MWZMSEG is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of MWZMSEG in SAP.
- Table description : ZMSEG:Interface for Posting of Value
- Module : CRM
- Parent Module : CRM
- Package : MB
- Software Component : BBPCRM

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP MWZMSEG Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
MBLNR | Number of Material Document | MBLNR | BELNR |
MJAHR | Year of material document | MJAHR | GJAHR |
ZEILE | Item in material document | MBLPO | MBLPO |
.INCLUDE | Docmt Structure | ||
LINE_ID | Unique identification of document line | MB_LINE_ID | MB_LINE_ID |
PARENT_ID | Identifier of immediately superior line | MB_PARENT_ID | MB_LINE_ID |
LINE_DEPTH | Hierarchy level of line in document | MB_LINE_DEPTH | MB_LINE_DEPTH |
MAA_URZEI | Original Line for Account Assignment Item in Material Doc. | MAA_URZEI | MBLPO |
BWART | Movement type (inventory management) | BWART | BWART |
XAUTO | Item automatically created | MB_XAUTO | MB_XAUTO |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | MATNR |
LGORT | Storage location | LGORT_D | LGORT |
CHARG | Batch Number | CHARG_D | CHARG |
INSMK | Stock Type | MB_INSMK | MB_INSMK |
ZUSCH | Batch status key | DZUSCH | ZUSCH |
ZUSTD | Batch in Restricted-Use Stock | DZUSTD | XFELD |
SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | SOBKZ | SOBKZ |
LIFNR | Vendor's account number | ELIFN | LIFNR |
KUNNR | Account number of customer | EKUNN | KUNNR |
KDAUF | Sales Order Number | KDAUF | VBELN |
KDPOS | Item number in Sales Order | KDPOS | NUM06 |
KDEIN | Delivery schedule for sales order | KDEIN | NUM04 |
PLPLA | Distribution of Differences | PLPLA | PLPLA |
SHKZG | Debit/Credit Indicator | SHKZG | SHKZG |
WAERS | Currency Key | WAERS | WAERS |
DMBTR | Amount in local currency | DMBTR | WERT7 |
BNBTR | Delivery costs in local currency | BNBTR | WERT13N |
BUALT | Amount posted in alternative price control | BUALT | WERTV7 |
SHKUM | Debit/credit indicator in revaluation | SHKUM | SHKZG |
DMBUM | Revaluation amount on back-posting to a previous period | DMBUM | WERT7 |
BWTAR | Valuation type | BWTAR_D | BWTAR |
MENGE | Quantity | MENGE_D | MENG13 |
MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | MEINS | MEINS |
ERFMG | Quantity in unit of entry | ERFMG | MENG13 |
ERFME | Unit of entry | ERFME | MEINS |
BPMNG | Quantity in order price quantity unit | BPMNG | MENG13 |
BPRME | Order Price Unit (purchasing) | BBPRM | MEINS |
EBELN | Purchase order number | BSTNR | EBELN |
EBELP | Item Number of Purchasing Document | EBELP | EBELP |
LFBJA | Fiscal Year of a Reference Document | LFBJA | GJAHR |
LFBNR | Document number of a reference document | LFBNR | BELNR |
LFPOS | Item of a reference document | LFPOS | MBLPO |
SJAHR | Year of material document | MJAHR | GJAHR |
SMBLN | Number of Material Document | MBLNR | BELNR |
SMBLP | Item in material document | MBLPO | MBLPO |
ELIKZ | "Delivery Completed" Indicator | ELIKZ | XFELD |
SGTXT | Item Text | SGTXT | TEXT50 |
EQUNR | Equipment Number | EQUNR | EQUNR |
WEMPF | Goods recipient | WEMPF | WEMPF |
ABLAD | Unloading Point | ABLAD | TEXT25 |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | GSBER |
KOKRS | Controlling Area | KOKRS | CACCD |
PARGB | Trading partner's business area | PARGB | GSBER |
PARBU | Clearing company code | PARBU | BUKRS |
KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | KOSTL |
PROJN | Old: Project number : No longer used --> PS_POSNR | PROJN | PROJN |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | AUFNR |
ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | ANLN1 |
ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | ANLN2 |
XSKST | Indicator: Statistical Posting to Cost Center | XSKST | XFELD |
XSAUF | Indicator: Posting to Order Is Statistical | XSAUF | XFELD |
XSPRO | Indicator: Posting to Project Is Statistical | XSPRO | XFELD |
XSERG | Indicator: Posting to Profitability Analysis Is Statistical | XSERG | XFELD |
GJAHR | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | GJAHR |
XRUEM | Allow Posting to Previous Period (Backposting) | XRUEM | XFELD |
XRUEJ | Indicator: post to previous year | XRUEJ | XFELD |
BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | BUKRS |
BELNR | Accounting Document Number | BELNR_D | BELNR |
BUZEI | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | BUZEI | BUZEI |
BELUM | Accounting Document Number | BELNR_D | BELNR |
BUZUM | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | BUZEI | BUZEI |
RSNUM | Number of reservation/dependent requirements | RSNUM | RSNUM |
RSPOS | Item Number of Reservation / Dependent Requirements | RSPOS | RSPOS |
KZEAR | Final issue for this reservation | KZEAR | XFELD |
PBAMG | Quantity | MENGE_D | MENG13 |
KZSTR | Transaction/event is relevant to statistics | KZSTR | KZSTR |
UMMAT | Receiving/issuing material | UMMAT | MATNR |
UMWRK | Receiving plant/issuing plant | UMWRK | WERKS |
UMLGO | Receiving/issuing storage location | UMLGO | LGORT |
UMCHA | Receiving/issuing batch | UMCHA | CHARG |
UMZST | Status of receiving batch | UMZST | ZUSTD |
UMZUS | Status key of transfer batch | UMZUS | ZUSCH |
UMBAR | Valuation type of transfer batch | UMBAR | BWTAR |
UMSOK | Special stock indicator for physical stock transfer | UMSOK | SOBKZ |
KZBEW | Movement Indicator | KZBEW | KZBEW |
KZVBR | Consumption posting | KZVBR | KZVBR |
KZZUG | Receipt indicator | KZZUG | KZZUG |
WEUNB | Goods Receipt, Non-Valuated | WEUNB | XFELD |
PALAN | WMS Number of pallets | PALAN | PALAN |
LGNUM | Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex | LGNUM | LGNUM |
LGTYP | Storage Type | LGTYP | LGTYP |
LGPLA | Storage Bin | LGPLA | LGPLA |
BESTQ | Stock Category in the Warehouse Management System | BESTQ | BESTQ |
BWLVS | Movement Type for Warehouse Management | BWLVS | BWLVS |
TBNUM | Transfer Requirement Number | TBNUM | TBNUM |
TBPOS | Transfer Requirement Item | TBPOS | TBPOS |
XBLVS | Indicator: posting in warehouse management system | XBLVS | XFELD |
VSCHN | Ind: interim storage posting for source stor.type and bin | T333_VSCHN | XFELD |
NSCHN | Ind.: interim storage posting for dest.stor.type and bin | T333_NSCHN | XFELD |
DYPLA | Indicator: dynamic storage bin | DYPLA | XFELD |
UBNUM | Posting Change Number | UBNUM | UBNUM |
TBPRI | Transfer Priority | TBPRI | TBPRI |
TANUM | Transfer Order Number | TANUM | TANUM |
WEANZ | Number of GR/GI slips to be printed | WEANZ | NUM3 |
GRUND | Reason for movement | MB_GRBEW | MB_GRBEW |
EVERS | Shipping Instructions | EVERS | EVERS |
EVERE | Compliance with Shipping Instructions | EVERE | EVERE |
IMKEY | Internal Key for Real Estate Object | IMKEY | IMKEY |
KSTRG | Cost Object | KSTRG | KSTRG |
PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | RKEOBJNR |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | PRCTR |
PS_PSP_PNR | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_PSP_PNR | PS_POSNR |
NPLNR | Network Number for Account Assignment | NPLNR | AUFNR |
AUFPL | Routing number of operations in the order | CO_AUFPL | AUFPL |
APLZL | Internal counter | CIM_COUNT | CIM_COUNT |
AUFPS | Order item number | CO_POSNR | CO_POSNR |
VPTNR | Partner account number | JV_PART | KUNNR |
FIPOS | Commitment Item | FIPOS | FIPOS |
SAKTO | G/L Account Number | SAKNR | SAKNR |
BSTMG | Goods receipt quantity in order unit | MB_BSTMG | MENG13 |
BSTME | Order unit | BSTME | MEINS |
XWSBR | Reversal of GR allowed for GR-based IV despite invoice | XWSBR | XFELD |
EMLIF | Vendor to be supplied/who is to receive delivery | EMLIF | LIFNR |
.INCLUDE | |||
EXBWR | Externally Entered Posting Amount in Local Currency | EXBWR | WERT7 |
VKWRT | Value at sales prices including value-added tax | VKWRT | WERT7 |
ZEKKN | Sequential Number of Account Assignment | DZEKKN | NUM02 |
VFDAT | Shelf Life Expiration or Best-Before Date | VFDAT | DATUM |
CUOBJ_CH | Internal object number of the batch classification | CUOBJ_CH | CUOBJ |
EXVKW | Externally Entered Sales Value in Local Currency | EXVKW | WERT7 |
PPRCTR | Partner Profit Center | PPRCTR | PRCTR |
RSART | Record type | RSART | RSART |
FISTL | Funds Center | FISTL | FISTL |
MATBF | Material in Respect of Which Stock is Managed | MATBF | MATNR |
UMMAB | Receiving/issuing material | UMMAT | MATNR |
BUSTM | Posting string for quantities | BUSTM | BUSTM |
BUSTW | Posting string for values | BUSTW | BUSTW |
MENGU | Quantity Updating in Material Master Record | MENGU | XFELD |
WERTU | Value Updating in Material Master Record | WERTU | XFELD |
LBKUM | Total Valuated Stock | LBKUM | MENG13V |
SALK3 | Value of Total Valuated Stock | SALK3 | WERT13N |
VPRSV | Price control indicator | VPRSV | VPRSV |
FKBER | Functional Area | FKBER | FKBER |
DABRBZ | Reference date for settlement | DABRBEZ | DDAT |
VKWRA | Value at sales prices excluding value-added tax | VKWRA | WERT7 |
DABRZ | Reference date for settlement | DABRBEZ | DDAT |
XBEAU | Purchase order created at time of goods receipt | XBEAU | XFELD |
LSMNG | Quantity in Unit of Measure from Delivery Note | LSMNG | MENG13 |
LSMEH | Unit of Measure From Delivery Note | LSMEH | MEINS |
KZBWS | Valuation of Special Stock | KZBWS | KZBWS |
QINSPST | Status of Goods Receipt Inspection | QINSPST | QINSPST |
URZEI | Original line in material document | URZEI | MBLPO |
J_1BEXBASE | Alternate base amount in document currency | J_1BEXBASE | WERT7 |
MWSKZ | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | MWSKZ |
TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | TXJCD | TXJCD |
EMATN | Material number corresponding to manufacturer part number | EMATN | MATNR |
J_1AGIRUPD | Goods issue revaluation performed | J_1AGIRUPD | J_1AGIRUPD |
VKMWS | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | MWSKZ |
HSDAT | Date of Manufacture | HSDAT | DATUM |
BERKZ | Material Staging Indicator for Production Supply | BERKZ | LVS_BERKZ |
MAT_KDAUF | Sales order number of valuated sales order stock | MAT_KDAUF | VBELN |
MAT_KDPOS | Sales Order Item of Valuated Sales Order Stock | MAT_KDPOS | NUM06 |
MAT_PSPNR | Valuated customer stock WBS element | MAT_PSPNR | PS_POSNR |
XWOFF | Calculation of val. open | XWOFF | XFELD |
BEMOT | Accounting Indicator | BEMOT | BEMOT |
MWZMSEG related tables
Table | Note |
MWXMSEG | ZMSEG: Interface for Posting of Value |
MWZMSEG | ZMSEG:Interface for Posting of Value |
TICL297 | FS-CM/FS-PM Interface: Value Assignment Source/Target Value |
TICL297T | FS-CM/FS-PM Interface: Value Assignment Source/Target Value |
ANLQ | Period values from dep. posting run per posting level |
DFKKSUMCBD | Control Information for Posting Totals - Alt. Posting Date |
FMLGD_H_VG_03_01 | Posting Type 03: G/L Account Debit Posting |
FMLGD_H_VG_04_01 | Posting Type 04: G/L Account Credit Posting |
T52E2 | Posting to Accounting: Posting Variants |
TACE_PS_POST | Posting Server: Posting Control |
TWBPOSTYPASSIGN | Assignment Of Posting Type To Posting Type Group |
UMV_TR112 | Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Value Fields of a Value Driver |
TZB0O | Separation, sort documents for posting interface |
VVKKFKO | Doc Header Posting Data Interface |
VVKKFOP | Single Doc in Posting Data Interface |
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