VSAFPO_CN is a SAP table coming under SRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of VSAFPO_CN in SAP.
- Table description : Version: Order items in PP orders
- Module : SRM-EBP
- Parent Module : SRM
- Package : CNVS
- Software Component : BBPCRM

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP VSAFPO_CN Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
.INCLUDE | Version: PS version, version-related key fields | ||
VSNMR | Number or description of a version | VSNMR | VSNMR |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | AUFNR |
POSNR | Order item number | CO_POSNR | CO_POSNR |
.INCLUDE | Order item (Include structure) | ||
PSOBS | Special procurement type | SOBES | SOBES |
QUNUM | Number of quota arrangement | QUNUM | QUNUM |
QUPOS | Quota arrangement item | QUPOS | NUM03 |
PROJN | Work breakdown structure element (WBS element) | PS_PSP_ELE | PS_POSNR |
PLNUM | Planned order number | PLNUM | PLNUM |
STRMP | Start date of the planned order | CO_STRMP | DATUM |
ETRMP | Opening date of the planned order | CO_ETRMP | DATUM |
KDAUF | Sales order number | CO_KDAUF | VBELN |
KDPOS | Sales order item | CO_KDPOS | POSNR |
KDEIN | Delivery schedule for sales order | KDEIN | NUM04 |
BESKZ | Procurement Type | BESKZ | BESKZ |
PSAMG | Scrap quantity in item | CO_PSAMG | MENG13 |
PSMNG | Order item quantity | CO_PSMNG | MENG13 |
WEMNG | Quantity of goods received for the order item | CO_WEMNG | MENG13 |
IAMNG | Expected surplus/deficit for goods receipt | CO_IAMNG | MENG13V |
AMEIN | Unit of measure for in-house production | CO_AUFME | MEINS |
MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | CRMT_APO_BASE_UNIT | MEINS |
MATNR | Material Number for Order | CO_MATNR | MATNR |
PAMNG | Fixed quantity of scrap from production | AVMNG | MENG13 |
PGMNG | Total planned order quantity | GSMNG | MENG13 |
KNTTP | Account assignment category | KNTTP | KNTTP |
TPAUF | Indicator: Partial conversion | TPAUF | CHAR1 |
LTRMI | Actual delivery/finish date | CO_LTRMI | DATUM |
LTRMP | Delivery date from planned order | CO_LTRMP | DATUM |
KALNR | Cost Estimate Number for Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure | CK_KALNR | CK_KALNR |
UEBTO | Overdelivery Tolerance Limit | CRMT_OVER_DLV_TOL | PRZ21 |
UEBTK | Indicator: Unlimited Overdelivery Allowed | UEBTK | XFELD |
UNTTO | Underdelivery Tolerance Limit | CRMT_UNDER_DLV_TOL | PRZ21 |
INSMK | Stock Type | INSMK | INSMK |
WEPOS | Goods Receipt Indicator | WEPOS | XFELD |
BWTAR | Valuation type | BWTAR_D | BWTAR |
BWTTY | Valuation Category | BWTTY_D | BWTTY |
PWERK | Planning plant for the order | CO_PWERK | WERKS |
LGORT | Storage location | LGORT_D | LGORT |
UMREZ | Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure | UMREZ | UMBSZ |
UMREN | Denominator for conversion to base units of measure | UMREN | UMBSN |
WEBAZ | Goods receipt processing time in days | PLWEZ | DEC3 |
ELIKZ | "Delivery Completed" Indicator | ELIKZ | XFELD |
SAFNR | Run schedule header number | SA_AUFNR | SA_AUFNR |
VERID | Production Version | VERID | VERID |
SERNR | BOM explosion number | SERNR | SERNR |
TECHS | Parameter Variant/Standard Variant | TECHS | TECHS |
DAUTY | Order category | AUFTYP | AUFTYP |
DAUAT | Order Type | AUFART | AUFART |
DGLTP | Basic finish date | CO_GLTRP | DATUM |
DGLTS | Scheduled finish | CO_GLTRS | DATUM |
DFREI | Indicator: Order released/partially released (for MRP) | CO_FREI | CHAR1 |
DNREL | Indicator: Order item not relevant for MRP | CO_DNREL | CHAR1 |
VERTO | MRP Distribution Key | SA_VERTL | SA_VERTL |
SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | SOBKZ | SOBKZ |
KZVBR | Consumption posting | KZVBR | KZVBR |
WEWRT | Wareneingangswert in Hauswährung | CRMT_CO_WEWRT | WERT7 |
WEUNB | Goods Receipt, Non-Valuated | WEUNB | XFELD |
ABLAD | Unloading Point | ABLAD | TEXT25 |
WEMPF | Goods recipient | WEMPF | WEMPF |
CHARG | Batch Number | CHARG_D | CHARG |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | GSBER |
WEAED | Indicator: Goods receipt indicator can be changed | CO_WEAE | XFELD |
CUOBJ | Configuration (internal object number) | CUOBJ | CUOBJ |
KBNKZ | Kanban Indicator | KBNKZ | KBNKZ |
ARSNR | Settlement reservation number | ARSNR | MDNUM |
ARSPS | Item number of the settlement reservation | ARSPS | RSPOS |
KRSNR | Number of reservation/dependent requirements | RSNUM | RSNUM |
KRSPS | Item Number of Reservation / Dependent Requirements | RSPOS | RSPOS |
KCKEY | Cost collector key | CCKEY | CCKEY |
RTP01 | Cost collector for repetitive manufacturing | RTP01 | XFELD |
RTP02 | Cost collector for KANBAN | RTP02 | XFELD |
RTP03 | Cost collector for valuated sales order stock | RTP03 | XFELD |
RTP04 | Cost collector for external PPC | RTP04 | XFELD |
KSVON | Cost collector valid from | KSVON | DATUM |
KSBIS | Cost collector valid to | KSBIS | DATUM |
OBJNP | Object number | J_OBJNR | J_OBJNR |
NDISR | Ind.: Material in order item is not relevant for MRP | CO_NDISR | CHAR1 |
VFMNG | Committed quantity for order acc. to ATP check components | CO_VFMNG | MENG13 |
GSBTR | Overall commitment date | CO_GSBTR | DATUM |
KZAVC | Indicator for type of availability check | KZAVC | KZAVC |
KZBWS | Valuation of Special Stock | KZBWS | KZBWS |
XLOEK | Deletion flag | AUFLOEKZ | XFELD |
SERNP | Serial Number Profile | SERAIL | SERAIL |
ANZSN | Number of serial numbers | ANZSN | INT4 |
OBJTYPE | Change indicator | OCM_OBJ_TYPE | OCM_OBJ_TYPE |
CH_PROC | Process that has lead to the change of an object | OCM_CH_PROC | OCM_CH_PROC |
FXPRU | Fixed-Price Co-Product | CK_FIXPRKU | XFELD |
CUOBJ_ROOT | Configuration (internal object number) | CUOBJ | CUOBJ |
TECHS_COPY | Parameter Variant/Standard Variant | TECHS | TECHS |
VSAFPO_CN related tables
Table | Note |
VSAFPO_CN | Version: Order items in PP orders |
VSAFFL_CN | Version: Order sequences PP orders |
VSAFKO_CN | Version: Order header data for PP orders |
DRVLOG_TRAIL | Derivation: Orders / purchase orders in derivation path |
TNHCO_COLORD | HCO: Definition Coll. Orders for Outpat.Case-Based Orders |
TNHCO_CORD_SEL | HCO: Char. Sel. for Coll. Orders for Outpat. Case-Bsd Orders |
FAGL_011PC_XBRL | Fin. Statement Version: Items in Financial Statement Version |
N1CTR | IS-H*MED: Transport Order Data in Order Items |
EVVDOR_VS | Progress version dependent default values for orders |
PMCO3 | Plan version: Estimated costs for maintenance orders |
T460C | Order/Purchase order types for planned order |
T460D | Order/Purchase order types for planned order |
BCAREVPO_BS | Payment Items and Add. Payment Orders fm Curr. Convers. (AS) |
CRML_ICM_RO_I | Group Items for Resale Orders sent to ICM |
EBPP_ORDER_ITM | Payment Orders via Biller Direct: Items |
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