VBAP is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of VBAP in SAP.
- Table description : Sales Document: Item Data
- Module : CRM-BTX-BF-IF
- Parent Module : CRM
- Package : VA
- Software Component : BBPCRM

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP VBAP Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
VBELN | Sales Document | VBELN_VA | VBELN |
POSNR | Sales Document Item | POSNR_VA | POSNR |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | MATNR |
MATWA | Material entered | MATWA | MATNR |
PMATN | Pricing Reference Material | PMATN | MATNR |
CHARG | Batch Number | CHARG_D | CHARG |
MATKL | Material Group | MATKL | MATKL |
ARKTX | Short text for sales order item | ARKTX | TEXT40 |
PSTYV | Sales document item category | PSTYV | PSTYV |
POSAR | Item type | POSAR | POSAR |
LFREL | Item is relevant for delivery | LFREL_AP | XFELD |
FKREL | Relevant for Billing | FKREL | FKREL |
UEPOS | Higher-level item in bill of material structures | UEPOS | POSNR |
GRPOS | Item for which this item is an alternative | GRPOS | GRPOS |
ABGRU | Reason for rejection of quotations and sales orders | ABGRU_VA | ABGRU_VA |
PRODH | Product Hierarchy | PRODH_D | PRODH |
ZWERT | Target value for outline agreement in document currency | DZWERT | WERT7 |
ZMENG | Target quantity in sales units | DZMENG | MENG13 |
ZIEME | Target quantity UoM | DZIEME | MEINS |
UMZIZ | Factor for converting sales units to base units (target qty) | UMZIZ | UMBSZ |
UMZIN | Factor for converting sales units to base units (target qty) | UMZIN | UMBSN |
MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | MEINS | MEINS |
SMENG | Scale quantity in base unit of measure | SMENG | MENG13 |
ABLFZ | Rounding quantity for delivery | ABLFZ | ABLFZ |
ABDAT | Reconciliation date for agreed cumulative quantity | ABDAT | DATUM |
ABSFZ | Allowed deviation in quantity (absolute) | ABSFZ | MENG13 |
POSEX | Item Number of the Underlying Purchase Order | POSEX | POSEX |
KDMAT | Customer Material Number | MATNR_KU | IDNEX |
KBVER | Allowed deviation in quantity (in percent) | KBVER | PACK2 |
KEVER | Days by which the quantity can be shifted | KEVER | PACK2 |
VKGRU | Repair processing: Classify items | VKGRU | RMA_VORGA |
VKAUS | Usage Indicator | ABRVW | ABRVW |
GRKOR | Delivery group (items are delivered together) | GRKOR | GRKOR |
FMENG | Quantity is fixed | FMENG | XFELD |
UEBTK | Unlimited overdelivery allowed | UEBTK_V | XFELD |
UEBTO | Overdelivery Tolerance Limit | UEBTO | PRZ21 |
UNTTO | Underdelivery Tolerance Limit | UNTTO | PRZ21 |
FAKSP | Billing block for item | FAKSP_AP | FAKSP |
ATPKZ | Replacement part | ATPKZ | ATPKZ |
RKFKF | Form of Billing for CO/PPC Orders | RKFKF | RKFKF |
SPART | Division | SPART | SPART |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | GSBER |
NETWR | Net value of the order item in document currency | NETWR_AP | WERTV8 |
WAERK | SD document currency | WAERK | WAERS |
ANTLF | Maximum number of partial deliveries allowed per item | ANTLF | ANTLF |
KZTLF | Partial delivery at item level | KZTLF | KZTLF |
CHSPL | Batch split allowed | CHSPL | XFELD |
KWMENG | Cumulative order quantity in sales units | KWMENG | MENG15 |
LSMENG | Cumulative Target Delivery Qty (all dlv-relev.sched.lines) | LSMENG | MENG15 |
KBMENG | Cumulative confirmed quantity in sales unit | KBMENG | MENG15 |
KLMENG | Cumulative Confirmed Quantity in Base Unit of Measure | KLMENG | MENG15 |
VRKME | Sales unit | VRKME | MEINS |
UMVKZ | Numerator (factor) for conversion of sales quantity into SKU | UMVKZ | UMBSZ |
UMVKN | Denominator (divisor) for conversion of sales qty. into SKU | UMVKN | UMBSN |
BRGEW | Gross weight of item | BRGEW_AP | MENG15 |
NTGEW | Net weight of item | NTGEW_AP | MENG15 |
GEWEI | Weight Unit | GEWEI | MEINS |
VOLUM | Volume of the item | VOLUM_AP | MENG15 |
VOLEH | Volume unit | VOLEH | MEINS |
VBELV | Originating document | VBELV | VBELN |
POSNV | Originating item | POSNV | POSNR |
VGBEL | Document number of the reference document | VGBEL | VBELN |
VGPOS | Item number of the reference item | VGPOS | POSNR |
VOREF | Complete reference indicator | VOREF | XFELD |
UPFLU | Update indicator for sales document document flow | UPFLV | UPFLV |
ERLRE | Completion rule for quotation / contract | ERLRE | ERLRE |
LPRIO | Delivery priority | LPRIO | LPRIO |
WERKS | Plant (Own or External) | WERKS_EXT | WERKS |
LGORT | Storage location | LGORT_D | LGORT |
VSTEL | Shipping Point/Receiving Point | VSTEL | VSTEL |
STKEY | Origin of the bill of material | STKEY | STKEY |
STDAT | Date of Bill of Material | STDAT | DATUM |
STLNR | Bill of Material | STNUM | STNUM |
STPOS | Bill of material item number VBAP not used | STPOS_VBAP | STPOS_VBAP |
AWAHR | Order probability of the item | AWAHR | AWAHR |
ERDAT | Date on which the record was created | ERDAT | DATUM |
ERNAM | Name of Person who Created the Object | ERNAM | USNAM |
ERZET | Entry time | ERZET | UZEIT |
TAXM1 | Tax classification material | TAXMT | TAXKD |
TAXM2 | Tax classification material | TAXMT | TAXKD |
TAXM3 | Tax classification material | TAXMT | TAXKD |
TAXM4 | Tax classification material | TAXMT | TAXKD |
TAXM5 | Tax classification material | TAXMT | TAXKD |
TAXM6 | Tax classification material | TAXMT | TAXKD |
TAXM7 | Tax classification material | TAXMT | TAXKD |
TAXM8 | Tax classification material | TAXMT | TAXKD |
TAXM9 | Tax classification material | TAXMT | TAXKD |
VBEAF | Fixed shipping processing time in days (= setup time) | VBEAF | DEC3_2 |
VBEAV | Variable shipping processing time in days | VBEAV | DEC3_2 |
VGREF | Preceding document has resulted from reference | VGREF | XFELD |
NETPR | Net price | NETPR | WERTV6 |
KPEIN | Condition pricing unit | KPEIN | KPEIN |
KMEIN | Condition Unit | KMEIN | MEINS |
SHKZG | Returns Item | SHKZG_VA | XFELD |
SKTOF | Cash discount indicator | SKTOF | XFELD |
MTVFP | Checking Group for Availability Check | MTVFP | MTVFP |
SUMBD | Summing up of requirements | SUMBD | SUMBD |
KONDM | Material Pricing Group | KONDM | KONDM |
KTGRM | Account assignment group for this material | KTGRM | KTGRM |
BONUS | Volume rebate group | BONUS | BONUS |
PROVG | Commission group | PROVG | PROVG |
EANNR | European Article Number (EAN) - obsolete!!!!! | EANNR | CHAR13 |
PRSOK | Pricing is OK | PRSOK | XFELD |
BWTAR | Valuation type | BWTAR_D | BWTAR |
BWTEX | Indicator: Separate valuation | BWTEX | XFELD |
XCHPF | Batch management requirement indicator | XCHPF | XFELD |
XCHAR | Batch management indicator (internal) | XCHAR | XFELD |
LFMNG | Minimum delivery quantity in delivery note processing | MINLF | MENG13 |
STAFO | Update group for statistics update | STAFO | STAFO |
WAVWR | Cost in document currency | WAVWR | WERTV7 |
KZWI1 | Subtotal 1 from pricing procedure for condition | KZWI1 | WERTV7 |
KZWI2 | Subtotal 2 from pricing procedure for condition | KZWI2 | WERTV7 |
KZWI3 | Subtotal 3 from pricing procedure for condition | KZWI3 | WERTV7 |
KZWI4 | Subtotal 4 from pricing procedure for condition | KZWI4 | WERTV7 |
KZWI5 | Subtotal 5 from pricing procedure for condition | KZWI5 | WERTV7 |
KZWI6 | Subtotal 6 from pricing procedure for condition | KZWI6 | WERTV7 |
STCUR | Exchange rate for statistics (Exch.rate at time of creation) | STCUR_AP | KURRF |
AEDAT | Last Changed On | AEDAT | DATUM |
EAN11 | International Article Number (EAN/UPC) | EAN11 | EAN11 |
FIXMG | Delivery date and quantity fixed | FIXMG | XFELD |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | PRCTR |
MVGR1 | Material group 1 | MVGR1 | MVGR1 |
MVGR2 | Material group 2 | MVGR2 | MVGR2 |
MVGR3 | Material group 3 | MVGR3 | MVGR3 |
MVGR4 | Material group 4 | MVGR4 | MVGR4 |
MVGR5 | Material group 5 | MVGR5 | MVGR5 |
KMPMG | Component Quantity | KMPMG | MENGV13 |
SUGRD | Reason for material substitution | SUGRD | SUGRD |
SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | SOBKZ | SOBKZ |
VPZUO | Allocation Indicator | VPZUO | ZUVKZ |
PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | RKEOBJNR |
PS_PSP_PNR | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_PSP_PNR | PS_POSNR |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | AUFNR |
VPMAT | Planning material | VPMAT | MATNR |
VPWRK | Planning plant | VPWRK | WERKS |
PRBME | Base unit of measure for product group | PRBME | MEINS |
UMREF | Conversion factor: quantities | UMREFF | FLTP |
KNTTP | Account assignment category | KNTTP | KNTTP |
KZVBR | Consumption posting | KZVBR | KZVBR |
SERNR | BOM explosion number | SERNR | SERNR |
OBJNR | Object number at item level | OBJPO | J_OBJNR |
ABGRS | Results Analysis Key | ABGR_SCHL | ABGR_SCHL |
BEDAE | Requirements type | BEDAE | BEDAE |
CMPRE | Item credit price | CMPRE | WERTV6 |
CMTFG | ID for partial release of order item, credit block | CMTFG | XFELD |
CMPNT | ID: Item with active credit function / relevant for credit | CMPNT | XFELD |
CMKUA | Credit data exchange rate for requested delivery date | CMKUA | KURRF |
CUOBJ | Configuration | CUOBJ_VA | CUOBJ |
CUOBJ_CH | Internal object number of the batch classification | CUOBJ_CH | CUOBJ |
CEPOK | Status expected price | CEPOK | CEPOK |
KOUPD | Condition update | KOUPD | XFELD |
SERAIL | Serial Number Profile | SERAIL | SERAIL |
ANZSN | Number of serial numbers | ANZSN | INT4 |
NACHL | Customer has not posted goods receipt | NACHL | XFELD |
MAGRV | Material Group: Packaging Materials | MAGRV | MAGRV |
MPROK | Status manual price change | MPROK | MPROK |
VGTYP | Document category of preceding SD document | VBTYP_V | VBTYP |
PROSA | ID for material selection - active | PROSA | PROSA |
UEPVW | ID for higher-level item usage | UEPVW | UEPVW |
KALNR | Cost Estimate Number for Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure | CK_KALNR | CK_KALNR |
KLVAR | Costing Variant | CK_KLVAR | KLVAR |
SPOSN | BOM Item Number | SPOSN | SPOSN |
KOWRR | Statistical values | KOWRR | KOWRR |
STADAT | Statistics date | STADAT | DATUM |
EXART | Business Transaction Type for Foreign Trade | EXART | EXART |
PREFE | Preference indicator in export/import | PREFE | PREFE |
KNUMH | Number of condition record from batch determination | KNUMH_CH | KNUMB |
CLINT | Internal Class Number | CLINT | CLINT |
CHMVS | Batches: Exit to quantity proposal | CHMVS | NUM3 |
STLTY | BOM Category | STLTY | STLTY |
STLKN | BOM Item Node Number | STLKN | KNTNR |
STPOZ | Internal counter | CIM_COUNT | CIM_COUNT |
STMAN | Inconsistent configuration | CUINK | XFELD |
ZSCHL_K | Overhead key | AUFZSCHL | CHAR6 |
KALSM_K | Costing Sheet | AUFKALSM | KALSM |
KALVAR | Costing Variant | CK_KLVAR | KLVAR |
KOSCH | Product allocation determination procedure | KOSCH | KOSCH |
UPMAT | Pricing reference material of main item | UPMAT | MATNR |
UKONM | Material pricing group of main item | UKONM | KONDM |
MFRGR | Material freight group | MFRGR | MFRGR |
PLAVO | Planning Release Regulation | PLAVO | PLAVO |
KANNR | KANBAN/sequence number | KANNR | CHAR35 |
CMPRE_FLT | Item credit price | CMPRE_FLT | FLTP |
ABFOR | Form of payment guarantee | ABSFORM_CM | ABSFORM_CM |
ABGES | Guaranteed (factor between 0 and 1) | ABGES_CM | FLTP |
J_1BCFOP | CFOP code and extension | J_1BCFOP | J_1BCFOP |
J_1BTAXLW1 | Tax law: ICMS | J_1BTAXLW1 | J_1BTAXLW1 |
J_1BTAXLW2 | Tax law: IPI | J_1BTAXLW2 | J_1BTAXLW2 |
J_1BTXSDC | SD tax code | J_1BTXSDC_ | J_1BTXSDC |
WKTNR | Value contract no. | WKTNR | VBELN |
WKTPS | Value contract item | WKTPS | POSNR |
SKOPF | Assortment Module | W_SORTK | WSORTK |
KZBWS | Valuation of Special Stock | KZBWS | KZBWS |
WGRU1 | Material group hierarchy 1 | WGRU_HIE1 | KLASSE |
WGRU2 | Material group hierarchy 2 | WGRU_HIE2 | KLASSE |
KNUMA_PI | Promotion | KNUMA_PI | KNUMA |
KNUMA_AG | Sales deal | KNUMA_AG | KNUMA |
KZFME | ID: Leading unit of measure for completing a transaction | KZFME | KZFME |
LSTANR | Free goods delivery control | LSTANR | STATVNR |
TECHS | Parameter Variant/Standard Variant | TECHS | TECHS |
MWSBP | Tax amount in document currency | MWSBP | WERTV7 |
PCTRF | Profit Center for Billing | PCTRF | PRCTR |
LOGSYS_EXT | Logical system | LOGSYS | LOGSYS |
J_1BTAXLW3 | Tax law: ISS | J_1BTAXLW3 | J_1BTAXLW3 |
J_1BTAXLW5 | PIS Tax Law | J_1BTAXLW5 | J_1BTAXLW5 |
STOCKLOC | First Inventory-Managing Location | STOCKLOC | LOCNR |
SLOCTYPE | Type of First Inventory-Managing Location | SLOCTYPE | LOCTYP |
NRAB_KNUMH | Condition record number | KNUMH | KNUMB |
.INCLUDE | Structure: Handover of Goods at Agreed Location | ||
HANDOVERLOC | Location for a physical handover of goods | HANDOVER_LOC | HANDOVER_LOC |
.INCLUDE | Structure: Date for Handover of Goods at Agreed Location | ||
HANDOVERDATE | Handover Date at the Handover Location | HANDOVER_DATE | HANDOVER_DATE |
HANDOVERTIME | Handover time at the handover location | HANDOVER_TIME | HANDOVER_TIME |
.INCLUDE | |||
.INCLUDE | SD Tax Code determination | ||
TC_AUT_DET | Tax Code Automatically Determined | J_1BTC_AUT_DET | MWSKZ |
TAX_SUBJECT_ST | Tax Subject to Substituição Tributária | J_1BTC_TAX_SUBJECT_ST | J_1BYES_NO |
SPCSTO | Nota Fiscal Special Case for CFOP Determination | J_1BSPCSTO_SD | J_1BSPCSTO_SD |
.INCLU--AP | Append to VBAP for Customer Returns | ||
.INCLUDE | Include for Append for VBAP for Customers Returns | ||
/BEV1/SRFUND | Analysis/Reason for Rejection | /BEV1/SRBEFUND | ABGRU_VA |
.INCLU--AP | OLC: Operation internal identifier fields | ||
AUFPL_OLC | Routing number of operations in the order | CO_AUFPL | AUFPL |
APLZL_OLC | Internal counter | CIM_COUNT | CIM_COUNT |
.INCLU--AP | Append structure for Regulatory Reporting | ||
FERC_IND | Regulatory indicator | FE_IND | FE_IND |
.INCLU--AP | Grants Mgmt: additional components to VBAP | ||
KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | KOSTL |
FISTL | Funds Center | FISTL | FISTL |
FKBER | Functional Area | FKBER | FKBER |
.INCLU--AP | IUID fields | ||
.INCLU--AP | Engagement mgmt:VBAP Append structure | ||
.INCLUDE | Engagement mgmt: VBAP extension | ||
PRS_OBJNR | Engagement mgmt: Object number | PRS_OBJNR | CHAR22 |
.INCLU--AP | Commercial Project Inception & Lean Staffing appending VBAP | ||
PRS_SD_SPSNR | Standard WBS Element for Project Inception via SD | PRS_SD_SPSNR | PS_SPSNR |
PRS_WORK_PERIOD | Work Period (Internal Representation) | PRS_WORK_PERIOD | PRS_WORK_PERIOD |
.INCLU--AP | Enhancement for RRICB / DP93 | ||
PARGB | Trading partner's business area | PARGB | GSBER |
.INCLU--AP | Append for Operation level costing | ||
AUFPL_OAA | Routing number of operations in the order | CO_AUFPL | AUFPL |
APLZL_OAA | Internal counter | CIM_COUNT | CIM_COUNT |
VBAP related tables
Table | Note |
EWAELOCSD | Allocation Table: Container Loc.Data <-> Sales Document Item |
J_7LC28 | REA Data Filter: Sales Document Item Category |
SMOVBAP | Sales Document: Item Data |
VBAP | Sales Document: Item Data |
VSVBAP_CN | Version: Sales document: Item data |
/BEV1/RBVBAP | Sales Document: Item Data |
JHAKPV | IS-M/AM: OPM Header Sales Agent / Item Sales Agent |
/BEV1/TSSVARI | Telephone Sales: Fields for Order Item in Sales Activity |
SMOSDCATG | Sales Document Categories (Customizing Sales Docs) |
SMOSDFLDS | Field Status of sales document types (Customizing Sales doc) |
TJAKT | Sales Order: Texts for Sales Document Types |
CRMC_NFDET | Sales Document Item Category table |
EWAPROPSD | Allocation Table: Property <-> Sales Document Item |
J_1BSDICA | Sales Document Item Category table |
ONRVB | Object number index for sales document item |
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