SAP FI Tables | Financial Accounting Module Tables & Fields

FI is a SAP module coming under SAP_APPL component. Total 4493 FI tables are stored in our database.View these tables by sub modules coming under SAP FI. You can also refer SAP FI transaction codes from this link

  • Module description : Financial Accounting
  • Application component : HLA0009200
  • First release : 30A
Financial Accounting tables in SAP

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SAP FI Tables

  • A151 : Dest. Ctry/Comm. code
  • A373 : Country/Plant/Material
  • A375 : Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl2Cust/TaxCl.2Mat
  • A376 : Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl4Cust/TaxCl.4Mat
  • A395 : Arg.: Country/Fisc.Type
  • A396 : Arg.: Country/Fisc.Type/Material
  • A397 : Arg.: Tax relevant classification
  • AAACC_EXCL : Exception Table for Account Assignment Settings in FI-AA
  • AAACC_OBJ : Account Assignment Settings in Asset Accounting
  • AAACC_OBJ_ERR : Types of Error During Check of Acct Assignment in FI-AA
  • ACAC_OBJECTS : Manual Accruals: Accrual Objects
  • ACCRAC : Assignment of Acr./Def. G/L Account to Accruals Account
  • ACCRBD : Accruals/Deferrals Master Data - Basic Data
  • ACCRCUST : Accrual/Deferral Profile
  • ACCRCUST_TXT : Accruals/Deferrals Customizing Text
  • ACCRFI : Accruals/Deferrals Master Data FI/CO Account Assignment
  • ACCRPOST : Accrual/deferral postings
  • ACEDSASSGMT : Standard Account Assignments for Accrual Objects
  • ACEDSOH : Accrual Subobject Header Data
  • ACEDSOI : Item Data for Accrual Subobject
  • ACEDSOI_ACCOUNTS : Accounts for Accrual Postings per Accrual Item
  • ACEDSOP : Accrual Subobject Parameters
  • ACEOBJ : Accrual Objects
  • ACEPSOH : Accrual Subobject: Header Data in Posting Component
  • ACEPSOI : Accrual Item: Values in Posting Component
  • ACEPSOIT : Line Items for Accrual Item in Accrual Engine
  • ACEPSPPLOG : Logical Periodic Accrual Run
  • ACEPSPPSEL : Select Options Periodic Posting Run
  • ACE_SOP_BSMODATA : Data for the Black & Scholes Model
  • ACE_SOP_DESTINTN : Connection Data to the HR System
  • ACE_SOP_FFVERSNS : Versions for Simulation of Forfeiture Rates
  • ACE_SOP_FFVRSTXT : Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock Prices
  • ACE_SOP_HRFI : Accrual Engine: Assignment for HR Data Transfer
  • ACE_SOP_INDTYPE : Type of Index Used for Award Program
  • ACE_SOP_INVERSNS : Versions for Simulation of Performance of Indexes
  • ACE_SOP_INVRSTXT : Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock Prices
  • ACE_SOP_METH_IND : Method <-> Version Assignment for Index Performance
  • ACE_SOP_REFKEY : Decoding of Accrual Engine RefKey
  • ACE_SOP_SCRT_FRF : Hypothetical Forfeiture Rates for Simulation
  • ACE_SOP_SCRT_IND : Hypothetical Index Performance for Simulation
  • ACE_SOP_SCRT_SEC : Hypothetical Security Price Performance for Simulation
  • ACE_SOP_VERSNS : Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock Prices
  • ACE_SOP_VERSNTXT : Version for Simulation of Performance of Stock Prices
  • ACRELATION : Relationships in Accounting
  • ADMI_FIDOC : Archive Management for FI_DOCUMNT Object
  • ADMI_FIDOQ : Enhancement to Archive Mgt. for FI_DOCUMNT Object
  • ANAR : Asset Types
  • ANAT : Asset type text
  • ANGA : Asset catalog general data
  • APERB_ITEMS : Log Table for Dep. Areas Posted Directly to FI
  • APERB_PROT : Log Table for Periodic Posting
  • ARCH_FKKKO : FI-CA doc: Header-oriented doc index for archive
  • ARCH_FKKOP : FI-CA doc: Header-oriented doc index for archive
  • ARIX_BKPF : FI_DOCUMNT: Header-Oriented Document Index for Archive
  • ARIX_BSAD : FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving Customer Accts
  • ARIX_BSAK : FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Indx for Archiving Vendor Accounts
  • ARIX_BSAS : FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving G/L Accounts
  • ARIX_BSIS : FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving G/L Accounts
  • ARJ_1A101 : ARGENTINA: Legal rep.historical data for the daily reports
  • ATAFS_SIGNATORY : Annual Financial Statement Austria Signatory information
  • BASE_TYPE_IT : Assign Base Amount Type
  • BCA_DIM_BU_PAY_D : Payment Details of a Business Partner
  • BCONT : Business Partner Contact
  • BCONTA : Contact Activities
  • BCONTAI : Additional Contact Information
  • BCONTAIT : Additional Information: Texts
  • BCONTAO : Allowed Contact Objects (obsolete as of 4.51)
  • BCONTAOT : Contact Object Types: Texts (obsolete as of 4.51)
  • BCONTAT : Contact Activities: Texts
  • BCONTBPOBJTYP : Business Partner Object Type
  • BCONTC : Contact Classes
  • BCONTCAOR : Assignment of Object Roles to Contact Classes/Activity
  • BCONTCD : Direction
  • BCONTCDT : Contact Directions: Texts
  • BCONTCFIND : Contact Configuration Determination
  • BCONTCI : Customer Information
  • BCONTCIT : Customer Information: Texts
  • BCONTCONF : Contact Configuration
  • BCONTCONFT : Contact Configuration: Texts
  • BCONTCT : Contact Classes: Texts
  • BCONTF : Additional Contact Fields (obsolete as of 4.51)
  • BCONTFORM : Determination of Contact Class, Activity and Configuration
  • BCONTFORMCLASS : Determination of Contact Class, Activity and Configuration
  • BCONTFR : Supply Additional Fields with Data
  • BCONTO : Objects for Business Partner Contact (obsolete as of 4.51)
  • BCONTOR : Object Roles for Business Partner Contact
  • BCONTORT : Object Roles for Business Partner Contact: Texts
  • BCONTP : Contact Priority
  • BCONTPT : Contact Priority: Texts
  • BCONTT : Contact Type
  • BCONTTT : Contact Types: Texts
  • BEL_JOURNAL : Belgium : Sales/Purchase Journal Period Balances
  • BIW_EMMA_CASE : Delta Queue for Process Statistics for Clarification Cases
  • BKPF_ADD : Accounting Document Header
  • BPCTOBJTR : Customer Contact: Transformation Rules for Object Catgories
  • BPCTPOSFORM : Object Relationships for BP Contact: Attribute Values
  • BPCTSRGBINREL : Business Partner Contact: Generic Binary Relationships
  • BPCT_CRM_CLASS : Display Contact Type/Class on CRM Activities
  • BPCT_CRM_DIRECT : Creation of Contact Direction from Contact -> Activity
  • BPCT_CRM_GUIDS : Assignment: Contact Key -> Activity GUID
  • BPCT_CRM_PRIO : Creation of Priority Contact -> Activity
  • BPCT_CRM_TDID : Creation of Text ID Contact -> Activity
  • BSACC_HIST_CUST : General Settings for Account History
  • BSACC_HIST_GRP : Account Groups for Account History
  • BSACC_HIST_GRPT : Account Groups for Account History
  • BSACC_HIST_TA : Account History: Transaction Types Used
  • BSEG_ADD : Entry View of Accounting Document for Additional Ledgers
  • BSEG_CONV_TRG : BSEG, BSET & BSED Conversion Trigger
  • BTS_ERROR_CODES : Error Codes of SABRE/BTS-API Server
  • BUSPROC_FCT_FIEB : FIEB: Function Modules for Business Process
  • BWFIAA_AEDAT_AB : FIAA-BW: Modified Valuation Area Data for Delta Upload
  • BWFIAA_AEDAT_AS : FIAA-BW: New and Modified Master Records for Delta Upload
  • BWFIAA_AEDAT_TR : FIAA-BW: New and Modified Transactions for Delta Upload
  • BWFI_AEDA2 : BW FI: Log Table for Changed Transaction Figures
  • BWFI_AEDA3 : BW FI: Log Table for Changed Credit Management Data
  • BWFI_AEDAT : BW FI: Log Table for Changed FI Documents
  • CASH_AUDIT : Cash Audit Table
  • CDF_EXT_ITEM_LU : CDF External Item Luxembourg
  • CFC_ACTIONLOG : Action Log of Status and Processing Status Changes
  • CFC_APPLCTS : CFC: Applications
  • CFC_APPLCTS_TXT : CFC: Applications: Texts
  • CFC_APPLOBJ : CFC: Application objects
  • CFC_APPLOBJ_TXT : CFC: Application objects: Texts
  • CFC_APPL_FCODES : Application-Specific GUI Function Codes
  • CFC_CONTROL_OBJ : CFC: Control objects
  • CFC_CTRLOBJ_TXT : CFC: Control objects: Texts
  • CFC_EVENTS : CFC: Events
  • CFC_EVENT_FCT : CFC events -> Function modules assignment
  • CFC_EVENT_TXT : CFC: Events: Texts
  • CFC_ITEM_STATE : CFC: Status of the application table entries
  • CFC_ITEM_STATE_T : CFC: Status of the application table entries (texts)
  • CFC_IT_WORKSTATE : Clarification Case Processing Status
  • CFC_LOCKS : CFC: Lock table for application items (generic key)
  • CFC_ROLES : CFC: Roles for application objects
  • CFC_SCREEN_VARS : Master Screen Layout Variants
  • CFC_SELFIELDS : CFC: Selection fields of the application
  • CFC_WORKSTATE_T : Clarification Case Processing State (Texts)
  • CFDI_CHAIN_MX : MX: CFDI encrypted Chain Details
  • CFDI_REJCODE_MXT : MX: CFDI Rejection Code Texts
  • CFDI_REJ_CODE_MX : MX: CFDI Rejection Codes
  • CFDI_REQ_MX : MX:CFDI request details
  • CFDI_RESP_MX : MX: CFDI Response Details
  • CFDI_STAT_LOG_MX : MX: CFDI Status Log Details
  • CIAP_C_ACCOUNT : Identify the accounting of expenses and ICMS to be paid
  • CIAP_C_CFOP : Valid combination of CFOP/Version/Item Category for CIAP
  • CIAP_C_NO_QUO_BP : Table for customizing of quotas quantity by CCode / B Place
  • CIAP_C_NO_QUO_ST : Table for customizing of quotas quantity by Country/State
  • CIAP_D_CRED_FACT : CIAP Credit Factor Table
  • CIAP_D_NF : CIAP Nota Fiscal/Record relationship
  • CIAP_D_QUOTA : CIAP record quota
  • CIS_VF_EXT : Extension Table for CIS Sub contractors
  • CNFMC_AGCYTYPE : Agency Type
  • CNFMC_AGCYTYPE_T : Agency Type
  • CNFMC_SUPTYPE : Fund Supply Type
  • CNFMC_SUPTYPE_T : Fund Supply Type
  • CRACC : Payment Cards: Account Assignments in Card Master Record
  • CRFILEHD : Payment Card File: Header
  • CRFILEPOS : Payment Card File: Individual Records
  • CRFILESTAT : Payment Card File: Status Information for Individual Records
  • CRMC_BEAVALTYACC : IPM: Assignment of Value Types for Accounts in Company Code
  • CRMD_CCM_LINK : Link from payment item to claim chargeback recovery in CRM
  • CRM_ACE_CU_ACRTY : CRM Accruals: Assignment of Accruals Type to Transact. Type
  • CRM_ACE_CU_COND : Customizing for CRM Accruals: Relevant Revenue Elements
  • CRM_ACE_CU_COPA : CRM Accruals: Assgmt of Accruals Type to Cond.Type for CO-PA
  • CRM_ACE_CU_METH : CRM Accruals Customizing: Find Accrual Method
  • CRM_ACE_OH_DATA : CRM Accruals: Object Header
  • CRM_ACE_OI_DATA : CRM Accruals: Item Detail Data of Object
  • CRM_ACE_REFKEY : CRM Accruals: REFKEY Decryption
  • CRNUM : Payment cards: Card master record
  • DEFTAX_ITEM : Data for Deferred Taxes
  • DFK006B : Note to Payee - Texts
  • DFK006E : Note to Payee - Accounts
  • DFKCRPO : Clarification Worklist Credit
  • DFKK1099 : 1099 Statutory Reporting Data
  • DFKKARREPCONTST : ARGENTINA: Legal report sales tax control table
  • DFKKAVK : Payment Advice: Header Data
  • DFKKAVP : Payment Advice: Items
  • DFKKAVST : Control Table for Payment Advice Note Transfer
  • DFKKAWM : Foreign Trade Reporting: Report File
  • DFKKBIC : Obsolete
  • DFKKBICL : FI-CA Batch Input - Error Change Logs
  • DFKKBLTO : Boleto (help table for lock object EFKKNR_BOLETO)
  • DFKKBOH : Boleto: Header data
  • DFKKBOL : Bollo: Italy
  • DFKKBOLXT : Boleto (Help table for lock object EFKKNR_BOLEXT
  • DFKKBOL_BANKID : Boleto: Bank ID Determination Results
  • DFKKBOP : Boleto: Item Data
  • DFKKBPCL : Business Partner Duplicates: Predecessor - Successor
  • DFKKBPCL_ACT : Business Partner Duplicates: Status of Activities
  • DFKKBPCL_CLAR : Business Partner Duplicates: Clarification Cases
  • DFKKBPCL_IMP : Import Data of Business Partner Duplicates
  • DFKKBPCL_IMPI : Import of Master Data Combinations of BP Duplicates
  • DFKKBRLEVYCODE : Brazil: Levy Code for Barcode Payment Method
  • DFKKBRLEVYREC : Levy Way: Data from Payment Lot for Levy Way report (Brazil)
  • DFKKBRLEVYTXT : Brazil : Barcode Levy Code Description for Different Banks.
  • DFKKBRPAYORD_REV : Records payment order reversals
  • DFKKBRPOPNOT : Balance Reporting: Noticed Contract Account Document Items
  • DFKKBRPOPSAL : Balance Reporting: Business Partner Balances
  • DFKKBRPOPSALHD : Balance reporting: Businesspartner balances header
  • DFKKBRSEQ : Brazil : Control of DME file Sequence Number
  • DFKKCASEITEMS : Item List in Cases, Lines
  • DFKKCASEITEMSH : Item List in Cases, Header Data
  • DFKKCASHFC : Interim Table for Cash Management and Forecast Data
  • DFKKCCUPDATE : Item Lists to Which Changes Were Made
  • DFKKCDLOTS : Lot Management for Cash Desk (Data only Temporary ca. 2 Yrs)
  • DFKKCDREF : Cash Desk Document References
  • DFKKCFCVS : Clarification Cases from Payment Transfer - Ext. Pymt Coll.
  • DFKKCFDUNTEL : Telephone List for Dunning
  • DFKKCFNR : Clarification Cases from NOC Returns Lot
  • DFKKCFPAYRUN : Clarif. Worklist: Payt Program
  • DFKKCFPAYRUN2 : Calrification Worklist: Payment Program (New Version)
  • DFKKCFRLS : Clarification Cases: Returns Lots
  • DFKKCFZST : Clarification Cases from Payment Lot
  • DFKKCIBW : FICA: Extraction of Cleared Items
  • DFKKCIBW_STAT : CIBW Extraction - Status Table
  • DFKKCJC : Cash Desk Closing Data
  • DFKKCJF : Transfer Accepted Payments
  • DFKKCJK : Data for Change Amounts at Cash Desk - Different Currency
  • DFKKCJM : Cash Journal Master Data
  • DFKKCJMT : Text Table for Cash Journal Master Data
  • DFKKCJT : Transaction Data for Cash Journal
  • DFKKCLMEM : Management Table for Buffered Open Item Processing
  • DFKKCMF : Manually Entered Checks Lot: Reconciliation Key
  • DFKKCMK : Manually Issued Checks Lot: Header Data
  • DFKKCMP : Manually Issued Checks Lot: Item Data
  • DFKKCMP2P : Manually Issued Checks Lot: Two Party Checks Data
  • DFKKCMPE : Manually Entered Checks Lot: Error Messages
  • DFKKCMS : Credit Management: Master Data Replication
  • DFKKCOLFILE_H_W : Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Header Data Buffer
  • DFKKCOLFILE_P_W : Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Item Buffer
  • DFKKCOLFILE_T_W : Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Trailer Data Buffer
  • DFKKCOLI_LOG : Collection Agency Information File: Communication Log
  • DFKKCOLL : Admin. Data for Sumbission of Receivables for Coll. Agency
  • DFKKCOLLH : Management Data for Submission to Coll. Agency (History)
  • DFKKCOLLHBW_ST : Collection Agency Extraction - Status Table
  • DFKKCOLLHBW_TMP : Collection Agency Extraction - Blocked Interval
  • DFKKCOLLH_I_W : Buffer: Collection Agency Information File (Header Data)
  • DFKKCOLLP_IM_W : Buffer: Coll. Agency Info File (Item Master Data Change)
  • DFKKCOLLP_IP_W : Buffer: Collection Agency Info File (Item for Payments)
  • DFKKCOLLP_IR_W : Buffer: Collection Agency Info File (Item for Callback)
  • DFKKCOLLT_I_W : Buffer: Collection Agency Information File (Footer)
  • DFKKCOLL_CH : Collection: Changes to Business Partner Master Data
  • DFKKCOL_LOG : Collections Agency File: Settlement Log (Payments)
  • DFKKCOMA : Correspondence Dunning
  • DFKKCOMAKT : Correspondence Dunning Activities
  • DFKKCOPA : Log Table for COPA Transfer
  • DFKKCORRLOG : Log Table for Correction Reports
  • DFKKCR : Repository For Checks
  • DFKKCR2P : Check Repository: Additional Payees
  • DFKKCRADD : CR: Additional Information for Payment Medium
  • DFKKCRCASH : CR: Cashed Checks Not Yet Entered in Register
  • DFKKCRCL : Table for Checks To Be Clarified
  • DFKKCRCL_DOCS : Table for Checks To Be Clarified
  • DFKKCRDEL : CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Basic Data
  • DFKKCRDEL2P : CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Payee Data
  • DFKKCRDELADD : CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Additional Data
  • DFKKCRDELD2 : Check Register: Deleted Payment Media/Partial Encashments
  • DFKKCRDOC2 : Check Management: Partial Encashments
  • DFKKCRF : Record of Creditworthiness: Fixed Interest Periods, Releases
  • DFKKCRH : Creditworthiness Record: Total of one Year
  • DFKKCROWN : CR: Information on Issued Check Forms
  • DFKKCRP : Creditworthiness Record: Generating Actions
  • DFKKCRST : Control Table for Check Register Transfer
  • DFKKCUST_SHORT : Data Extract: Customizing
  • DFKKCVS : Convenience Stores: Data for Convenience Store Document
  • DFKKDDA : Debit Memo Notification (England)
  • DFKKDISPA : FICA-DM: Amounts Changes to Dispute Cases
  • DFKKDISPP : FICA-DM: Key for Assigned Payments (Always Empty!)
  • DFKKDOUBTD_RET_W : Buffer: Printout for Ind.Val.Ad - Return Values (User Event)
  • DFKKDOUBTD_W : Buffer: Create Printout for Receivables Adjustment
  • DFKKDT : Accounting Data (INDX Structure)
  • DFKKENQ : Temporary Lock Entries for Mass Activities
  • DFKKESR : POR Payment Supplement
  • DFKKEWUDOCCRIT : Euro: Critical Documents in Conversion
  • DFKKEXTCON : Control Table: Official Number Parallel Processing
  • DFKKEXTDOC : Official Document Number with Attributes
  • DFKKEXTDOC2 : Encryption of Official Document Numbers
  • DFKKEXTTMP : Temporary Entries for Official Document Number
  • DFKKFMBGAINFO : Tax Information for Public-Owned Commercial Operations
  • DFKKFWBEW : Management Data for Foreign Currency Valuations
  • DFKKFWKORR : Cumulation Table for Adjustment and Inverse Postings
  • DFKKFWTRIG : Trigger Table for Inverse Postings
  • DFKKGLPOST : Lock Table for General Ledger Postings
  • DFKKGP_SHORT : Data Extract: BP Data
  • DFKKHUREPDS : Recording Data for Domestic Sales Hungary
  • DFKKIA : FI-CA: Database table for FKKIA - intrst supp
  • DFKKIAPT : Interest Calculation: Log for Interest Run
  • DFKKIH : FI-CA: Table with Interest History
  • DFKKINVBILL_A : Additional Items of Billing Document
  • DFKKINVBILL_H : Billing Document Header
  • DFKKINVBILL_I : Billing Document Items
  • DFKKINVBILL_T : Tax Items of Billing Document
  • DFKKINVDOC_C : Invoicing Document: Charges and Discounts
  • DFKKINVDOC_CH : Invoicing Document: Charges and Discounts History Record
  • DFKKINVDOC_H : Invoicing Document Header
  • DFKKINVDOC_I : Items of Invoicing Document
  • DFKKINVDOC_P : Invoicing: Posting Document Reference Table
  • DFKKINVDOC_S : Source Document for Invoicing/Reversal History
  • DFKKINV_BWTRIG : BW: Group Extraction Order for Invoicing Documents/FIKEY
  • DFKKINV_BWTRIGH : BI: History Record for Extraction of Invoicing Documents
  • DFKKINV_BWTRIGS : BW: Individual Extraction Order for Invoicing Documents
  • DFKKINV_TRIG : Invoicing Order
  • DFKKIPBW_HEAD : Installment Plan Header Data for Business Warehouse
  • DFKKIPBW_ITEM : Installment Plan Items for Business Warehouse
  • DFKKIPBW_ORIG : Installment Plan Original Items for Business Warehouse
  • DFKKIP_GRP : Payment Specification: Header Data
  • DFKKIP_GRPH : Payment Specification: Payment Data (History)
  • DFKKIP_ITM : Payment Specification: Related Items
  • DFKKIP_ITMH : Payment Specification: Deletions Not Yet Confirmed
  • DFKKIP_ITMV : Payment Specification: Preselected Items
  • DFKKIP_NUM : Payment Specification (for Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_IP)
  • DFKKITVATM : VAT monthly report for Italy: hystory table
  • DFKKITVATQ : VAT quarterly report for Italy: hystory table
  • DFKKKO : Header Data in Open Item Accounting Document
  • DFKKKOAR : Reversal Data for Reversal after Archiving
  • DFKKKO_SHORT : Header Data for Contract Accounting Document - Extracts
  • DFKKKO_WF : Header Data for Contract Accting Doc. (Workflow Parameters)
  • DFKKLOCKS : FI-CA: Business Locks
  • DFKKLOCKSH : Business Lock Histories
  • DFKKMACFCSMK : FICA Dunning - Blocked Accounts
  • DFKKMDC_BP : Request for Business Partner Changes
  • DFKKMDUGP : Master Data Lot: Items of the Groups of a Lot
  • DFKKMDUGPP : Master Data Lot: Subitems of Group Item
  • DFKKMDUK : Master Data Lot: Header Data
  • DFKKMKO : Header data for sample contract accounting document
  • DFKKMOP : Items in contract account document
  • DFKKMOPK : Items in contract account document
  • DFKKMOPW : Items in contract account document
  • DFKKNRK : NOC Returns Lot: Header Data
  • DFKKNRP : NOC Returns Lot: Item Data
  • DFKKNRPE : NOC Returns Lot: Error Messages for Items
  • DFKKOBJRL : Object Relations between FI-CA Documents
  • DFKKOBL : Liab. for Credit Segment of Business Partner and Credit Data
  • DFKKOBLC : Control Data for Credit Liability in DFKKOBL
  • DFKKOBLID : Partner Messages for SAP Credit Management Update
  • DFKKOP : Items in contract account document
  • DFKKOPBEW : FI-CA Foreign Currency Valuation
  • DFKKOPBW : OI Extraction
  • DFKKOPBW_STAT : OIBW Extraction - Status Table
  • DFKKOPC : Card Data Supplement for Business Partner Item
  • DFKKOPCOLL : Collection: Log of Receivables Submitted
  • DFKKOPEW : Business Partner Items: Amounts Before Euro Conversion
  • DFKKOPK : Items in contract account document
  • DFKKOPKC : Card Data Appendix for FICA Document
  • DFKKOPKEW : G/L Account Items: Amounts Before Euro Conversion
  • DFKKOPKX : Items for Contract Accounting Document (Enhancement)
  • DFKKOPK_SHORT : Offsetting Items for FI-CA Document - Extracts
  • DFKKOPK_TEXT_GL : Text G/L Item
  • DFKKOPL : Locks for Open Items (Change Document Interface)
  • DFKKOPVZ : Agreed Payment Amounts
  • DFKKOPW : Items in contract account document
  • DFKKOP_SHORT : Partner Items for FI-CA Document - Extracts
  • DFKKORDER : Requests: Header Data
  • DFKKORDERAPPROVE : Requests to be Approved
  • DFKKORDERASSIGN : Assignment of ORDNR for General Requests (General Object)
  • DFKKORDERCLS : Request Class
  • DFKKORDERCLST : Names of Request Classes
  • DFKKORDERDUE : Requests: Due Dates
  • DFKKORDERHIST : Requests: Document History
  • DFKKORDERLOCKS : Requests: Processing Locks
  • DFKKORDERLOCKS_S : Request Templates: Processing Locks
  • DFKKORDERPOS : Requests: Items
  • DFKKORDERPOS_S : Request Templates: Items
  • DFKKORDERRANGE : Assigning Number Ranges to Request Categories
  • DFKKORDERRANGE_S : Assign Number Ranges to Request Templates
  • DFKKORDERTYP : Request Category
  • DFKKORDERTYPT : Names of Request Types
  • DFKKORDERVTREF : Assign VTREF to ORDNR for General Requests
  • DFKKORDER_S : Request Templates: Header Data
  • DFKKORDOPHIST : Standing Requests: Document History
  • DFKKORDTYP : Request Category
  • DFKKORDTYPT : Names of Request Types
  • DFKKPAE : Payment Notification (Aux. Table EFKKNUMKR_PA)
  • DFKKPAH : Payment Notification
  • DFKKPC_LOGF : Payment Cards: Settlement Log (Data Medium)
  • DFKKPC_LOGH : Payment Cards: Billing Log (Header Data)
  • DFKKPC_LOGI : Payment Cards: Billing Log (Paid Items)
  • DFKKPC_LOGP : Payment Cards: Billing Log (Payments)
  • DFKKPNBKA : Prenotification data (latest)
  • DFKKPNBKC : Prenotification file creation run: administration data
  • DFKKPNBKH : Prenotification data (history)
  • DFKKPOE : Payment Order (Help Table Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_PO)
  • DFKKPOH : Payment Order: Header Data
  • DFKKPOP : Payment Order: Item Data
  • DFKKPPROPEXC : Exceptions for Due Date Determination and Last Payments
  • DFKKPRND : SEPA: Direct Debit Pre-Notification (FI-CA) Deleted Items
  • DFKKPRNH : SEPA: Direct Debit Pre-Notifications (FI-CA)
  • DFKKPTSAFTDEF : Portugal: SAF-T Definition
  • DFKKPTSAFTSAL : Portugal: SAF-T Balances
  • DFKKQSR : Individual Records for Withholding Tax Report
  • DFKKRA : Clearing/Reversal History (Document Header Level) < 4.62
  • DFKKRAP : Clearing/Reversal History (Line Item Level) < 4.62
  • DFKKRAPT : Clearing/Reversal History (Line Item Level)
  • DFKKRAT : Partial Clearing Reset
  • DFKKRD : FI-CA: Table for Management of Rounding Amounts
  • DFKKRDI : Revenue Distribution
  • DFKKREP01 : Data for Sales Lists (Belgium)
  • DFKKREP02 : Data for Sales Lists (Belgium)
  • DFKKREP03 : Payment History: Posting Totals for Debit Entries
  • DFKKREP04 : Payment History: Open Items at End of Period
  • DFKKREP05 : Payment History: Reversals and Write-Offs
  • DFKKREP06 : Tax Report Data (Invoicing Time or Triggered)
  • DFKKREP06_S : Tax Report Data - Shadow Table for Posting Date
  • DFKKREP07 : Tax Report Data (Clearing Time)
  • DFKKREP07_T : Tax Report Data (Additional Data for Transfer Posting)
  • DFKKREPAK : Recording Header
  • DFKKREPAP : Recording Record
  • DFKKREPMH : Notification Header
  • DFKKREPMP : Report Item
  • DFKKREPPROG : Generated Comparing Subroutines for DDIC Structures
  • DFKKREPT : Receipt Documents
  • DFKKREPTCL : Clearing Information for Receipt Documents
  • DFKKREPTNRKR : Internal Table for Lock Object EFKKNUMKR_REPT
  • DFKKREPZM : Recording Data for EC Sales List
  • DFKKRES : Reserve Postings
  • DFKKREV06 : Report for Tax on Sales/Purchases (bill. time or triggered)
  • DFKKREV07 : Report on Tax on Sales/Purchases (clearing time)
  • DFKKRF : Returns Lot: Reconciliation Key
  • DFKKRH : Returns History
  • DFKKRK : Returns lot: Header data
  • DFKKRP : Returns lot: Data for payment
  • DFKKRP3 : Returns: Manual Posting Specifications
  • DFKKRP3H : Returns: History for Manual Posting Items
  • DFKKRPE : Returns lot: Error message for returns item
  • DFKKRPL : Link from Mass Run Interval for Application Log
  • DFKKSAFTBP : SAF-T Business Partner
  • DFKKSAFTINV_EXT : SAF-T customer extension
  • DFKKSAFTINV_H : SAF-T Source Document: Header
  • DFKKSAFTINV_I : SAF-T Source Document: Item
  • DFKKSAFTINV_RULE : SAF-T source document extraction rule
  • DFKKSTAT : Table for Temporary Statistics Data, for Mass Activities
  • DFKKSUM : Posting totals from FI-CA
  • DFKKSUMC : Control details for posting totals
  • DFKKSUMCB : Control details for posting totals per company code
  • DFKKSUMCBD : Control Information for Posting Totals - Alt. Posting Date
  • DFKKSUMG : Control Information for G/L Corrections
  • DFKKSUMOLD : Totals Records Without Account Assignment Changes
  • DFKKSUMR : Control details for posting total adjustments
  • DFKKTAXEX : Table of FI-CA Tax Exemptions
  • DFKKTAX_EXEMPT : Table of FI-CA Tax Exemptions
  • DFKKTHI : Transfer Records for Invoice Issue by Third Party
  • DFKKTHI_HIST2 : Reversal: Historic Entries DFKKTHI (No Tax Posting)
  • DFKKTHI_SUM : Aggregated Transfer Records for Invoicing
  • DFKKTHP : Transfer Records for Billing on Behalf of 3rd Party
  • DFKKTRACEK : FKKTRACE: Header for a Trace Run
  • DFKKTXINV : Tax Invoices
  • DFKKUMBINDX : Cluster for Variant Storage in Transaction FPU2
  • DFKKUR : Update Run: Run Data
  • DFKKURE : Update Run: Defective Data Records
  • DFKKVBUND : History: Trading Partners (VBUND) for Business Partner
  • DFKKVBUNDH : History: VBUND Adjustment Postings
  • DFKKVBUND_REV : VBUND Adjustments for Revenues and Expenses
  • DFKKWEBP : EBPP: Payment Data for Payments via Web
  • DFKKWOH : Write-Off History
  • DFKKWOHTMP : Temporary Write-Off History
  • DFKKWO_PROT : Line Items Written Off from Mass Run
  • DFKKWRTOFF_WF : FI-CA Data for Write-Off in Workflow
  • DFKKZA : Repayment Request
  • DFKKZAE : Block Table for Disbursement of Repayment Requests
  • DFKKZAR : Repayment Request (History of Reversal Postings)
  • DFKKZAX : Repayment Request (Address Data for Check)
  • DFKKZF : Payment lot: Reconciliation key
  • DFKKZK : Payment lot: Header data
  • DFKKZN : Payment Lot: Notes for Clarification
  • DFKKZP : Payment lot: Data for payment
  • DFKKZPE : Payment lot: Error message for payment item
  • DFKKZPT : Payment Lot: Data for Partial Clearing of a Payment
  • DFKKZP_ARCIND : Link between Document Number and Archived Payment Lot
  • DFKKZR : Payment form
  • DFKKZRH : Payment document (help table for lock object EFKKNUMKR_PF)
  • DFKKZR_RES : Reserved Payment Form Numbers
  • DFKKZS : Payment lot: Further selections
  • DFKKZV : Payment Lot: Enhancement of Note to Payee
  • DFKKZW : Doubtful/Individual Val. Adjust. for Receivables - Trigger
  • DFKKZW2 : Doubtful/Indiv. Val. Adjustments for Receivables - Tfr Pstg
  • DFKKZWH : Doubtful/Ind.Val.Adj.Receivables - History
  • DFKKZWPT : Log Table for Mass Activ. for Tfr Posting of Dbt Rec/IVAs
  • DFKK_BALANOTE : Balance Confirmation - Check Table
  • DFKK_BL_BP : Locked Business Partners from GTS
  • DFKK_CUST_EXTR : FI-CA Partner - Extracts
  • DFKK_DOC_EXTR : FI-CA Documents - Extracts
  • DFKK_EMBARGO : Embargo Countries from GTS
  • DFKK_EMBARGO2 : Embargo Countries From - To from GTS
  • DFKK_GP_EXTR : FI-CA Partner - Extracts
  • DFKK_HBALANOTE : Balance Confirmation - Run Table
  • DFKK_PT_NUMST : obsolete Digital Signature PT: Document Number From
  • DFKK_PT_NUM_RULE : Registration Table for Numbering/Reporting Rule in Portugal
  • DFKK_PT_ODNGAP : Gaps of Official Document Numbers
  • DFKK_RECLASS : OI - Reclassifications
  • DFKK_SELP_GRP : FI-CA Selections - Results Groups
  • DFKK_SELP_HIST : FI-CA Selection - Result Records - History
  • DFKK_SELP_RES : FI-CA Selections - Result Records
  • DFKK_SELP_TXT : FI-CA Selection - Result Records - Long Text
  • DFKK_SEPA_IDS : SEPA: Short Key for Mandate Reference
  • DFKK_TRIGGER_CL : Outbound Interface: Trigger Table of Cleared Items
  • DFKK_TRIGGER_OP : Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Business Partner
  • DFKK_TRIGGER_PAY : Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Payment Information
  • DFKK_TRIGGER_RCL : Outbound Interface: Trigger Table for Reopened Items
  • DFK_JC_CNTR : Container for Related Jobs
  • DFK_JC_CNTR_MSG : Messages for Background Processing
  • DFK_JC_CNTR_PROD : Production Table
  • DFK_JC_JOBINFO : Individual Job Overview
  • DFK_JC_VERB : Available verbs for the Job Commander
  • DFK_NORM_BP : Normalized Data for Duplicate Search for Business Partner
  • DFPAYG : Payment date: Grouping
  • DFPAYHT : Note to Payee and Payment Advice Note Texts
  • DFPAYMENT_KEY_ID : Contains ID for Payment Data Key
  • DFPAYV : Payment Medium: Selection Variants
  • DFPM_AUTH : Payment medium: Authorization Check Origin Active
  • DFSCICLARIOB : Bal. Int. Calculation at Contract Acct Level: Clarif. Cases
  • DFSCIHISTIOB : Balance Int. Calculation at Contract Account Level: History
  • DFSCIREV : Bal. Int. Calculation at Contract Acct Level: Inverse Pstgs
  • DIAN_A_1001_08 : Cached Data of DIAN Format 1001 version 08
  • DIAN_A_1003_07 : Cached Data of DIAN Format 1003 version 07
  • DIAN_A_1005_07 : Cached Data of DIAN Format 1005 version 07
  • DIAN_A_1006_07 : Cached Data of DIAN Format 1006 version 07
  • DIAN_A_1007_08 : Cached Data of DIAN Format 1007 version 08
  • DIAN_A_1008_07 : Cached Data of DIAN Format 1003 version 07
  • DIAN_A_1009_07 : Cached Data of DIAN Format 1009 version 07
  • DIAN_A_EXTRACT : Cached Extraction of DIAN Report
  • DIAN_A_EXTR_INFO : Documents information related to the extracted DIAN data
  • DIAN_A_SAVED_NIT : Saved NITs for Output Generation
  • DIAN_A_TFORMAT : Testing table for Cached Data of DIAN Formats
  • DIAN_A_XRUN : DIAN Extraction Runs
  • DIAN_C_CONCEPTS : Maintain DIAN concepts configuration
  • DIAN_C_COUNTRY : DIAN Corresponding Country numbers
  • DIAN_C_FORMATS : Maintain DIAN formats configuration
  • DIAN_C_IDTYPE : Maintain Business Mapping for DIAN ID types
  • DIAN_C_IDTYPE_CR : DIAN Corresponding ID Types
  • DIAN_C_VAT_1001 : Additional VAT Settings for Format 1001
  • DIAN_C_VAT_CONST : VAT Concept Settings
  • DIAN_C_VAT_FORST : DIAN VAT Format Settings
  • DIAN_C_WTH : DIAN Withholding Tax
  • DIAN_C_WTH_1001 : Additional Withholding Settings for Format 1001
  • DIAN_SY_CONCEPTS : DIAN Concepts Definition
  • DIAN_SY_CONCEPTT : DIAN Concept Description
  • DIAN_SY_FORMATS : DIAN Formats Definition
  • DIAN_SY_FORMATST : DIAN Format Descriptions
  • DIAN_SY_NITS : DIAN NITS Range Definition
  • DMEE_PAYM_RULES : DMEE: Field Assignment (FI_REGU2FPAYM)
  • DMEE_TREE : DMEE Format Tree: General Data
  • DMEE_TREE_AGGR : DMEE: Aggregation of Nodes
  • DMEE_TREE_COND : DMEE: Format Object - & Mapping Conditions
  • DMEE_TREE_DEBUG : DMEE: Temporary Data for Debugging
  • DMEE_TREE_HEAD : DMEE: Format Tree Header Data
  • DMEE_TREE_LEVEL : DMEE: Format Level
  • DMEE_TREE_NODE : DMEE: Format Tree Nodes
  • DMEE_TREE_NODE_T : Text Table DMEE: Format Tree Node
  • DMEE_TREE_NXTSG : DMEE: Supplementary Segments (Incoming DME Files)
  • DMEE_TREE_RULES : DMEE: Assignment Rules (Incoming DME Files)
  • DMEE_TREE_SHEET : DMEE: Key Fields for Subtotals on Accompanying Sheet
  • DMEE_TREE_SORT : DMEE: Sort and Key Fields for Format
  • DMEE_TREE_T : DMEE: Text Table for Tree Definition
  • DMEE_TREE_TECH : DMEE: Technical Fields in the Transfer Structures
  • DMEE_TREE_TYPE : DMEE: Supported Tree Types
  • DMEE_TREE_TYPE_T : DMEE: Text Table for Tree Types
  • DOCCHG_BARCODE : Ext. Document Change: Customizing for Barcode Processing
  • DOCCHG_CLACCT : Customizing: Clearing Account. Required for Transfer Posting
  • DOCCHG_COBL_FS : Field Status Groups for COBL Screen Fields
  • DOCCHG_EWBUCH : Customizing of Posting Transaction
  • DOCCHG_FSTATUS : Field Status Groups for Screen Fields
  • DOCSPL_FSTATUS : Field Status Groups for Item Split
  • DPAYC : Payment program - administrative records
  • DPAYCHKH : Header: Accounting Using Creation of Payment Media
  • DPAYCHKH1 : Supplemental Assignments with Creation of Payment Media
  • DPAYCHKNUM : Check Number Lot: Header
  • DPAYCHKNUMP : Check Number Lot: Single Numbers
  • DPAYCHKP : Header: Accounting Using Creation of Payment Media
  • DPAYCHKSET : Check: Settings for Check Creation for House Banks
  • DPAYG : Payment program - payment group
  • DPAYH : Payment program - data for payment
  • DPAYN : Sequential Number Assignment
  • DPAYP : Payment program - data on paid item
  • DPAYV : Payment program: Variants for payment medium and list
  • DPAY_CHEZAG : ZTF Switzerland: Assignment of POR Number to Document Number
  • DTINP : Technical Customizing of Data Source Selection DTIN
  • EMMAC_BASIC : Basic Settings for EMMA
  • EMMAC_BPA : Business Process Area Customizing
  • EMMAC_BPC : Business Process Code Customizing
  • EMMAC_BPC_PROCID : Log Process ID of Action Box Transaction
  • EMMAC_CANCODE : Reversal Reason
  • EMMAC_CANCODET : Text for Reversal Reason
  • EMMAC_CCAT_BND : Binding
  • EMMAC_CCAT_CND : Conditions for Case Determination or Priority
  • EMMAC_CCAT_COB : Object Container
  • EMMAC_CCAT_HDR : Clarification Case Categories
  • EMMAC_CCAT_HDRT : Short Texts for Clarification Case Categories
  • EMMAC_CCAT_MOB : Assignment of Business Objects (or Field Values) to Case Cat
  • EMMAC_CCAT_MSG : Message Pool for Case Category
  • EMMAC_CCAT_PRI : Extended Case Determination and Priority
  • EMMAC_CCAT_SOP : Solution Processes
  • EMMAC_CCAT_SOP_B : Data Flow for Solution Methods
  • EMMAC_CREACODE : Forwarding Reasons
  • EMMAC_CREACODET : Texts for Forwarding Reasons
  • EMMAC_CTYPE : Case Types
  • EMMAC_CTYPET : Short Description of Case Types
  • EMMAC_CWL_BTN : Case List: Shortcut Buttons
  • EMMAC_CWL_BTNT : Texts for Shortcut Buttons
  • EMMAC_CWL_SHL : Layout of Case Processing List
  • EMMAC_CWL_SHLT : Text for Layout of Case Processing List
  • EMMAC_FWM : Methods for Forwarding Cases
  • EMMAC_FWMT : Short Description of Methods for Forwarding Cases
  • EMMAC_MSGSUPRS : Handling of Messages During Preparation
  • EMMAC_MSG_OBJ : Message Objects
  • EMMAC_MSG_SUPRES : Suppression of Messages during Preparation (Do Not Use)
  • EMMA_BPA : Business Process Area
  • EMMA_BPAT : Text Table for Business Process Area
  • EMMA_BPC : Business Process Code
  • EMMA_BPCT : Text for Business Process Code
  • EMMA_CACTOR : Clarification Case Processor
  • EMMA_CACTOR_CD : Processor Assignments (Only for Change Documents)
  • EMMA_CASE : Clarification Case
  • EMMA_CMSG_LINK : Case Messages
  • EMMA_COBJECT : Objects and Field Values for Case
  • EMMA_COBJECT_CD : Objects and Field Values for Case(Only for Change Documents)
  • EMMA_CSOLP : Case Solution Path
  • EMMA_HDR : EMMA Jobs
  • EMMA_INT : Job Intervals
  • EMMA_JOBRUNIDMSG : Monitoring Mass Run: Buffer for Messages (INDX)
  • EMMA_MASSACT_INF : Read Interval Info of Application Log Object
  • EMMA_TCODE : Transaction Codes for Application Log Monitoring
  • EPIC_ABC_WAIT : EPIC ABC wait status of payment item
  • EPIC_AS_APPR : Approval Step: List of Possible Approvers
  • EPIC_AS_ITM_ATTR : Approval Step: Item Approval Status (Temp.)
  • EPIC_BACOM_DAT : Bank Communication Program Data
  • EPIC_BACOM_MSG : Bank Communication Messages
  • EPIC_BACOM_XML : Bank Communication XML Messages
  • EPIC_BACO_DAT : Bank Communication Program Data (XML Files)
  • EPIC_BACO_MSG : Bank Communication Program Messages
  • EPIC_BCP_PT : Parameter Transfer Table for Program EPIC_BANK_COMM_PROG
  • EPIC_BC_UA : EPIC: User Assignment Bank Communication
  • EPIC_BC_UD : EPIC: User for Bank Communication
  • EPIC_BRS_EBS_BUF : epic: brs ebs line item value date period snap shot
  • EPIC_BRS_FI_BUFF : EPIC: Bank Reconciliation Statement Buff FI balance table
  • EPIC_BRS_HEADER : EPIC: Bank Reconciliation Statement
  • EPIC_BRS_SEGMENT : EPIC: Bank Reconciliation Statement
  • EPIC_CBC : EPIC:Cash budgeting control consumption table
  • EPIC_CBC_EBR : Cash Budgeting Control of Bank Receipt
  • EPIC_CB_CYCLE : EPIC: Cash budget cycle
  • EPIC_CB_CYC_TYP : EPIC: Cash budget cycle type
  • EPIC_CB_LQITEM : EPIC: Cash budget control liquidity item
  • EPIC_CB_ORG : EPIC: Cash budgeting orgunit
  • EPIC_CB_PLAN : EPIC: Cash Budgeting planning DB Table
  • EPIC_C_BCD : Bank Communication Details
  • EPIC_C_BCS : Bank Communication Steps
  • EPIC_C_BCT : Bank Communication Types
  • EPIC_C_BCTT : Textes for Bank Communication Types
  • EPIC_C_BPSOTC : Define Service Operation Type Codes for Queries
  • EPIC_C_BPSOTCT : EPIC: Texts for Bank Payment Service Operation Type Code
  • EPIC_C_BPSOTC_AS : EPIC: Bank Payment Service Operation Type Code Assignment
  • EPIC_C_BST : Bank Statement Format
  • EPIC_C_FORMCONF : EPIC: PDF Printing Form Configuration
  • EPIC_C_HB_COMM : Electronic Payment Integration: House Bank Commun. Settings
  • EPIC_DUM_BAL : Balance of Dummy Bank
  • EPIC_DUM_SIGN : EPIC Dummy Bank Signature
  • EPIC_DUM_TRANSAC : Transactions of Dummy Bank
  • EPIC_EBR_AV : Additional Data on Payment Advice Line Item for Bank Receipt
  • EPIC_EBR_FEB : Additional Data on Bank Statement Line Item for Bank Receipt
  • EPIC_ITM_REM : EPIC: Comments/Remarks for Payment Items
  • EPIC_PRL_ITEM_EX : EPIC PRL Item Extended Information
  • EPIC_ZBUKR_MAP : company code map for ccb request sn
  • ES340_OPRKEY : Operation Key in Model - 340
  • ESFMC_EXCL_EFD : Exception for Budget Control
  • ESFMC_NEW_COMM : Activation of Statistical Update for MM Documents
  • ETXDCH : External tax document: header info
  • ETXDCI : External tax document: line item info
  • ETXDCJ : Ext. tax document: tax rates and amounts by Jurisdict. level
  • ETXDCLOG : Temporay table for storing last error message of an update
  • EUUDCHAP : Permitted Expenditure Chapter for Revenue Budget Line
  • EVAT_EXT_ITEM_LU : EVAT External Item Luxembourg
  • EWUFICATCURE : FI, FICA: Discontinued Currencies
  • EWUFI_SPLIT : EMU Implementation: Table of FAGL_SPLINFO* to Be Corrected
  • EWULC01 : FI-LC: LC ledger
  • EWULC02 : FI-LC: Ledgers for conversion
  • EWULC03 : FI-LC: Companies for conversion
  • EWULC04 : FI-LC: Settings for euro conversion adjustments
  • EWUPOSTCHECKUSER : User: Posting Documents in Discontinued Currencies Permitted
  • F111G : Global Settings: Payment Program for Payment Requests
  • F111PARAM_MODIFY : Note whether RF_F111_PARAMETERS_MODIFY_ONCE has already run
  • FAAASSETID : Assignment Table - Asset Key to Asset GUID
  • FAA_TENV_PATHMGT : Obsolete
  • FAA_TENV_TCMGT : Management Table for Test Cases
  • FAGLBSAS : Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)
  • FAGLBSAS_BAK : Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)
  • FAGLBSIS : Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts
  • FAGLBSIS_BAK : Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts
  • FAGLCOFICCODEC : Assignment of Variants for Real-Time Integration for CoCodes
  • FAGLCOFITRACE : Log of Real-Time Integration CO->FI
  • FAGLCOFITRFLDS : Field Transfers for Real-Time Integration CO->FI
  • FAGLCOFIVARC : Variants for Real-Time Integration CO->FI
  • FAGLCOFIVART : Texts for Variants for Real-Time Integration CO->FI
  • FAGLCOFIWRKLST : Worklist for Real-Time Integration CO->FI
  • FAGLFLEX00 : General ledger: Transaction attributes
  • FAGLFLEX01 : General ledger: Technical fields
  • FAGLFLEX02 : General ledger: Main account assignment
  • FAGLFLEX03 : General ledger: SAP additional account assignment
  • FAGLFLEX04 : General ledger: Customer additional account assignment
  • FAGLFLEX05 : General Ledger: Additional Acct Assignment: Customer 2
  • FAGLFLEX06 : General ledger: Sender SAP additional account assignment
  • FAGLFLEX07 : General Ledger: Reserve Table 1
  • FAGLFLEX08 : General Ledger: Reserve Table 2
  • FAGLFLEXA : General Ledger: Actual Line Items
  • FAGLFLEXP : General Ledger: Plan Line Items
  • FAGLFLEXT : General Ledger: Totals
  • FAGLFLEXT_BAK : General Ledger: Totals
  • FAGLFLEXT_DIF : Delta Table: G/L Totals
  • FAGLSKF : General Ledger: Statistical Key Figures (Current Values)
  • FAGLSKF_APPL : Assignment of Application to ID for Statistical Key Figures
  • FAGLSKF_CUSTFLD : List of Fields in Customer Includes
  • FAGLSKF_LAY_INFO : Fields Used in Layouts
  • FAGLSKF_PN : General Ledger; Statistical Key Figures (Source Document)
  • FAGLSKF_REPORT : Dynamic Report Names per Ledger
  • FAGLSKF_TAB : Table Names and Structures
  • FAGLSKF_TRANS : Assignment of Field Names in Different Tables
  • FAGLSREPACCTP : Access Type for Financial Statements
  • FAGLSREPACCTPT : Access Type for Financial Statements
  • FAGL_011CC_XBRL : F/S Version: Calculation Rule for F/S Items
  • FAGL_011FC : Fin. Statement Structure: Assignment FS Item - Funct. Areas
  • FAGL_011FC_XBRL : Fin. Statement Version: Assignment of FS Items to FunctAreas
  • FAGL_011NC_XBRL : F/S Version: Technical Names for F/S Items
  • FAGL_011PC : Fin. Statement Structure: Items in Fin. Statement Structure
  • FAGL_011PC_XBRL : Fin. Statement Version: Items in Financial Statement Version
  • FAGL_011QT : Fin. Statement Structure: Text for Fin. Statement Items
  • FAGL_011QT_XBRL : Fin. Statement Structure: Text for Fin. Statement Items
  • FAGL_011SC : Fin. Statement Struct.: Assignment Fin. Stmnt Item: Setname
  • FAGL_011TC : Fin. Statement Structure: Timestamp for Fin. Stmt Items
  • FAGL_011VC : Fin. Statement Structure: Contra Items
  • FAGL_011VC_XBRL : Finanical Statement Version: Contra Items
  • FAGL_011ZC : Fin. Statement Structure: Assignment FS Items - G/L Account
  • FAGL_011ZC_XBRL : Fin. Statement Version: Assignment of FS Items to G/L Accts
  • FAGL_AB_C : Interactive Characteristics for Flexible Balance Display
  • FAGL_ACTIVEC : Activation of New General Ledger
  • FAGL_ALE_ACTIV : Totals Document and Single Document Transfer: Activation
  • FAGL_ALE_CNTRPRO : Single Doc. and Summary Doc. Transfer: Central Processes
  • FAGL_ALE_SND_PAR : Totals Transfer: Technical Parameters
  • FAGL_APPL : Owner application
  • FAGL_APPLT : Owner application
  • FAGL_BCF_FIELDS : Summarization: Balance Carryforward for P&L Accounts
  • FAGL_BELNR_LD : Document Types for Entry View in a Ledger
  • FAGL_BSBW_HISTLG : Valuation History of Ledger-Group-Specific Items
  • FAGL_BSBW_HISTRY : Valuation History for Documents
  • FAGL_BSBW_HST_BL : Valuation History of Balances
  • FAGL_BW_LOG_HEAD : FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Control Data
  • FAGL_BW_LOG_ITEM : FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Line Items
  • FAGL_BW_LOG_TOTL : FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Totals Records
  • FAGL_CARRY_FORW : Last Balance Carryforward per Company Code/Ledger
  • FAGL_CASHACC_TAX : Cash Account from Tax on Sales/Purchases Indicator
  • FAGL_CHECK_SETUP : Check Setup of New General Ledger
  • FAGL_CUST_DET : Customizing Versions: Detailed Information
  • FAGL_CUST_FIELDS : Customer fields for flexible general ledger
  • FAGL_CUS_GENLEVL : New General Ledger Accounting: Generation Status (Customer)
  • FAGL_DATAC_CLUST : Content of Data Container
  • FAGL_DATAC_STRUC : Coding of Structure Data
  • FAGL_DOCNR_LD : Document Types for General Ledger View in a Ledger
  • FAGL_DOCTYPE_OIM : Document type for the Clearing Lines for OIM
  • FAGL_DRPROV_ACC : Provisions for Doubtful Receivables: Account Determination
  • FAGL_DRPROV_METH : Provision Method for Provisons for Doubtful Receivables
  • FAGL_DRPROV_PERC : Provisions for Doubtful Receivables: Percentages
  • FAGL_DSOURCE_RLD : New General Ledger Accounting: Assign Ledger to DataSource
  • FAGL_EMP_PROCESS : Document Splitting: Process Adjustment for HR Postings
  • FAGL_EXTR : Documents for Summary Document Transfer
  • FAGL_EXTR_HIST : Transfer History for Summary Documents
  • FAGL_FCBAL_FIELD : Additional Fields for Balance Valaution
  • FAGL_FCV_ADMIN : Foreign Currency Valuation: ID Numbers of Valuation Runs
  • FAGL_FIELD_MOVE : Conversion Table for Fixed Fields of General Ledger
  • FAGL_FIELD_MOVEC : Conversion Table for Customer Fields of General Ledger
  • FAGL_GCDCD_VER : GCD Revision Data: Copied Tree Node ref Table
  • FAGL_GCDCP_XBRL : GCD-Structure: Copyable node Define Table
  • FAGL_GCDDC_VER : GCD Revision: Data Type of Item
  • FAGL_GCDDC_XBRL : GCD-Structure: Data Type of Item
  • FAGL_GCDNC_VER : GCD Revision: Technical name for GCD positions
  • FAGL_GCDNC_XBRL : GCD-Structure: Technical name for GCD positions
  • FAGL_GCDPC_VER : GCD Revision: Element Relationships
  • FAGL_GCDPC_XBRL : GCD-Structure: Element Relationships
  • FAGL_GCDQT_VER : GCD Revision: Text of GCD table
  • FAGL_GCDQT_XBRL : GCD-Structure: Text of GCD table
  • FAGL_GCDTC_VER : GCD Revision: Tuple Abstract Define of Item
  • FAGL_GCDTC_XBRL : GCD-Structure: Tuple Abstract Define of Item
  • FAGL_GCDVC_VER : GCD Revision: Value of Items
  • FAGL_GCDVC_XBRL : GCD-Structure: Value of Items
  • FAGL_HST_T095 : Old Acct Determin. for Asset Value Adjustment and Portfolio
  • FAGL_INST_STATE : Installation Check: General Ledger
  • FAGL_INVSPL_ACT : Activation of Invoice Split per Company Code
  • FAGL_LEDGER_INFO : New General Ledger: Configuration Information (Ledger)
  • FAGL_LEDGER_OIM : Ledgers for zero-balance follow-on documents
  • FAGL_LEDGER_SCEN : Active Scenarios of a Ledger
  • FAGL_MIGDS_STATE : Subsequent Implementation of Doc.Splitting: Migration Status
  • FAGL_MIG_001 : Assignment of a Migration Date to a Migration Plan
  • FAGL_MIG_001_S : Migration Plan Status
  • FAGL_MIG_002 : Assignment of a Migration Plan to Company Code and Ledger
  • FAGL_MIG_ADJUST : Log Table for Using Divergent Customizing Settings (Migratn)
  • FAGL_MIG_BSE_CLR : Migration-Specific Override of BSE_CLR
  • FAGL_MIG_BUKRS : Activation of New General Ledger Accounting for Company Code
  • FAGL_MIG_CTRL : Migration to New General Ledger: Control Table for Cockpit
  • FAGL_MIG_FICHA1 : Worklist for FI Reassignment Tool
  • FAGL_MIG_LINETYP : Document-Specific Item Category Assignment
  • FAGL_MIG_MP_T : Text Table for Migration Plans
  • FAGL_MIG_OPITEMS : Open Items from Period 0 (Creation of Split Information)
  • FAGL_MIG_PROCESS : Document-Specific Business Transaction Assignment
  • FAGL_MIG_REV_DOC : Documents from Inverse Postings During the Migration
  • FAGL_MIG_RPITEMS : Migration in New G/L: Objects To Be Posted Subsequently
  • FAGL_MIG_SLSOURC : FI-SL Source Ledger for Migration
  • FAGL_MIG_SPLIT : Migration-Specific Splitting Setting
  • FAGL_MIG_TOTALS : Log Table for Building Balances in New G/L
  • FAGL_NR_OBJECTS : Objects For Which the XPRA Creates a Range in All Clients
  • FAGL_OPT_FIELDS : Fields of the FI/CO Document That Can Be Transferred to G/L
  • FAGL_ORG_INFC_CT : Class. General Ledger: Configuration Information (Crcy Type)
  • FAGL_ORG_INFO : General Ledger: Configuration Information
  • FAGL_ORG_INFO_CT : New General Ledger: Configuration Information (Crcy Type)
  • FAGL_PRCTR_CONST : Profit Center Constant in Document Split
  • FAGL_PRCTR_SET : General Ledger Accounting (New): Profit Center Settings
  • FAGL_PROT : Logs
  • FAGL_PROT_DATA : Logged Data
  • FAGL_QUEUE_LOG : Log of Delta Queue for Error Analysis
  • FAGL_RAND_RANGE : Totals Record Randomization: Account Assignment Ranges
  • FAGL_RAND_RLDNR : Activate Totals Record Randomization
  • FAGL_RAND_WPMAP : Randomization: Assignment of Work Process to Internal Number
  • FAGL_RBLART : Reorganization: Document Type for Transfer Posting
  • FAGL_REL_AI : Internal Table for Activating General Ledger (New)
  • FAGL_REPFIELDS : Exclusion List of Totals Record Chars for Reporting
  • FAGL_REP_PARAM : FAGL Support: Parameters for Scheduler
  • FAGL_RMAP_CUST : Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature Values
  • FAGL_RMAP_SAP : Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature Values
  • FAGL_RMAP_SIG : Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature Values
  • FAGL_RMIGR_LOG1 : Report Migration: Log Status
  • FAGL_RMIGR_LOG2 : Report Migration: Log Header
  • FAGL_RMIGR_LOG3 : Report Migration: Log Detail
  • FAGL_RMIGR_LOG4 : Report Migration: Log Messages
  • FAGL_RMIGR_MAP : Report Migration: Mapping of Report Objects
  • FAGL_RPACK : Reorganization: Package
  • FAGL_RPACKT : Reorganization: Package Text
  • FAGL_RPACK_LIST : Reorganization: Object List of the Package
  • FAGL_RPACK_RES : Reorganization: Package Restrictions
  • FAGL_RPATYP_RES : Reorganization: Restrictions of the Package Type
  • FAGL_RPLAN : -Obsolete- Reorganization: Plan
  • FAGL_RPLANT : Reorganization: Text of the Plan
  • FAGL_RPLAN_RES : Reorganization: Restrictions of the Plan
  • FAGL_RPLTYP_RES : Reorganization: Restrictions of the Plan Type
  • FAGL_RRI_CUST : Customiz. for Report Interface (NewGL: FI-CO Reconciliation)
  • FAGL_RRI_CUST_D : Default Contents for Table FAGL_RRI_CUST
  • FAGL_RSIG : Reorganization: Signature
  • FAGL_RSIGT : Reorganization: Signature Text
  • FAGL_RSNAPSHOT : Reorganization: Snapshot
  • FAGL_RTRACK1 : Summary: Company Code Currently Affected by Reorg. and KTOSL
  • FAGL_R_ABKAT_001 : Reorg: Res. Analysis Categs Not Relev. for WIP Stock Deter.
  • FAGL_R_APAR : Reorganization: Object List for Receivables and Payables
  • FAGL_R_APAR_SPL : Reorganization: Assignment Btwn FAGL_R_APAR and FAGL_R_SPL
  • FAGL_R_APAR_VAL : Reorg: Values for Receivables and Payables Object List
  • FAGL_R_ARCH_DEF : Definition of Residence Time for Archiving
  • FAGL_R_BLART : Reorganization: Document Type
  • FAGL_R_BLNCE : Reorganization: Balances to Be Transferred
  • FAGL_R_BLNCE_VAL : Reorganization: Balances to Be Transferred - Values
  • FAGL_R_COMP_AA : Activation of Asset Accounting by Plan Type
  • FAGL_R_COMP_AA0 : Entities for Activation of Asset Accounting
  • FAGL_R_DERH : Reorganization: Derivation Hierarchy
  • FAGL_R_DERH_VER : Reorganization: Version of a Derivation Hierarchy
  • FAGL_R_DERH_VER0 : Reorganization: Version of a Derivation Hierarchy
  • FAGL_R_DERH_VERT : Reorganization: Text of a Hierarchy Version
  • FAGL_R_JBDISPTCH : Reorganization: Dispatching Jobs
  • FAGL_R_JBLAST : Last Dispatching Job
  • FAGL_R_JBOBJTY : Object Type for Each Dispatcher for Special Activities
  • FAGL_R_JBPARTN : Reorganization: Packages of a Dispatching Job to Be Executed
  • FAGL_R_JBPROCEED : Reorganization: Jobs of a Dispatching Job to Be Executed
  • FAGL_R_JBSET : Reorganization: Job Scheduling Settings
  • FAGL_R_JBSIZE : Reorg: Size of a Partition of Object Types to Be Processed
  • FAGL_R_MAP_CUST : Reorganization: Object Number of the Signature Values
  • FAGL_R_MAP_SAP : Reorganization: Object Number of the Included SAP Fields
  • FAGL_R_OBJTY : Reorganization: Object Type
  • FAGL_R_OBJTY_DI0 : Reorganization: Display Chars of an Obj. Type (SAP Entries)
  • FAGL_R_OBJTY_DIS : Reorganization: Display Characteristics of an Object Type
  • FAGL_R_OBJTY_RE0 : Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of an Obj. Type
  • FAGL_R_OBJTY_RES : Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of an Obj. Type
  • FAGL_R_OBJTY_T : Reorganization: Text of an Object Type
  • FAGL_R_OI_TRACK0 : Reorganization: Open Items for Inclusion
  • FAGL_R_OI_TRACK1 : Reorganization: Included Documents for Open Items
  • FAGL_R_PER_TRACK : Reorganization: Log of Changed Posting Periods
  • FAGL_R_PL : Reorganization Plan
  • FAGL_R_PLTY : Reorganization: Plan Type
  • FAGL_R_PLTY0 : Entities for Activation of Plan Type
  • FAGL_R_PLTY0_T : Reorganization: Text of a Plan Type
  • FAGL_R_PLTY_RES : Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of a Plan Type
  • FAGL_R_PLTY_RES0 : Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of a Plan Type
  • FAGL_R_PL_ACCASS : Reorganization: Account Assignment Elements Used
  • FAGL_R_PL_ASSIGN : Reorganization: Mapping Between Old and New Acct Assignment
  • FAGL_R_PL_COUNT : Tracking of Different Processes of a Plan
  • FAGL_R_PL_DERH : Reorganization: Derivation Hierarchy of the Plan
  • FAGL_R_PL_OBJECT : Reorganization: Objects
  • FAGL_R_PL_OBJLST : Reorganization: Object List
  • FAGL_R_PL_RES_G : Reorganization: General Restrictions of the Plan
  • FAGL_R_PL_RES_S : Reorganization: Specific Restrictions for Object Types
  • FAGL_R_PL_T : Reorganization: Text Table of the Reorganization Plan
  • FAGL_R_RMVCT : Reorganization: Transaction Type
  • FAGL_R_SDCUS_001 : Customizing for Selection of Sales Documents
  • FAGL_R_SDLOG_001 : Reorganization: Log of Non-Reorganized Sales Documents
  • FAGL_R_SPL : Reorganization: Splitting Information of the Open Items
  • FAGL_R_SPL_VAL : Reorganization: Splitting Information of Open Item Values
  • FAGL_SAP_GENLEVL : New General Ledger Accounting: Generation Status (SAP)
  • FAGL_SCENARIO : Scenario for General Ledger Accounting
  • FAGL_SCENARIOT : Scenario for General Ledger Accounting
  • FAGL_SCEN_APPL : Scenario for G/L Accounting - Assignment to Application
  • FAGL_SCEN_FIELDS : Fields of a Scenario for General Ledger Accounting
  • FAGL_SEGM : Master Data for Segments
  • FAGL_SEGMT : Master Data for Segments
  • FAGL_SEGM_CUST : Settings for Segment Maintenance and Derivation
  • FAGL_SEG_METHOD : Derivation Method for Segment
  • FAGL_SLL_ACTVITY : Activity Model
  • FAGL_SLL_CLOCO : Closing Cockpit Templates for Switching Leading Ledger
  • FAGL_SLL_CLOCO_I : Closing Cockpit Instances for Switching Leading Ledger
  • FAGL_SLL_EXCPT : Posting Exceptions for Year-Dependent Ledger-Specific Docs
  • FAGL_SLL_LOG : Log of Activities for Leading Ledger Switch
  • FAGL_SLL_PLAN : Control Table for Leading Ledger Switch
  • FAGL_SLL_STATUS : Status Management for Leading Ledger Switch
  • FAGL_SPLINFO : Splittling Information of Open Items
  • FAGL_SPLINFO_LOG : New General Ledger Accounting: Log for Nonsplitted Documents
  • FAGL_SPLINFO_VAL : Splitting Information of Open Item Values
  • FAGL_SPLIT_ACTC : Deactivation of Document Splitting per Company Code
  • FAGL_SPLIT_DEVSY : Change Deactivation -> Activation of Split per Company Code
  • FAGL_SPLIT_FIELD : Characteristics for Split
  • FAGL_SPLIT_FLD_S : Characteristics Permitted for Split
  • FAGL_SPLIT_VAL : Activation of Validation by Document Splitting
  • FAGL_SP_LDGR_OIM : Ledgers for zero-balance follow-on documents
  • FAGL_SUBAPPL : Subapplication
  • FAGL_SUBAPPLT : Subapplication
  • FAGL_T030TR : Customizing for Balance Translation
  • FAGL_T889A : Document Types with Number Ranges in Planning in Gen. Ledger
  • FAGL_T889T : Document type texts
  • FAGL_T8A30 : General Ledger: Default Profit Center
  • FAGL_TCMAP : Customer Fields in Entry Variants for G/L Account Items
  • FAGL_TLDGRP : Ledger Group
  • FAGL_TLDGRPT : Ledger Group Texts
  • FAGL_TLDGRP_MAP : Assignment of Ledgers to Ledger Groups
  • FAGL_TRVOR : General Ledger: Control Statement
  • FAGL_VAL_COCODE : Allocation to company code
  • FAGL_VAL_GRP : Sets for the Validation of Account Assignment Combinations
  • FAGL_VAL_HDR : Validation Strategy
  • FAGL_VAL_HDRT : Validation Strategy (Texts)
  • FAGL_VAL_LEDGR : Assignment to Ledger Group
  • FAGL_VAL_LOCKS : Reference to the Data Container Containing the Intervals
  • FAGL_VAL_LOG : Validation of Document Splitting: Log
  • FAGL_VAL_PROCESS : Document Splitting: Validation Mode Dependent on Processes
  • FAGL_VAL_TRIGGER : Update of Tables for Validation
  • FAREA_MODE : Determination of Functional Areas for Postings
  • FBICRC001A : ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Documents
  • FBICRC001C : ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Object Table 2
  • FBICRC001O : ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Object table 1
  • FBICRC001P : Not in use
  • FBICRC001T : ICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Totals
  • FBICRC002A : ICRC: GL Accounts: Documents
  • FBICRC002C : ICRC: GL Accounts: Object table 2
  • FBICRC002O : ICRC: GL Accounts: Object table 1
  • FBICRC002P : Not in use
  • FBICRC002T : ICRC: GL Accounts: Totals
  • FBICRC003A : ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Documents
  • FBICRC003C : ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Object table 2
  • FBICRC003O : ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Object table 1
  • FBICRC003P : Not in use
  • FBICRC003T : ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Totals
  • FBICRC01000 : Reconciliation Processes: Attributes
  • FBICRC01010 : Reconciliation Processes: Attributes per Company
  • FBICRC01020 : Not in use
  • FBICRC01021 : Not in use
  • FBICRC01025 : Not in use
  • FBICRC01026 : Not in use
  • FBICRC01027 : Reconciliation: Current Status per Company
  • FBICRC01028 : Reconciliation Process 003: Lock Table for Company Pairs
  • FBICRC01030 : Reconciliation Processes: Customer Defined Fields
  • FBICRC01035 : Reconciliation Processes: Customer Defined Fields
  • FBICRC01040 : IC Reconciliation: Current Status per Company
  • FBICRC01045 : IC Reconciliation: Lock Table for Company Pairs
  • FBICRC01050 : Differences per Company Pair and Display Category
  • FBICRC_C_APP : ICR: Applications
  • FBICRC_C_CONF : ICR: Customizing Table for Assign Confirm Dialog
  • FBICRC_C_OV : ICR: Overview Chart with Single Company Displayed
  • FBICRC_C_OV_ALL : ICR: Overview Chart with Multi Company Displayed
  • FBICRC_C_SR_OBJ : ICR: Customizing for Linked Object Type in SR. creation
  • FBICRC_D_MAIL : ICR: Mail Information
  • FBICRC_D_TIMER : ICR: Timed Trigger Setting
  • FBRC0001C : Application IDs
  • FBRC0001T : Application IDs: Texts
  • FBRC0010C : Reconciliation Processes: Attributes
  • FBRC0010T : Reconciliation Processes: Texts
  • FBRC0020 : Reconciliation Processes: Field Catalogs
  • FBRC0030C : Display Categories
  • FBRC0030T : Display Categories: Texts
  • FBRC0040 : Display Subcategories
  • FBRC0050 : Tree Display Hierarchy Setup
  • FBRC0060 : Reconciliation Processes: User Settings
  • FBRC0070C : Reconciliation Processes: Status Value and Icons
  • FBRC0070T : Reconciliation Processes: Status Texts
  • FBRC0075 : Status Relevant Fields
  • FBRC0080C : Reconciliation Processes: Rules
  • FBRC0080T : Reconciliation Processes: Rule Texts
  • FBRC0085 : Reconciliation Processes: Rule Definitions
  • FBRC0090C : Sets
  • FBRC0090T : Sets: Texts
  • FBRC0095 : Sets: Single Entries
  • FBRC1100C : Contact Person Databases
  • FBRC1100T : Contact Person Databases: Texts
  • FBRC1110 : Contact Persons
  • FBRC1115 : Contact Persons: Organization Addresses
  • FBRC1200C : Message Template Groups
  • FBRC1200T : Message Template Groups: Texts
  • FBRC1210C : Message Templates
  • FBRC1210T : Message Templates: Texts
  • FBRC1215 : Message Templates: Textlines
  • FBRC1220C : Message Placeholders
  • FBRC1220T : Placeholders: Texts
  • FBW4X : Exceptions for FI AP/AR Delta Update to BW
  • FBW4XT : Text Exceptions for FI AP/AR Delta Update to BW
  • FDZA : Cash Management line items in payment requests
  • FEBIP : Posting Parameters for Postprocessing
  • FEBKO_TRANSFER : Transferred Bank Statements
  • FEBRE_ORIG : Original Ref. Record for an Elec. Bank Statement Line Item
  • FEB_ACCNT_SAVE : Saving of Posting Lines for Postprocessing (Account Assign.)
  • FEB_ACT : Acct Assignment Templates
  • FEB_ACTT : Descriptions of Account Assignment Templates
  • FEB_AVIR_EXTD : Advice Note Subitem Enhancement (Bank Statement Postproc.)
  • FEB_FILEPATH : Client-Dependent Definition of Logical File Paths
  • FEB_FILEPATHT : Description of Logical File Paths
  • FEB_IMP_FORMAT : Bank Statement Formats for Automatic Import
  • FEB_IMP_FORMATT : Format Description
  • FEB_IMP_POST : Posting Parameters for Electronic Bank Statement
  • FEB_IMP_SELOPT : Selection Options of Posting Parameters
  • FEB_IMP_SOURCE : Information about Import for Electronic Bank Statement
  • FEB_IMP_STRUCT : Format-Specific Parameter Structures
  • FEB_IMP_TRANPATH : Transfer Paths for Logical Bank Statement Files
  • FEB_IMP_TRANS : Transfer of Logical Bank Statement Files
  • FEB_ITEM_SAVE : Saving of Posting Items for Postprocessing (On Account)
  • FEB_PARMT_POST : Posting Parameters for Postprocessing
  • FEB_TATYP : Transaction
  • FEB_TATYP_C : Transaction - Customer Adjustment
  • FEB_TATYP_T : Transaction Text
  • FEB_TATYP_TC : Transaction Text - Customer Adjustment
  • FERC_C0 : General regulatory parameters
  • FERC_C1 : Controlling area dependent parameters
  • FERC_C10 : Special cost elements
  • FERC_C11 : Regulatory indicator assignment field
  • FERC_C12 : Cost element variants
  • FERC_C12T : Cost element variant texts
  • FERC_C13 : Clearing cost element categories
  • FERC_C13A : Cost element variant assignments
  • FERC_C14 : Clearing groups
  • FERC_C14T : Clearing group texts
  • FERC_C2 : Company code dependent parameters
  • FERC_C3 : Regulatory accounts for traced costs
  • FERC_C3A : Regulatory indicator variants
  • FERC_C4 : Specific standard cost adjustment assignments
  • FERC_C5 : Specific clearing cost object assignments
  • FERC_C6 : Regulatory indicators of CO objects
  • FERC_C7 : Regulatory indicators
  • FERC_C7T : Regulatory indicator names
  • FERC_C8 : Exceptional handling of CO business transaction types
  • FERC_C9 : Regulatory accounts for direct postings
  • FERC_D0 : Regulatory table statistics
  • FERC_D1 : Paths per account, sender and receiver
  • FERC_D2 : Documents per sender and account
  • FERC_D4 : Totals per natural and regulatory account
  • FERC_D5 : Totals per reg. account and final object
  • FERC_F1 : Detailed audit trace file
  • FERC_F2 : Compact audit trace file
  • FERC_F3 : Totals per source object, transaction type, and CO element
  • FERC_F4 : Variances on CO objects
  • FERC_F5 : Total actual costs on regulatory objects
  • FERC_F6 : Organizational assignments of CO objects
  • FERC_L1 : Message log
  • FERC_R0 : Execution history
  • FGWF_MDRLK : Main Rules for General Role Definition Header Entries
  • FGWF_MDRUL : Main Rules for General Role Definition
  • FIAAJPD_UNDEPR : Transaction type for unplanned depreciation
  • FIAAPTD_COL16VAL : Residual amounts to be reported in col16 for remaining years
  • FIAAPTD_COL16_MT : Movement Types for unplanned depreciation for column 16
  • FIAASKD_SUBACQUI : Slovakia: FIAA Subsequent Acquisition Postings
  • FIAPPLD_INV_DATE : Cleared Overdue Invoice Details (Poland)
  • FIAPPTD_BALANCE : Table to store the Balances for Vendor/Customer/Bank Account
  • FIAPPTD_BAL_SCB : SCB codes for Vendor/Customer and House Bank Balances
  • FIAPPTD_RUNID : Table to store the Run ID details of the CBR PT Reporting
  • FIAPPTD_TRANS : Table to store the transaction details of the CBR PT
  • FIBL_RPCODE : Master Data for Repetitive Code
  • FIBL_RPCODE_GREL : Assign Repetitive Codes/Groups
  • FIBL_RPCODE_GROU : Groups of Repetitive Codes
  • FIBL_RPCODE_GRTX : Group Names of Repetitive Code
  • FIBL_RPCODE_TDEF : Default Values for Repetitive Codes
  • FICORRGUID : For mapping of FI Correspondence and GUID (Optional use)
  • FIEBCHKF : FIEB: File Name of Last Check-Out
  • FIEBCHKO : FIEB: Check-Out Data on a Physical Document
  • FIEBCONT1 : FIEB: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
  • FIEBLOIO : FIEB: Instances of Logical Documents
  • FIEBLOIOT : FIEB: Descriptions of Logical Documents
  • FIEBLOPR : FIEB: Attribute Values of Logical Documents
  • FIEBLORE : FIEB: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Documents
  • FIEBLORI : FIEB: Incoming Relationships of Physical Documents
  • FIEBPHF : FIEB: Physical document files
  • FIEBPHHR : FIEB: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Documents
  • FIEBPHIO : FIEB: Instances of Physical Documents
  • FIEBPHNM : FIEB: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Documents
  • FIEBPHPR : FIEB: Physical document attributes
  • FIEBPHRE : FIEB: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Documents
  • FIEBPHRI : FIEB: Incoming Relationships of Physical Documents
  • FIEBRE : FIEB: Instances of Relationships
  • FIEBREPR : FIEB: Attributes of Relationships
  • FIEB_BUSPRO : Business Processes in Applications
  • FIEB_BUSPROT : Names of Application Business Processes
  • FIEB_OID_LOCK : Used to Lock any Given Objects Using Their OID
  • FIEB_PASSWORD : Passwords (stored in encrypted form)
  • FIEB_STATUS : FIEB: Status Management, Save Status
  • FIEB_STATUSV : Status Values for Internet Messages
  • FIEB_STATUSVT : Names of Status Values for Internet Messages
  • FIEB_STATUS_LOCK : Dummy to Block Status According to Non-Primary Key Fields
  • FIEH_STATUS : Object Status for Restart Exception Handling
  • FIEUA_VOC_IDF : Identifying VAT on Cash Information for Business Partner
  • FIEUD_BC : SAFT: Identifying Business Cases
  • FIEUD_FIDOC_H : SAFT: FI Transaction Document Header
  • FIEUD_FIDOC_I : SAFT: FI Transaction Document Item
  • FIEUD_FISUMMARY : SAFT: FI Transaction Summary Information
  • FIEUD_GENERIC : SAFT : Generic Customization
  • FIEUD_INVSUMMARY : SAFT: FI Transaction Summary Information
  • FIEUD_MFI : SAFT : Manual FI Invoices
  • FIEUD_PAYM : SAFT : Payment Mechanism
  • FIEUD_PRODS : SAFT : Product Type
  • FIEUD_SDGEN : SAFT : Invoice Type for SD
  • FIEUD_SDINV_H : SAFT: Invoices from SD module(Header)
  • FIEUD_SDINV_I : SAFT: Invoices from SD module(Item)
  • FIEUD_USER_HIST : SAFT: User history for extraction details
  • FIITC_BL_CNTRY : Black List Countries
  • FIITC_CONFIG : Italy Generic Configuration for Reporting
  • FILA_GF_ITEMCHAH : Object Data: Value ID Change Header Information
  • FILA_GF_ITEMDATA : Process Data
  • FILA_GF_ITEMDOCS : Assignment of Process - FI/CO Document Numbers
  • FILA_GF_ITEMLINK : Assignment of Objects to Assets
  • FILA_GF_ITEMPARM : Object Data: Additional Information
  • FILA_GF_ITEMVALC : Object Data: Changed Value IDs
  • FILA_GF_ITEMVALS : Object Data: Value IDs and their Values/Contents
  • FILA_GF_PROCINFO : Object Data: Processing Info for Process
  • FILA_MIG_RESTART : Restart Legacy Data Transfer for Lease Accounting
  • FILA_MIG_SYNC : Synchronization of CRM and LAE Legacy Data
  • FILA_RE_LNK : Link Between Leasing <-> Refinancing
  • FILA_RE_PRG : Refinancing Program
  • FILA_RE_PRGT : Text for Refinancing Program
  • FILA_RE_TR_H : Tranche Header: Selection Result for Refinancing
  • FILA_RE_TR_I : Tranche Item: Selection Result for Refinancing
  • FILCA : FI-LC: Actual journal entry table with 2 object tables
  • FILCC : FI-LC: Transaction-related fields for table FILCT
  • FILCO : FI-LC: Acct assign.fields (Object-TrPartner) for table FILCT
  • FILCP : FI-LC: Plan line items for object table
  • FILCT : FI-LC: Global totals table with 2 object tables
  • FILFGNC_ROLEID : Role IDs for FI Leagal Forms
  • FILFGNC_ROLEID_T : Role IDs for FI Leagal Forms
  • FILFGNC_ROLES : Roles for FI Legal Forms
  • FILFGNC_ROLESEQ : Assign Form Signatures to Roles
  • FILFGNC_ROLES_T : Text for Role sin FI Legal Forms
  • FILUD_PLANTS : LU SAF-T: Plants Information to be stored.
  • FIN_AR_CACHE_CFG : Cache for CPU-Intensive Data Base Queries
  • FIN_AR_QRY_CACHE : FIN-AR: Cache for CPU-Intensive Database Queries
  • FIN_AR_VIEW_FLD : HDB View field names (prevent renaming when adding tables)
  • FIN_AR_VIEW_REDU : FI table fields to be suppressed in FI-AR HDB views
  • FIOTPOH : One-Time Postings: Header
  • FIOTPOI : One-Time Postings: Items
  • FIPTC_ATCODE : AT Codes for Portugal
  • FIPTC_ATTXCODE : Mapping of Tax Code to AT Code for Portugal
  • FIPTC_BD_SPLGL : Maintain Special GL Indicator for Bad Debts (Portugal)
  • FISAFTPTC_SBINFO : SAFT: Customization for Self Billing File Generation
  • FITV_HINZ_WERB_B : Additional Amounts and Income-Related Expenses for Receipts
  • FITV_HINZ_WERB_S : Additional Amounts and Income-Related Expenses
  • FITV_MEAL_ACCOM : Additional Amounts for Meals in Accommodations Receipts
  • FITV_REJECT : Rejected Trips
  • FIWF_ACGRP : Account Assignment Groups for Role Definition
  • FIWF_AMGRP : Amount Groups for FI Role Definition
  • FIWF_MDRLK : Main Rules for FI Role Definition - Header Entries
  • FIWF_MDRUL : Main Rules for FI Role Definition
  • FIWTIN_TAN_EXEM : Table for mapping TAN and Exemption Number
  • FIWT_PARTNR_EXM : Table for Vendor specific threshold amounts
  • FIWT_TAX_AMOUNT : Table to maintain withholding tax amounts
  • FKJOPARAMS : User-Defined Parameters for FKJO_SCHEDULE
  • FKK042ZA : Work table for country payment methods (data in TFK042ZA)
  • FKKACT : Activity log in parameter maintenance
  • FKKBEP : Electronic Bank Statement Line Items
  • FKKBRINSEQ : Brazil : Storing Sequence Number of Incoming Files
  • FKKBSTEM : Acct Statement Transfer: Messages for Incorrect Records
  • FKKBSTER : Acct Statement Transfer: Incorrect Data
  • FKKBSTMA : Account Statement Transfer: Appendix to Admin. Records
  • FKKBSTMC : Acct Statement Tfr:History of Processed MultiCash Statements
  • FKKBSTMV : Acct Statement Transfer: Admin. Records
  • FKKBUE : Document transfer program - control details
  • FKKCLEBR : Auxillary Structure for Lock Object EFKKCLEBR
  • FKKCLEDRI : Auxiliary Structure for Lock Object EFKKCLEDRI
  • FKKCLEGP : Help structure for lock object EFKKVKOPA
  • FKKCLEGPI : Help structure f. lock object EFKKCLEGPI
  • FKKCLEVK : Auxillary Structure for Lock Object EFKKCLEVK
  • FKKCLEVKI : Help structure f. lock object EFKKCLEVKI
  • FKKCLEZW2I : Help structure for lock object EFKKCLEZ2FI
  • FKKCLEZWFI : Auxiliary Structure for Lock Object EFKKCLEZWFI
  • FKKCMST : Control Table for Transfer of Manually Issued Checks Lot
  • FKKCOCCV : Correspondence generation - control records
  • FKKCORRV : FI-CA correspondence - correspondence print control records
  • FKKCRDOC : Aux. Table for Block Object EFKKCRDOC/Check Management
  • FKKDEFREV : Trigger Table for Deferred Revenue Postings
  • FKKDIHDR : FI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - header
  • FKKDIHDTMP : FI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - temporal copy of header
  • FKKDIJOB : FI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - table of jobs
  • FKKDIPOS : FI-CA: Distribution of intervals - items
  • FKKDIPOTMP : FI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - temporal copy of items
  • FKKDIPOTMPCOUNT : FI-CA: Counter for Each Entry from FKKDIPOTMP
  • FKKDISTOP : FI-CA: Flag for exiting jobs early
  • FKKMAHNV : Control records for the dunning program in FI-CA
  • FKKMAKO : Dunning History Header
  • FKKMAKT : Dunning activities
  • FKKMAREDUCT : Dunning Reductions
  • FKKMAZE : Dunning history of line items
  • FKKNRRANGE : Internal Structure for Lock Object Document Number Ranges
  • FKKNUMKR : Help structure for lock object EFKKNUMKR
  • FKKRLST : Control table for returns lot transfer
  • FKKVK : Contract Account Header
  • FKKVKOPA : Help structure for lock object EFKKVKOPA
  • FKKVKP : Contract Account Partner-Specific
  • FKKVK_CORR : Correspondence for Relationship Contract Account<->Partner
  • FKKZCVS : Control Table for Payment Data Transfer fm Ext. Pymt Coll.
  • FKKZEST : Control table for payment lot transfer
  • FKK_EBS_AR_OBJ : ArchiveLink: Define Document Type in ArchiveLink
  • FKK_EBS_AR_SYS : ArchiveLink: Assign Original System for Bills
  • FKK_EBS_EXT_STAX : IDoc with Revenue Item Tax Data Determination of Tax Subitem
  • FKK_EBS_EXT_TAX : IDoc with Revenue Items - Tax Data Determination
  • FKK_EBS_INT_STAX : IDoc with Revenue Item Tax Data Determination of Tax Subitem
  • FKK_EBS_INT_TAX : IDoc with Revenue Items - Tax Data Determination
  • FKK_EBS_PAR_VAR : Interval Variants for Billing System Interface
  • FKK_EBS_POI_SYST : Additional Information to be Printed on Bills
  • FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA : CO-PA Characteristic Derivation from IDOC Data
  • FKK_EBS_TOI_SYST : Document Transfer from External System : Agreements
  • FKK_GPSHAD : Data Extract: Business Partner Data (Faster Access)
  • FKK_GPSHAD_PC : Business Partner(s) for whom Changes Are Planned
  • FKK_INSTPLN_HEAD : Header Data for Installment Plan
  • FKK_INSTPLN_HIST : Installment Plan History
  • FKK_KONTL_LINK : Link Table: Document <> Variable Additional Account Assigmts
  • FKK_KONV_SHORT : Price Conditions for SD Billing Document - Extracts
  • FKK_PAYMENTREL : FICA: Payment Release
  • FKK_SEC : Security Deposit
  • FKK_SEC_C : Contracts for Security Deposit
  • FKK_SEC_N : Noncash Security Deposit
  • FKK_SEC_REQ : Request Documents for Security Deposits
  • FKK_UMBHI : History of Transfer to Another Account
  • FKK_UMBPOS : History of Document Transfer to Another Account
  • FKK_VBPA_SHORT : Partner Data for SD Billing Document - Extracts
  • FKK_VBRK_SHORT : Header Data for SD Billing Document - Extracts
  • FKK_VBRP_SHORT : Item Data for SD Billing Document - Extracts
  • FM01 : Financial Management Areas
  • FM01BSP : FM Area - Fund Center for the Budget
  • FM01D : Funds Management Update Control
  • FM01FRG : Maintain Release Groups
  • FM01FRG1 : Maintain Release Groups
  • FM01FRG2 : Assign Release Approval Groups to Activity
  • FM01FRGT : Maintain Release Approval Groups (Texts)
  • FM01H : Year-Independent Assignment of Hierarchy Variants to FM Area
  • FM01KT : Customizing FM Account Assignment
  • FM01N : Follow-up posting info by FM area / application /data origin
  • FM01P : Year-Dependent Assignment of Master Data to FM Area
  • FM01S : Additional master data for budgeting tools
  • FM01SN : Collective Expenditure Settings
  • FM01T : Funds Management Area Texts
  • FM01UD : Settings for revenues increasing the budget
  • FM01W : Company Code-Dependent Assignment of FM Area Currency
  • FM01X : Managing Preliminary Developments
  • FM01_ARCH : Archived FM Areas
  • FM01_ST : Assign Field Selection String -> FM Area
  • FMACTDETL : Detailing of Commitment and Actual Data in Funds Management
  • FMACTDETLT : Texts for Commitment/Actual Detailing
  • FMADATE : Archiving Date
  • FMALE_CSYSTEM : Definition of Central System in an FM ALE Environment
  • FMALLOC : Distribution of Collective Budget Administration
  • FMARCINFO : Messages of initial archiving run RFFM_FMARC
  • FMARCPAR : Parallelization of FMARC_BATCH
  • FMARCPRO : Transfer Interface for the Parallel RFFM_FMARC_BATCH
  • FMBUD : FI-FM Data Transfer Structure FM4C
  • FMBUDDETL : Budget Detailing in Funds Management
  • FMBUDDETLT : Texts for Budget Detailing
  • FMBUDGETPD : FM: Budget Period Master Data
  • FMBUDGETPDT : FM: Budget Period texts
  • FMBUDVERS : Activate Budget Versions
  • FMCA_CLEAR_ACC : Maintain Assgt of Clarification Worklist to FM Acct Assgt
  • FMCDRBBS : FM Rev. Incr. Budget History - Government Canada
  • FMCFAAS_TR : TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Interim Storage)
  • FMCFAA_TR : TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward
  • FMCFABS_TR : TR-FM: Transferred Commitment/Budget (Senders+Receivers)
  • FMCFAB_TR : TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Sender+Receiver)
  • FMCFB_VRGNG : FM: Permitted Activities for Balance Carryforward
  • FMCFB_VRGNGT : FM: Balance Carryfwd Allowed Activities (Language-Dependent)
  • FMCFSIF_TR : Selected Open FI Documents (Settlement)
  • FMCFSIO_TR : FI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents
  • FMCHA1 : Work List for Reassignment Tool
  • FMCHECK_YEAR : Obsolete Table
  • FMCI : Commitment items master data
  • FMCIT : Commitment items texts
  • FMCIVARNT : Variant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities texts
  • FMCIVARNTT : Variant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities texts
  • FMCOVR : CO Posting Integration: Transaction
  • FMCO_ACC_TO_FM : Log Changes to Assignment of Account Assignments CO - FM
  • FMCTRNR02 : Commitment-item-depending FM monitoring number
  • FMCVCHECKS : Restrictions in the Rule Maintenance for Cover Eligibility
  • FMCVCHECKSDY : Restrictions in the Rule Maintenance for Cover Eligibility
  • FMDECKHK : Assignment of FM Account Assignment to Cover Pool
  • FMDECKHKC : Assignment of FM Account Assignment to Cover Pool
  • FMDECKRG : Cover Pool
  • FMDECKRGT : Cover Pool Texts
  • FMDECKUNG : Assignment of a Cover Pool to an FM Account Assignment
  • FMDKSORT : Sort Criteria for Cover Eligibility
  • FMDKSRTGRP : Groups of Sort Criteria for Cover Eligibility
  • FMDOC : List of FM Documents for Revaluation
  • FMDP_DPR_CLR : Activate the DP Clearing and DPR Clearing and update
  • FMED00 : Preparation of Commitment Items
  • FMED01 : Special Character for Preparing Commitment Items
  • FMEINDECK : Assign FM Acct Assgt Requir.Cover to One Give It
  • FMEINDECKC : Assign FM Acct Assgt Requir.Cover to One Give It
  • FMEUROPLAN : Table of Euro FM Areas
  • FMEUTRANS : Parameters for Euro Conversion
  • FMEXPERT_MODE : Activate Expert Mode for EA-PS Reports
  • FMFCTR : Funds Center Master Record
  • FMFCTRBP : Budget Object Group Definitions
  • FMFCTRT : Funds Center Text
  • FMFGAAPAYACTIV : Activate 'Payment By Account Assignment' Functionality
  • FMFGAAPAYBLOCK : Payment block for Partial Payments by Account Assignment
  • FMFGAAPAYDOCS : Documents
  • FMFGAAPAYDOCTYP : Partial Payments by Acc. Assign.: Supported Document Types
  • FMFGAAPAYIPACACT : Activation of Payment by Account Assign. Function for IPAC
  • FMFGAAPAYLEDGER : Set Ledger for 'Payment By Fund' Transaction
  • FMFINCODE : FIFM: Financing code
  • FMFINT : FIFM: Fund texts
  • FMFIPGBP : Budget Structure Template: FM Budgeting Control
  • FMFIPGP : Assign Commitment Item to Budget Structure Template
  • FMFIPGR : Budget Structure Template
  • FMFIPGRT : Budget Structure Template, Texts
  • FMFRG : Define Release Groups
  • FMFRGASGN : Assign Transactions to Release Approval Groups
  • FMFRGPRO : Release Approval Group Profiles
  • FMFRGPROT : Release Approval Group Profiles
  • FMFRGT : Define Release Groups
  • FMFRGZOR : Assign Release Group Profile
  • FMFUNDBPD : FM: Assignments of Funds to Budget Periods
  • FMFUNDSEL : FIFM: Selected Fund for Closing Operations
  • FMFUNDTYPE : FM Fund Types
  • FMFUNDTYPET : FM Fund Types Texts
  • FMFUSE : FIFM: Application of Funds from Secondary Sources
  • FMFUSET : FIFM: Application of Funds from Secondary Sources
  • FMFXPO : Commitment item, internal and external number (conversion)
  • FMHICI : Commitment items hierarchy
  • FMHIPG : Hierarchy Table of Commitment Items in Fiscal Year
  • FMHIPP : Hierarchy Table of Commitment Items in Chart of Cmmt Items
  • FMHISV : Hierarchy table of funds centers in Hivariant
  • FMHIVARNT : Funds Center Hierarchy Variant: Entities
  • FMHIVARNTT : Funds Center Hierarchy Variant: Entities
  • FMHSART : FM: Budget Line Type
  • FMHSARTT : FM: Budget Line Type
  • FMHVMTXT : Budget Memo
  • FMHVMTXTT : Budget Memo Texts, language dependent
  • FMIA : Actual Line Item Table for Funds Management
  • FMIAA : Assignment Table for Budget Ledger
  • FMIC : Object table 2
  • FMICOHD : FM/CO Integration: Document Header
  • FMICOIT : FM/CO integration: Line item
  • FMIFIHD : FI Header Table in Funds Management
  • FMIFIIT : FI Line Item Table in Funds Management
  • FMIO : Object Table for Funds Management
  • FMIOI : Commitment Documents Funds Management
  • FMIOICCN : Earmarked Blocked Amounts for Commitments in Funds Managemnt
  • FMIP : Plan Line Items Table for Funds Management
  • FMISPS : General Parameters for Funds Management
  • FMIT : Totals Table for Funds Management
  • FMIUR : Open Interval Rules for updating FM
  • FMKF_REPTERM : Key Figure Terms for Reporting Because of New Budget Tables
  • FMKF_REPTERM2 : Key Figure Terms for Reporting Because of New Budget Tables
  • FMKR : Commitment Item Criterion
  • FMKRG : Commitment Item Criterion Category Group
  • FMKRGT : Text: Commitment Item Criterion Category Group
  • FMKRGTP : Assignment Table: Criterion Category to Crit.Cat.Group
  • FMKRT : Text: Commitment Item Criteria
  • FMKRTP : Commitment item criterion category
  • FMKRTPT : Text: Commitment Item Criterion Category
  • FMMDST : Field selection string
  • FMMDSTF : Field Selection String and Fields
  • FMMDSTT : Text for Field Selection String
  • FMMM1 : Assignment Table for Warehouse Funds Center
  • FMMM2 : Transaction Type Control
  • FMPEB_ASSIGN : Assign Org. Units to Partially Exempt Organizations
  • FMPEB_ASSIGN_H : Assignment of Org. Units to Partially Exempt Organizations
  • FMPEB_DEF : Define Partly Exempt Organization
  • FMPEB_GLOBALS : Partially Exempt Organizations: Basic Settings
  • FMPEB_RATE_DEF : Assign Input Tax Deduction Rates
  • FMPEB_TAXIND : Assign Tax Codes to Exempt Organizations
  • FMPG : Commitment Items in FM Area/Fiscal Year
  • FMPOSIT : Commitment Item Assignment to Internal Number (FIPEX-POSIT)
  • FMPP : Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment Items
  • FMPPLAN : Chart of Commitment Items: Entities
  • FMPPLANT : Chart of Commitment Items: Entity Texts
  • FMPPT : Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment Items: Texts
  • FMR01 : Funds Management Information System
  • FMRC01_FICA : Results List of Comparison of FM/FI (FI-CA Documents)
  • FMRC07 : Results List Documents Bank/Clearing Account Matching FM-FI
  • FMRC07_WO_BUNDLE : Results List Documents Bank/Clearing Account Matching FM-FI
  • FMRCCVARI : "Variant definition"
  • FMRCCVARIA : Company Code Assignment
  • FMRCCVARIT : Variant Text
  • FMRCKEY : Clearing Reset: Keys of Cleared Documents
  • FMRC_BKPF : Reconciliation of Headers from FI
  • FMRC_BSEG : Reconciliation of Lines from FI
  • FMRC_FMIFIIT : Reconciliation of Lines from FM
  • FMRC_RC_PAY : Results List: Documents: Bank/Clearing Acct Matching FM-FI
  • FMRC_SEL_KEY : Clearing Reset: Keys of Cleared Documents
  • FMREAS_INDEX_CI : Reassignment Tool Index Table of Commitment Items
  • FMREAS_INDEX_FA : Index Table for Reassignment Tool Using the Functional Area
  • FMREAS_INDEX_FC : Reassignment Tool Index Table of Commitment Items
  • FMREAS_INDEX_FD : Reassignment Tool Index Table of Commitment Items
  • FMREAS_RULES : Maintain Assignment Strategy for FM Area and Fiscal Year
  • FMREAS_STRATS : Maintain Assignment Strategy for FM Area and Fiscal Year
  • FMRESACCMVASSIGN : Assignment of Account Assignment Transfr Rules to Activities
  • FMRESACCMVRULE : Rules for Account Assignment Transfer
  • FMRESACCMVRULES : Rules for Account Assignment Transfer
  • FMRESACCMVRULET : Description of an Account Assignment Transfer Rule
  • FMRESFIELDS : Controllable Fields Earmarked Funds
  • FMRESGLOBALS : Global Settings for Earmarked Funds
  • FMRESGLOB_USER : Global Settings for Earmarked Funds: User-Dependent
  • FMRESINI1 : Earmarked Funds: Initialization Information
  • FMRESINI1T : Earmarked Funds: Transaction Texts
  • FMRESINI2 : Earmarked Funds: Initialization Data
  • FMRESLOCKS : Possible Earmarked Fund Blocks
  • FMRESLOCKST : Tests on Earmarked Fund Blocks
  • FMRESUPDC : Status Table for Conversion Programs
  • FMRESUPDS : Table for Conversions Programs to Run
  • FMRES_EW_INFOS : Saving Enhancement Wizard Settings
  • FMRE_MM_CATASS : Permitted Types of Earmarked Funds in Purchase Order Docs
  • FMRPPOOL : Assignment of Expdt Cover Pool to Revenue Cover Pool
  • FMRPREL : Assignment of Expenditure Objects to Revenue Cover Pool
  • FMRPRULE : Rules for Revenue Cover Pool
  • FMRSCDATA : Earmarked Funds Data
  • FMRSCVAR : Scenario variants
  • FMRSCVART : Description for Scenario Variants
  • FMR_TOL : Tolerance Limits for Earmarked Funds
  • FMR_TOLS : Tolerance Key for Overrun Tolerance
  • FMR_TOLST : Tolerance Key for Overrun Tolerance: Texts
  • FMS200D : Transfer Interface for Parallels S200 (Submit)
  • FMS200P : Parallelling of RFFMS200
  • FMSAPF048 : Archivable FI Documents (Check FM Payment Selection)
  • FMSAPF048B : Non-Archivable FI Documents (Check FM Payment Selection)
  • FMSD07 : Days Results List: FM-FI Bank/Clearing Account Comparison
  • FMSNHHINTG : Integration of Collective Budget Adminisration with Budget
  • FMSNRULE : Collective Expenditure Rules
  • FMSNRULEC : Change Documents for Collective Budget Rules
  • FMSTATUS : FIFM: Status for FIFM Account Assignment Objects
  • FMTABADRHT : Characteristic Derivation: Header - Texts
  • FMTTXID : Help Table for Maintenance View: Long Texts
  • FMUD : Override FM Update Date
  • FMUDBSEG : Addtl Info on Revenues Increasing Budget for Recovery Order
  • FMUDBSEGH : Addtl Info on Revenues Increasing Budget for Recovery Order
  • FMUDBSEGP : Part.Payt Item for Customer Invoice of a Rev. Incr. the Bgt
  • FMUDBSEGS : Recovery Order Budget Increases for Reversal
  • FMUDIFIIT : Additional Data for FI Line Items f. Revenues Incr. the Bdgt
  • FMUDKBLP : Addtl Info re Revenues Increasing Budget for Fcst of Revenue
  • FMUDKBLPH : Addtl Info re Revenues Increasing Budget for Fcst of Revenue
  • FMUDKBLPP : Item Revenues Increasing Budget for Forecast of Revenue
  • FMUDKBLPS : Budget Increases for Reversal for Forecast of Revenues
  • FMUDPOOL : Assignment of Cover Pool to Rev. Increasing FM Acct Assgmt
  • FMUDPOOLC : Assignment of Cover Pool to Rev. Increasing FM Acct Assgmt
  • FMUDREL : Assignment of Expenditure Revenue Objs Incr.Budget
  • FMUDRELC : Assignment of Expenditure Revenue Objs Incr.Budget
  • FMUDRULE : Rules for Revenues Increasing Budget
  • FMUDRULEC : Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget
  • FMUP00 : Update Control (Not Value Type Dependent)
  • FMUP00T : Update Profiles
  • FMUP01 : Update Control with Value Type Dependency
  • FMUP02 : Customizbare Felder zum Fortschreibungsprofil
  • FMUP03 : Customization control data for activating FM view
  • FMVARNT : Chart of Commitment Items Variant: Entity Texts
  • FMVARNTT : Chart of Commitment Items Variant: Entity Texts
  • FMVORTR : Cmmt items for carryover item category of totals records
  • FMVORTR0 : Carryforward Item Categories of Totals Records
  • FMWF_ACTTT : Texts for Activity Categories in FI/FM Role Definition
  • FMWF_ACTTY : Activity Categories for FM Role Definition
  • FMWF_AMGRP : Amount Groups for FM Role Definition
  • FMWF_BDGRP : FM Account Groups for FM Role Definition
  • FMWF_BLTYP : Document Category Assignment to FI/FM Role Defn Doc.Classes
  • FMWF_DOCCL : Document Classes for FM Role Definition
  • FMWF_DOCCT : Texts for FM Role Definition Document Classes
  • FMWF_MDRLK : Main Delegations Rules Header Entries
  • FMWF_MDRUL : FM Main Delegations Rules
  • FMZUBSP : Assign Budget Structure Elements
  • FMZUCH : Change information on allocation of CO Object to FM Object
  • FMZUCO : FM-CO Assignment Control Table
  • FMZUGR : Allocation of CO Group to FM Account Assignment
  • FMZUKA : Allocation of Cost Element to FM Account Assignment
  • FMZUOB : Allocation of CO Object to FM Account Assignment
  • FOTDECLSTA : Status Information Rep Data Electronic Data Transmission
  • FOTDECLTYC : Return Type Electronic Data Transmission to Authorities
  • FOTDECLTYT : Name of Return Type Electronic Data Transmission
  • FOTETAXC : Settings Electronic Data Transmission to Authorities
  • FOTETAXPC : Parameter Values Electronic Data Transmission to Authorities
  • FOTPARAMC : Parameters Electronic Data Transmission
  • FOTPARREFC : Assignment of Parameters Reporting Country Return Type
  • FOTRFDITM : VAT Refund Items
  • FOTRFDITMCHG : Change Documents, VAT Refund Item
  • FOTRFDPARA : Parameters for VAT Refund
  • FOTRFDPER : Period/Month in VAT Refund Application
  • FOTRFDREQ : VAT Refund Application
  • FOTTBUKRS : Assignment of Company Codes to Dominant Enterprises
  • FOTTDCLCON : Multinational ATR Confirmation (TaxDeclarationConfirmation)
  • FOTTDCLITM : Multinational ATR Items (TaxDeclarationNotificationItem)
  • FOTTDCLNOT : Multinational ATR Rep. Data (TaxDeclarationNotification)
  • FOTTDCLXML : Country-Specific ATR Reporting Data (XML Format)
  • FOTTPRTXML : Country-Specific ATR Log Data (XML Format)
  • FPCL_ACC_PARA : Parameter for the Posting
  • FPCL_CO_STATUS : Status of Garnishment
  • FPCL_CO_STATUST : Description of Garnishment Status
  • FPCL_DETECT_CO : Garnishments for a Payment Document
  • FPCRATTRPROTECT : Attributes may not be changed by the user direct
  • FPCR_ACC : Garnishment Register Accountant
  • FPCR_ACCT : Garnishment Register Accountant Description
  • FPCR_ACC_BUKRS : Assignment of Company Code to Accountant
  • FPCR_ACC_GSBER : Assignment Business Area to Accountant
  • FPCR_CESS : Garnishment Register Attributes
  • FPCR_LINK_OBJ : Linked Objects for Garnishment
  • FPCR_NR_ACC : Accountant Number Range
  • FPCR_RDC_REASON : Reduction Reason
  • FPCR_RDC_REASONT : Reduction Reason Description
  • FPCR_REDUCTION : Reduction Data for Garnishment
  • FPCR_SRCH_ATTR : Search Fields for Garnishment
  • FPCR_USER_ACC : Assignment of User to Accountant
  • FPCR_WAITREASON : Waiting Reason for Garnishment
  • FPCR_WAITREASONT : Description of Wait Reason
  • FPIA_ACTIONS : Action Attributes
  • FPIA_ACTIONST : Define Actions
  • FPIA_FIELDSTAT_C : Field status control for IoA fields
  • FPIA_FIELDSTAT_S : Field status control for IoA fields (SAP)
  • FPIA_FI_IDX : FI Index Table for Interest Calculation - Chorus
  • FPIA_GROUP_C : User groups for IoA process (Customer)
  • FPIA_GROUP_CT : Text table for user groups for IoA process (SAP)
  • FPIA_GROUP_S : User groups for IoA process (SAP)
  • FPIA_GROUP_ST : Text table for user groups for IoA process (SAP)
  • FPIA_INTCAL_IND : Assign Successive Interest Indicators
  • FPIA_INTEREST : Table for Penalty Interest
  • FPIA_INT_VZSKZ : IOA: VZSKZ for Interest Documents
  • FPIA_IOADELTA : Data transfer: MM/FI documents for IOA delta processing
  • FPIA_IOA_ACTIV : IoA solution activation
  • FPIA_REASON : Interruption Reason Penalty Interest
  • FPIA_REASONT : Interruption Reason Penalty Interest Description
  • FPIA_SET_VAL_C : Set Update of Validation Date
  • FPIN_T_ADMIN : Administrator - Penalty Interest
  • FPIN_T_ADMINT : Administrator - Penalty Interest: Description
  • FPIN_T_POSTEN : Database for Penalty Interest (Chorus)
  • FPIN_T_REASON : Interruption Reason
  • FPIN_T_REASONT : Interruption Reason Description
  • FPRL_ACTIONS : Action Attributes
  • FPRL_ACTIONST : Define Actions
  • FPRL_ACTION_DI : Actions for Approval Level
  • FPRL_ACTION_TAB : Assign Actions to Tabs
  • FPRL_APPLIC : Application
  • FPRL_APPLICT : Application Attributes
  • FPRL_APPLIC_ACT : Activate Application
  • FPRL_CLEAR_DI : Disable Clearing/Reverse for Approval Levels
  • FPRL_DOC_DI : Disable Document Changes for Approval Levels
  • FPRL_HEADER : List Header Data
  • FPRL_ITEM : Item Data
  • FPRL_ITEM_STAT : Item Status
  • FPRL_ITEM_STATT : Item Status Attributes
  • FPRL_LEVELS : Approval Levels
  • FPRL_LEVELST : Define Approval Levels
  • FPRL_LOG : List Log
  • FPRL_TABS : Tab Attributes
  • FPRL_TABST : Define Tabs
  • FPRL_TAB_ASSIG : Set Tab Positions
  • FPRL_WARNINGS : System Warning Messages
  • FPS_BLOCK : Payment and Dunning Block for Each Payment Service Provider
  • FSEPA_INST_CD : Local Instrument and Lead Times for SEPA Direct Debits
  • FSEPA_INST_SL : Priority Rules for Local Instrument and Lead Times
  • FSEPA_REFTYPE : SEPA Mandate: Permitted Contract Types
  • FSEPA_REFTYPET : SEPA Mandate: Text Table for Permitted Contract Types
  • FSLC_ACTIVE_INV : FSL: Billing
  • FSL_IDOTYPM_CUST : Mapping Table for ID Object Type (AB) and ID Object Type(BP)
  • FSL_STAT_CUST : FSL: User Status for Item
  • FSL_STAT_CUST_T : FSL: User Status Text for Item
  • FTPT_CAR : Travel Request Item - Car Rental Service
  • FTPT_CAR_PREF : Rental car service preferences of a travel plan
  • FTPT_CSX_PROFILE : Relationship SAP Human Resources Number - Amadeua Profile
  • FTPT_FARE_COMP : Rate components
  • FTPT_FARE_NOTE : Rate Rules
  • FTPT_FLIGHT : Travel Request Item - Flight Service
  • FTPT_FLIGHT_FARE : Assignment table: flights <-> rate components
  • FTPT_FLIGHT_FCMP : Assignment table: flights <-> rate components
  • FTPT_FLIGHT_LEG : Leg of flight
  • FTPT_FLIGHT_PREF : Flight service preferences of a travel plan
  • FTPT_FLIGHT_TST : Ticket information
  • FTPT_FLIGHT_TSTK : Ticket Information
  • FTPT_HOTEL : Travel Request Item - Hotel Service
  • FTPT_HOTEL_COORD : Hotel Coordinates
  • FTPT_HOTEL_DATA : Hotel Data
  • FTPT_HOTEL_PREF : Hotel service preferences of a travel plan
  • FTPT_IMR : IMR - General Information
  • FTPT_IMR_CAR : IMR - Car Rental
  • FTPT_IMR_DETAIL : IMR - Detail Information
  • FTPT_IMR_FAREDAT : IMR - Price Data Description
  • FTPT_IMR_FAREELM : IMR: Passenger Information for Price Determination
  • FTPT_IMR_FELMSEG : IMR: Table for Assignment of Ticket to Flight Segment
  • FTPT_IMR_FLIGHT : IMR - Flight
  • FTPT_IMR_FOP : IMR : Information on Payment Method
  • FTPT_IMR_FOPSEG : IMR: Assignment Table Payment Method to Flight Segments
  • FTPT_IMR_FQTV : IMR: Customer Programs
  • FTPT_IMR_FQTVSEG : IMR: Assignment Table Customer Programs to Flight Segments
  • FTPT_IMR_FSP : IMR: Assignment Table Passengers-Segments-TST
  • FTPT_IMR_HTL : IMR - Hotel
  • FTPT_IMR_HTL_DIR : IMR - Hotel (Direct Access)
  • FTPT_IMR_MANUAL : IMR - Manually Created Segments
  • FTPT_IMR_RECLOC : IMR - Booking Rate
  • FTPT_IMR_SEATS : IMR: Seating Information
  • FTPT_IMR_SEATSEG : IMR: Table for Assignment of Seats to Flight Segments
  • FTPT_IMR_SSRS : IMR: Information on Special Service Requirements
  • FTPT_IMR_SSRSEG : IMR: Assignment Table Special Serv.Request to Flight Segment
  • FTPT_IMR_SURFACE : IMR - Other Segments of Trip as Flights
  • FTPT_IMR_TKT : IMR : Ticket Information
  • FTPT_IMR_TKTSEG : IMR: Table for Assignment of Ticket to Flight Segment
  • FTPT_IMR_TRAIN : IMR - Train
  • FTPT_ITEM : Travel Service Request Item
  • FTPT_LOG_GDS : Cluster for GDS Log Data
  • FTPT_OTHER : Travel Reservation Request Item - Other Service
  • FTPT_PLAN : General Plan Data
  • FTPT_PLANHISTORY : General Plan Data
  • FTPT_PNR : Elements of passenger name records of travel plan variant
  • FTPT_PNR_ADDRESS : PNR delivery / billing addresses
  • FTPT_PNR_NAME : Name element of PNR
  • FTPT_PNR_OSI : Other PNR service information
  • FTPT_PNR_PHONE : PNR telephone references
  • FTPT_PNR_REMARKS : PNR remarks
  • FTPT_PNR_SSR : Special PNR service requests
  • FTPT_QT_ALTERN : Quicktrip Trip Alternative
  • FTPT_QT_BPROFILE : Quicktrip Reservation Profile
  • FTPT_QT_CAR : Quicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight Service
  • FTPT_QT_FLIGHT : Quicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight Service
  • FTPT_QT_HOTEL : Quicktrip Travel Request Item - Flight Service
  • FTPT_QT_ITEM : Quicktrip Travel Service Request Item
  • FTPT_QT_QTRIP : Quicktrip Trip
  • FTPT_REQUEST : Travel Plan Requests
  • FTPT_REQ_ACCOUNT : Travel Request Cost Assignment
  • FTPT_REQ_ADVANCE : Travel Request Advance
  • FTPT_REQ_HEAD : Framework Data of Travel Request
  • FTPT_REQ_REASON : Reason for Travel Request
  • FTPT_SERVICE : General Services
  • FTPT_SYNC_DATA : Data Synchronization: SAP - External System
  • FTPT_TM_MEMO : Memo table for Travel Management
  • FTPT_TRAIN : Travel Request Item - Train Service
  • FTPT_TRAIN_PREF : Train service preferences of a travel plan
  • FTPT_VARIANT : Table of Travel Plan Variants
  • FTPT_VAR_INFO : Info texts for travel plan variants
  • FUD_MSG01 : Fin UI Decoupling - Transformation of Messages
  • FUD_MSG01_C : FIN UI Decoupling - Transformation of Messages
  • GB01 : Classes for Boolean Formulas
  • GB011 : Rule Manager: 2D Structures in the Boolean Classes
  • GB01C : Classes for Boolean Formulas for Customers
  • GB02 : Valid Classes
  • GB02C : Customer Message IDs for Validations
  • GB02T : Boolean Logic: Text Table for Boolean Classes
  • GB03 : Validation/Substitution User
  • GB03T : Validation/Substitution Application Area Text
  • GB31 : Validation/Substitution Callup Points
  • GB31C : Boolean Rules: Form Pool Naming Range
  • GB31T : Validation/Substitution Callup Point Text
  • GB90 : Boolean Formula Header for Rules and Boolean Functions
  • GB901 : Boolean Formula Data
  • GB903 : Mapping of shortname and SETID of sets used in boolean expr.
  • GB905 : Usage of Boolean Rules
  • GB906 : Rule: Usage of Rules in Rules
  • GB907 : Rule: Usage of Rules in Substitutions
  • GB908 : Rule: Usage of Rules in Validations
  • GB90T : Texts for Boolean Formulas
  • GB92 : Substitutions
  • GB921 : Substitution Conditions
  • GB921T : Substitution: Text Table for Substitution Steps
  • GB922 : Substitution Constants
  • GB925 : Usage of Substitutions
  • GB92T : Texts for Substitutions
  • GB93 : Validation
  • GB931 : Validation Activities
  • GB935 : Usage of Validations
  • GB93T : Texts for Validations
  • GBC1 : Configuration for the Boolean Rule Processor
  • GENERAL_EB_FIEB : General Customizing Table for Electronic Banking
  • GLE_ADB_OPEN_PER : Periods/Company Codes Without Current Average Balances
  • GLE_FDOCREF : ECS / ADB Document Reference for Reversal
  • GLE_MCA_DOC : MCA Documents
  • GLE_MCA_DOCREF : MCA Document Reference Data
  • GLE_MCA_FDOCREF : FI Document Reference
  • GLE_MCA_ME_CREAT : Manual entry data
  • GLE_MCA_MI_RATES : Manual input exchanges rates
  • GLE_MCA_RV_HSTRY : FX Revaluation History
  • GLE_MCA_T030H : GLE MCA Accounts Table
  • GLE_MCA_TAGGFLD : Aggregation Fields
  • GLE_MCA_TAGGFLDT : Description of Aggregation Fields
  • GLE_MCA_TAGGVAR : Aggregation variant
  • GLE_MCA_TAGGVART : Description of Aggregation Variant
  • GLE_MCA_TCONFPRM : Configuration parameter table for data upload
  • GLE_MCA_TCONFVAL : Value table for MCA Data Upload configuration
  • GLE_MCA_TDALOSRT : Maintain sort field for the Data load process
  • GLE_MCA_TDATLOAD : MCA Data load configuration
  • GLE_MCA_TFIXVAL : Fixed values for postline fields
  • GLE_MCA_TMCAFLDG : Table for MCA field groups
  • GLE_MCA_TMCAKEY : Key for assigning MCA relevant attributs to SKB1 accounts
  • GLE_MCA_TMCAKEYT : Key for assigning MCA relevant attributs to SKB1 accounts
  • GLE_MCA_TMCAPRC : Assignment of Process Types to MCA Key
  • GLE_MCA_TMCAVAR : MCA variant
  • GLE_MCA_TMCAVARA : Assignment of MCA variant
  • GLE_MCA_TMCAVART : Description of MCA variant
  • GLE_MCA_TPARAMS : GLE MCA Selection Screen Parameters Table
  • GLE_MCA_TPCKBLD : MCA Parallel Processing Package Building
  • GLE_MCA_TPCKDEF : MCA Package Definition for parallel processing
  • GLE_MCA_TPP_BKPF : Temporary table for storing BKPF entries for Post Processing
  • GLE_MCA_TPRCCATP : MCA Variant specific Attributes of Process Categories
  • GLE_MCA_TPRCTYPE : GL Enhancement Process Type
  • GLE_MCA_TPRCTYPP : GL Enhancement Properties of Process Type
  • GLE_MCA_TPRCTYPT : GL Enhancement Process Type
  • GLE_TADB_DOCT : FI-SL Document Types for Average Daily Balance
  • GLE_TADB_DX : Database for Temp. Data (Eg Transfer Complex Param.btw Jobs)
  • GLE_TADB_EX_CUST : Settings for Extracting Average Daily Balance Data
  • GLE_TADB_LCUST : Ledger Customizing for Average Daily Balance
  • GLE_TADB_LGROUP : ADB Ledger Group
  • GLE_TADB_LGROUPT : Text Table for Ledger Environments
  • GLFLEX00 : General ledger: Organizational units
  • GLFLEX01 : General ledger: Technical fields
  • GLFLEX02 : General ledger: Main account assignment
  • GLFLEX03 : General ledger: SAP additional account assignment
  • GLFLEX04 : General ledger: Customer additional account assignment
  • GLFLEX05 : General ledger: Sender main account assignment
  • GLFLEX06 : General ledger: Sender SAP additional account assignment
  • GLFLEX07 : General ledger: Transaction attributes
  • GLFLEX08 : General ledger: Branches
  • GLFLEXA : Flexible general ledger: Actual line items
  • GLFLEXP : Flexible G/L: Plan line items
  • GLFLEXT : Flexible G/L: Totals
  • GLOFAAASSETDATA : Country-Specific Asset Master Records
  • GLOFAACNTRL : Country-Specific Master Records
  • GLOFAACNTRLC : Country-Specific Master Records
  • GLOFAACNTRLT : Country-Specific Table Name
  • GLOFAAJPAX16AC : FI-AA: Japan / Asset class selection for Annex16
  • GLOFAAJPITEM : FI-AA: Japan / Asset item (Annex16)
  • GLOFAAJPITEMT : FI-AA: Japan / Asset item text (Annex16)
  • GLOFAAJPSTRC : FI-AA: Japan / Asset structure (Annex16)
  • GLOFAAJPSTRCT : FI-AA: Japan / Asset structure text (Annex16)
  • GLOFAAJPT093 : FI-AA: Japan / Additional attribute for Depreciation Areas
  • GLOFAAJPTSICHK : Annex16: Chk tab for the convination of Type-Structure-Item
  • GLOFAAJPTSIDEF : Annex16: Default Value for Structure & Item in CSMD
  • GLOFAATMDPNDNT : Time-Dependent Country-Specific Asset Master Records
  • GLPCA_CT : Profit Center Documents
  • GLPOS_C_CT : FI Document: Entry View
  • GLPOS_N_CT : New General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type
  • GLS2IDX : Index table for FI-LC document cluster
  • GLT2 : Consolidation totals table
  • GLT3 : Summary Data Preparations for Consolidation
  • GREP : Report Writer: File of Stored Reports
  • GREP_VARCHAR : Report Writer: Varied extract characteristics
  • GRIX : Report Writer: Directory of Stored Data
  • GRIX_AUT : Report Writer: Values of Adjustment-Related Characteristics
  • GRIX_SEL : Report Writer: Selection parameters for stored data
  • GRIX_SRCH : Fields for finding Report Writer extracts
  • GRIX_TXT : Report Writer: Texts for stored data
  • GRIX_VAR : Report Writer: Variable for a report group version
  • GRIX_VARP : Variation parameters for extracts (Report Writer)
  • GRRT : Report Writer: Runtime information for generated programs
  • GRW_DEL_OBJECTS : Report Writer Deleted Objects
  • GRW_HISTORY : Report Writer Changes history
  • GSBLCA : Business area consolidation: deviating records
  • HBNK_LOGADR_FIEB : Assignment of House Bank to Logical Address
  • HDB_SETLEAF1 : Leaf view for SLT hierarchy replication (primary)
  • HDB_SETLEAF2 : Leaf view for SLT hierarchy replication (secondary)
  • HDB_SETNODE : Node view for SLT hierarchy replication
  • HUPHPF_SIGN : PHPF Sign Determination table
  • IAOM_GTR_EXAT : Grantor: Account Assignment Manager External Characteristics
  • IBSPI_RFCDEST : RFC Destination for Calls IBS-SI System => PlugIn
  • ICRCA : ICRC: Items to be Reconciled
  • ICRCLOG : ICRC: Log Numbers of Automatic Reconciliation
  • ICRCS : ICRC: Status of Data Procurement
  • ICRCU : ICRC: Potentially Differing Document Groups
  • ICRCZ : ICRC: Reconciled, Completed Items
  • IDCNFSPOS : China Golden Audit Interface: Extension to FS Version
  • IDCNMAPCURRCD : Currency Codes (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_3RFF4ADJDOC : Adjustment Document Header
  • IDCN_3RFF4ADJITM : Adjustment Document Item
  • IDCN_ACCITEM : China Golden Audit Interface: Account Lines
  • IDCN_ALGACCGRP : Account Level Hierarchy: Account Levels
  • IDCN_ALGACCGRPT : Account Level Hierarchy: Account Levels (Text)
  • IDCN_ALGACCHIER : Account Level Hierarchy: Account Level Hierarchy (Top Level)
  • IDCN_ALGACCLIST : Account Level Hierarchy: Assigned Child G/L Accounts
  • IDCN_ALG_ASSIGN : Account Level Hierarchy: Assign Hierarchy to CC and CoA
  • IDCN_ARCHIEV_VAL : Archive Values (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_ARCHIV_ITEM : Archive Items (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_CASH_ITMES : Cash Flow Items (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_DETAIL_EA : Chinese detail expense account
  • IDCN_DETAIL_EA_T : Chinese detail expense account
  • IDCN_DOCTYP : Assign Account Document Type for Vorcher Type
  • IDCN_DOCTYPE : Accounting Document Types (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_EXCH_RATE : Exchange Rate Types (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_FSCDEF : Form Structure: Definition
  • IDCN_FSCLINES : Form Structure: Lines
  • IDCN_FSCLINEST : Form Structure: Lines - Texts
  • IDCN_FSCNODES : Form Structure: Nodes
  • IDCN_FSCVALUES : Form Structure: Values
  • IDCN_FSC_HEADER : Form Structure: Header
  • IDCN_FSC_ITEM : Form Structure: Item
  • IDCN_GA_ANLKL : GA China: Specify Asset Classes
  • IDCN_GA_ANLN : GA China: Asset depreciation ratio and costcenter
  • IDCN_GA_BWASL : Asset Transaction Types (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_GA_DEP : Parameters for Asset Depreciation (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_GA_ORDNR : Asset Evaluation Group (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_GLACCATTR : G/L account time-depen.attributes (CN)
  • IDCN_GLACCATTRT : G/L account time-depen.attributes-texts(CN)
  • IDCN_GLACCOLD : Old G/L Account Numbers - time dependent (CN)
  • IDCN_GLACCOLDT : Old G/L Account Numbers - time dependent - texts (CN)
  • IDCN_MAP_EAS : Detail Expense Accounts (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_ODN_ACTIVE : Activating Document Numbering for Company Code
  • IDCN_ODN_CHECK : Table maintains T-code and evaluation string to skip ODN gen
  • IDCN_ODN_CLEAR : Generation of ODN for Clearing Documents w/o Line Items
  • IDCN_REPFORM : Assign PDF Form to Report
  • IDCN_REPITEMID : Report item ID mapping
  • IDCN_REPSHEQTY : Shareholders' Equity (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_TOTLINE : China Golden Audit Interface: Subtotal lines
  • IDCN_TRDTYPE : Document Types (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_TRTTYPE : Transaction Types (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_TR_MAP : FI Document Types (Golden Audit)
  • IDCN_ZJFCOCD : Activate Account Entry Closing Method for Company Codes
  • IDCN_ZJFCOCDPCTR : Activate Profit Center based Balance Carry Fwd for Co.Codes
  • IDCN_ZJFPLBAL : P&L Balances for Period Account Entry Closing Method
  • IDCN_ZJFPRCTR : Assignment of Cost Center to Profit Center
  • IDCN_ZJFSKIPACC : Skip G/L Account from P&L Account Closing Posting (China)
  • IDCN_ZJFSKIPACCT : Skip G/L Account from P&L Account Closing Posting (Text)
  • IDFIAA_JP_COND1 : Selection Criteria for Stored Reports
  • IDFIAA_JP_RESULT : Results of Property Tax Report (Japan)
  • IDFIAA_JP_TAX1 : Japanese Tax Report - Areas and Transaction Types
  • IDFIAA_JP_TAX2 : Japanese Tax Report - Transaction Types Intra-City Transfer
  • IDFIAA_UK_SORP : Activate SORP/MCHA Functions
  • IDGT_CODE_LC : Tax Catalog Code
  • IDGT_CONF_LC : GTI China: Tax Invoice table
  • IDGT_CONF_LC_T : GTI China: Tax Invoice Text table
  • IDGT_CONF_SA : GTI Configuration by Sales Area
  • IDGT_CUSTTYPE : VAT Invoice Type
  • IDGT_DB_CONF : GTI DB Configration
  • IDGT_GTDH : GT Document Header
  • IDGT_GTDI : GT Document Item
  • IDGT_GTDM : Mapping of SAP Document and GT Document
  • IDGT_INFO : GTI China: Data sent to GT
  • IDGT_MERGE_INFO : Item Merge Info
  • IDGT_OB_CTRL : Personalization Settings
  • IDGT_OB_TAB_CONF : Tabbed customizing table
  • IDGT_UOM_CONV : UoM Conversion
  • IDGT_VATH : VAT Invoice Header
  • IDGT_VATI : VAT Invoice Item
  • IDGT_VATM : Mapping of GT Document and VAT Invoice
  • IDHUBILLINGOUT : Define Additional Billing Data for Hungary
  • IDHU_DOWNP_LOG : Log Table for Down Payment Recalculation VAT Amount
  • IDHU_TAX_LIFNR_K : Exchange rate type per vendor for tax amount in 2nd or 3rd
  • IDHU_VATPROP : Hungary: Domestic Sales List - Tax proportioning
  • IDIN_ASSETBLK : Asset Block Master Data
  • IDIN_ASSETBLK_T : Asset Block description table
  • IDIN_ASSETTRNS : Asset Transaction Table for India (Block Level)
  • IDIN_FIAA_ADJUST : Adjustment values for the block and opening WDV - India
  • IDIN_FIAA_OWDV : FI-AA India : Maintaning Opening WDV for the blocks
  • IDIN_FIAA_TAX : Tax Area for Asset Blocks
  • IDIN_FIAA_TRN_TY : ID Transaction Group for IT reporting : India
  • IDIN_FIAA_WDV_FY : FI-AA India : Opening WDV for the blocks - Transactions
  • IDMX_DI_BASIC : Digital invoice Mexico: general settings
  • IDMX_DI_DOCTYP : Digital invoice Mexico: Document types (payment flows)
  • IDMX_DI_FIDCTP : Digital Invoice Mexico: Special FI Document Types (SAT)
  • IDMX_DI_PROFDET : table to determine the valid pse-profile
  • IDMX_DI_PSEPROF : pse-file and parameter (entities)
  • IDMX_DI_PSEPROFT : SSF Profile - Text
  • IDMX_DI_TAXES : Digital Invoice Mexico: Legal Abbreviations of Taxes
  • IDMX_DI_TAXREG : Digital Invoice Mexico: Legal Tax Regimes
  • IDMX_DI_TAXTYP : Table is OBSOLETE (replaced by IDMX_DI_TAXES)
  • IDMX_DI_TXTIDDET : Digital Invoice Mexico: Data ID - Text ID Determination
  • IDMX_DI_TXTOB : Digital Invoice Mexico: Valid Text Objects
  • IDMX_VAT : Mexico : Identifiable and Non-Identifiable VAT conditions
  • IDMX_VAT_ACC : Maintaining G/L Accounts for Different Concepts
  • IDPL_DP : Poland: Downpayments made and cleared
  • IDPL_DP_NUM_RANG : Poland: Number range for the clearing documents
  • IDPL_II_TAX : Polish internal invoice - Tax exemptions
  • IDPL_II_TAX_EXEM : Polish internal invoice - Tax exemptions
  • IDPL_SI : Assign Number Range for Internal Invoices to Company Code
  • IDPL_SI_TAX : Assign Tax Code for Self Invoices to Company Code
  • IDPT_A011 : Revaluation Areas for Asset Reports
  • IDPT_A021 : Revaluation Classes/Exceptions
  • IDPT_A031 : Manual Entries for Form 32.1
  • IDPT_A041 : Currency Revaluation Coefficients
  • IDPT_A051 : Transaction Types for Asset Retirements
  • IDPT_A061 : Depreciation Foregone
  • IDPT_A071 : Limit for assets which use Electric/ non-electric energy
  • IDPT_A09 : Checks for Asset Reports - Reference Table
  • IDPT_A099 : Checks for Asset Reports
  • IDREPFW_ACTGR_E : Rep.Framework: Activated Report Groups
  • IDREPFW_ACTGR_T : Rep.Framework: Activated Report Groups (Text)
  • IDREPFW_CLGID_C : Rep.Framework: Column Group Identification
  • IDREPFW_CLGID_T : Rep.Framework: Column Group Identification
  • IDREPFW_CLGSC_C : Rep.Framework: Column Group Selected Columns
  • IDREPFW_CRCCK_C : Rep.Framework: Cross Check Identification
  • IDREPFW_CRCCK_T : Rep.Framework: Cross Check Identification (Description)
  • IDREPFW_CRCCL_C : Rep.Framework: Cross Check Rule Side Cell Identification
  • IDREPFW_CRCRL_C : Rep.Framework: Cross Check Rule Identification
  • IDREPFW_CUSVA : Rep.Framework: Data Storage - Customer values
  • IDREPFW_EV2GR_C : Rep.Framework: List of Events by Group Categories
  • IDREPFW_EVNCU_C : Rep.Framework: List of Customer Events
  • IDREPFW_EVNGR_C : Rep.Framework: List of Event Groups
  • IDREPFW_EVNGR_T : Rep.Framework: List of Event Groups (Description)
  • IDREPFW_EVNST_C : Rep.Framework: List of SAP Standard Delivered Events
  • IDREPFW_EVNTS_C : Rep.Framework: List of Events and Theirs Function Modules
  • IDREPFW_EVNTS_T : Rep.Framework: List of Events Descriptions
  • IDREPFW_HD_VA_C : Rep.Framework: List of Report Header Key-Value Pairs
  • IDREPFW_HD_VA_T : Rep.Framework: List of Report Header Key-Value Pairs
  • IDREPFW_O_CSV_E : Rep.Framework: Output CSV Versions
  • IDREPFW_O_CSV_T : Rep.Framework: Output CSV Versions (Text)
  • IDREPFW_O_PDF_C : Rep.Framework: Output PDF Versions
  • IDREPFW_O_PDF_T : Rep.Framework: Output PDF Versions
  • IDREPFW_O_XML_C : Rep.Framework: Output XML Versions
  • IDREPFW_O_XML_T : Rep.Framework: Output XML Versions
  • IDREPFW_REPGR_C : Rep.Framework: Report Group
  • IDREPFW_REPGR_T : Rep.Framework: Report Group
  • IDREPFW_REPID_C : Rep.Framework: Report Identification
  • IDREPFW_REPID_T : Rep.Framework: Report Identification Names
  • IDREPFW_REPLI_C : Rep.Framework: Lines mapping
  • IDREPFW_REPLI_T : Rep.Framework: Lines mapping
  • IDREPFW_REPRT_C : Rep.Framework: Report Section ID
  • IDREPFW_REPRT_T : Rep.Framework: Report Section ID (Description)
  • IDREPFW_REPVR_C : Rep.Framework: Report Version
  • IDREPFW_REPVR_T : Rep.Framework: Report Version
  • IDREPFW_SEARE_C : Dynamic Sel.: Selection Area
  • IDREPFW_SEARE_T : Dynamic Sel.: Selection Area (Description)
  • IDREPFW_SEART_C : Dynamic Sel.: Selection Area Tables
  • IDREPFW_SEDEF_C : Dynamic Sel.: Selection Parameters, default range values
  • IDREPFW_SEELM_C : Dynamic Sel.: Selection Parameters
  • IDREPFW_SEELM_T : Dynamic Sel.: Selection Parameters (Description)
  • IDREPFW_SESET_C : Dynamic Sel.: Parameter Sets
  • IDREPFW_SESET_T : Dynamic Sel.: Parameter Sets (Description)
  • IDREPFW_SETAB_C : Dynamic Sel.: Tab Pages for Selection Parameters
  • IDREPFW_SETAB_T : Dynamic Sel.: Tab Pages for Selection Parameters (Descr.)
  • IDREPFW_SRCTY_C : Rep.Framework: Report Data Source Type
  • IDREPFW_SRCTY_CT : Rep.Framework: Report Data Source Type - description
  • IDREPFW_STORH : Rep.Framework: Data Storage - Headers
  • IDREPFW_STORI : Rep.Framework: Data Storage - Line Items
  • IDREPFW_STORP : Rep.Framework: Data Storage - Sections of Report
  • IDREPFW_TRANS_E : Rep.Framework: Setup Transactions for Direct Run
  • IDREPFW_TRANS_T : Rep.Framework: Setup Transactions for Direct Run (Text)
  • IDREPFW_XMLMA_C : Rep.Framework: XML Mapping Rules
  • IDSAU_TD_C_AGAC : Assignment of Asset Group to Asset Class
  • IDSAU_TD_C_ASGR : Defines evaluation groups relevant for tax depr. report
  • IDSAU_TD_C_ASGRT : Texts used in PDF and ALV output of IDSAU_TD_C_ASGR
  • IDSAU_TD_D_AGTL : Asset Groups Totals
  • IDSAU_WT_CERT : Withholding tax certificate details
  • IDSAU_WT_NUMR : Assignment of number range to withholding report
  • IDUAE_FUND_TS : Settings for Fund Transfer Systems
  • IDUAE_FUND_TST : Settings for Fund Transfer Systems (Text)
  • IDWTNAVIG : Navigation Table for the Withholding Tax Reporting Tool
  • IDWTNAVIGT : Text table for IDWTNAVIG
  • IDWT_ADD_VARIANT : Additional variant contents for WT generic tool
  • IDWT_CIS_HEADER : Header fields for CIS Transmission
  • IDWT_COND_CHK : Condition check table for WT generic tool
  • IDWT_EMPDATA_VE : To store the employee data for Venezuela payroll
  • INCASH_M340_ES : Historical Data for Incash Payment(for Model 340)
  • INTITFX : Fixed Interest Amounts per Invoice
  • INTITHE : Until When Was Interest Calculated for Item?
  • INTITIT : Interest Calculation Details per Item
  • INTITPF : Interest Data per Form and Posting
  • INTSTAT : Explanations for Interval Status (Table FKKDIPOTMP)
  • INTSTATT : Explanations for Interval Status (Table FKKDIPOTMP)
  • IPM_ACE_BTA_DATA : Assignment Table for Revenue Distribution from CRM
  • IPM_ACE_CU_BVAL : Customizing Settings for Data Values for Rights Usage Conf.
  • IPM_ACE_CU_VALTY : Customizing Data Values Relevant to Accrual Types
  • ISJPBKCHARGE : Bank charges
  • ISJPHIERARCHY : Customer Hierarchy For Invoice Summary
  • ISJPINVSUMHD : Invoice Summary Header
  • ISJPINVSUMIT : Line items for invoice summary
  • ISJPNAYOSE : Alternative Name for Payer
  • ISJPPATTERN : Bank charge pattern
  • ISJPPATTERN_T : Description ofr bank charge patterns
  • ISJPPAYTERMS : Terms of payment with validity period
  • ISJPSELECTION : Selection of line items for Invoice Summary
  • ISJPTAXADJUST : Tax Adjustment Postings
  • ISJPVIRTACCT : Virtual accounts
  • ITMF_D_CFOP : Valid CFOP during fiscal period check
  • ITMF_D_FISC_PERI : Fiscal Period
  • ITMF_D_NFACCT : Nota fiscal writer configurable accounts
  • ITMF_D_NFACCTTAX : Nota fiscal writer configurable accounts for taxes
  • ITMF_D_NF_TEXT : Nota Fiscal Text
  • ITMF_INV : Brazilian Inventory Adjustment
  • ITMF_INV_TXCODE : Brazil Taxcode determination for Inventory Adjustment
  • J_11042S_US : Authority for Exemption/Reason for Exemption (US)
  • J_1AAA1 : Definition of revaluation
  • J_1AAA2 : Revaluation Key
  • J_1AAA2M : Methods fore period control of transactions
  • J_1AAA2MT : Period control methods description
  • J_1AAA2T : Inflation Adjustment AA - Revaluation Key Text
  • J_1AAA5 : Transaction types excluded from revaluation
  • J_1AAA5A : Transaction Types exluded from RV-adjustment
  • J_1AAFORMP : Assignment of document Form to movement reason AA waybills
  • J_1AAOLDTA : Inflation Adjustment AA - Historic transact. period Balances
  • J_1AAT089 : Revaluation area assignment
  • J_1AAWAYBL : Way Bills for asset movements
  • J_1AOFNR4 : SD Billing Type Parameters per country
  • J_1APROLOG : Log table for Inflation Adjustment Programs
  • J_1AWITH : Withholding transaction data
  • J_1BE_SNDR_DTL : Maintain Sender Data for Withholding Tax Reporting
  • J_1B_CIAP_COND : CIAP Object Conditions
  • J_1B_CIAP_FACTOR : CIAP Factor
  • J_1B_CIAP_OBJECT : CIAP document data
  • J_1B_CIAP_OBJTP : CIAP objects types
  • J_1B_CIAP_OBJTPT : CIAP objects types
  • J_1HVAT_OFF_NUM : VAT official numbering
  • J_1HWTCTNCO4 : Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 4
  • J_1IADDEXC : Additional Excise rate table
  • J_1IADDRES : Excise Related Address Management
  • J_1IADDRESS : Excise Related Address Management
  • J_1IARE_ATTRB : Excise Bonding: Attributes
  • J_1IASSVAL : Assessable value table for excise calculation
  • J_1IBILDET : Billing Type Determination - India
  • J_1IBOND : Excise Bonding: Bonds/UT-/Running Bond master
  • J_1IBOSDEFAULT : Default Blling Type for Export
  • J_1ICALOC : Allocation of materials to assets
  • J_1ICERTIF : TDS certificate information
  • J_1ICHIDTX : Text Table for Chapter ID
  • J_1ICHPTER : Chapter ID Master
  • J_1ICOMP : Additional company data
  • J_1ICONDTAX : Tax Codes for Excise Duties Using Condition Technique
  • J_1ICO_VENDDET : Columbia: Monthly data for freelancers/vendors
  • J_1ICUS_BILL_TYP : Assign Customer Category to Bill Type
  • J_1IDCLSDET : Document class Determination - India
  • J_1IDDCTR_CD : Deductor Type Master Data for India eFiling
  • J_1IEICOCU : Excise indicator determination for company and customer
  • J_1IEICOVE : Excise indicator determination for company and vendor
  • J_1IEWTCALID : Calendar for Payment Due date-EWT India
  • J_1IEWTCALID_N : Calendar for Payment Due date-EWT India: SECCO
  • J_1IEWTCHLN : Table for Internal and external Challan nos-EWT India.
  • J_1IEWTDOCKEY : Document Types for Extended Withholding Tax Processes
  • J_1IEWTDUEDATE : Tax Due Dates
  • J_1IEWTECESS : Education Cess Codes
  • J_1IEWTHKONT : Table for for TDS provisions Accounts / Loss Accounts
  • J_1IEWTNO : No range for certificate Printing-EWT India
  • J_1IEWTNUMGR : Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers- EWT India.
  • J_1IEWTNUMGR_1 : Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers-EWT India:SECCO
  • J_1IEWTNUMGR_N : Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers-EWT India:SECCO
  • J_1IEWTPROV : Table for TDS provisions
  • J_1IEWTPROVISACC : Maintain entries for accts to be considered for provisions
  • J_1IEWTSURC : Surcharge Tax Codes
  • J_1IEWT_ACKN : Acknowledgement numbers for quarterly returns filed
  • J_1IEWT_ACKN_N : Acknowledgement numbers for quarterly returns filed
  • J_1IEWT_CERT : SAPscript Forms/section indicators for E WT Certificates
  • J_1IEWT_CERTIF : Certificate Issued Details-EWT India
  • J_1IEWT_CERTIF_N : Certificate Issued Details-EWT India:SECCO
  • J_1IEWT_CERTNO : Number Ranges for Withholding Tax Certificates
  • J_1IEWT_CERT_N : SAPscript Forms/section indicators for EWT Certificate:SECCO
  • J_1IEWT_COLLCODE : Collection Codes for TCS
  • J_1IEWT_COMP : Surcharge Calculation Methods
  • J_1IEWT_CUST :  Customer certificates ,Challan customizing EWT- India
  • J_1IEWT_ECESS1 : Education Cess Rates
  • J_1IEWT_ECFLAG : Separate Tax code for Ecess
  • J_1IEWT_HC : Health check for migration to EWT status.
  • J_1IEWT_MAPEXMPT : Table for Vendor type/exemption indicators in Annual Returns
  • J_1IEWT_MIGRATE : Map Classic tax code to EWT Tax type - Tax codes
  • J_1IEWT_SURC1 : Surcharge Rates
  • J_1IEWT_TT_COLL :  Mapping tax types to collection codes for TCS
  • J_1IEXCACC : Excise Account Assignment table
  • J_1IEXCDEF : Tax default informations
  • J_1IEXCDEFN : Default Condition Types
  • J_1IEXCDEP : Excise information of vendor at detail level for depot
  • J_1IEXCDTL : Excise invoice line item details
  • J_1IEXCHDR : Excise invoice header detail
  • J_1IEXCREF : Delivery document to excise invoice refrence document link
  • J_1IEXCTAX : Tax calc. - Excise tax rates
  • J_1IEXESTA : Excise indicator determination for co / cust / form code
  • J_1IEXGRPS : Excise Groups
  • J_1IEXMPTCODE : VAT Exempted Tax code
  • J_1IEXSRDET : Excise / Series group determination
  • J_1IEX_CUST_ACT : Define Processing Modes Per Transaction
  • J_1IEX_CUST_FLDS : J1IEX: Incoming Invoices field selections
  • J_1IEX_CUST_REF : Define Reference Documents Per Transaction
  • J_1IE_RCT : Table for Storing contract details(Ireland)
  • J_1IFRDTOT : Transaction Table for Forms Tracking-Non SAP docs.
  • J_1IFRDTPO : tranasction Table for Forms Tracking for Purchase
  • J_1IFRDTSO : Transaction table for Forms Tracking for Sales.
  • J_1IFRMTYP : Form Types
  • J_1IGAR7 : Recordings of GAR7
  • J_1IGRXREF : Goods Receipt to Excise Invoice Coss Reference
  • J_1IGRXSUB : GR reference to subcontracting challans
  • J_1IINDCUS : Company Code Settings
  • J_1IITMDTL : Item Details - for Capital goods and subcontracting
  • J_1IKONV : Excise recalculated conditions
  • J_1ILICDTL : Excise Bonding: License detail
  • J_1ILICHDR : Excise Bonding: License Header
  • J_1ILICTYPE : Excise Bonding: License type master
  • J_1IMATEXP : Exceptional materials excise rates
  • J_1IMESG : Message Control
  • J_1IMINBAL : Minimum account balances
  • J_1IMNSTRY_CD : Ministry Names for India eFiling
  • J_1IMOCOMP : Company and Plant - Excise Additional Data
  • J_1IMOCUST : Customer Master Excise Additional Data
  • J_1IMODDET : Modvat Determination Table (Input Material->Output Material)
  • J_1IMOVEND : Vendor Master Excise Additional Data
  • J_1IMTCHID : Combination of Material Number and Chapter ID
  • J_1IMVMT : Movement types versus register relevance
  • J_1IMVTGRP : Movement type Group for Subcontrcting
  • J_1INEWJCODE : VAT Transition Dummy Jurisdiction Code
  • J_1INEXCGRP : excise group for no range
  • J_1IPART1 : Excise part I detials
  • J_1IPART2 : Excise Part II details
  • J_1IQEXCISE : Quantity based AED, NCCD and SED
  • J_1IQRDEP : Quarterly Returns Depot structure
  • J_1IREGSET : Excise Registrations
  • J_1IREJAPPL : Rejection code for Applications
  • J_1IREJAPPL_T : Rejection code description for Applications
  • J_1IREJMAS : Rejection Codes
  • J_1IRG1 : Excise RG1 details
  • J_1IRG1RNG : Group table for RG1 - Number Range Object
  • J_1IRG23D : RG23D register for the depot
  • J_1IRGSUM : RG23 Summary of receipts and issues
  • J_1IRSNCODEM : Exemption Reason Code; e-Filing India Localization
  • J_1IRTXD : Tax Code Assignment
  • J_1ISECCO_ADDL : Additional section code data for India eFiling
  • J_1ISERACC : Service tax account assignment table
  • J_1ISERCAT : Service tax category description table
  • J_1ISERCATGTA : Service Category based on GTA Code (LEVEL 5)
  • J_1ISERCATMM : Service category determination for GTA and imports Invoices
  • J_1ISERCATMM1 : Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level1
  • J_1ISERCATMM2 : Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level2
  • J_1ISERCATMM3 : Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level3
  • J_1ISERCATMM4 : Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level4
  • J_1ISERCATMM5 : Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level5
  • J_1ISERCATMMFI1 : Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level1
  • J_1ISERCATMMFI2 : Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level2
  • J_1ISERCATMMFI3 : Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level3
  • J_1ISERCATMMFI4 : Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level4
  • J_1ISERCATSD1 : Ser Category based on Customer, Material and Sales Area (L1)
  • J_1ISERCATSD2 : Ser category based on Customer and Material (L2)
  • J_1ISERCATSD3 : Service Category based on Material (L3)
  • J_1ISERCATSD4 : Service Category determination based on Material Group (L4)
  • J_1ISERCATSDFI1 : Customization table to determine the Service Category Level1
  • J_1ISERCATSDFI2 : Customization table to determine the Service Category Level2
  • J_1ISERCATSDFI3 : Customization table to determine the Service Category Level3
  • J_1ISERCATSDFI4 : Customization table to determine the Service Category Level4
  • J_1ISERUTZ : Tracking accounting docs already utilized for service tax
  • J_1ISERVC : Service tax details
  • J_1ISER_BSEG : Transaction table having the Invoices with Service Category
  • J_1ISRGRPS : Excise Document Series
  • J_1ISSIRAT : ssi concessional rates
  • J_1ISTAPPL : Tax applicability
  • J_1ISTATECD : State Codes; e-Filing, Localization India
  • J_1ISTATECDM : State Code Mapping; e-Filing India Localization
  • J_1ISTATECDT : State Code Texts; e-Filing India Localization
  • J_1ISTRATE : Sales tax set off percentages
  • J_1ISUBATT : Subcontracting Scenario Attributes
  • J_1ISUBBYP : Subcontracting Scrap/ Byproduct
  • J_1ISUBTYP : Subtransaction type text
  • J_1IT030K : India Tax account determination ( T030K + BWMOD )
  • J_1IT059A : Indicator to mention tax exemption
  • J_1ITAXDEP : Depreciation computation as per Income Tax (India)
  • J_1ITAXIND : Excise Tax Indicator
  • J_1ITCJCMAP : Tax code and Jurisdiction code mapping
  • J_1ITCJCUPDATE : Updatation table for open documents
  • J_1ITDS : Classic TDS - reference table
  • J_1ITDSDUE : TDS Payment due date customization
  • J_1ITDSSEC : TDS Sections
  • J_1ITDSTXC : TDS - Withholding taxcode and section relationship
  • J_1ITRAN : Transaction code
  • J_1ITRNACC : Transaction code vs accounts
  • J_1IUTILIZE : Utilization Determination
  • J_1IVATDATE : Maintain Valid from date of VAT legislation in India
  • J_1IVATINVOICE : Billing type determination for VAT
  • J_1IVATREGIO : States Under VAT regime
  • J_1IWRKCUS : Plant Settings
  • J_1I_BCKEXCSUS : Customizing table for background capture of Exc Invoice-SUS
  • J_1I_BUPLA_SECCO : Maps Business Place to Section code for TCS
  • J_1I_CUST_CERT : Data table for clearing doc on customer tax certificate.
  • J_1I_SECCO_CIT : Section Code, TAN and CIT address mapping table
  • J_1I_WTH_SER_GTA : Table to determine withholding line for GTA
  • J_1I_WTH_SER_MM : Table to determine withholding line for GTA and Imports
  • J_1_T059WTK : Constant Table for WithHolding Tax
  • J_1_T059WTKT : Text table for J_1_T059WTK
  • J_2IACCBAL : Opening/Closing a/c balance table
  • J_2IEXDATE : Register Extraction Dates
  • J_2IEXTRCT : Data Extract table for Excise Registers
  • J_2ILAYCTR : Table for all the layouts of excise reporting
  • J_2IREGBAL : Opening/Closing balance table for Raw & Capital goods
  • J_2IRG1BAL : Opening/Closing balance table for RG1
  • J_2IRULES : Maintainenace of Rule/section
  • J_2IUTZDAT : Utilization dates
  • J_3R0 : Payment with correspondent account
  • J_3RAOKOF : OKOF classifier of Russia
  • J_3RAOKOFT : OKOF description classifier of Russia
  • J_3RBUE_BK_HTABL : Table head for EXTRACT
  • J_3RBUE_BK_TABLE : Transparent table for PurBook (ALV)
  • J_3RBUE_BOOK_IND : Table for PurBook (ALV) NAMES for Num lines IND-
  • J_3RBUE_BOOK_NUM : Table for PurBook (ALV) numbers of lines
  • J_3RCESSION_CUST : Document Types Selections For Cession Report
  • J_3RCLASSBWASL : Asset transaction types classification
  • J_3RCLASSSAKNR : General ledger accounts classification
  • J_3RDOPDEB : Secondary index table for VAT
  • J_3RFANKA : FI-AA class settings for CIS
  • J_3RFBS5_COLS : Section columns of balance sheet supplement N5
  • J_3RFBS5_COLT : Section columns of balance sheet supplement N5 (text table)
  • J_3RFBS5_FORMS : Sections of balance sheet supplement N5 (FI-AA part)
  • J_3RFBS5_FORMT : Sections of balance sheet supplement N5 (Text table)
  • J_3RFBS5_ROWS : Section rows of balance sheet supplement N5
  • J_3RFBS5_ROWT : Rows of balance sheet supplement N5 (text table)
  • J_3RFBS5_SELCR : Define Selection Criteria for Asset Classes
  • J_3RFBS5_SELCT : Selection criteria for asset classes (text table)
  • J_3RFBS5_SELOP : Selection criteria values for asset classes
  • J_3RFBS_EXCODES : Exteranl codes for FSV-items
  • J_3RFBS_PERIOD : Financial statement forms: Fiscal periods
  • J_3RFBS_VAR : Variants of Financial Statement Versions
  • J_3RFBS_VART : Financial Statement versions used in balance sheet forms
  • J_3RFBS_VERSION : Financial Statement versions used in balance sheet forms
  • J_3RFBS_VERVAR : Financial Statement Versions Used in Balance Sheet Forms
  • J_3RFBS_XMLDEL : Balance sheet forms: XML-tags to be removed
  • J_3RFBS_XMLDELT : Balance sheet forms: XML-tags to be removed:Text table
  • J_3RFCAPREP : Net book value increase of assets as a result of repairs
  • J_3RFCLRXNEGP : Negative posting partial payment (Russia)
  • J_3RFCNT : Maintain Internal Contract Numbers
  • J_3RFCNTDMS : Define DMS Document Types for Contract Processing
  • J_3RFCNTSET : Define Rules for Automatic Contract Number Filling
  • J_3RFDEPB_BWASL : Depreciation bonus: Transaction types
  • J_3RFDEPB_CHART : Depreciation bonus: Chart of depreciation level
  • J_3RFDEPRGROUP : Depreciation group of fixed asset Russia
  • J_3RFDEPRGROUPT : Depreciation gropus descriptions of fixed asset Russia
  • J_3RFDI_ARC : Table for archiving and logging digital invoices
  • J_3RFDI_DEADJRNL : Invoice Journal Deadlines (Electronic Invoices)
  • J_3RFDI_DEADLINE : Deadline for Digital Invoices
  • J_3RFF4ACCT : Cash flow statement accounts
  • J_3RFF4CORR : Manual correspondense for cash flow statement
  • J_3RFF4DATA : Cash flow statement customizing
  • J_3RFF4DATAT : Cash flow statement row texts
  • J_3RFF4PARA : Cash flow statement additional parameters
  • J_3RFF4VERS : Financial Statement Versions
  • J_3RFF4VERST : Financial statement version names
  • J_3RFGTD : Source Customs Declaration Contents
  • J_3RFGTDINV : GTD usage in billing documents
  • J_3RFGTDINVT : Define Billing Types for Customs Declaration Tracking
  • J_3RFGTDMAT : GTD usage in material documents
  • J_3RFGTDMATBOM : BoM for Customs Decl. Tracking
  • J_3RFGTDMATT : Define Material Movement Types for Customs Decl. Tracking
  • J_3RFGTD_COPYCTR : Copy Control for Import Customs Declaration Creation
  • J_3RFIN_RATE_CLC : Downpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - invoices
  • J_3RFMM_RATE_CLC : Enable Down Payments in FC Function for MM Documents
  • J_3RFOKATO : Classifier of the administrative and territorial division
  • J_3RFOKATOREG : Relation OKATO -> Region, District
  • J_3RFOKATOT : Classifier of the administrative and territorial division
  • J_3RFOKOFREG : OKOF codes for assets wich need the state registration
  • J_3RFPM_RATE_CLC : Downpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - payments
  • J_3RFPOFPRIV : Official property tax privileges (Federal level)
  • J_3RFPOFPRIVT : Official property tax privileges (Federal level) texts
  • J_3RFPROPTAXR : Property tax rates
  • J_3RFPROPTAXV : Property tax values in asset master record
  • J_3RFPROPTYPES : Property types
  • J_3RFPROPTYPEST : Property types
  • J_3RFPRTEXEMP : Exemption codes from property tax payment
  • J_3RFPRTEXEMPT : Exemption codes from property tax payment
  • J_3RFPRTXAMTR : Property tax amount reduction
  • J_3RFPRTXAMTRT : Propert tax amount reduction privileges
  • J_3RFPRTXPRIV : Property tax priviliges
  • J_3RFPRTXPRIVT : Property tax priviliges
  • J_3RFPTREGION : Regions and districts for property tax
  • J_3RFPTREGIONT : Regions and districts for property tax
  • J_3RFREGCUSEDI : VAT Invoice Journal: Entry Protection
  • J_3RFREG_HNDL : Automatic CLR handling
  • J_3RFREP_ADP : XML Report Data Provider
  • J_3RFREP_ADPT : Description of XML Report Data Provider
  • J_3RFREP_ADP_MAP : XML Data Provider Parameters Definition
  • J_3RFREP_ADP_RET : Parameters Definition of XML Data Provider
  • J_3RFREP_ADP_X : XML Data Provider Parameters of Reporting Object
  • J_3RFREP_ATTR : Reporting Hierarchy Object Attributes
  • J_3RFREP_ATTRSEL : Reporting Object Attribut Selections
  • J_3RFREP_ATTRT : Description of Reporting Hierarchy Object Attribues
  • J_3RFREP_CONDREF : Reporting Hierarchy Object: ref. to other node conditions
  • J_3RFREP_DICT : Dictionary Values for Reporting Hierarchy Object Attribute
  • J_3RFREP_DICTT : Description of Dictionary Value for Reporting Obj. Attribute
  • J_3RFREP_DP_PAR : Type of XML Data Provider Parameter for Reporting Object
  • J_3RFREP_DP_PART : Description of XML Data Provider Parameter Type
  • J_3RFREP_HIER : Report Hierarchies
  • J_3RFREP_HIERT : Reporting Hierarchy Descriptions
  • J_3RFREP_INCOND : Reporting Hierarchy Object Inclusion Criteria
  • J_3RFREP_INCONDT : Description of Reporting Object Inclusion Criteria
  • J_3RFREP_OBJECTS : Reporting Objects List
  • J_3RFREP_OBJECTT : Reporting Object Texts
  • J_3RFREP_OBJSEL : Tax reporting object selections
  • J_3RFREP_PRESETS : Predefined Attributes for the Reporting Hierarchy Elements
  • J_3RFREP_PRESETT : Preset Descriptions for Reporting Hierarchy Elements
  • J_3RFREP_REGEXPR : Reporting Object Attribute Formatting Patterns
  • J_3RFREP_SPLGRP : Matching table of attributes to splitting groups
  • J_3RFREP_SPLIT : Splitting rules for multiple XML files generation
  • J_3RFREP_SS_GRP : Groups for selection screen generation
  • J_3RFREP_SS_GRPT : Selection screen groups localization table
  • J_3RFREP_TECHDAT : Reporting Hierarchy Technical Settings
  • J_3RFREP_VALEXPR : Expressions for Reporting Object Attribute Value evaluation
  • J_3RFREP_VALFMT : Predefined Attributes for the Reporting Hierarchy Elements
  • J_3RFRETDB_BWASL : Retirement Transaction Types for Depreciation Bonus Restore
  • J_3RFSD_RATE_CLC : Enable Down Payments in FC Function for SD Billing Documents
  • J_3RFSECTYPE : Define Secondary Event Types
  • J_3RFSEC_ITEM : Data for Secondary events for deferred tax
  • J_3RFSTOPREASON : Reasons for asset shutdown
  • J_3RFSTOPREASONT : Reasons for asset shutdown
  • J_3RFTAXRA : Tax Accounting: Actual line item table
  • J_3RFTAXRO : Tax Accounting: Object table
  • J_3RFTAXRP : Tax Accounting: Plan line item table
  • J_3RFTAXRT : Tax Accounting: Summary table
  • J_3RFTAXRVA : Tax Accounting: Actual line item table
  • J_3RFTAXRVO : Tax Accounting: Object table
  • J_3RFTAXRVP : Tax Accounting: Plan line item table
  • J_3RFTAXRVT : Tax Accounting: Summary table
  • J_3RFTAX_ACTVDET : FI-SL activity group details
  • J_3RFTAX_ACTVHDR : Activity group header
  • J_3RFTAX_ACTVTXT : FI-SL Activity group texts
  • J_3RFTAX_ASSIGID : Hierarchy assignment ID
  • J_3RFTAX_ASSIGIT : Assignment ID texts
  • J_3RFTAX_ASSIGN : Tax hierarchy assignment to company code
  • J_3RFTAX_ASSIGNE : Tax hierarchy assignment to company code/ledger
  • J_3RFTAX_CHAIN : Tax chains
  • J_3RFTAX_CHAIND : Tax chain details
  • J_3RFTAX_CHAINT : Tax chain texts
  • J_3RFTAX_CUST : Tax accounting customizing
  • J_3RFTAX_DECROW : Tax declaration rows
  • J_3RFTAX_EXTRD : Tax Extract Detail Lines
  • J_3RFTAX_EXTRH : Tax Accounting Extract
  • J_3RFTAX_FRMT : Electronic Tax Format Version's Entries
  • J_3RFTAX_FRMTS : Electronic Tax Format Versions
  • J_3RFTAX_FRMTST : Text table for Electronic Tax Format Versions
  • J_3RFTAX_FRMTT : Text table for Electronic Format Version Entries
  • J_3RFTAX_HIER : Tax Hierarchies
  • J_3RFTAX_HIERT : Tax object hierarchies texts
  • J_3RFTAX_LINKD : Tax Accounting: Table link details
  • J_3RFTAX_LINKH : Tax Accounting: Table links
  • J_3RFTAX_MPRL : Electronic Tax Report Mapping Rules
  • J_3RFTAX_OBJECTS : Tax objects list
  • J_3RFTAX_OBJECTT : Tax objects list texts
  • J_3RFTAX_OBJSEL : Tax object selections
  • J_3RFTAX_UNCLASS : Unclassified objects
  • J_3RFTOKOF : Deprecation Groups for OKOF Codes
  • J_3RFTOKOFT : Depreciation group descriptions for OKOF-codes Russia
  • J_3RFTTAXR : Transport tax rates
  • J_3RF_ACCIT_BDC : Mapping of accit to BDC
  • J_3RF_ATTRTYP_DT : Attribute types
  • J_3RF_ATTRTYP_TT : Attribute types text table
  • J_3RF_ATTR_VALS : Attribute values
  • J_3RF_ATTR_VALST : Attribute vallues text table
  • J_3RF_BCCC : Budget Classification code customizing for CIS
  • J_3RF_BCCT : Budget Classification code text for CIS
  • J_3RF_BDC_NEWLN : BDC end of line
  • J_3RF_BK_GUID : GUIDs for XML. Sales and Purchase Books
  • J_3RF_BK_TOTALS : Incoming Totals for Add. Sheets of Sales/ Purchase Ledgers
  • J_3RF_BK_TOTALSQ : Incoming Totals for Add. Sheets of S/ P Ledgers by Qarters
  • J_3RF_CORR_INV : Define Correction Invoices (Russia)
  • J_3RF_DI_CCCUST : Assign Operator to Company Code and Customer
  • J_3RF_DI_CCOP : Assign Electronic ID to Company Code (new)
  • J_3RF_DI_OCCODE : Assign Operator to Company Code
  • J_3RF_DI_PCCODE : Assign Electronic ID to Company Code
  • J_3RF_DI_PCUST : Assign Electronic ID to Customer
  • J_3RF_DI_PCUSTN : Assign Electronic ID to Customer
  • J_3RF_DI_PVEND : Assign Electronic ID to Vendor
  • J_3RF_DI_PVENDN : Assign Electronic ID to Vendor
  • J_3RF_DI_TRANF : Transformations for digital invoice processing
  • J_3RF_OPERCOD : Operation Type Codes
  • J_3RF_OPERCODT : Operation Type Codes Description
  • J_3RF_OPERTYP : Assignment of Operation Type Codes to Tax Codes
  • J_3RF_OUT_GROUPS : Output groups
  • J_3RF_PARTNER : Partner Data (Vendor and Customer)
  • J_3RF_PAYR : Payment reason setting for CIS
  • J_3RF_PAYRT : Payment reason setting for CIS text table
  • J_3RF_PAYTC : Payment type setting for CIS
  • J_3RF_PAYTT : Payment reason setting for CIS text table
  • J_3RF_PLAT : Additional information to payment order
  • J_3RF_PRECMET : Define Precious Materials (Metals and Diamonds) for Assets
  • J_3RF_PRECMETT : Precious materials (metals and diamonds) for assets
  • J_3RF_PRECMFA : Precious materials content of asset master record
  • J_3RF_REGCUSMAT : Matching Rules for Invoice Registration Journal
  • J_3RF_REGCUS_IN : Customizing for Incoming Invoice Registration Journal
  • J_3RF_REGCUS_OUT : Customizing for Outgoing Invoice Registration Journal
  • J_3RF_REGCUS_REV : Customizing for Reversals for Invoice Registration Journal
  • J_3RF_REGCUS_TXT : Text Objects for Invoices (Russia)
  • J_3RF_REGINV_DE : Outgoing invoice journal transp tab for IBOOK ver 2
  • J_3RF_REGINV_IN : Incoming Invoice Registration Journal
  • J_3RF_REGINV_K : Incoming invoice journal transp tab for IBOOK
  • J_3RF_REGINV_LOG : Invoice Journal (Russia): History of Statuses
  • J_3RF_REGINV_OUT : Outgoing Invoice Registration Journal
  • J_3RF_SALE_BOOK : Purchase book line number for sale book position
  • J_3RF_STRDIVATTR : Structural division attributes
  • J_3RF_STR_DIV : Structural divisions
  • J_3RF_STR_DIVT : Text table for structural divisions table
  • J_3RF_SURP_PRICE : Market prices for inventory surplus (Russia)
  • J_3RF_SURP_SW : Customizing for surplus price switching
  • J_3RF_T052S : Terms of Payment for Splitting by Goods Shelf Life
  • J_3RF_TAXPERNC : Type periods CIS
  • J_3RF_TAXPERNT : Tax period names text customizing CIS
  • J_3RF_TP : Transfer pricing: main customizing table
  • J_3RF_TP_BSEGCOR : Items of Corrective documents
  • J_3RF_TP_BSEGORI : Items of Original documents
  • J_3RF_TP_CC_PROP : Company category and liquidation code for bukrs
  • J_3RF_TP_COCATT : Transfer pricing company category codes
  • J_3RF_TP_COCATTT : Transfer pricing text table for company category codes
  • J_3RF_TP_DOCTYPE : Document types relevant for company code
  • J_3RF_TP_FORG : Foreign organization data for transfer pricing
  • J_3RF_TP_GROUPT : Transfer pricing groups definition table
  • J_3RF_TP_LIQCT : Transfer pricing company liquidation codes
  • J_3RF_TP_LIQCTT : Transfer pricing text table for company liquidation codes
  • J_3RF_TP_LIST1A : Information of Notification. List 1A
  • J_3RF_TP_LIST1B : Information of Notification. List 1B
  • J_3RF_TP_LIST2 : Information of Notification. List 2
  • J_3RF_TP_MAIN : Main Information of Notification
  • J_3RF_TP_MAT_OCP : Mapping materials to OCP (classification of products)
  • J_3RF_TP_MERGED : Merged Items
  • J_3RF_TP_PM : Transfer pricing table for pricing method codes
  • J_3RF_TP_PMT : Transfer pricing: pricing method codes text table
  • J_3RF_TP_PS : Transfer pricing table for price source codes
  • J_3RF_TP_PST : Transfer pricing: price source codes text table
  • J_3RF_TP_SCR : Transfer pricing selection criteria definition
  • J_3RF_TP_SCRMAT : Materials list for selection group
  • J_3RF_TP_SCRS : Select options for accounts
  • J_3RF_TP_STATUSL : Transfer pricing: list of statuses of transaction parties
  • J_3RF_TP_STATUST : Transfer pricing: status of transaction parties text table
  • J_3RF_TP_TRANPC : Transfer pricing table for transaction party codes
  • J_3RF_TP_TRANPCT : Transfer pricing: transaction party codes text table
  • J_3RF_TP_TRANST : Transfer pricing type of transactions
  • J_3RF_TP_TRANSTT : Transfer pricing: type of transaction text table
  • J_3RF_TTAX_NPR : Russian transport new tax priv. values and justifications
  • J_3RF_TTAX_PRIV : Russian transport tax privilege values and justifications
  • J_3RF_WRK_GROUP : Assignment fixed-asset classes to material groups in Working
  • J_3RF_WW_ALLOW : Working wear quatas
  • J_3RF_WW_AREA : Depreciation area for Working wear
  • J_3RF_WW_CONM : Working wear quatas for configurable materials
  • J_3RF_WW_SIZES : Rersonnel sizes of working wear
  • J_3RF_WW_TRAN : Workwear movement types
  • J_3RF_WW_TRANT : Workwear movement type
  • J_3RF_WW_VALTYPE : Assignment: Workwear movement type-> Valuation Type
  • J_3RF_XNEGP_ACT : Activate Negative Posting for Countries
  • J_3RKACT : Assign Rules to Groups of Accounting Documents
  • J_3RKAID : Activate Automatic Offsetting Account Determination
  • J_3RKKR0 : Account correspondence - summary table
  • J_3RKKRN : Interpretation check table
  • J_3RKKRS : Account correspondence line items
  • J_3RKNEWGLLEDGER : Activate non-leading ledger for Offsetting Account Syst.
  • J_3RKPAC : Account priorities for automatic interpretation
  • J_3RKPAI : Account priorities for account pairs
  • J_3RKSORTH : Sorting rule header
  • J_3RKSORTP : Sorting rule positions
  • J_3RKSORTT : Sorting rule texts
  • J_3RKSPLITH : Splitting rule headers
  • J_3RKSPLITP : Splitting rule positions
  • J_3RKSPLITT : Splitting rule texts
  • J_3RMONTHACTIV : Monthly depreciation flags for depreciation areas
  • J_3RMWOIN : Material issues without invoices.
  • J_3RNDSINV : Target use of ingoing invoice positions for AuC
  • J_3RNDSNKS : Tax categories for AuC
  • J_3RNEGPAFABE : Permit Negative Posting for Depr. Area and Chart of Depr.
  • J_3RNKSACTION : Start-up for asset types
  • J_3RNKS_LAND : VAT in a capital construction (Country specific settings)
  • J_3RNKS_TBSL : Credit memo posting keys for AuC
  • J_3ROS6_SETTINGS : Settings for inventory card printing (forms OS-6,NMA-1...)
  • J_3ROS6_SETTINGT : Settings for inventory card printing (forms OS-6, NMA-1...)
  • J_3ROS6_TB5BWASL : Movement types for table 5 of form OS-6
  • J_3RPTAXVAL : Define Depreciation Areas for Property Tax Calculation
  • J_3RSCCDHEADER : Cargo Customs Declaration Header
  • J_3RSCCDITEM : Cargo Customs Declaration Item
  • J_3RSCCDPRICING : Assign Pric. Procedures and Cond. Types to CDec Types
  • J_3RSCCDSTATUS : Define Customs Declaration Statuses
  • J_3RSCCDSTATUST : CCD Status (text table)
  • J_3RSCCDSUBITM : Cargo Customs Declaration Subitems
  • J_3RSCCDTYPE : Define Customs Declaration Types
  • J_3RSCCDTYPET : Cargo Custom Declaration Type texts
  • J_3RSCCDVEHICL : Define Shipping Types
  • J_3RSCCDVEHICLT : Texts for Vehicle Types Dictionary
  • J_3RSEXTRACTD : Exctract details (obsolete)
  • J_3RSEXTRACTH : Extract header (obsolete)
  • J_3RSINCINV : Incoming Invoices For Separate VAT
  • J_3RSINVLNK : Links Between Incoming And Outgoing Invoices For Export Oper
  • J_3RSL_BK_HTABL : Table head for EXTRACT
  • J_3RSL_BK_TABLE : Transparent table for SaleBook (ALV)
  • J_3RSPASSDEAL : Deal Passport
  • J_3RSSEPVATCOEF : Separate VAT Coefficients
  • J_3RSSEPVATCOEFA : Separate VAT Coefficients EhP5 SP5
  • J_3RS_CCD_FIPOST : Posting Rules for Customs Fees and Duties
  • J_3RT007 : Tax codes for capital construction and assets purchasing
  • J_3RT095B : Additional accounts for revaluation
  • J_3RTASSET : Time dependent master record tax parameters of vehicles
  • J_3RTAX21_DGN : Table of parameters Where the Document is Given
  • J_3RTAX21_DT : Table of parameters Document Type
  • J_3RTAXOPC : Operation Codes for VAT Declaration (RU)
  • J_3RTAXOPT : Operation Code Names
  • J_3RTAX_OPER : Assign Operation Codes to Tax Codes
  • J_3RTAX_SELTRFLD : Selective field transfer
  • J_3RTAX_SELTRSRC : Selective transfer source field
  • J_3RTAX_SELTRVAL : Selective transfer values
  • J_3RTAX_VERSION : Tax version description table
  • J_3RTNTVEH : Tax-free code of vehicle (358 asset of tax codex)
  • J_3RTNTVEHT : Tax-free code of vehicle description
  • J_3RTPRTAX : Preferential tax code of vehicle
  • J_3RTPRTAXT : Preferential tax code of vehicle description
  • J_3RTRET : Lock table for update retired asset during TranspTaxCalc
  • J_3RTSE : Secondary index table for VAT
  • J_3RTSETMESS : Message type setting
  • J_3RTSE_AUXILIAR : Auxiliary index table for BSEG/TSE
  • J_3RTSE_CODE : Alternative tax codes for secondary events
  • J_3RTTAXR : Define Tax Rates for Regions and Districts
  • J_3RTTRANS : Tax rates of vehicle
  • J_3RTTYPVEH : Vehicle tax type
  • J_3RTTYPVEHT : Vehicle tax type description
  • J_3RTUSERS : User names for legal form printing
  • J_3RTUSERT : User names for legal form printing
  • J_3RTVEHICL : Time independent master record tax parameters of vehicles
  • J_3RUMSV : Tax Balances per Comp.Code, Tax Code and Process.Key+ client
  • J_3R_CAUTH : Output control for Goods Withholding Authorization
  • J_3R_CLFCT : Customizing table for cluster tables
  • J_3R_CLFORM : Legal forms
  • J_3R_CLFORMCMP : Legal forms in company
  • J_3R_CLFORMT : Description of legal forms
  • J_3R_CLFT10TXT : Customizing Table for TORG-10 Text Types
  • J_3R_CLNRELDAT : Not relevant gathered data of Legal Forms
  • J_3R_CLNRELPAR : Not relevant parameters and select options for Legal Forms
  • J_3R_FATAX : Transport Tax Data
  • J_3R_FATAX_DECLH : Declaration Header (Transport, Property Tax)
  • J_3R_INV26_SET : Table Grouping of General Ledger Accounts
  • J_3R_INVDIFF : Offsetting inventory differences of goods
  • J_3R_INVDIFFGR : Inventory differences groups
  • J_3R_INVDIFFGRT : Groups of inventory differences: (Text table)
  • J_3R_INVDIFFMAT : Material group assignment to group of inventory difference
  • J_3R_LFHDR : Legal form header
  • J_3R_LO_OUTPUT : Additional Customizing for Output Types
  • J_3R_PBU_DIFFOBJ : Difference objects which have settings for PBU18
  • J_3R_PBU_HIER : Hierarchies which have settings for PBU18
  • J_3R_PBU_SETCLS : Set Classes Assignment to Source Tables Fields
  • J_3R_PBU_T004 : Charts of Accounts which have settings for PBU18
  • J_3R_PBU_TCODES : Transformation codes for data transfer to FI-SL for PBU18
  • J_3R_PBU_TCODEST : Text table for table J_3R_PBU_TCODES
  • J_3R_PTAX_ABROAD : Tax Paid Abroad Property tax
  • J_3R_PTYPE_SECT : Connection Between the Property Types and The Decl. Sections
  • J_3R_STRDIV_TD : Table of Structural Division Intervals
  • J_3R_T030K : Tax Accounts Determination
  • J_3R_T056P : Reference interest table
  • J_3R_T520S_EX : Service fee (payment) text key description
  • J_3R_T520S_EXT : Service fee (payment) text key description; text table
  • J_3R_TAX_SETTING : Settings for Transport & Property Tax (eg. Struct. div.)
  • J_VE_INCWT : Maintain Withholding Tax Payment Details
  • KBLE : Document Item Processing: Manual Document Entry
  • KBLESUM : Totals Table KBLE
  • KBLEW : Item development amounts in various currencies
  • KBLK : Document Header: Manual Document Entry
  • KBLKKRED : Vendors for Funds Reservations
  • KBLK_USER : Fields for addtl funds commt, funds precommt etc. hdr data
  • KBLP : Document Item: Manual Document Entry
  • KBLPAYK : Payment Plan Header
  • KBLPAYP : Payment Plan Items
  • KBLPS : Earmarked Funds: Value Adjustment Documents
  • KBLPW : Document item amounts in different currencies
  • KNBW : Customer master record (withholding tax types) X
  • KOMU : Account Assignment Templates for G/L Account Items
  • KONH_CONV_TRG : Trigger table for KONH
  • KONV_CONV_TRG : KONV Conversion Trigger
  • LAE_BILLING_DAT : Payment Schedule
  • LAE_BILLING_DATA : Payment Schedule
  • LAE_CRM_BILLPLAN : Payment Schedule
  • LAE_CRM_CLASS : Contract Classification
  • LAE_CRM_CONDS : Lease-Accounting-Relevant Conditions
  • LAE_CRM_HEADER : LAE: CRM Contract Header
  • LAE_CRM_ITEMS : LAE: Contract Items
  • LAE_CRM_LNK : Link between LAE and CRM Contract Items
  • LAE_CRM_PRODS : Product Information
  • LAE_VICN01_AD : Additional Contract Data for LAE
  • LFBK_EMC_JP_D : Electronic Monetary Claims Japan
  • LFSSTN : Sustainability details for Vendor
  • LFSSTN_CERT : Vendor sustainability certificates
  • LOGADR_ATTR_FIEB : Attributes of Logical Addresses
  • LOGADR_PHAD_FIEB : Physical Address for a Logical Address
  • LRBKPF : Documents as Result of Logical Document Reorg. (RFB80U00)
  • MCDX : Compressed Consolidation transaction data
  • MDU_APPLCTS : Master Data Update: Calling Application
  • MDU_APPLOBJ : Master Data Update: Maintainable Application Objects
  • MDU_SUBOBJ : MDU: Maintainable Subobjects of Application Objects
  • MXTVO : Mexico:Customizing table: Transaction, Version, Order
  • NGLM_ANA_HD : Analysis Run Header
  • NGLM_ANA_IT : Analysis Run Items
  • OFFNUM_CN : Assign Number group and Prefix to comp. code and doc. class
  • OFF_NUM_ID : Settings for Official Document Numbering Indonesia
  • OFF_NUM_LV : Obsolete: Number Groups for Official Document Numbering (LV)
  • OFF_NUM_LV2 : Assign Number Ranges to Document Class, Number Group, Date
  • OFF_NUM_LV_ACT : Obsolete: Assignment of Active Number Group
  • OFF_PLANT_ABROAD : Settings for Plant Abroad Scenario for Hungary
  • OFNUM_BG : ERS ODN separate number range enabled for cancelled invoices
  • OFNUM_ES : ODN enabled for correction invoice per vender (ES)
  • OFNUM_IT_1 : Official Numbering by Document Class-enabled ranges(IT)
  • OFNUM_MX : Assign Official Numbering with Approval Number
  • OFX_BP_MSGS_FIEB : Customizing of OFX Message Sets for Business Processes
  • OFX_LA_MSGS_FIEB : Message Sets per Business Process
  • OFX_VERSION_FIEB : Attributes for a DTD Version of OFX
  • PA0017 : HR master record: Infotype 0017 (Travel Privileges)
  • PA0468 : HR master record for infotype 0468
  • PA0469 : HR master record for infotype 0469
  • PA0470 : HR master record infotype 0470 (travel profiles)
  • PA0471 : HR master record infotype 0471 (flight preferences)
  • PA0472 : HR master record infotype 0472 (hotel preferences)
  • PA0473 : HR master record infotype 0473 (rental car preferences)
  • PA0474 : HR master record infotype 0474 (train preferences)
  • PA0475 : HR master record infotype 0475 (customer programs)
  • PAYR : Payment Medium File
  • PAYRQ : Payment Requests
  • PAYRQP : PAYRQ Enhancement (Cross-Country Bank Account Transfers)
  • PAYRQT : Reference Texts for Payment Request
  • PCEC : Prenumbered Checks
  • PCRRETAILA : Actual line item table
  • PCRRETAILC : Object Table 2
  • PCRRETAILO : Object Table 1
  • PCRRETAILP : Plan line items table
  • PCRRETAILT : Totals Table
  • PCRR_AS_AREA : Check table for PCRRETAILT: Assortment Area RASAREA_7
  • PCRR_AS_AREAT : Check table for PCRRETAILT: Assortment Area RASAREA_7
  • PKOMU : Personal Account Assignment Templates for G/L Account Items
  • PSHDSVCI : Personalized Screen Variants for FI Enjoy Transactions
  • PTRV_ADMIN : Travel Management: Administrative Data for Personnel Numbers
  • PTRV_ARCHIVE : Administrative Table for Archived Trip Data
  • PTRV_ARCH_HEAD : Prearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_HEAD (Temporary)
  • PTRV_ARCH_PERIO : Prearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_PERIO (Temporary)
  • PTRV_BEIHILFE : Subsidies for Trips Home for Entire Separation Allowance
  • PTRV_BEIH_BEL : Assignment of Receipts to a Subsidy for Trips Home
  • PTRV_BEIH_TAG : Assignment of Days to a Subsidy for Trips Home
  • PTRV_BEIH_WEG : Assignment of Trip Segments to a Subsidy for Trips Home
  • PTRV_BTRGSUM : Table for Treatment of Accumulation of Amounts
  • PTRV_CCC : Error Receipts for Credit Card Clearing
  • PTRV_CCC_RUNS : Assign Personnel Number to Credit Card Clearing Run
  • PTRV_COMM_AMT : Detail Data: Transfer to FM When Trip Saved
  • PTRV_COMM_ITM : Header Data: Transfer to FM When Trip Saved
  • PTRV_COMP : Comparison Calculation Results PS
  • PTRV_COUNT : Number of function calls in posting run management
  • PTRV_DOC_HD : Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Header of TRV int. document
  • PTRV_DOC_IT : Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Lines of TRV interm. document
  • PTRV_DOC_MESS : Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: CO Replacements of TRV Receipt
  • PTRV_DOC_TAX : Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Tax lines of TRV document
  • PTRV_F_CLM : Columns for Which Suppression in Form Block is Allowed
  • PTRV_F_CLM_TXT : Columns that may be suppressed in form block (sp)
  • PTRV_F_COLDEP : Display Forms for Texts
  • PTRV_F_COLDEPS : Display Formats for Texts (Language-Dependent)
  • PTRV_F_FBLK : Form Blocks of the Trip Costs Form
  • PTRV_F_FBLK_TXT : Form Blocks of the Trip Costs Form
  • PTRV_F_SORTKEY : Sort Key for Individual Receipt Block
  • PTRV_F_SORTKEY_T : Sort Key for Individual Receipt Block
  • PTRV_HEAD : General Trip Data
  • PTRV_KMSUM : Table for Use of Miles/Kms Accumulation
  • PTRV_ME_CCC_RUN : Assign Personnel Number to Credit Card Clearing Run
  • PTRV_NOT_CH_TR : Storage of New Data from Temporarily Unchangable Trips
  • PTRV_PERIO : Period Data of a Trip
  • PTRV_PERNRPREFS : Personalization at Employee Level
  • PTRV_REASGN_FM : Conversion of FM Data in Trip (e.g. Fiscal Year Change)
  • PTRV_REDUCTION : Decision Fields: Change of Statutory Trip Type for Reduction
  • PTRV_ROT_AWKEY : Assignment of Trip Results to Posting Doc. Number and Line
  • PTRV_RPRPOSTD : Log of Posting Program RPRPOSTD
  • PTRV_SADD : Trip Statistics - Add. Receipt Data
  • PTRV_SBACKLOG : Trip Statistics - Batch/Backlog Processing
  • PTRV_SCOS : Trip Statistics - Cost Assignment
  • PTRV_SHDR : Trip Statistics - Trip Amounts
  • PTRV_SREC : Trip Statistics - Receipts
  • PTRV_T706Z_DNPR : Field Control Screens
  • PTRV_T706Z_DNPRT : Field Control Screens
  • PTRV_T706Z_FLDS : Field Names for Field Control
  • PTRV_TRIPCHN_46C : Table of all Trip Destinations f. Processing Recurring Dest.
  • PTRV_TRIP_CHAIN : Table of all Trip Destinations f. Processing Recurring Dest.
  • PTRV_TRIP_DELETE : Trips Deleted in SAP System for Offline Travel Manager
  • PTRV_USERPREFS : User Profiles in Travel Management
  • PTRV_VATDETAIL : Supplier Data for VAT Refund in Travel Management
  • PTRV_WAFGUID : Logging for Synchronization GUID (DUPRECS)
  • PTRV_WAF_CONFLCT : Offline Travel Management: Conflict Processing
  • PTRV_WAF_RESTART : Restart File for Mobile Solution with Overlapping Trips
  • PTSAFT_MATACCNT : GL Account based material numbers
  • PTSAFT_MATPRE : SAFT PT : prefix for material numbers
  • QISRPCRTYPE_SCEN : Document Types with Scenario for Posting Correction Request
  • QISRPCR_TRANSACT : Transactions for Adjustment Postings: Adj. Posting Request
  • QSTRCRIT : Grouping Criteria for List Output for W/holding Tax Report.
  • QSTRDSR : Data Source for Reporting Extended Withholding Tax
  • QSTRDSRT : Texts for Data Sources for Reporting Ext. Withholding Tax
  • QSTRLST : List Configuration for Reporting Extended Withholding Tax
  • QSTRLST_CRIT : Group.Criteria for List Config. for Ext.W/holding Tax Report
  • QSTRVAR : Reporting Variants RFWTINT10
  • QSTRVARF : Free Selection for Generic Withholding Tax Reporting
  • QSTRVART : Report Variants RFWTINT10 Texts
  • REGUHM : Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium
  • REGUPW : W/tax information per w/tax type/FI line item in pmnt run
  • REGUP_CONV_TRG : REGUP Conversion Trigger
  • REGUP_CORE : Processed Items from Payment Program
  • REGUT : TemSe - Administration Data
  • REGUTA : Paying Company Codes for DME Files
  • REGUVM : Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium
  • RENT_M340_ES : Maintain Rented Business Offices
  • RESCT : Additional Criteria per Line Item
  • REXC_IN_ERR_CONF : REFX - India Localization: Error configuration
  • RF07 : Withholding tax in Italy : Modello 770 - additional data
  • RFCASH_HU : Exchange rate calculation log (Hungary)
  • RFITEMAP_NO_ITEM : Item wise detail for the Vendor Transactions
  • RFITEMAR_NO_ITEM : Item wise detail for the Customer Transactions
  • RFITEMGL_NO_ITEM : Item wise detail for the GL Account Transactions
  • RFUMSV00_HIST : Maintain data for previous VAT return run
  • SAFTPT_ALT_ACCTS : SAFT_PT: Maintain Alternate Accounts
  • SAFTPT_FIMD : SAFT PT Master data for FI invoices
  • SAFTPT_IMAT : SAFT PT : Tax Like materials
  • SAFT_PT_TAX_DATA :  Tax Details for SAFT-PT
  • SCURTY_TOKN_VLDT : Auth Table
  • SEPA_MNDID_FM : SEPA Mandate ID: Generate Function Modules
  • SEPA_MNDID_FM_T : SEPA Mandate ID: Function Module for Generating Mandate IDs
  • SEPA_NR_CUST : SEPA Mandate Reference ID: Number Range Customizing
  • SETHANACLASSES : Hierarchy classes with HANA acceleleration
  • SETHANAHIER0101 : Hierarchy table for Cost Center Groups
  • SETHANAHIER0102 : Hierarchy table for Cost Element Groups
  • SETHANAHIER0103 : Hierarchy table for Order Groups
  • SETHANAHIER0106 : Hierarchy table for Profit Center Groups
  • SETHANAHIER0109 : Hierarchy table for Account Groups
  • SETHANA_HIER : Status of set hierarchies in HANA
  • SETHANA_HVIEW__T : Generation template for HANA hierarchy views
  • SETHANA_STATUS : Status of set hierarchies in HANA
  • SFKKBRPAPPL : Balance reporting: Main settings
  • SIPT_BKPF : Portugal: Digital Signature for Accounting Documents
  • SIPT_CERT : Signature PT: Certification Data
  • SIPT_GAPS_BKPF : Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for FI Documents
  • SIPT_GAPS_LIKP : Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for Delivery Documents
  • SIPT_GAPS_RBKP : Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for MM Documents
  • SIPT_GAPS_VBRK : Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for SD Documents
  • SIPT_LIKP : Portugal: Digital Signature for Delivery Document
  • SIPT_NUMBR_FI : Signature PT: Relevancy of FI Number range
  • SIPT_NUMBR_MM : Signature PT: Relevancy of Self Billing Number range
  • SIPT_NUMBR_OBD : Signature PT: Relevancy of Delivery Number range
  • SIPT_NUMBR_SD : Signature PT: Relevancy of Billing Number range
  • SIPT_NUMST_FI : Signature PT: Starting point for FI documents
  • SIPT_NUMST_MM : Signature PT: Starting point for Self Billing
  • SIPT_NUMST_OBD : Signature PT: Delivery Document Number From
  • SIPT_NUMST_SD : Signature PT: Billing Document Number From
  • SIPT_RBKP : Portugal: Digital Signature for Self Billing Document
  • SIPT_VBRK : Portugal: Digital Signature for Billing Document
  • SMFIBL : Spec. FI-BL Data in Monitor
  • SREPACCESSTYPE : Access Type
  • STATUSAGENCY : Display the Status of a Travel Plan
  • STATUSAGENCYT : Display the Status Texts
  • T000GL : Flexible general ledger: Customizing check and activation
  • T000K : Group
  • T001RWT : Rounding rules for company code, type and curr.
  • T001WT : Company code-specific information per withholding tax type
  • T003D : Document Types for Enjoy Transactions
  • T007AC : Tax Code Selection for Transactions
  • T007BE : Bill of exchange customizing for deferred tax(RFUMSV50)
  • T007C : Groupings for tax codes
  • T007D : Texts for Tax Groups
  • T007DT : Deferred Tax Rules
  • T007K_LU : Table for Grouping Tax Basis Balances Luxembourg
  • T007L_IT : Grouping Tax Balances Italy Black List
  • T007L_LU : Table for Grouping Tax Balances Luxembourg
  • T007M : Table for Grouping Taxes for BW
  • T007Z_LU : Tax Grouping Version Luxembourg
  • T011T_XBRL : Financial statement version names
  • T011_XBRL : Financial Statement Versions
  • T012 : House Banks
  • T012D : Parameters for DMEs and foreign pmnt transactions
  • T012E : EDI-compatible house banks and payment methods
  • T012K : House Bank Accounts
  • T012O : ORBIAN Details: Bank Accounts and Other Data
  • T012T : House Bank Account Names
  • T015L : SCB Ratios
  • T015V : Application Area for Instructions in Payment Transactions
  • T015VT : Long text for application areas
  • T015W : Instruction keys
  • T015W0 : Allocate application areas to instruction fields
  • T015W1 : Instructions
  • T015W1T : Instructions (explanatory text)
  • T015WT : Explanation of Instruction Key
  • T018V : Acct Transfer: Determine Receiving Bank's Clearing Account
  • T020A : Acc: Single-Screen Transactions: Existing Tabs Per Transacn
  • T028Y_SEPA : Returns Activities: Change Mandate Status
  • T036R : Payment Request Levels
  • T041AR : Residual Item Additional Functions
  • T042B : Details on the company codes that must pay
  • T042E : Company Code-Specific Specifications for Payment Methods
  • T042EA : Payment method capability for ALE distribution
  • T042ECT : Letter for Payment Correspondence (PDF)
  • T042F : Payment method supplements
  • T042H : Text table for additional payment methods
  • T042Q : Permitted Destination Lands for Payment Method
  • T042T : Text modules for payment forms
  • T042W : Permitted currency keys for payment method
  • T042Y : Account Determination for Bank to Bank Payments
  • T042YP : Account Determination for HR Payments
  • T042Z : Payment Methods for Automatic Payment
  • T042ZA : Additional specifications for payment method
  • T042ZD : Screen Control when Creating Payments in Country
  • T042ZDT : Screen Control when Creating Payments in Country
  • T042ZFCL : Additional Payment Method Classifications for Payment Progm
  • T042ZT : Texts of Payment Methods for Automatic Payment
  • T045K : Bill of Exchange Portfolios
  • T045P : Bill of Exchange Portfolios
  • T048V : Correspondence procedures
  • T048W : Name of correspondence procedure
  • T048X : Attached payment medium: Function modules
  • T048Y : Company Code Data on Attached Payment Mediums
  • T048Z : Text for attached payment mediums
  • T051A : Account Balances for Statutory Reporting
  • T056G : Interest calculation rules
  • T056H : Text tab. for int.calc.rule
  • T056I : Time-dep.terms for interest calc.rule
  • T056J : Time-dependent terms for interest calc.rule - access
  • T056S : Interest scale interest terms (acct
  • T056Y : Assign special G/L indicator to interest indicator
  • T059C : Types of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type
  • T059D : Types of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type
  • T059FB : Formulae for calculating withholding tax (new functions)
  • T059FBH : W/tax formulae: Header
  • T059ID01 : Withholding Tax Output Group Description
  • T059ID01T : Texts in Withholding Tax Output Group
  • T059K : Withholding tax code and processing key
  • T059MINMAX : Minimum and maximum amounts for withholding tax
  • T059O : Official withholding tax key - Descriptions
  • T059OT : Text table: Official withholding tax key descriptions
  • T059P : Withholding tax types
  • T059REXT : Reporting key (new withholding tax)
  • T059U : Text Table: Withholding Tax Types
  • T059V : Reasons for exemption per withholding tax type
  • T059W : Reasons for exemption per withholding tax type
  • T059Z : Withholding tax code (enhanced functions)
  • T059ZT : Text table: Withholding tax codes
  • T059ZZINS : Withholding tax code for interest calculation
  • T059Z_WITHCD2 : Entity Table: Additional Official Withholding Tax Code
  • T059Z_WITHCD2T : Text Table: Additional Official Withholding Tax Code
  • T086A : Call up of AM reports per transaction function
  • T088 : Selection Table for Italian Asset Register
  • T090X : Simulation Versions
  • T093R : Control Table for Archiving in Asset Accounting
  • T093_ACCOBJ : Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
  • T093_ACCOBJT : Texts for Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
  • T093_MAP_ACC : Mapping Table for Alternative Company Codes
  • T094C : Index Class
  • T094P : Index Figures for Replacement Values
  • T095A_MAP : Customizing Table for Account Maintenance (Instead of T095)
  • T702A : Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Type
  • T702B : Credit Card Clearing Assignment Table
  • T702C : Name for Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Type
  • T702E : Vehicle Types
  • T702G : Statutory trip types
  • T702H : Caculation Guide Lines: Meals PD/Max.Amounts Scaled by Time
  • T702I : Statutory Reimbursement Groups for Meals/Accommodations
  • T702J : Enterprise-spec.Reimbursement Groups for Meals/Accomm.
  • T702K : Service provider
  • T702L : Name of Service Provider
  • T702N : Trip Provision Variants
  • T702O : Trip country/Trip region/Trip country group
  • T702P : Reimbursement Groups for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate Types
  • T702Q : Name: Reimburs.Group for Travel Costs/Add.Flat Rate Types
  • T702R : Trip Activity Types
  • T702V : Calc.Guide Lines for Scaling Meals PD/Max.Amounts by Hours
  • T702W : Vehicle Classes
  • T702X : Enterprise-specific Trip Types
  • T702Y : Employee Groupings for Travel Management
  • T702_BEREI_REL : Assignment of Trip Types Enterprise-Specific (PS AT)
  • T702_BKZ : Country and Industry Specific Indicator (Public Sector)
  • T706A : Trip Provision Deduction Amount/Percentage
  • T706B : Travel Expense Types
  • T706B1 : Travel Expense Types
  • T706B2 : Travel Expense Types: Default Value/Maximum Amounts
  • T706B3 : Travel Expense Type Grouping
  • T706B4 : Travel Expense Types: Assignment of Wage Types
  • T706B4_ALTERN : Travel Expense Type: Alternative Assignment of Wage Types
  • T706B5 : Names for Travel Expense Types
  • T706C : Names for Travel Expense Types
  • T706D : Default Values for Dialog
  • T706E : Names for vehicle types
  • T706ESS1 : FI-TV: Customizing Table Intranet Scenario
  • T706ESS2 : Travel Expenses Customizing for ESS Scenario
  • T706ESS3 : Mapping table for docu in Excel sheet
  • T706F : Trip Provision: Flat Rates for Travel Costs
  • T706F1 : Cumulation Procedure Dependent on Vehicle Type/Class
  • T706F2 : Accumulation of Amounts Depending on Vehicle Type/Class
  • T706FORM_BCKGRND : Form background
  • T706FORM_BLKATTR : Form block attributes
  • T706FORM_BLKHDLS : Form block titles
  • T706FORM_BLK_HDL : Form block titles
  • T706FORM_CLMATTR : Suppressable columns per block
  • T706FORM_FIXTXT : Fixed texts
  • T706FORM_FIXTXTS : Fixed texts (language-dependent)
  • T706FORM_FLDS : Information in fixed positions
  • T706FORM_VAR : Form variant
  • T706FORM_VARFLD : Variable fields
  • T706FORM_VARFLDS : Variable fields (language-dependent)
  • T706FORM_VAR_TXT : Form variant (language-dependent)
  • T706G : Names for statutory trip types
  • T706H : Trip Provision:Per-diem/Maximum Amount for Meals by Time
  • T706I : Name for statutory reimbursement group for meals/accomm.
  • T706J : Name for enterprise-specific for meals/acc.
  • T706K : Initial Account Assignment for FI
  • T706L : Assignment of Trip Country - Country Group - Region
  • T706M : Input Tax for International Per Diems
  • T706N : Names for trip provision variants
  • T706O : Names for Trip Country/Trip Country Group/Trip Region
  • T706P : Date Interval for Miles/Kms Accumulation
  • T706Q : Names for period indicator for miles/kms accumulation
  • T706R : Names for trip activity types
  • T706S : Trip Schema
  • T706T : Names for trip schema
  • T706T_ABWH : Texts for Absence Types (PS Separation Allowance)
  • T706U : Trip Provision: Per Diem for Accommodations
  • T706V : Trip Provision: Meals Per-diem/Maximum Amount by Hours
  • T706W : Names for vehicle classes
  • T706WWW : HTML Links and File Paths
  • T706WWW_TXT : Text Table HTML Links and File Paths
  • T706X : Names for enterprise-specific trip types
  • T706Y : Names for Employee Groupings for Travel Management
  • T706Z : Single Field Control for Dialog
  • T706Z1 : Single Field Control for Dialog
  • T706Z1_TXT : Text table: Individual Field Control for Dialog
  • T706_ABWH : Absence Types from Place of Work (PS; Separation Allowance)
  • T706_CCOMP : Credit Card Companies
  • T706_CCOMP_TXT : Name of Credit Card Company
  • T706_CITYCD_CHG : Replacement/Combination of Community Code Numbers, Date-Dep.
  • T706_CITY_CD_46C : Table for Specifying the City Code/Community Code Number
  • T706_CITY_CD_D : Definition: City Codes / Community Code No, Date-Dependent
  • T706_CITY_CD_D_2 : Definition: City Codes / Community Code No, Date-Dependent
  • T706_CITY_CODE : Table for Specifying the City Code/Community Code Number
  • T706_CONST : PA parameters: Travel Management
  • T706_CONSTTEXT : Names of Accounting Constants for Travel Expenses
  • T706_DEFAULTTEXT : Names of Reference Texts for Entering Trips
  • T706_LGART : Wage Type Assignmt Table for Clearing Add.Amts/Inc.Rel Exp.
  • T706_SRV_CODE : VAT Refund Codes
  • T706_SRV_CODE_T : Country-Dependent Field Control for Receipt Data
  • T706_SUB_SRV_C : Subcodes for Goods and Services
  • T706_SUB_SRV_C_T : Subcodes for Goods and Services
  • T706_TEXTNAMES : Names of Reference Texts for Entering Trips
  • T706_VAT_DEFLT : Country- and Expense Type-Dependent Defaults f. Receipt Data
  • T706_VAT_FLDS : Country-Dependent Field Control for Receipt Data
  • T706_VAT_POSTING : Data Entry and Posting of VAT Amount per Country of Receipt
  • T706_WEB_DOCU : Documentation for a Web Application
  • T706_WEB_DOCUTXT : Documentation for a Web Application
  • T800 : Report Writer: Reports
  • T800AIS : Directory of InfoSource structures for FI-SL tables
  • T800AIS_PI : Directory of BW Structures for FI-SL Tables
  • T800F : Conversion Table for New General Ledger Fields
  • T800T : Report Writer: Texts for Reports
  • T800V : RW: Variables
  • T800W : RW: Texts for Parameter Contents
  • T801A : Report Writer: Exceptions in Row/Column Coordinates
  • T801B : Report Writer: Texts for Logical Rows
  • T801C : Report Writer: Parallel Report Windows
  • T801D : Report Writer: Row/Column Characteristics
  • T801E : Report Writer: Selection Sets
  • T801F : Report Writer: Rest Blocks (Rows, Columns)
  • T801G : Report Writer: Sections
  • T801H : Report Writer: Parallel Reports
  • T801K : Report Writer: Libraries
  • T801L : Report Writer: Library Fields
  • T801M : Report Writer: Rows/Columns
  • T801N : Report Writer: Library Texts
  • T801P : Report Writer: Key Figures for Libraries
  • T801Q : Report Writer: Key Figures for Libraries
  • T801R : Report Writer: Standard Layouts (Language-Dependent Part)
  • T801S : Report Writer: Cell Assignment
  • T801T : Report Writer: Texts for Parallel Reports
  • T801U : Report Writer: Standard Layouts (Language-Independent Part)
  • T801V : Report Writer: Standard Layout Texts
  • T801W : Report Writer: Standard Layout - Lang.-Dependent (new)
  • T801X : Report Writer: Standard Layout - Lang. Independent (new)
  • T802A : Report Writer: Definition of Receiver Reports
  • T802B : Report Writer: Receiver Report Control ( part 1 )
  • T802C : Report Writer: Receiver Report Control (part 2)
  • T802D : ABAP Receiver Programs for Report Writer
  • T803A : Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Header)
  • T803B : Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Descriptions)
  • T803C : Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Rows)
  • T803D : Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Row/Column Texts)
  • T803E : Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Columns)
  • T803F : Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Formulas)
  • T803G : Report Writer: Key Figure Blocks (Cells in Formulas)
  • T803H : Report Writer: Row Formulas
  • T803I : Report Writer: Row Formulas / Texts
  • T803J : Report Writer: Report Groups
  • T803L : Report Writer: Entries in Report Groups
  • T803T : Report Writer: Report Group Texts
  • T803V : Report Writer: Generated program versions
  • T803VP : Report Writer: Generated program versions
  • T803VP_TRANS : Report Writer: Generated Program Versions for Transport
  • T803Z : Obsolete: Report Usage
  • T804A : Report Writer: File Description
  • T804B : Report Writer: Key figures
  • T804BT : Report Writer: Texts for basic key figures
  • T804C : Report Writer: Special Fields
  • T804D : Report Writer: Texts of Data Field Descriptions
  • T804E : Report Writer: Summary of Tables
  • T804F : Report Writer: Key Figures
  • T804G : Report Writer: Texts for Key Figures
  • T804H : Report Writer: Database Fields for Exits
  • T804I : Report Writer: Supported Languages
  • T804J : Report Writer: Read module for table class S
  • T804T : Texts for reporting table
  • T807 : Rollup Sequence
  • T807H : Rollup Header Information
  • T807R : FI-SL Rollup: History of Executions
  • T807T : FI-SL Rollup texts
  • T820 : Planning Parameters
  • T820F : Planning Parameters: Field Group Information
  • T820T : Planning Parameter Descriptions
  • T822 : Planning Parameter Classes
  • T822T : Planning Parameter Class Descriptions
  • T850 : Company data for Consolidation
  • T850A : Company sort criteria
  • T850B : Business segments
  • T850C : Business segments: texts
  • T850D : Assignment of business segment
  • T850F : Upload methods
  • T850G : Upload Methods: Texts
  • T850H : Upload Methods: Field Catalogs
  • T850I : Version-dependent assignment: Company/data import + validtn
  • T850K : Company correspondence data
  • T850S : Tax rates
  • T850Z : Layout: FS chart of accounts
  • T851 : Changes in Investments
  • T852 : Subgroups
  • T852G : Subgroup companies
  • T852N : Consolidation frequencies
  • T852O : Consolidation frequencies: Texts
  • T852P : Consolidation Periods
  • T852U : Subgroup companies
  • T852V : Version-dependent subgroup characteristics
  • T853 : Company status
  • T853K : Subgroup status
  • T854 : Financial statement items for consolidation
  • T854S : Selected FS items
  • T854T : Financial statement item texts
  • T854U : FS item short texts
  • T855 : Reasons for inclusion in consolidation
  • T855T : Reasons for inclusion in consolidation
  • T856 : Transaction Types
  • T856T : Transaction type texts
  • T856X : Transaction type groups
  • T856Y : Transaction type groups: Texts
  • T857 : Line layout of data entry forms
  • T857A : Column layout of data entry form
  • T857D : Data entry form groups: Names
  • T857E : Data entry form groups: Texts
  • T857F : Data entry form bundling
  • T857N : Validation groups
  • T857O : Validation groups: Texts
  • T857P : Validation Rules
  • T857S : Column layout for data entry form: Names
  • T857T : Column layout for data entry form: Text
  • T857X : Line layout for data entry form: Name
  • T857Y : Line layout for data entry form: Text
  • T858 : Consolidation versions
  • T858I : Versions for Consolidation integration
  • T858T : Consolidation version texts
  • T859 : Data entry forms
  • T859T : Data entry form title
  • T85A : First additional field
  • T85AT : First additional field: Texts
  • T85B : Second additional field
  • T85BT : Second additional field: Texts
  • T85C : Third additional field
  • T85CT : Third additional field: Texts
  • T85S1 : FI-LC: Assignment of first add. fld to second add. fld
  • T85S2 : FI-LC: Assignment of second add. fld to third add. fld
  • T85Y : Additional Field Category
  • T85YT : Additional field type: Texts
  • T862K : Standard reports: Headings
  • T862L : Standard reports: Header texts
  • T862Q : Standard reports: Column layout
  • T862R : Standard reports: Column layout texts
  • T862S : Standard reports: Column layout
  • T862T : Standard reports: Headers
  • T862X : Standard reports: Line layout
  • T862Y : Standard reports: Line layout texts
  • T862Z : Standard reports: Line layouts
  • T863 : Consolidation standard reports
  • T863B : Report groups
  • T863C : Report groups: Names
  • T863D : Report groups: Texts
  • T863I : Reports for Interactive Reporting
  • T863T : Report titles
  • T863V : Valuations: Texts
  • T863W : Valuations
  • T863X : Selections for reporting
  • T863Y : INDX datasets
  • T863Z : Selection: Document status
  • T864 : Reclassifications
  • T865 : Intercompany Elimination
  • T866 : Elimination of IC profit/loss: FS items
  • T866Z : Elimination of IC P/L: Assignment of additional fields
  • T867 : Product groups
  • T867T : Product group texts
  • T868 : Elimination of IC profit and loss
  • T868B : Elimination of IC profit/loss: Inventory management co.s
  • T868L : Elimination of IC profit/loss: Vendor data
  • T869 : Consolidation methods
  • T869T : Consolidation of investments methods
  • T870 : Consolidation method assignment
  • T871 : Changes in investee equity
  • T872 : Equity Holdings Adjustments
  • T872I : Periodic entry for affiliated companies
  • T873 : Hidden reserves
  • T874 : Elimination of hidden reserves
  • T875 : Asset transfers within the group
  • T875C : Changes in depreciation
  • T875D : Asset transfers
  • T875E : Change in depreciation of asset transfers
  • T876 : Consolidation document types
  • T876B : Document types
  • T876T : Consolidation document type texts
  • T876V : Validation of Consolidation document
  • T877 : Consolidation activity groups
  • T877K : Consolidation activity groups: Names
  • T877L : Consolidation activity groups: Texts
  • T879 : Standard texts
  • T879P : Data transfer directories
  • T880B : Valuation methods
  • T880G : Consolidation companies
  • T881IS : FI-SL Ledger
  • T881IS_PI : Assignment of TT/SI DataSource for FI-SL Ledger (Plug-In)
  • T882G : Company code - ledger assignment
  • T884 : Currency translation
  • T884B : Assignment valuation methods to company codes
  • T884F : Translation Differences: Additional Account Assignment
  • T884H : Historical currency translation
  • T884K : Exchange rate indicator for currency translation
  • T884M : Currency translation methods used in Consolidation
  • T884R : Exchange rate indicator references
  • T884S : Sets used in currency translation
  • T884T : Currency translation method table: Texts
  • T886G : Flexible general ledger: Interface information
  • T888G : Customer fields for flexible general ledger
  • T888S : Update flexible general ledger: Standard scenarios
  • T889G : Document types for the flexible general ledger
  • T889GO : Number range for document types
  • T889GT : Document type texts
  • T892U : Rollup Substitution
  • T895 : Local Fiscal Year-Dependent Version Parameters
  • T895C : Global Fiscal Year-Dependent Version Parameters
  • T8G01 : Splitting method
  • T8G01T : Splitting method
  • T8G02 : Item categories
  • T8G02T : Item categories
  • T8G03 : Business transaction
  • T8G031 : Accounting transaction variant
  • T8G031T : Accounting transaction variant
  • T8G03T : Business transaction
  • T8G10 : Assignment: Transaction code- accounting transaction variant
  • T8G11 : Assignment: MM movement type- accounting transaction variant
  • T8G12 : Classify FI Document Type for Document Splitting
  • T8G16 : Allocation: internal key - item category (SAP)
  • T8G17 : Allocation: acct number - item type
  • T8G20 : Splitting Rule: Header Data
  • T8G21 : Splitting rule: Item categories to be processed
  • T8G21A : Splitting rule: Base item categories
  • T8G22 : Splitting rule: Additional items
  • T8G28 : Item categories permitted per accounting transaction variant
  • T8G29 : Item categories permitted for each business transaction
  • T8G30A : Acct determination key for doc splitting
  • T8G30AT : Account determination key description for doc splitting
  • T8G30B : Acct determination for document splitting - accounts
  • T8G40 : Account assignment objects for document splitting
  • T8G41A : Constants
  • T8G41AT : Constants
  • T8G41B : Values of constants
  • T8G50 : Permitted Fields To Be Summarized (Before Doc. Splitting)
  • T8PL00 : FI Planning: Installed Plan Tables
  • T8PL01 : FI-Planning: Summary Table Dimensions to be Planned
  • T8PL01DD : FI Planning: Dimensions Table Index - Dictionary Information
  • T8PL01DP : FI Planning : Field Dependency for Validation
  • T8PL01S : FI-Planning: Dimensions that Allow Sets
  • T8PL01SF : FI Planning: Special Handling of Dimensions
  • T8PL01SV : FI-Planning: Comb. fixed values/attr. for key fig. and dim.
  • T8PL02 : FI-Planning: User attributes
  • T8PL02CC : FI Planning: Currency Translation
  • T8PL03 : FI Planning: Configuration of Plan Tasks
  • T8PLUATTR : FI-Planning: Key Figures for Planning
  • TA20A : API Server Access Parameters
  • TA20B : Control Variant for Travel Planning
  • TA20B1 : Control Variants - Travel Planning (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20BA : Access Parameters of User Groups per Reservation System
  • TA20BH : Displayable Hotel Rates of User Groups
  • TA20BPR : Provider-Specific Reservation Systems
  • TA20BUILDING : Buildings
  • TA20C : Enterprise-Specific Travel Service Categories
  • TA20C1 : Enterprise-Spec. Travel Service Categories (Language-Dep.)
  • TA20CORPID : Company Specific Contract for Negotiated Airfares
  • TA20CORPID1 : Company Specific Contract for Negotiated Airfares
  • TA20DB : Access Parameters for Deutsche Bahn via API
  • TA20FINALMESSAGE : Strategic Settings for Travel Planning
  • TA20GDS_CODES : Assignment of SAP Codes to GDS Codes
  • TA20HH : Maximum Rates for Hotel Stay
  • TA20HH1 : Maximum Rates for Hotel Stay
  • TA20IH_MAIL : Internal Mail
  • TA20K : Reasons
  • TA20K1 : Reasons (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20LB : Trees (Current Settings for Travel Planning)
  • TA20LB1 : Trees (Current Settings for Travel Planning, Lang.-Depend.)
  • TA20LBEZ : Tree Structure (Current Settings for Travel Planning)
  • TA20LE : Tree Node (Current Settings for Travel Planning)
  • TA20LE1 : Tree Node (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20LOGGDS : Logical Global Reservation System
  • TA20LOGGDS_TEXT : Logical Global Reservation System
  • TA20LT : Current Settings for Travel Planning Control Variants
  • TA20LT1 : Current Settings for Control Variant (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20NC : Negotiated rental car rates (corporate nego rates)
  • TA20NC1 : Negotiated rental car rates (language-dependent)
  • TA20NCR : Negotiated Car Rental Rates
  • TA20NCR1 : Negotiated Car Rental Rates (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20NEGOF : Negotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares)
  • TA20NEGOF1 : Negotiated Flight Fares (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20NF : Negotiated Flight Fares (Corporate Nego Fares)
  • TA20NF1 : Negotiated flight fares (language-dependent)
  • TA20NH : Negotiated hotel rates (corporate nego rates)
  • TA20NH1 : Negotiated hotel rates (language-dependent)
  • TA20NHC : Negotiated Hotel Rates
  • TA20NHC1 : Negotiated Hotel Rates (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20NHS : Negotiated Hotel Rates (Nego Rates) with Catalog Hotel
  • TA20NRADD : Additional Info for Negotiated Rates and Discounts
  • TA20NRC : Discount Agreement for Rental Car Usage
  • TA20NREX : Exceptions to Negotiated Rates
  • TA20NRF : Discount Agreement for Flights
  • TA20NRH : Discount Agreement for Hotel Accommodations
  • TA20NRHS : Discount Agreement for Hotels (Individual Hotel)
  • TA20O : Sales offices
  • TA20O1 : Sales offices (language-dependent)
  • TA20OFFICE : Reservation System-Specific Sales Offices
  • TA20OFFICE_AS0 : Assignment of Fulfillment Sales Offices
  • TA20OFFICE_FIND : Access Parameters per Group ID - Sales Office Determination
  • TA20OFFICE_FIND1 : Specify Access Parameters per Group ID
  • TA20OFFICE_TEXT : Sales Offices (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20OZ : Resubmission (queue) of sales offices
  • TA20P : Travel profiles
  • TA20P1 : Travel Profiles (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20PF : Travel Profiles - Methods of Payment
  • TA20PHC : Assignment Table of Hotel Catalog Items for Travel Profiles
  • TA20PI : Trip Rule
  • TA20PI1 : Trip Rule (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20PIC : Car Rental Trip Rule
  • TA20PIF : Flight Trip Rule
  • TA20PIH : Hotel Trip Rule
  • TA20PPI : Assignment Table of Trip Rules for Travel Profiles
  • TA20PPP : Priority of Trip Rules
  • TA20PPP1 : Priorities of Trip Rules (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20PPT : Assignment Table of Trip Rules for Travel Profiles
  • TA20PPZ : Message handling: chosen priority with top priority
  • TA20PPZ1 : Message handling (language-dependent)
  • TA20PS : Class Rule
  • TA20PS1 : Class Rule (Language-Dependent)
  • TA20PSC : Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Car Rental)
  • TA20PSF : Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Flight)
  • TA20PSH : Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Hotel)
  • TA20PST : Class Rule for a Trip Rule (Train)
  • TA20PVP : Setting for Lowest Fare Availability Search
  • TA20Q : Define Queues of Sales Offices
  • TA20Q_ASG : Processing Types of Fulfillment Sales Offices
  • TA20Q_CAT : Define Queue Categories of Sales Office
  • TA20R : Trip activity type - Travel Planning
  • TA20R1 : Trip activity type - Travel Planning (language-dependent)
  • TA20REBF : Discount Agreement for Flights
  • TA20RMRK : Company-Specific PNR Elements
  • TA20ROUTE : Routes for Airfares and Discounts
  • TA20ROUTING : Routes for Airfares and Discounts
  • TA20RTG : Route Segments for Routings for Airfares and Discounts
  • TA20RTG_G : Geographical Description of a Route Segment
  • TA20RTG_P : Route Segment Provider
  • TA20RTG_R : Booking Classes for Route Segment
  • TA20SUBSCRPT : Define Access Parameters for Reservation System
  • TA20SUBSCRPT_ASG : Logon to External Reservation System per Sales Office
  • TA20SWITCH : Global Control Parameters
  • TA20WIZARD : Strategic Settings for Travel Planning
  • TA20WIZZ : Names
  • TA20WWW : WWW Link Catalog for Information Sources
  • TA20WWW1 : WWW LInk Catalog for Information Sources (Language-Depend.)
  • TA20_SWITCH : Global Control Parameters
  • TA21CA : Rental Car Classes
  • TA21CA1 : Rental Car Classes (Language-Dependent)
  • TA21CAR : Rental Car Rate
  • TA21CAR1 : Car Rental Rates (Language-Dependent)
  • TA21CAZ : Assignment car rental classes - booking specifications
  • TA21H : Hotel Rates
  • TA21H1 : Hotel Rates (Language-Dependent)
  • TA21HO : Room category
  • TA21HO1 : Room category (language-dependent)
  • TA21HOZ : Assignment Room Category - Class Rule
  • TA21L : IATA Locations
  • TA21L1 : IATA Locations (Language-Dependent)
  • TA21OA : Office Activity
  • TA21P : Travel Service Providers
  • TA21PF : Provider-Specific Customer Programs
  • TA21PFA : Assignment of Customer Programs to Additional Providers
  • TA21PH : Customer-Specific Hotel Catalog
  • TA21PHC : Hotel Codes of a Catalog Hotel in Reservation System
  • TA21R : Regions
  • TA21R1 : Regions (Language-Dependent)
  • TA21RH : Region Hierarchy
  • TA21RZC : Assignment: Country-Subdividing Region to Location
  • TA21RZL : Assignment: Region of Several Countries to Country
  • TA22A : Assignment table expense code - service category
  • TA22B : Assignment trip schema - travel plan type
  • TA22C : IATA RBD assignment
  • TA22CE : RBD assignment of airline exceptions
  • TA22CEXC : RBD Assignment of Airline Exceptions
  • TA22EQU : Equipment Types
  • TA22PRFR : Pricing Functionality Restrictions
  • TA22RSA : START: Train Attributes
  • TA22RSA1 : START: Train Attributes (Lang.-Dependent)
  • TA22RSF : START: Error Messages
  • TA22RSF1 : START: Error Messages (Language-Dependent)
  • TA22RSS : START: Train Stations
  • TA22RSSY : START: Train Station Synonyms
  • TA22ST : Amadeus: status flight/car rental/hotel
  • TA23A : Payer of Travel Services
  • TA23ADR : Predefined Addresses in Travel Management
  • TA23ADR1 : Name of Predefined Addresses in Travel Management
  • TA23ADRCAT : Categories of Predefined Addresses
  • TA23ADRCAT1 : Names of Categories of Predefined Addresses
  • TA23BIBE : Parameters for Access to Deutsche Bahn Through BIBE Portal
  • TA23C : Enterprise-Specific F4 Help for IATA Locations
  • TA23CEXC : RBD assignment of airline exceptions
  • TA23CORPID_ASG : Validity of Enterprise-Specific Airfare Contracts
  • TA23CT : Amadeus Profile
  • TA23CT1 : Amadeus Profile Text Table
  • TA23DEC : Situations for GDS-Specific Decisions
  • TA23DEC1 : Situations for GDS-Specific Decisions
  • TA23DEC_VAL : Situations for GDS-Specific Decisions
  • TA23DEC_VAL1 : Situations for GDS-Specific Decisions
  • TA23EXT : Access Parameters for External Content of Front End
  • TA23FILTER_CTRL : Control Parameter (Flight Availability Query)
  • TA23GDS_DECVAL : GDS-Specific Decisions
  • TA23GKT : MCR (Major Customer Rate German Railway)
  • TA23HOTELS : Hotel Data
  • TA23HRS : HRS Access Parameters
  • TA23IGS : Access URLs for the Internet Graphics Server
  • TA23L_C : Assign Locations to IATA Locations (Car Rental)
  • TA23L_F : Assign Locations to IATA Locations (Flight)
  • TA23L_H : Assign Locations to IATA Locations (Hotel)
  • TA23OA : Office activity
  • TA23OA1 : Sales Office Activitiy (Language Independent)
  • TA23OFFICE_ADR : Sales Office Addresses
  • TA23OS : Field Control for Travel Res. Request Item: Other Services
  • TA23OS1 : Field Control Travel Req. Item: Other Services (Lang.-Depen)
  • TA23PAF : Airline Programs for Corporate Customers
  • TA23PAF1 : Airline Programs for Corporate Customers
  • TA23PAF_ASG : Permissibility of Airline Programs for Corporate Customers
  • TA23PAF_CONN : Assignment of Airline Programs Corporate Cust. - Route/Class
  • TA23PF : Payment Method
  • TA23PIC : Car Rental Trip Rule (Filter before Availability Query)
  • TA23PIF : Flight Trip Rule (Filter before Availability Query)
  • TA23PIH : Hotel Trip Rule (Filter before Availability Query)
  • TA23PIT : Flight Trip Rule
  • TA23PROFILE_SYNC : Assignment Parameters for Preference Synchronization
  • TA23PROT : Log for Sabre Interface
  • TA23P_FOID : Travel Service Providers
  • TA23R : Assign TVTTA - Trip Activity Type
  • TA23ROUTE1 : Routes for Airfares and Discounts
  • TA23ROUTING1 : Routes for Airfares and Discounts
  • TA23RTG1 : Route Segments for Routings for Airfares and Discounts
  • TA23SUBSCRPT_ASG : Logon to External Reservation System per Sales Office
  • TA23TRVCC_FIND : Payment Method Modifier
  • TA23TRVCC_FIND1 : Payment Method Modifier (Language Dependent)
  • TA23TRVCD_ASG : Modifier Car Rental Rates
  • TA23TRVCD_FIND : Groupings for Negotiated Car Rental Rates
  • TA23TRVCD_FIND1 : Groupings for Negotiated Car Rental Rates (Language-Dep.)
  • TA23TVGKT_FIND : MCR Modifier
  • TA23TVGKT_FIND1 : MCR Modifier (Language Dependent)
  • TA23TVTTA_FIND : Grouping For Eligibility of Activity Types
  • TA23TVTTA_FIND1 : Activity Type Modifier
  • TA23WIZZ : Names
  • TA23XI : Sales Office Determination: Categories with XI Integration
  • TABWQ : Asset hist. sheet group
  • TABWR : Name of asset hist. sheet group
  • TACAC_OBJTYP : Accrual Object Types in Accrual Accounting
  • TACAC_OBJTYPT : Text Table for Accrual Object Types
  • TACAC_PO_ASSIGN : ACAC Assignment of Object Types and Parameters
  • TACE001 : Company Code Settings
  • TACE001T : Texts for Company Codes in the Accrual Engine
  • TACECOMP : Accrual Engine Application Component
  • TACECOMPC : Customer Settings for Components
  • TACECOMPT : Application Components of Accrual Function
  • TACEDS_LEGACYM : Legacy Data Transfer Control
  • TACEDS_OPASGMT : Assignment of Operator to Function Module
  • TACEDS_OPERATR : Operators for Derived Accrual Types
  • TACEDS_OPERATRT : Texts for Operators for Derived Accrual Types
  • TACEDS_OP_PERC : Percentages for Derived Accrual Types (Operator "P")
  • TACEPSRULE : ACE Account Determination: Account Determination Rule
  • TACEPSRULET : ACE Account Determination: Account Determination Rule
  • TACEPSSYM : ACE Account Determination: Account Symbol
  • TACEPSSYMT : ACE Account Determination: Account Symbol
  • TACESYSTEVENTS : Events in the Accrual Engine
  • TACE_ACCMETHODS : Methods for Calculation of Periodic Accrual Amount
  • TACE_ACCMETHODST : Texts of Accrual Methods
  • TACE_ACRTYPE : Accrual Types
  • TACE_ACRTYPET : Text for Accrual Types
  • TACE_ACRTYPE_OPN : Calculation Rules for Derived Accrual Types
  • TACE_COMBINATION : Possible Combinations in the Accrual Engine
  • TACE_COMP_SPEC : Component-Specific Program Components
  • TACE_DE_MAPPING : Application-Dependent Data Elements for Accrual Engine
  • TACE_DS_CALC : Distribution Server: Accrual Type Settings
  • TACE_ENVIR_EVENT : Events Depending on the Environement (ERP or Business Acc.)
  • TACE_EXISTEVENTS : Possible Events in the Accrual Engine
  • TACE_EXISTEVENTT : Possible Events in the Accrual Engine
  • TACE_FUNC_MOD : Function Modules Used in the Accrual Engine
  • TACE_FUNC_MODT : Accrual Engine Function Module Texts
  • TACE_PS_POST : Posting Server: Posting Control
  • TACE_TREEORDER : Table for the Sequence in the Tree Structure
  • TACE_TREEVARI : Table for Tree Structure Variants
  • TACE_TREEVARIT : Text Table of Tree Structure Variants
  • TACE_TRNSFERTYPE : Selection Methods for Data Transfer to the Accrual Engine
  • TACE_TRNSFERTYPT : Texts for Selection Methods
  • TACE_VSR_001 : Assignment of Validations
  • TAIF_URL : Internet Service for Appropriation Requests
  • TAMLAY0 : Tab pages in master data: Tab layouts
  • TAMLAY0T : Tab pages in master data: Tab layout descriptions
  • TAMLAY1 : Tab pages in master data: Tab titles of layout
  • TAMLAY1T : Tabs in Master Data: Tab Index Titles
  • TAMLAY2 : Tab pages in master data: Assignment of group boxes
  • TAMLAYA : Tabs in master data: Applications
  • TAMLAYAT : Tab pages in master data: Descript. of master data objects
  • TAMLAYB : Tab pages in master data: Group boxes
  • TAMLAYBT : Tab pages in master data: Descriptions of group boxes
  • TAXCD_REPR_IT : Define data for Tax code representative
  • TAXMSD : Tax Interface Manager Status Diagram "Tax Per document"
  • TBACN_NO : Store Sequence and Transaction Numbers - Norway
  • TBCHAIN0 : Definition bank chains
  • TBCHAIN1 : Bank chains
  • TBCHAIN2 : Bank Chains per Business Partner Account
  • TBCHAIN21 : Bank chains per business partner account (allocation)
  • TBCHAINC0 : Assign Scenario for Bank Chain Determination to Client
  • TBCHAINE0 : Definition of the scenarios for bank chain determination
  • TBCHAINE0T : Definition of scenarios for bank chain determination (texts)
  • TBCHAINE1 : Character. value of scenarios for determining bank chain
  • TBKDC : Day Difference betw. House Bank and Beneficiary Value Dates
  • TBKFK : Factory Calendar Identification Using Currency
  • TBKPV : Time Between Payment Run and Value Date at House Bank
  • TBP4C : Select Budget Types for Subdivision
  • TCJ_BALANCE : FI Cash Journal: Totals Records
  • TCJ_CHECK_STACKS : Check Lists in Cash Journal
  • TCJ_CJ_NAMES : Cash Journal Names
  • TCJ_CPD : FBCJ: One-Time Account Data of Cash Journal Document Items
  • TCJ_C_JOURNALS : Cash Journals
  • TCJ_DOCUMENTS : Cash Journal Documents (Header Data)
  • TCJ_MAX_AMOUNT : Cash Journal: Amount Limit
  • TCJ_NUMB_GROUP : Numbering Group for Cash Documents
  • TCJ_NUMB_GROUPT : Numbering Group for Cash Documents (Text)
  • TCJ_POSITIONS : Cash Journal Document Items
  • TCJ_PRINT : Cash Journal Print Parameters
  • TCJ_TRANSACTIONS : Cash Journal Business Transactions
  • TCJ_TRANS_NAMES : Cash Journal Business Transaction Names
  • TCJ_WTAX_ITEMS : Withholding Tax Items for Cash Journal Document Items
  • TCRCOBLFL : Payment Cards: Field Control
  • TCRIN : Payment Cards: Card Types
  • TCRINT : Payment Cards: Texts for Card Types
  • TCRSCODE : Payment Cards: Selection Code
  • TCRSCODET : Payment Cards: Texts for Selection Code
  • TCUST_NATURE_IT : Define Customer as Natural Person
  • TE011 : Code for Tax Code Determination
  • TFAAC_ACI_DT : Determine document type from operational document
  • TFAAD_BSN_FUNC : Validation of Business Function Switches for FI-AA
  • TFAA_PC_P : Processes
  • TFAA_PC_PS : Assignment Process -> Subprocess
  • TFAA_PC_PT : Process Names
  • TFAA_PC_P_STEP : Assignment of Processes -> Process Steps
  • TFAA_PC_S : Subprocesses
  • TFAA_PC_SM : Assignment of Subprocess to Processing Methods/Modules
  • TFAA_PC_ST : Subprocess Names
  • TFAA_PC_STEP : Process Steps (Entity Table)
  • TFAA_PC_STEPT : Process Steps (Text Table)
  • TFIBLAPARPVAR : Online Payment: Variants
  • TFIBLFFPVAR : Online Payment: Variants
  • TFIBLHBG : Group of House Bank Accounts
  • TFIBLHBG1 : Group of House Bank Accounts: Details
  • TFIBLHBGT : Name of the House Bank Groups
  • TFIBLMPAYBLOCK : Reservation for Cross-Payment Run Payment Media
  • TFIBLMPAYBLOCKID : Run Identification for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium
  • TFIBLMPVAR : Online Payment: Variants
  • TFIBLOPAY : Origin of Online Payments
  • TFIBLOPAYSTEP : Online Payments: Determine Process Steps
  • TFIBLOPDOCTYPE : Document Types for Online Payments
  • TFIBLOPVAR : Online Payment: Administration of Variants
  • TFIBLORIGIN : Origin Indicator
  • TFIBLORIGINC : Origin Settings
  • TFIBLORIGIND : Assignment of Origin to Overriding Origin
  • TFIBLORIGINT : Meaning of an Origin Indicator
  • TFIBLSCREEN : Control of Output of Screen Fields
  • TFIBLSCREEN0 : Register Programs for Screen Control
  • TFIBLSCREEN1 : Define Contents of Screen Groups
  • TFIBLSCREEN1T : Define Contents of Screen Groups
  • TFIEH_GF_001 : Handling Methods
  • TFIEH_GF_002 : Methods for Retrieval of Object Data
  • TFILAFM_IRCM : Assignment of Acct Prin. to Interest Rate Calc. Methods
  • TFILA_ACCRULE : Accounting Principles for Classification in CRM
  • TFILA_ACCRULET : Accounting Principles for CRM Classification -Texts
  • TFILA_COMPONENT : Application Components of Accounting Engine
  • TFILA_EXPL_001 : Structure of Tree Controls in Leasing Explorer
  • TFILA_FA_001 : Process+Accounting Principle -> Transaction Type
  • TFILA_FA_002 : Assignment Accounting Principle -> Depreciation Area
  • TFILA_FA_003 : Control of Useful Life Adjustment for Upgrades
  • TFILA_GF_000 : Process Mapping for Processs from External Systems
  • TFILA_GF_000C : Posting Periods Closed for Processes in LAE
  • TFILA_GF_000M : Methods
  • TFILA_GF_000MT : Method Texts
  • TFILA_GF_000P : Processes
  • TFILA_GF_000PT : Process Texts
  • TFILA_GF_000R : Reasons for Changes
  • TFILA_GF_000RT : Change Reason Texts
  • TFILA_GF_001 : Assignment Process -> Subprocess
  • TFILA_GF_001A : SYST: Allowed Change Events
  • TFILA_GF_001C : Control Table for Value IDs to Be Changed or Added
  • TFILA_GF_001CE : Specifications for Change Processes
  • TFILA_GF_001E : Processes for Changing Value ID Contents
  • TFILA_GF_001M : Assignment Subprocess -> Processing Methods
  • TFILA_GF_001MC : Assignment- Subprocesses to User-Defined Processing Methods
  • TFILA_GF_001S : Subprocesses
  • TFILA_GF_001ST : Subprocesses
  • TFILA_GF_003 : Value IDs and their Determination
  • TFILA_GF_003CF : Assignment of Value ID -> Payment Schedule for Calculation
  • TFILA_GF_003M : For Later Use of Value IDs for Retrieval
  • TFILA_GF_003MV : Assignment Value ID <-> Processing Method
  • TFILA_GF_003R : Value IDs Referenced from Method
  • TFILA_GF_003RB : Values/Data Required by Method
  • TFILA_GF_003RM : Values/Data Required by Method
  • TFILA_GF_003T : Value IDs
  • TFILA_GF_004 : Assignment Value ID -> Accrual Method
  • TFILA_GF_004BT : Assignment of Value ID -> Accrual Method for Determ. Balance
  • TFILA_GF_004CF : Assignment of Payment Schedule for Accrual Postings
  • TFILA_GF_005 : Specifications for One-Time Postings per Value ID
  • TFILA_GF_006 : Assignment Company Code -> Accounting Principles
  • TFILA_GF_007 : Assignment Condition Type -> Value ID
  • TFILA_GF_007C : Value IDs to Be Included in Payment Schedule
  • TFILA_GF_007CF : Payment Schedules
  • TFILA_GF_007CFA : Payment Schedule Definition
  • TFILA_GF_007CFT : Payment Schedule Names
  • TFILA_GF_008 : Assignment of Company Code to Grouping Key
  • TFILA_GF_008G : Grouping Key
  • TFILA_GF_008GT : Name of Grouping Key
  • TFILA_GF_009 : Assignment of Value IDs to Structure Field
  • TFILA_GF_009F : Assignment of Field Transfer of Two Structures
  • TFILA_GF_009V : Mapping Table for Structure Fields in Value IDs
  • TFILA_GF_011 : Option IDs
  • TFILA_GF_011T : Option IDs
  • TFILA_GF_020S : Assign Value IDs for Determining Residual Value
  • TFILA_GF_020T : Fill New Residual Values in Conditions
  • TFILA_GF_021 : Controls Number of Processes
  • TFILA_GF_100 : Assignment of Derivations for Validations/Substitutions
  • TFILA_GF_110 : Check Sequences in Financing Classification
  • TFILA_GF_110T : Texts of Check Sequences in Financing Classification
  • TFILA_GF_111 : Check Steps in Financing Classification
  • TFILA_LC_001 : Class Groups
  • TFILA_LC_001T : Class Groups
  • TFILA_LC_002 : Financing Classes
  • TFILA_LC_002AK : Assignment of Access Keys to Financing Classes
  • TFILA_LC_002T : Texts for Financing Classes
  • TFILA_LC_002TO : Specification Asset Values Copied for Following Business
  • TFILA_LC_003 : Assignmt of Value IDs to Fields of FILA_LCS_PARAM Structure
  • TFILA_LC_006 : Option IDs
  • TFILA_LC_006T : Option Indicators: Names
  • TFILA_LDB_000 : Assignment of Value IDs to Fields of Logical DB
  • TFILA_LDB_001 : Determination of Data Basis for Reports
  • TFILA_RE_CAT : Define Refinancing Category
  • TFILA_RE_CATT : Text for Refinancing Category
  • TFILA_RE_CAT_C : Assign Sales Tax Flag and Clearing Account to Refi. Categ.
  • TFILA_RE_CHGPR : Assign Refinancing Categ. and Change Process to Cluster Type
  • TFILA_RE_EVENT : Assign Refinancing Category and Process Type to Processes
  • TFILA_RE_RFF : Mapping for Payment Schedule Forfaiting
  • TFILA_RE_TNR : Number Range per Company Code and Refinancing Type
  • TFILA_RE_TNRT : Text for Number Range per Refinancing Type and Company Code
  • TFILA_RE_VAL : Assign Refinancing Category and Value Identifier
  • TFIOTP_001 : Document Group Characteristic
  • TFIOTP_001T : Document Group Characteristic Name
  • TFIOTP_002 : Account Determination Rule
  • TFIOTP_002T : Document Group Characteristic Name
  • TFIOTP_003 : Posting Key for Document Grouping Characteristic
  • TFK000 : Application Area in Contract Accounts Receivable/Payable
  • TFK000C : Central settings in contract accounts receivable/payable
  • TFK000D : Central Settings for Contract Accounts Rec.& Pay.(Technical)
  • TFK000K : Account Assignment Categories
  • TFK000KT : Description of account assignment categories
  • TFK000P : Active Subapplications
  • TFK000S : Posting Locks
  • TFK000SEPA : Central Settings for SEPA
  • TFK000ST : Name of Posting Locks
  • TFK000U : Central settings (user specific) for FI-CA
  • TFK001 : Origin key
  • TFK001A : Clearing Reasons
  • TFK001AT : Clearing reasons (text table)
  • TFK001B : Company Codes in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
  • TFK001C : Use of User-Specific Reconciliation Keys
  • TFK001EW : Local Currency Before Euro Conversion
  • TFK001F : Reconciliation key per user
  • TFK001G : Company Code Groups
  • TFK001GB : Company Codes for Company Code Groups
  • TFK001GT : Name of Company Code Groups
  • TFK001P : Period key
  • TFK001PT : Period key
  • TFK001R : Rounding Rules for Company Code and Currency
  • TFK001REP : Reporting Settings for Company Code
  • TFK001S : Reasons for Processing Lock
  • TFK001ST : Texts for reasons for processing block
  • TFK001T : Origin key code
  • TFK001U : User Reconciliation Groups
  • TFK001Z : Alternative Posting Data for G/L Transfer
  • TFK001ZM : Settings for EC Sales List
  • TFK002A : Contract Account Categories
  • TFK002AT : Texts on account categories
  • TFK002E : Dummy
  • TFK002F : Partner Account Relationships
  • TFK002FT : Texts on partner account agreements
  • TFK002G : Dummy
  • TFK002GT : Dummy
  • TFK003 : Document types
  • TFK003B : Parallel number ranges for FI-CA documents
  • TFK003D : Parallel Number Ranges for Individual Postings
  • TFK003T : Document types
  • TFK004 : Selection categories for manual payment processing
  • TFK004A : Manually changeable clearing restrictions
  • TFK004B : Clearing Lock Reason
  • TFK004C : Clearing Lock Reason Description
  • TFK004M : Field name allocation in FI-CA -> FI field selection item
  • TFK004T : Selection categories for manual payment processing
  • TFK005 : Term for Archiving Objects
  • TFK005_MDOC : Lives for Sample Documents Dependent on Origin of Document
  • TFK005_MDOC_H : Registered Origins for Sample Document Archiving
  • TFK006A : Object Types for Contract Acct Search
  • TFK006AT : Object text
  • TFK006C : Note to Payee - Key Words
  • TFK006D : Note to Payee - Structure
  • TFK006DC : Check Procedure for Account Statment Selections
  • TFK006DCT : Check Procedure Name
  • TFK006F : Assigned selection categories
  • TFK006X : Exception Accounts for Clarification Proposal
  • TFK006XS : Exception Accounts for Clarification Proposal
  • TFK006XT : Exception Accounts for Clarification Proposal
  • TFK007B : Tax Code for Bollo (Italy)
  • TFK007E : Tax Key with Possible Tax Exemption
  • TFK007F : Other Tax Codes
  • TFK007FK : Tax Item Categories for Other Tax Code
  • TFK007FKT : Tax Item Categories for Other Tax Code
  • TFK007FT : Other Tax Codes (Texts)
  • TFK007K : Tax Item Categories for Other Tax Codes
  • TFK007KT : Tax Item Categories for Other Tax Codes
  • TFK007M : Maximum Tax
  • TFK007REP : Conversion Table for Sales Journal Belgium
  • TFK007U : New Tax Indicator Key Assignments for Write-offs
  • TFK007X : External Tax Types
  • TFK007XT : Name of External Tax Type
  • TFK008 : Locking Reasons for Automatic Payment Transactions
  • TFK008T : Locking Reason Names in Automatic Payment Transactions
  • TFK009 : Definition of Report Time / Type of Sales / Purchase Taxes
  • TFK009S : Definition of Report Time / Type for Other Taxes
  • TFK009_AR : ARGENTINA: Legal reporting time / grouping
  • TFK009_REV : Definition of Report Time / Type of Sales / Purchase Taxes
  • TFK010 : Interprtn of Set of Rules for Sales/Purchase Tax Recording
  • TFK010T : Text Table for Set of Rules for Sales/Purchase Tax Recording
  • TFK011 : Definition of Report Time / Type for Other Taxes
  • TFK012 : Bank clearing accounts
  • TFK012A : Allocation pmnt methods -> Bank trans.
  • TFK012D : Parameters for DMEs and Foreign Payment Transactions
  • TFK012DCV : Electronic Bank Statement: Payment Agreements (Brazil)
  • TFK013 : Find Payments via Search Engine
  • TFK015W : Instruction Keys
  • TFK015W1 : Boleto: Instruction
  • TFK015W1T : Boleto: Instruction Keys - Description
  • TFK015WT : Boleto: Instruction Code - Description
  • TFK019W : FI-CA: Selection and Coordinates of Dialog Boxes
  • TFK020A : Table of Reconciliation Accts (Value-Added Tax Clrg Accts)
  • TFK020B : Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings to Cash Desk
  • TFK020C : Short Acct Assignments for Write-Offs from Clarif. Worklist
  • TFK020K : Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings
  • TFK020KT : Name for Short Account Assignments
  • TFK020M : Mailing Addresses for Short Acct Assgmt for Transfer Posting
  • TFK020R : Program Selections
  • TFK020RS : Program Selections
  • TFK020U : Regrouping Accounts
  • TFK020VB : FS Preparation: Summarization Co. Codes for Reclassification
  • TFK020VK : FS Preparation: Summarization Accounts for Reclassification
  • TFK021 : Line layout variants: Fields
  • TFK021D : Screen variants: Administration
  • TFK021F : Screen variants: Number of lines
  • TFK021G : Screen variants: Description of variants
  • TFK021I : Fast entry line layout: Variant fields
  • TFK021K : Subscreen Management (SAP)
  • TFK021KC : Detail Screen Structure for Document Display (Customer)
  • TFK021L : Account balance: List types
  • TFK021M : Account balance: List types (description)
  • TFK021PC : Screen Variants: Reference Screens (Customer)
  • TFK021R : Field selection for list processing functions
  • TFK021S : Screen variants (standard): Management
  • TFK021SV : Sort Variants
  • TFK021SVT : Sorting variants (description)
  • TFK021T : Line layout variants: Texts
  • TFK021U : Default Values for Line Layout in Account Display
  • TFK021X : Screen variants (standard): Meaning of variants
  • TFK021Z : Line layout variants: Header data
  • TFK021_ROLES : Account Balance Roles
  • TFK021_ROLEST : Account Balance Role Description
  • TFK021_SNAP : Account Balance: Current Snapshot
  • TFK022A : Screen variants for document posting
  • TFK022B : Screen variants for document posting (texts)
  • TFK022C : Fields to be hidden
  • TFK022D : Fields to be hidden per screen variant
  • TFK028G : Allocate Ext.Trans.Code from Elec.Acct.Statement to FICA Obj
  • TFK028G_B : Brazil: Assign External Transactions to Internal Codes
  • TFK033C : Account determination: Control
  • TFK033C1 : Account Determination: Control (F1/F4 Modules)
  • TFK033C2 : Account Determination: Control (Check Modules)
  • TFK033C3 : Account Determination: Control (Navigation Module)
  • TFK033D : Account determination: Data
  • TFK033E : Account determination: Choice of key used
  • TFK033F : Posting areas
  • TFK033G : Posting Areas (Name)
  • TFK033R : Account determination: Reading sequence
  • TFK033T : Acct determination: function modules for reading texts
  • TFK036S : Planning Levels with Payment Locks
  • TFK036V : Different Planning Levels By Transactions
  • TFK042A : Payment Program: Bank Selection
  • TFK042AX : Payment Program: Bank Selection - IDs
  • TFK042AXL : Payment Program: Bank Selection - ID (Values)
  • TFK042AXT : Payment Program: Bank Selection - IDs (Texts)
  • TFK042B : Payment Program: Specifications for Paying Company Code
  • TFK042C : Payments/Dunning/Interest: Alternative Currency
  • TFK042E : Payment program: company code payment method specifications
  • TFK042F : Payment medium formats
  • TFK042FB : Payment medium events
  • TFK042FE : Payment program: company code format specifications
  • TFK042FF : Level of Detail When Creating Payment Medium
  • TFK042FG : Level of Detail When Creating Payment Medium (Refinement)
  • TFK042FM : Required Fields for Format Parameters
  • TFK042FT : Payment medium formats (long text)
  • TFK042FV : Customizing for Note to Payee: Content
  • TFK042FW : Note to payee customizing: layout
  • TFK042FWT : Type of note to payee: Description
  • TFK042FX : Text Fields for Reference Details (Note to Payee)
  • TFK042FZ : Supplements for payment medium formats
  • TFK042FZT : Supplements for payment medium formats (long text)
  • TFK042H : Own Bank Details
  • TFK042HT : Own Bank Details
  • TFK042M : Payment Medium: User Numbers at Bank
  • TFK042Q : Payment Medium: Note of First Direct Debit
  • TFK042U : Payment Medium: Internal Note to Payee
  • TFK042V : Payment Program: Determination of Value Date
  • TFK042W : Payment Program: Valid Currencies for Payment Method
  • TFK042X : Payment Program: Company Codes blocked by Payt Run
  • TFK042Z : Payment Program: Additional Specifications for Payt Methods
  • TFK042ZA : Payment Program: Additional Specifications for Payt Methods
  • TFK042ZT : Payment Program: Additional Specifications for Payt Methods
  • TFK043 : Tolerances for Payment Differences, Payment Notices
  • TFK043T : FI-CA: Tolerances for cash discount and payment differences
  • TFK043U : Assign clerk --> tolerance group in contract account
  • TFK043V : Tolerance groups for contract A/R+A/P
  • TFK044 : FI-CA Valuation Area
  • TFK044A : Foreign Currency Valuation Methods
  • TFK044B : Valuation Method Names
  • TFK044C : FI-CA Valuation Variant
  • TFK044CT : Name of Valuation Variant
  • TFK044D : FI-CA Company Code Valuation
  • TFK044E : Basic Setting for Foreign Currency Valuation
  • TFK044F : Valuation Plan Variants
  • TFK044FD : Periods of Valuation Plan Variants
  • TFK044FT : Name of Valuation Plan Variants
  • TFK044T : Name of Valuation Area
  • TFK045A : Returns table
  • TFK045AT : Returns texts
  • TFK045B : Returns Charges
  • TFK045C : Maximum Amount Differences
  • TFK045D : Assign return reasons
  • TFK045E : Returns Activities (Returns Lot)
  • TFK045ET : Texts on returns activities
  • TFK045T : User ID for Bank Transactions
  • TFK046A : Creditworthiness Weighting by Month
  • TFK046B : Origin of an Entry Relating to Creditworthiness
  • TFK046BT : Origin of an Entry Relating to Creditworthiness
  • TFK047A : Dunning procedure
  • TFK047AT : Dunning procedure texts
  • TFK047B : Dunning level control
  • TFK047BT : Dunning level texts
  • TFK047C : Upper/lower amounts for dunning
  • TFK047E : Charges Schedule
  • TFK047ET : Texts for Charges Schema
  • TFK047F : Dunning grouping
  • TFK047FT : Dunning grouping texts
  • TFK047G : Dunning Level Categories
  • TFK047GT : Text for dunning level type
  • TFK047H : Charges Categories
  • TFK047HT : Text for dunning charges type
  • TFK047I : Charges
  • TFK047J : Dunning procedure types
  • TFK047JT : Texts for dunning procedure type
  • TFK047K : Charge Categories Per Schedule
  • TFK047L : FI-CA Dunning: Definition of dunning activities
  • TFK047LT : FI-CA Dunning: Definition of dunning activities (texts)
  • TFK047M : FI-CA Dunning: Dunning Activities
  • TFK047N : FI-CA Dunning: Grouping criteria
  • TFK047O : Upper/lower amounts for dunning
  • TFK047P : Execution Variants of Dunning Proposal Run
  • TFK047PT : Texts for Execution Variants (Dunning)
  • TFK047S : Dunning block reasons
  • TFK047ST : Dunning block reason text
  • TFK048A : Charge-Off Reasons
  • TFK048AB : Define Percentage Rates for Write-Off Reasons (CZ, SK)
  • TFK048AT : Charge-Off Reason Texts
  • TFK048B : Tax Calculation Types in Write-Off/Indiv.Value Adjustment
  • TFK048C : Execution variants of event 5015
  • TFK048CT : Execution variants texts
  • TFK049B : Tax Calculation Types for Individual Value Adjustments
  • TFK050A : Status of Receivables for Submission to Collection Agency
  • TFK050AT : Status of Receivables Texts
  • TFK050B : Collection Agencies
  • TFK050D : Callback Reason for Items Submitted to Collection Agency
  • TFK050DT : Callback Reasons for Items Submitted to Coll. Agency (Texts)
  • TFK050I : Categories of Information to Collection Agency
  • TFK051A : Transfer Reasons
  • TFK051AT : Transfer Posting Reason Texts
  • TFK053A : Change Payment Data: Client-Specific Settings
  • TFK053B : Change Payment Data: Company Code Group-Specific Settings
  • TFK053C : Change Payment Data: Processing Variants
  • TFK053CT : Change Payment Data: Texts for Processing Variants
  • TFK053D : Follow-Up Actions: Activity Types
  • TFK053DT : Follow-Up Actions: Texts for Activity Types
  • TFK053E : Follow-Up Actions: Processes
  • TFK053ET : Follow-Up Actions: Texts for Processes
  • TFK053F : Follow-Up Actions: Assignment Processes -> Activity Types
  • TFK053G : Follow-Up Actions: Rules
  • TFK053GT : Follow-Up Actions: Texts for Rules
  • TFK053H : Follow-Up Actions: Rules -> Activity Variants
  • TFK053I : Follow-Up Actions: Rule Determination
  • TFK053R02 : Follow-Up Actions: Delete Activity Variants for Locks
  • TFK053R02T : Follow-Up Actions: Texts for Delete Locks Activity Variants
  • TFK053R03 : Follow-Up Actions: Activity Variants for Dunning Reversal
  • TFK053R03T : Follow-Up Actions: Texts for Activity Variants Dunning Revrs
  • TFK053R04 : Foll.-Up Acts: Activity Variants for Writing Off Returns Chg
  • TFK053R04T : Follow-Up Actions: Texts for Returns Reversal Activity Var.
  • TFK054A : Incorrect Bank Data Lot: Error Reasons per Sender
  • TFK054AT : NOC Returns: Texts for Error Reasons per Institution
  • TFK054B : Assignment of Sender Institution Error Reason -> Internal
  • TFK054C : NOC Returns: Activities per OPBUK and INSID
  • TFK054CT : NOC Returns: Activity Texts
  • TFK055 : Fields of Field Groups for Document Change
  • TFK055G : Field Groups for Document Changes
  • TFK055T : Field Groups for Document Change (Description)
  • TFK056A : Interest Key Table for FI-CA
  • TFK056C : Clearing reasons for which no interest calc. takes place
  • TFK056I : Minimum Amounts for Interest Calculation Rule
  • TFK056S : Blocking Reasons for Interest Calculation
  • TFK056ST : Blocking Reasons for Interest Calculation (Text Table)
  • TFK056T : Interest Key Text Table
  • TFK057 : FI-CA: Amount Limit Table for Interest Calculation
  • TFK058 : FI-CA: Rules for Additional Receivables
  • TFK058A : Rules for Additional Receivables (Attributes)
  • TFK058T : Rules for Additional Receivables (Description)
  • TFK059E : Withholding Tax Supplement
  • TFK059ET : Additional Withholding Tax : Texts
  • TFK059QE : Additional Withholding Tax : Characteristics
  • TFK059QV : Transaction-Specific Withholding Tax Code
  • TFK060A : Install.Plan Proposal Cats
  • TFK060T : Installment plan and loan categories
  • TFK061A : Deactivation Reasons for Installment Plan
  • TFK061AT : Deactivation Reasons for Installment Plans (Text Table)
  • TFK062A : Categories for Installment Plan
  • TFK062AT : Installment Plan Category (Text Table)
  • TFK077D : FI-CA: SD/FI-CA Customer Account Group Enhancement
  • TFK080B : FI-CA Blocks: Blocking Types
  • TFK080BT : FI-CA Block - Blocking Type Texts
  • TFK080C : FI-CA Blocks: Blocked Processes
  • TFK080D : FI-CA Locks - Check Hierarchy for Lock Types
  • TFK080E : Activities for Conditional Business Locks
  • TFK080ET : Text Table on Activities for Conditional Business Locks
  • TFK080F : Lock Process for Business Locks
  • TFK080FT : Text Table on Lock Processes for Business Locks
  • TFK080R1 : Lock Reasons for Invoicing
  • TFK080R1T : Text on Lock Reasons for Invoicing
  • TFK080R2 : Lock Reasons for Scheduling
  • TFK080R2T : Text on Lock Reasons for Scheduling
  • TFK080R3 : Lock Reasons for Correspondence Dunning
  • TFK080R3T : Texts on Locking Reasons for Correspondence Dunning
  • TFK090A : Mass Activity Types
  • TFK090AT : Contract A/R & A/P Activities - Activity Type (Texts)
  • TFK090B : Mass Activities: List of Add. Functions fr.Environment Menu
  • TFK090BT : Mass Activities: Texts on Add. Functions via Menu Environmt
  • TFK090C : Mass Activities: Permitted Synchronization Objects
  • TFK090D : OBSOLETE - Mass Activity - Modification Nos for Field Sel.
  • TFK090E : Mass Activities - Field Selection - Free Selection
  • TFK090_COUNTER : Definition Table of Counters for Mass Activities
  • TFK090_COUNTERT : Text Table for TFK090_COUNTER
  • TFK100A : General Settings for Cash Payments
  • TFK100B : Counter per Currency at Cash Desk
  • TFK100BT : Text Table for Count Template per Currency of Cash Desk
  • TFK100C : Activities per Role in Cash Journal
  • TFK100C_S : Activities per Standard Role in Cash Journal
  • TFK100D : Cash Desk: Cash Desk Clearing Accounts
  • TFK110 : Clearing: Clearing Types
  • TFK110T : Clearing: Clearing Types (Texts)
  • TFK111 : Clearing: Clearing Categories
  • TFK111T : Clearing: Clearing Categories (Texts)
  • TFK113 : Clearing: Clearing Type Specifications
  • TFK113A : Clearing: Assign Clearing Variants
  • TFK113E : Clearing: Exit Modules
  • TFK113F : Clearing: Due Date Intervals for OI Selection
  • TFK113G : Clearing: Write-Off Statistical Items
  • TFK113Z : Clearing: Usage of Non-Assignable Payments
  • TFK115 : Clearing: Clearing Step
  • TFK115G : Clearing: Alternative Grouping Characteristic Values
  • TFK115K : Clearing: Clearing Variant (Check Table)
  • TFK115KT : Clearing: Clearing Variant (Texts)
  • TFK115S : Clearing: Ranking Order of Characteristic Values for Sorting
  • TFK115T : Clearing: Clearing Step (Texts)
  • TFK116 : Clearing: Grouping/Sorting Characteristics
  • TFK116T : Clearing: Grouping/Sorting Characteristics (Texts)
  • TFK119 : Clearing: Amount Check Group
  • TFK119K : Clearing: Amount Check Group Header
  • TFK119KT : Clearing: Amount Check Group (Texts)
  • TFK122 : Payment Run: Assign Payment Block Reason to Item Indicator
  • TFK123 : Payment Run: Assign General Grouping Variants
  • TFK123A : Payment Run: Assign Grouping Variants
  • TFK125 : Payment Run: Grouping Step
  • TFK125G : Payment Run: Alternative Grouping Characteristic Values
  • TFK125K : Payment Run: Grouping Variant (Check Table)
  • TFK125KT : Payment Run: Grouping Variant (Texts)
  • TFK125T : Payment Run: Grouping Step (Texts)
  • TFK126 : Payment Run: Grouping Characteristics
  • TFK126T : Payment Run: Grouping Characteristics (Texts)
  • TFK2600 : Document Number Assignment: Document Type
  • TFK2600A : Document Number Assignment: Number Range Objects
  • TFK2600B : Document Number Assignment:Document Number Already Assigned?
  • TFK2600M : Document Number Assignment: Parallel Number Range
  • TFK2600S : Document Number Assignment: Number Ranges for Indiv. Proc.
  • TFK2600T : Document Number Assignment: Name of Document Type
  • TFK2601 : Invoicing Functions
  • TFK2601T : Invoicing Functions
  • TFK2602 : Invoicing Processes
  • TFK2602F : Invoicing Functions in Invoicing Process
  • TFK2602G : Determination of Grouping Variant (Invoicing Cat.-Specific)
  • TFK2602S : Control of Determination of Invoicing Orders
  • TFK2602T : Invoicing Processes (Texts)
  • TFK2603 : Invoicing Types
  • TFK2603F : Invoicing Functions (Exceptions)
  • TFK2603T : Invoicing Types (Texts)
  • TFK2604 : Invoicing Categories
  • TFK2604T : Invoicing Categories (Texts)
  • TFK2605 : Reference Document Types for Posting Documents
  • TFK2605T : Reference Document Types for Posting Documents (Texts)
  • TFK2608 : Invoicing Item Types
  • TFK2608T : Invoicing Item Types
  • TFK2610 : CO-PA Characteristic Derivation
  • TFK2611 : Category of Invoicing Period
  • TFK2611T : Category of Invoicing Period
  • TFK2613 : Key for Tax Display in Invoicing
  • TFK2613G : Key for Tax Display: Assignment of Grouping Fields
  • TFK2613GE : Key for Tax Display: Alternative Grouping Values
  • TFK2613T : Key for Tax Display in Invoicing
  • TFK2615 : Invoicing: Grouping Variant
  • TFK2615C : Invoicing: Grouping Fields
  • TFK2615CT : Invoicing: Grouping Fields (Texts)
  • TFK2615G : Grouping Variant: Assignment of Grouping Fields
  • TFK2615GE : Grouping Variant: Alternative Grouping Values
  • TFK2615T : Invoicing: Grouping Variant
  • TFK2617 : Discounts/Surcharges
  • TFK2617R : Calculation Rules for Calculating Charges/Discounts
  • TFK2617T : Charges and Discounts (Texts)
  • TFK2618 : Invoicing: Invoice Rounding
  • TFK2618R : Invoicing: Invoice Rounding
  • TFK2618T : Invoicing: Invoice Rounding (Texts)
  • TFK2660 : Basic Settings for Invoicing Reversal
  • TFK2661 : Reversal Reasons for Invoicing Documents
  • TFK2661T : Reversal Reasons for Invoicing Documents
  • TFK2680 : Invoicing: Determination of Application Form
  • TFK4EYE : Check Reasons for Dual Control Principle
  • TFK4EYET : Check Reasons for Dual Control Principle (Texts)
  • TFK880 : Global Company Data (for KONS Ledger)
  • TFKACTIVATE_OI : Outbound Interface: Company Code Settings
  • TFKARCOF_C : Argentina: Revenue tax distribution coefficient - County
  • TFKAREXTDOC : Argentina: Define report classification
  • TFKARGIPER_C : Argentina: Revenue tax rate - County
  • TFKARGROUP : Argentina: Tax Reporting Group
  • TFKARGROUPT : Argentina: Tax Reporting Group Description
  • TFKARGROUP_C : Argentina: Reporting time definition at County level
  • TFKARGROUP_R : Argentina: Reporting group definition at Regional level
  • TFKARMZPKT_C : Argentina: Reporting time definition at County level
  • TFKARMZPKT_R : Argentina: Reporting time definition at Regional level
  • TFKARREPCONTRT : ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax control table
  • TFKARREPTAXID : ARGENTINA: Legal report relevant TAXID per report
  • TFKAR_LOCK : Locks for Archiving in FI-CA
  • TFKAUTH : Processing functions with authorization protection
  • TFKAUTHT : Processing functions with authorization protection
  • TFKAUTHT_EBPP : Processing Functions with Authorization Protection (BD)
  • TFKAUTH_EBPP : Processing Functions with Authorization Protection (BD)
  • TFKAWM001 : Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Key Directory per Country
  • TFKAWM001T : Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Types
  • TFKAWM002 : Foreign Trade Reporting: Directory of Report Keys
  • TFKAWM002T : Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Code Directory
  • TFKAWM003 : Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Code Directory
  • TFKAWM003T : Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Key in Directory
  • TFKAWM004 : Foreign Trade Reporting: Alternative Report Key
  • TFKAWM005 : Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Types per Country
  • TFKAWM005T : Foreign Trade Reporting: Report Types per Country
  • TFKBBOL_DEFLT : Boleto: default instruction keys
  • TFKBOL_BANKID : Boleto: Bank ID Determination Customizing
  • TFKBOL_BOLEXT : Boleto: Number range for external Boleto
  • TFKBOL_BOLXT : Boleto: external Boleto number ranges
  • TFKBOL_ICODE : Boleto: Internal action code for the instruction key
  • TFKBOL_ICODET : Boleto: Internal code - instruction key 1- text
  • TFKBOL_INSTR : Boleto: Instruction Keys
  • TFKBOL_INST_CODE : Boleto: Instruction Keys
  • TFKBOL_TEXT : Boleto: Instruction Keys - Description
  • TFKBW : FICA to BW - Maintain Fields for Extraction
  • TFKBWC : FICA BW - Maintain Fields for Extraction (Customer View)
  • TFKBWD : FICA to BW - Extraction Source Tables
  • TFKBWD01 : FICA to BW Extraction - Extraction Type Definition
  • TFKBWD01T : Text Table for TFKBWD
  • TFKBWDT : Text Table for TFKBWD
  • TFKBWT01 : FICA to BW - Interval Definition
  • TFKBWT01D : FICA to BW - Intervals
  • TFKBWT01DT : FICA to BW - Intervals
  • TFKB_015W : Instruction keys
  • TFKB_015W1 : Instructions
  • TFKB_015W1T : Instructions (explanatory text)
  • TFKCALLID : Maintain Call ID for BAPI for Document Posting
  • TFKCALLIDT : BAPI Caller (Text Table)
  • TFKCF : Parallel Update of Cash Management
  • TFKCGMIGRATE : Status of Migration for Company Code Group
  • TFKCOD : FI-CA: CO Account Assignment Key/Allocation
  • TFKCOK : FI-CA: CO Account Assignment Key
  • TFKCOT : FI-CA: CO Account Assignment Key (Name)
  • TFKCR000 : Settings for Integration of FI-CA with SAP Credit Management
  • TFKCRCS : Customizing Table for Credit Segment
  • TFKCRCST : Customizing Table for Credit Segment
  • TFKCVS_CODE : Code in Payment Lot for Payments from Ext. Payment Collector
  • TFKCVS_ELOC : External Payment Collector
  • TFKCVS_ELOCT : Text for External Payment Collector
  • TFKDDA : Debit Memo Notification: General Settings
  • TFKDI : Objects permitted to be distributed in intervals
  • TFKDIF : Objects permitted to be distributed in intervals
  • TFKDIFT : Texts on permitted objects for distribution in intervals
  • TFKDIT : Texts on permitted objects for distribution in intervals
  • TFKDMC : Dispute Management: General Settings
  • TFKDMC_EXT : Case: Categorization of Internal Dispute Types
  • TFKDMC_EXTT : Case: Categorization of Internal Dispute Types (Texts)
  • TFKDO_GRP : Grouping for Jobs
  • TFKDO_GRPT : Text Table for TFKDO_GRP
  • TFKDO_TYP : Job Type Customizing
  • TFKDO_TYPT : Texts concerning permitted values for job type
  • TFKEBPP : FSCM Biller Direct: Customizing
  • TFKEBPPINT : Biller Direct: Debugging
  • TFKENH : Check Table for Customer Enhancements Supported
  • TFKEQWC : ENQUEUE Wildcard for Generic Locks
  • TFKEXTSYST : ID of External System
  • TFKFBC : Installation-Specific Function Modules
  • TFKFBM : Standard function modules
  • TFKFBMH : Standard Function Modules - Assignment to Search Terms
  • TFKFBMK : Search Terms for Events
  • TFKFBMKT : Search Words for Events - Text Table
  • TFKFBMT : Standard function modules
  • TFKFBS : Standard function modules
  • TFKFS : Field Selector
  • TFKFSD : Field Selector Data Table
  • TFKGPSU : Shadow Table - System Fields
  • TFKHHVO : Main Transactions for Credit Postings in FI-CA
  • TFKHTVO : Subtransactions for Credit Postings in FI-CA
  • TFKHVO : Main transactions in contract accts receivable and payable
  • TFKHVOT : Main transactions in contract accts receivable and payable
  • TFKIHVOR : Internal Main Transactions
  • TFKIHVORT : Internal Main Transactions - Text Table
  • TFKITVOR : Internal Sub-Transactions
  • TFKITVORT : Internal Sub-Transactions
  • TFKIVV : Assignment of Internal Transactions to External Transactions
  • TFKKBPCL_ACT : Define Activities for Processing Business Partner Duplicates
  • TFKKBPCL_ACTT : Texts of Activities for Business Partner Duplicate Processng
  • TFKKBPCL_STEP : Define Order of Activities for BP Duplicate Processing
  • TFKKORDERAPPROVE : Settings for Approval of Requests
  • TFKK_EXTR_CUST : Extracts: Customizing
  • TFKK_EXTR_CUSTF : Extracts: Customizing, Field Assignment
  • TFKK_EXTR_OBJ : Short Extracts - Objects
  • TFKK_EXTR_OBJT : Short Extracts: Objects
  • TFKK_EXTR_STR : Short Extracts: Structures
  • TFKK_SELP_GRP : Selection Types - Customizing Groups
  • TFKK_SELP_GRPT : Selection Types - Customizing Groups - Texts
  • TFKK_SELP_OP : Selection Types for OI Reports
  • TFKK_SELP_TYP : Selection Types - Customizing
  • TFKK_SELP_TYPT : Type of Selection - Text
  • TFKLOCKOPT : Buffered Data for Optimizing Reading of Locks
  • TFKMDC_ORIGIN : Origin of Request for Change to Master Data
  • TFKMDC_ORIGINT : Texts for Origin of Request for Change to Master Data
  • TFKMDC_TYPE : Change Types
  • TFKMDC_TYPET : Texts for Change Types
  • TFKOPBW : BW - Maintain Fields for OI Extraction
  • TFKOPBWC : BW - Maintain Fields for OI Extraction
  • TFKOPBWD : OIBW Extraction - Source Tables
  • TFKOPBWDT : Text Table for TFKOPBWD
  • TFKORDER : Basic Settings for Document Creation
  • TFKORDER_GEN : Basic Settings for General Requests
  • TFKPAYMFBC : Payment Medium: Installation-Specific Modules
  • TFKPAYMFBM : Payment Medium: Events and Standard Function Modules
  • TFKPAYMFBS : Payment Medium: Standard Modules
  • TFKPERIOD : Period definition
  • TFKPK : Item indicator in payments
  • TFKPKC : Item Indicators for Clarification
  • TFKPKS : Scope of Exception List
  • TFKPKT : Item indicator in payments
  • TFKRECEIVER_OI : Outbound Interface: Settings for Receiver System
  • TFKRESOB : Check Function Modules for Reconciliation Key
  • TFKSEPA_V : SEPA: Visibility of Mandate Fields
  • TFKSHVO : Main Transactions for Debit Postings in FI-CA
  • TFKSTVO : Subtransactions for Debit Postings in FI-CA
  • TFKSYSSTAT : Status Table for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
  • TFKTAXMIN : Minimum Amounts for Taxes
  • TFKTVO : Sub-transactions in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
  • TFKTVOT : Sub-transactions in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
  • TFKVOID : Reasons for Check Voiding
  • TFKVOIDT : Reasons for Check Voiding/Text
  • TFKZGR : Reason for Marking as Doubtful/Individual Value Adjustment
  • TFKZGRD : Value Adjustment Reasons
  • TFKZGRDEFEX : Exceptions for default Value Adjustment Reason (CZ/SK)
  • TFKZGRDFEX : Exceptions for default Value Adjustment Reason (CZ/SK)
  • TFKZGRME : Variant Determination Value Adjustments (Slovakia/Czech R.)
  • TFKZGRT : Desription of Reasons for Doubtful Items/IVA
  • TFKZMETH : Processing Methods for User Event
  • TFKZMETHT : Text Table for TFKZMETH
  • TFKZRGR : Reset reason
  • TFKZRGRT : Description of Reset Reasons for Doubtful Items/IVA
  • TFKZVAR : Value Adjustment Variants - Definition of Age Grid
  • TFKZVARI : Value Adjustment Variants
  • TFKZVARIT : Value Adjustment Variants
  • TFKZVART : Value Adjustment Variants - Definition of Age Grid
  • TFKZWEX : Exceptiions for Doubtful Entries/Individual Value Adjustment
  • TFK_BPRATING : Valuation of Business Partner Duplicates
  • TFK_BUAG_PF : Determination of Responsible Clerk for Replication from CRM
  • TFK_BUAG_REF : Determination of Reference Contract Account for Replication
  • TFK_CL_GEN : Data Cleansing: General Settings
  • TFK_CRPO : Credit Processing: Customizing ID Credit
  • TFK_EXTDOC : Document Type for Official Document Number
  • TFK_EXTDOC_AR : Official Document Number Data for Argentina
  • TFK_EXTDOC_AR2 : Report Classification for Argentina
  • TFK_EXTDOC_AR2T : Text for Report Classification
  • TFK_EXTDOC_AR3 : Determination of Report Classification
  • TFK_EXTDOC_AR4 : Default Values for Branches in Argentina
  • TFK_EXTDOC_IT1 : Official Document Number Data Italy
  • TFK_EXTDOC_IT2 : Official document data Italy, determine reporting frequency
  • TFK_EXTDOC_OP : Transactions for Official Document Number
  • TFK_FMDERIVSTRAT : Define Strategy for FM Account Assignment Derivation
  • TFK_INT_SAFT : SAF-T processing modules
  • TFK_JC_GROUP : Group Information for Job Commander & Container
  • TFK_JC_VERB_C : Verbs for Job Commander from User
  • TFK_NUMGR_IT : Official Document Number Data Italy
  • TFK_NUMGR_IT_T : Texts for numbering group for official documents Italy
  • TFK_ODNGRP : Grouping for Official Document Number (ODN)
  • TFK_ODNGRP_T : Text for Grouping for Official Document Numbers (ODN)
  • TFK_PAYMENTREL : FI-CA: Customizing Payment Release Disbursements
  • TFK_PAYMENTREL_N : FICA: Customizing Payment Release Disbursements - New
  • TFK_REPCONF : Settings for Reporting
  • TFK_REPT1 : Reasons for (Repeat) Print
  • TFK_REPT1_T : Reasons for (Repeat) Print - Texts
  • TFK_RRULES : Replacement Rules for Duplicate Search for Business Partner
  • TFK_RZAREL : FICA: Customizing Payment Release Repayments
  • TFK_SEC : General settings for security deposits
  • TFK_SEC_APPLK : Fixed Settings for Security Deposits (Obsolete)
  • TFK_SEC_REASON : Reason for requesting a security deposit
  • TFK_SEC_REASON_T : Reason for requesting a security deposit (texts)
  • TFK_SEC_REV : Reversal Reason for Security Deposit
  • TFK_SEC_REV_T : Reversal Reason for Security Deposit (Texts)
  • TFK_SEC_STATUS : Noncash security deposit status
  • TFK_SEC_STATUS_T : Noncash security deposit status (texts)
  • TFK_SEC_TYPE : Noncash security deposit category
  • TFK_SEC_TYPE_T : Noncash Security Deposit Category (Texts)
  • TFK_TAXTYPE_HU : Define Tax category for Domestic Sales
  • TFK_VATCODE_HU : VAT code for Domestic Sales Hungary
  • TFK_VATMAP_IT : VAT code mapping for Italy
  • TFPM042F : Payment medium formats: General attributes
  • TFPM042FB : Payment medium formats: Events
  • TFPM042FBC : Payment medium formats: Customer events
  • TFPM042FD : Payment Medium Formats: Preassignment of Format Parameters
  • TFPM042FDC : Payt Medium Formats: Cust. Preassignm. of Format Parameters
  • TFPM042FF : Payment medium formats: Format parameters
  • TFPM042FFC : Payment medium formats: Customer format parameters
  • TFPM042FG : Payment medium formats: Level of detail of payment medium
  • TFPM042FGC : Payt. medium formats: Cust. level of det. of payment mediums
  • TFPM042FM : Payment medium formats: Reqd fields for format parameters
  • TFPM042FMC : Payment medium formats: Cust. reqd. fields for format para.
  • TFPM042FPB : Payment Medium Formats: Modules for Payment Doc. Validation
  • TFPM042FSB : Payment Medium Formats: Modules for Writing/Sending Files
  • TFPM042FT : Payment medium formats: Texts
  • TFPM042FV : Payment medium formats: Note to payee fields
  • TFPM042FZ : Payment medium formats: Supplements
  • TFPM042FZT : Payment medium formats: Supplement text
  • TFPM042VA : Payment medium: Note to payee
  • TFPM042VAT : Payment medium: Note to payee texts
  • TFPM042VI : Payment medium: Note to payee contents
  • TFPM042VJ : Payment Media: Content of Note to Payee Lang. Independent
  • TFSC01 : Account Determ. IDs
  • TFSC01T : Account Determination ID Texts
  • TFSC052 : Terms of Payment
  • TFSC052T : Terms of Payment
  • TFSCHVTV : Transactions for Company Code and Division
  • TFSCHVTVT : Transactions for Company Code and Division (Texts)
  • TFSCKTOKL : Account Classes
  • TFSCKTOKLT : Account Class Texts
  • TFSCM_BUPA_ISR : FSCM: List of Open ISR Messages in FSCM Area
  • TFSC_MAP_KOFIZ : Fld Value Assgt. of Tax Features for Acct Determin. Features
  • TFSC_MAP_ZAHLKD : Field Val. Assgt of Pymt Term (mySAP CRM) to FI-CA Pymt Term
  • TGCDT_REPORTER : GCD Reporter Name
  • TGCDT_VER : GCD Revision Data Names
  • TGCDT_XBRL : GCD Version Names
  • TGCD_REPORTER : GCD Reporter
  • TGCD_VER : GCD Revision Data
  • TGCD_XBRL : GCD Versions
  • TGLO_JP_IMP : Depreciation areas to Impairment data mapping
  • TGLO_JP_IMPDEPR : Depreciation areas to Impairment data mapping
  • TGLO_JP_IMPTTY : Japan - Impairment Transaction Types and Asset Master Update
  • TGSBK : Consolidation business areas
  • TGSBL : Text table for TGSBK
  • THIST : Table for History
  • TICRC1 : RFC Destination and Contact Person in Company
  • TICRC2 : Selection of Recon. Criteria for Recon. Affiliated Companies
  • TICRC3 : Contact Person in Trading Partner
  • TICRC5 : Contact Person - Organization Addresses - Dummy
  • TICRC_CNUM : ICRC: Company IDs in External Systems
  • TIVXABDCNACCT : FI-CA: Contract Acct Category per Contract and Partner Role
  • TIVXAFCTRANSDET : FI-CA: Main and Subtransaction for Transaction Type
  • TIVXCCHACTIVE : Localization Switzerland: GWR Land Register Active
  • TIVXCCHCOND : Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Condition
  • TIVXCCHCONDT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Condition Text
  • TIVXCCHFLOOR : Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Floor
  • TIVXCCHFLOORT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Floor Text
  • TIVXCCHGENSRC : Localization Switzerland: GWR Energy Source
  • TIVXCCHGENSRCT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Energy Source Text
  • TIVXCCHHEAT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Heating Type
  • TIVXCCHHEATT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Heating Type Text
  • TIVXCCHKAT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Category
  • TIVXCCHKATT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Category Text
  • TIVXCCHKIT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Rental Object Kitchen Infrastr
  • TIVXCCHKITT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Rental Object Kitchen Text
  • TIVXCCHSTAT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Status
  • TIVXCCHSTATT : Localization Switzerland: GWR Building Status Text
  • TIVXCCHUSAGE : Localization Switzerland: GWR Usage Type
  • TIVXCCHUSAGET : Localization Switzerland: GWR Usage Type Text
  • TIVXCCORRALLCNTR : All Allowed Countries for Correction/Reversal invoices
  • TIVXCCORRCNTRY : Country assignment for Correction/Reversal invoices
  • TIVXCESACCOMP : Companies with agreement of Autonomous community
  • TIVXCESAUTCOM : Autonomous community
  • TIVXCESBUPA : Bussiness Partner to Company
  • TIVXCESCADREFS : Modelo 347: Steps to find Cadaster Reference
  • TIVXCESCDMSR : Define the measurements that affect the rent
  • TIVXCESCORRINV : Correction Invocie Settings for Spain
  • TIVXCESEVALID : External Validations
  • TIVXCESPARAM : Parameters for Security Deposit
  • TIVXCESPOSTING : Posting Deposits
  • TIVXCESPTDISCHRG : Municipal Property Tax - Discharges
  • TIVXCESPTDISCHRT : Municipal Property Tax - Discharges
  • TIVXCESPTPSTNG : Property Tax: Posting
  • TIVXCESPTSURCHRG : Municipal Property Tax - Surcharges
  • TIVXCESPTSURCHRT : Municipal Property Tax - Surcharges
  • TIVXCESPTTAXCAT : Municipal Property Tax Category
  • TIVXCESPTTAXCATT : Municipal Property Tax Category Description
  • TIVXCESPTTAXRATE : Municipal Property Tax Rate
  • TIVXCESREGION : Province
  • TIVXCFRBDGPRD : Annual Budget Periods
  • TIVXCFRCONDTYP : Condition types relevant for EO specific AP calculation
  • TIVXCFREOACC : Accounts for Extraordinary Operations
  • TIVXCFREOACCT : Accounts for Extraordinary Operations
  • TIVXCFRPOSTINGS : Document types of postings on SUs (Extraordinary expenses)
  • TIVXCFRSBA : Obsolete - To be deleted!!!
  • TIVXCFRTIME : Time Units
  • TIVXCFRTIMET : Description for Time Units
  • TIVXCFRTRSTEPS : Extraordinary Operation specific posting steps
  • TIVXCHUFF : Service continuity
  • TIVXCHUTP : Account assignment for transfer posting
  • TIVXCJPCCSET : Company-Specific Data Customizing
  • TIVXCJPCDSET : Kanji and Katakana Name Locations for Lease-Out Offices
  • TIVXCJPFLWTYP : Flow Type Defined for Service Charge Keys
  • TIVXCJPLICT : Lease-In Contract Types
  • TIVXCJPMEASTYPE : Measurement Types for Lease-Out Offices in Mega Cities
  • TIVXCJPPCATF : Payment Categories and Flow Types Customizing
  • TIVXCJPPCRCAT : Payment Categories
  • TIVXCJPPCRCATT : Text table for Payment Categories
  • TIVXCJPPRGROUP : Grouping of result in Payment Charges Report
  • TIVXCJPTAXOFFICE : Tax Office Data for Lease-Out Offices
  • TIVXCNLBPIDTYPE : BP: ID Number type for Subsidized Rent
  • TIVXCNLCHARARD : Fixtures and Fittings Characteristic NL
  • TIVXCNLHPCITY : Highly populated cities
  • TIVXCNLRLRACHCT : Rounding per Characteristic Category - NL
  • TIVXCNLSUBSICAT : Define Categories for Subsidized Rent
  • TIVXCNLSUBSICATT : Category texts for Subsidizable Rent
  • TIVXCNLSUBSICOND : Define Condition Types for Subsidized Rent
  • TIVXCNLWOZBAS : Define basic settings for extra point calculation
  • TIVXCNLWOZPTS : Extra points per Rental object value/M2
  • TIVXCPTCERT : Invoice certification
  • TIVXCPTEXPCAT : Exemption period category
  • TIVXCPTEXPCATT : Exemption period category description
  • TIVXCPTEXPER : Exemption periods (obsolete)
  • TIVXCPTEXPERIOD : Exemption periods
  • TIVXCPTEXPERT : Exemption periods (obsolete)
  • TIVXCPTINSTALLM : Installment dates
  • TIVXCPTINSTLIMIT : Installment limit for the Municipal Property Tax
  • TIVXCPTPOSTPAR : Technical Parameters for Postings and Payments (obsolate)
  • TIVXCPTPOSTPARN : Technical Parameters for Cash Flow Creation
  • TIVXCPTPROPTYP : Property type (obsolote)
  • TIVXCPTPROPTYPT : Property tax category description (obsolete)
  • TIVXCPTPTTAXCAT : Municipal Property Tax Category
  • TIVXCPTPTTAXCATT : Municipal Property Tax Category Description
  • TIVXCPTPTTAXLIM : Municipal Property Tax Limit
  • TIVXCPTPTTAXRATE : Municipal Property Tax Rate
  • TIVXCPTRACONS : customizing parameters for the conservation factor.
  • TIVXCPTRACONST :  This table shall contain the language dependent texts for t
  • TIVXCPTRAPARAM : customizing parameters for the Rent adjustment
  • TIVXCPTSAFTPAR : SAFT report customizing parameters
  • TIVXCPTSTCNTYPE : Stamp Tax Type - Contract Type Mapping
  • TIVXCPTSTRATE : Stamp Tax Rate
  • TIVXCPTSTTY : Stamp Tax Type
  • TIVXCPTSTTYT : Stamp Tax Type Description
  • TIVXCPTTAXRATE : Municipal Property Tax Rate for Portugal (obsolete)
  • TKBBA : Document Types
  • TKBBAT : Texts for Document Types
  • TKKFBT : Standard function modules
  • TKMGB : Business area consolidation: SD assignments
  • TLMGB : Business area consolidation: MM assignments
  • TLOREO : Indicator for Logical Document Reorganization
  • TOKEN_AUTH_TABLE : Auth Table---OBSOLETE----
  • TPCRTYPE : Document Types for Posting Correction Request
  • TPRQPB : Payment Block when using Payment Requests
  • TRAN_TYPE_IT : Assign Transaction Type
  • TRE01 : Copy Template when Creating Funds Reservations
  • TRE02 : Template for Copying from Funds Reservation Reference Docs
  • TREASONS : Reasons for Decisions in Funds Reservations
  • TREASONST : Tests for Reasons for Rejection in Funds Reservations
  • TREF : Fields for Field Selection String in Funds Reservations
  • TREFST : Field Selection String for Funds Reservations
  • TREFSTT : Texts for Field Selection String for Funds Reservations
  • TREG : Field Status Groups for Funds Reservations
  • TREGT : Texts for Funds Reservation Field Status Groups
  • TREV : Field Status Variant for Funds Reservation
  • TREVG : Assignment: Field Status String -> Variant/Group
  • TREVT : Texts for Funds Reservation Field Status Variants
  • TREWF : Group Keys for Selection of Workflow-Relevant Fields
  • TREWFFIELD : Fiels in Group Keys for Workflow (Obsolete Since 4.70)
  • TREWFT : Group Keys for Selection of Workflow-Relevant Fields (Text)
  • TSTGC : Consolidation test data
  • TVA01 : Variant for Funds Reservation Copying Template
  • TVA01T : Variant for Funds Reservation Copying Template
  • TVA02 : Variant for Transfers from Reference Documents for Fds Rsvn
  • TVA02T : Variant for Funds Reservation Copying Template
  • TVAT001 : Customizing of Tax on Sales/Purchases - Control of Screen
  • TVOID : Check void reason codes
  • TVOIT : Check void reason code texts
  • TWKALIGHT : Status of lights for Dutch migration program
  • TWKAMET : Chain Liability methods
  • TWKAMETX : Description of Chain Liability methods
  • UKFOTVLOG : Action Logs While Processing EVAT through FOTV for UK
  • VAT_CZ : Maintain details for line items of transferred VAT
  • VIXCAJTHREADS : Adjustment: processing threads
  • VIXCCHCATASTER : Localization Switzerland: RE Property Cataster
  • VIXCCHCATEGID : Localization Switzerland: RE Property Cataster EGID
  • VIXCCHEGID : Localization Switzerland: EGID
  • VIXCCHOBJREL : Localization Switzerland: Object Relation Property / Land Re
  • VIXCCORROC : One Time condition header, item text
  • VIXCCORRVIIR : Invoice Item Reference for Corr/Rev Invoices
  • VIXCESCDLOG : Log of Secure Deposit Files
  • VIXCESIBIDATA : IBI master data
  • VIXCESM180DEC : Modelo 180 - Witholding Tax Declarer Line 01
  • VIXCESM180REC : Modelo 180 - Witholding Tax Recipients DMEE Line 02
  • VIXCESPROPREG : Property Registry
  • VIXCFRAPLOG : Log of Calculation of Complementary Budget Amounts
  • VIXCFRBUDGET : Budget Seasonality Data
  • VIXCFREO : Statuses of Extraordinary Operation
  • VIXCFRPROCID : Localized Process
  • VIXCFRSRULOG : Log of SRU Postings
  • VIXCHUOC : One Time condition header, item text
  • VIXCJPFXDUNPRICE : Fixed Unit Prices for Service Charge Settlement
  • VIXCJPSCCOSTSEXT : Costs per Object - Legacy Data Transfer
  • VIXCNLCHARACT : Fixtures/Fittings NL
  • VIXCPTCASHF : IMI Cash flow data for the incoming payments
  • VIXCPTRACONTRACT : The table will store the years for the rent adjustment at t
  • VIXCPTSIPT : Digital Signature for Invoices
  • WITH_CTNCL : Numbering class for withholding tax certificate numbers
  • WITH_CTNCLT : Numbering class text table for withholding tax certificate
  • WITH_CTNCO1 : Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 1
  • WITH_CTNCO2 : Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 2
  • WITH_CTNCO3 : Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 3
  • WITH_CTNCOKEY : Withholding tax certificate numbering: Concepts
  • WITH_CTNCOKEYTXT : Texts: Withholding tax certificate numbering concepts
  • WITH_CTNGR : Numbering group for withholding tax certificate numbers
  • WITH_CTNGRT : Numbering group text table for withholding tax certificate
  • WITH_CTNUM : Allocation of numbering group to numbering class
  • WITH_EXCL_STR_HD : Derivation Strategies for Exclusion of Lines in Withhold.Tax
  • WITH_EXCL_STR_T : Derivation Strategies for Exclusion (Texts)
  • WITH_EXCL_WITHT : Assignment to Withholding Tax Type
  • WITH_ITEM : Witholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line item
  • WITH_ITEM_EXCL : Withholding Tax Info per WTax Type (Exclusion)
  • WSPT_LIKP : Documents for Portugal Webservice
  • WSPT_LIKP_REJ : Rejected documents for Portugal Webservice
  • WSPT_MOVE_TYPE : PT Customizing Movement Type
  • WSPT_REJ_CODES : PT Web Service Rejection Codes
  • WSPT_REJ_CODEST : PT Webservice Rejection codes text
  • WTAD : Cumulative values for accounts receivable
  • WTADP : Cumulative values for accounts receivable (payment proposal)
  • WTADPN : Cumulative values for accounts receivable (payment proposal)
  • WTAK : Cumulative values for accounts payable
  • WTAKP : Cumulative values for accounts payable (payment proposal)
  • WTAKPN : Cumulative values for accounts payable (payment proposal)
  • WTMIGBK : Withholding Tax Changeover - Selected Company Codes
  • WTMIGCOUNT : Current Number Level of Withholding Tax Conversion Runs
  • WTMIGGJAHR : Withholding Tax Changeover: Year-Dependent Document Convers.
  • WTMIGIF : Withholding Tax Changeover: Commands Executed by Tool
  • WTMIGJOB : Withholding Tax Changeover: Last Job Started
  • WTMIGMATCH : Withholding Tax Changeover: Creation of Code -> Type/Code
  • WTMIGMESS : Messages Logged for Withholding Tax Changeover
  • WTMIGMESSEXC : Withholding Tax Changeover: Alternative Message Types
  • WTMIGRUN : Withholding Tax Conversion Run
  • WTMIGSTEP : Steps in Conversion Run
  • WTMIGTC : Changeover - Assgt of Classic W/Tax Code to Ext.Type/Code
  • WTMIGTEXT : Text for Withholding Tax Changeover Run
  • WTMIGTYP : W/Tax Changeover: Number of W/Tax Types in Master Record
  • WTMIG_PROT1 : Withholding Tax Changeover: Global Log Data
  • WTMIG_PROT2 : Withholding Tax Changeover: Detailed Log Data
  • WTMIG_TABKEY : Withholding Tax Changeover: Keys of Table Entries Added
  • /CCIS/PBU18A : PBU18: Actual line item table
  • /CCIS/PBU18C : PBU18: Object table 2
  • /CCIS/PBU18O : PBU18: Object table
  • /CCIS/PBU18P : PBU18: Plan line item table
  • /CCIS/PBU18T : PBU18: Summary table x
  • /CCIS/PROFTAX00 : Object Table Number:00
  • /CCIS/PROFTAX01 : Object Table Number:01
  • /CCIS/PROFTAX02 : Object Table Number:02
  • /CCIS/PROFTAX03 : Object Table Number:03
  • /CCIS/PROFTAX04 : Object Table Number:04
  • /CCIS/PROFTAX05 : Object Table Number:05
  • /CCIS/PROFTAX06 : Object Table Number:06
  • /CCIS/PROFTAX07 : Object Table Number:07
  • /CCIS/PROFTAX08 : Object Table Number:08
  • /CCIS/PROFTAXA : Actual Line Items Table for General Ledger
  • /CCIS/PROFTAXP : Plan Line Items Table for General Ledger
  • /CCIS/PROFTAXT : Totals Table for General Ledger
  • /KJRTAX01/A01 : Additional Depreciation Rate for RAIDJP_TAX
  • /KJRTAX01/A02 : Special Rate per Reason for Manual Evaluation
  • /KJRTAX01/A03 : Property Tax Report: Tax Office Code
  • /KJRTAX01/A04 : Property Tax Rpt: Declaration Key-Company Code Relationship
  • /KJRTAX01/A05 : Property Tax Report: Declaration Key
  • /KJRTAX01/A06 : Property Tax Report: Assign Decl.Key to C.Code and City Code
  • /KJRTAX01/A07 : Rounding of Taxable amount for Tax Office
  • /KJRTAX01/B01 : Status of migration
  • /LSIERP/PROC_LOG : Persistence for Payment Trigger Containing Errors
  • /LSIERP/PROC_TYP : Definition Table for Payment Triggers + Handler Classes
  • /LSIERP/REPT_RUN : Log Table for Reports on Handling of Payment Triggers
  • /SAPPCE/DPC_TABS : Sequence and Title of Customer Tabs in Down Payment Chain
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC01 : Down Payment Chains
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC02 : Down Payment Chain Types
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC02T : Text for Down Payment Chain Types
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC03 : Down Payment Chain: Retention Amount Categories
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC03O : DP Chains: Default Values for Retentions (Optional)
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC03T : Down Payment Chain: Texts for Retention Amount Categories
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC04 : Down Payment Chain: Retention Amounts
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC05 : Down Payment Chain: Verification Categories
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC05T : Down Payment Chain: Texts for Verification Categories
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC06 : Down Payment Chain: Verifications
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC07 : Down Payment Chain: Categories for Assessment & Addtl Costs
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC07O : Down Payment Chains: Default Vals for Addit.Costs (Optional)
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC07T : Down Payment Chain: Text for Assessment & Addtl Costs Cats
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC08 : Down Payment Chain: Assessments and Additional Costs
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC09 : Down Payment Chain: Categories for Contractual Penalties
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC09T : Down Payment Chains: Text for Contractual Penalities Categs
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC10 : Down Payment Chain: Contractual Penalties
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC11 : Down Payment Chain: Account Assignment
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC12 : Down Payment Chain: Special G/L Indicator
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC13 : Down Payment Chains: Payment Block
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC14 : Down Payment Chain: Reporting time of deferred tax
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC15 : DPC: Define Calculation for Retention Amount Category
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC16 : DP Chain: Default Values for Verification Category
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC17 : Down Payment Chain: Update additional costs: revenue or cost
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC18 : Down Payment Chain: Additional Cost Category for update type
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC18T : Down Payment Chain: Additional Cost Category for update type
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC19 : Down Payment Chain: Transactions
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC20 : Down Payment Chain: Document Header
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC21 : Down Payment Chain: Document Segments
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC22 : Down Payment Chain: Document Segment Currencies
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC23 : Down Payment Chain: Withholding Tax Information
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC30 : Down Payment Chain: Define base amount for additional costs
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC31 : DPC: Default Values for Additional Cost Category
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC32 : DPC: Assign Document Types and Transaction Category
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC70 : Customizing: Deferred Tax for Down Payment Chains
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC71 : Settings: Deferred Tax for Down Payment Chains
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC74 : Deferred Tax: Logging of Program Calls
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC75 : Deferred Tax: Logging of Program Calls by Company Code
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC76 : Deferred Tax: Error Log
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC77 : Deferred Tax: Transfer Posting Table (Cumulative)
  • /SAPPCE/TDPC78 : Deferred Tax: Single Transfer Postings
  • /SAPPCE/TDPCARCH : Index table for selecting archived down payment chains
  • /SAPPCE/TDPCIDXC : Down Payment Chain: Index for Cleared Items
  • /SAPPCE/TDPCIDXO : Down Payment Chain: Index for Open Items
  • /SAPPCE/TDPCINV : Customization table for assigning Billing Type to DPC
  • /SAPPCE/TDPCMEM : Down Payment Chains Worklist and Templates
  • /SAPPCE/TDPCSO : Customization table for assigning SO Position to DPC
  • /SAPPCE/T_PODPC : Customization table for assigning PO to DPC
  • /SAPPCE/T_SGL2RA : Assign Special GL Indicator to the Retention Amount
  • /SREP/IS_GROUP : Value Helps for Groups

SAP FI Tables by sub module wise

select distinct submodulename,tcount,desp from table_submodules where modulename='FI' AND submodulename!='FI' order by submodulename ASC
Module NameDescription
FI-AA TablesAsset Accounting  
FI-AA-AA TablesBasic Functions  
FI-AA-AA-MA Tables
FI-AA-AA-TR-TP TablesTransfer Postings  
FI-AA-IS TablesInformation System  
FI-AA-SVA-HI TablesHandling of Inflation  
FI-AA-SVA-NT TablesNet Worth Tax  
FI-AF-DPC TablesDown Payment Chains  
FI-AP-AP TablesBasic Functions  
FI-AP-AP-PT TablesPayment Transactions  
FI-AR TablesAccounts Receivable  
FI-AR-AR-IN Tables
FI-AR-AR-PT TablesPayment Transactions  
FI-BL TablesBank Accounting  
FI-BL-MD TablesMaster Data  
FI-BL-MD-BK TablesBank Master Data  
FI-BL-PT TablesPayment Transactions  
FI-BL-PT-AP TablesAutomatic Payments  
FI-BL-PT-BS-EL TablesElectronic Bank Statement  
FI-CA TablesContract Accounts Receivable and Payable  
FI-CA-BF TablesBasic Functions  
FI-CA-BF-BP TablesBusiness Partner  
FI-CA-BF-CA TablesContract Accounts  
FI-CA-BT TablesBusiness transactions  
FI-CA-BT-CC TablesCustomer Contact  
FI-CA-BT-IC TablesAccount Balance Interest Calculation  
FI-CA-BT-PY TablesPayments  
FI-CA-BT-SE TablesSecurity Deposits  
FI-CA-IN Tables
FI-CA-IN-CR TablesSAP Credit Management  
FI-CA-INV TablesInvoicing to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  
FI-CAX TablesGeneric Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  
FI-FM TablesFunds Management  
FI-FM-IS TablesInformation System  
FI-FM-PO TablesPostings  
FI-GL TablesGeneral Ledger Accounting  
FI-GL-CU-MCA TablesMulti Currency Accounting  
FI-GL-FL TablesFlexible Structures  
FI-GL-GL TablesBasic Functions  
FI-GL-GL-AAC TablesManual Accruals  
FI-GL-GL-ACE TablesAccrual Engine  
FI-GL-GL-ADB TablesAverage Daily Balance  
FI-GL-GL-AP TablesG/L Account Posting  
FI-GL-GL-CAE TablesCRM Accruals  
FI-GL-GL-CL TablesClosing Operations  
FI-GL-GL-PL TablesPlanning  
FI-GL-GL-SOA TablesProvisions for Awards  
FI-GL-REO TablesGeneral Ledger Reorganization  
FI-LA TablesLease Accounting  
FI-LC-LC TablesBasic Functions  
FI-LOC TablesLocalization  
FI-RL TablesRetail Ledger  
FI-SL TablesSpecial Purpose Ledger  
FI-SL-IS TablesInformation System  
FI-SL-SL TablesBasic Functions  
FI-SL-SL-MD-SE TablesSets  
FI-SL-VSR TablesValidation, Substitution and Rules  
FI-TV TablesTravel Management  
FI-TV-COS Tables
FI-TV-PL Tables
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