
OIKLIDRTD - TAS Reference Table
OIKLIDWTAS LID Working version (NOTE: keep DB eq to DB OIKLID)
OIRC_FUELS_PRSSR - Processing profile
ORF2CUSTCustomising Profils for Optimal Rotable Float ORF1,2,4
ORF5CUSTCustomising Profils for Optimal Rotable Float ORF5,6
ORIG_PR_MBEWSales Price Origin of Last Total Revaluation at Retail
PPC_COMATMaximum Bill of Material of Backflushed Materials (for CO)
PSOSEGSRecurring Request Document Segment, G/L Accounts
QBEWProject Stock Valuation
QBEWHValuation of Project Stock: History
RBDRSEGBatch IV: Invoice Document Items
RBMADocument Item: Incoming Invoice for Material
REQLINEMATemporary Line Data: Requirement Coverage Request(MRO Lines)
S278Transfer BW: Bestand
S278BIW1S278BIW1 * Transfer to BW: Stock
S278BIW2S278BIW2 * Transfer to BW: Stock
S279Transfer BW: Bestandsführung
S279BIW1S279BIW1 * BW Transfer: Inventory Management
S279BIW2S279BIW2 * BW Transfer: Inventory Management
SMOBBPMBEWValuation Data BBP Material
T149AValuation types for valuation area
T149BValuation Category/Valuation type
T149DGlobal Valuation Types
T149EGlobal Valuat.Type/Valuat.Categ. Combinations
T399XParameters dependent on order type
T434PStock determination: FS item table
T8JDValuation type with JV-information
TCJ_POSITIONSCash Journal Document Items
TJP_VAL_DATAValuation Template for Unit Costs Transfer
TOI0_REL_MMRelevance customizing for MM Documents
TOI0_REL_NOMIS-OIL: Relevance customizing for Nominations
TOI0_REL_PPIS-OIL: Relevance customizing for PP Documents
TOI0_REL_SDIS-OIL: Relevance customizing for SD Documents
TOIGS3TD Intransit Batch/Handling Type Determination
TXW_S_EKPORetrieve EKPO from archive
TXW_S_MSEGRetrieve MSEG from archive
USEGRetail Revaluation Document: Revaluation Segment
USRM1Material Master User Settings: Organizational Levels
USRMMUser settings: material master
VBAPSales Document: Item Data
VBRPBilling Document: Item Data
VBSEGSDocument Segment for Document Parking - G/L Account Database
VIAKBSEGDocument Line Item from SCS for Interface
VSAFPO_CNVersion: Order items in PP orders
VSEBAN_CNVersion: Purchase requisition
VSVBAP_CNVersion: Sales document: Item data
WBEWActive Ingredient Valuation
WBHITrading Contract: Item Data
WBRPAgency business: Item
WDFR_POSPerishables Planninng Item
WRF_DISCONT_ERRError Log and Valuation Levels - Seas. Proc. Discontinuation
/CEERE/BSEGProperty tax: booked FI items
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