SAP ALE Tutorial

Advantages  |  Basic process flow  |  Tutorials

The full form of ALE is Application Link Enabling. ALE is the fundamental component of SAP for exchanging data between SAP system and non-SAP systems for business integration purpose. ALE is using Synchronous/asynchronous communication for reading data and asynchronous communication for writing data. The major advantages of ALE are

IDOCs (Intermediate Documents) are used to transfer the data in ALE. These IDocs are created and dispatched in distributed systems using message types and BAPIs.So ALE distribution can be Distribution using BAPI or Distribution using message types.

Basic process flow of ALE

ALE System structure

Outbound and inbound processing is occurring at Application layer and ALE layer. Communication layer is responsible for transferring the data between system using trfc or EDI file interface.

ALE provides various tools for Monitoring data transmission, Error Handling, Synchronization, Consistency checks etc for the communication between distributed application systems.

Transaction code SALE can be used to view the basic ALE settings and description. To access the ALE tools choose the path Tools -> Business Framework -> ALE.


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