/CEERE/BSEG is a SAP table coming under RE module and EA-FIN component.View details, Fields & related tables of /CEERE/BSEG in SAP.
- Table description : Property tax: booked FI items
- Module : RE-FX-LC-CZ
- Parent Module : RE
- Package : /CEERE/DANNEM
- Software Component : EA-FIN

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP /CEERE/BSEG Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | BUKRS |
BELNR | Accounting Document Number | BELNR_D | BELNR |
GJAHR | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | GJAHR |
BUZEI | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | BUZEI | BUZEI |
BUZID | Identification of the Line Item | BUZID | CHAR1 |
AUGDT | Clearing Date | AUGDT | DATUM |
AUGCP | Clearing Entry Date | AUGCP | DATUM |
AUGBL | Document Number of the Clearing Document | AUGBL | BELNR |
BSCHL | Posting Key | BSCHL | BSCHL |
KOART | Account type | KOART | KOART |
UMSKZ | Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | UMSKZ |
UMSKS | Special G/L Transaction Type | UMSKS | UMSKS |
ZUMSK | Target Special G/L Indicator | DZUMSK | UMSKZ |
SHKZG | Debit/Credit Indicator | SHKZG | SHKZG |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | GSBER |
PARGB | Trading partner's business area | PARGB | GSBER |
MWSKZ | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | MWSKZ |
QSSKZ | Withholding Tax Code | QSSKZ | QSSKZ |
DMBTR | Amount in local currency | DMBTR | WERT7 |
WRBTR | Amount in document currency | WRBTR | WERT7 |
KZBTR | Original Reduction Amount in Local Currency | KZBTR_FI | WERT7 |
PSWBT | Amount for Updating in General Ledger | PSWBT | WERT7 |
PSWSL | Update Currency for General Ledger Transaction Figures | PSWSL | WAERS |
TXBHW | Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency | TXBHW | WERT7 |
TXBFW | Original Tax Base Amount in Document Currency | TXBFW | WERT7 |
MWSTS | Tax Amount in Local Currency | MWSTS | WERT7 |
WMWST | Tax amount in document currency | WMWST | WERT7 |
HWBAS | Tax Base Amount in Local Currency | HWBAS | WERT7 |
FWBAS | Tax Base Amount in Document Currency | FWBAS | WERT7 |
HWZUZ | Provision Amount in Local Currency | HWZUZ | WERT7 |
FWZUZ | Additional Tax in Document Currency | FWZUZ | WERT7 |
SHZUZ | Debit/Credit Addition for Cash Discount | SHZUZ | CHAR1 |
STEKZ | Version Number Component | CHAR2 | CHAR2 |
MWART | Tax Type | MWART | MWART |
TXGRP | Group Indicator for Tax Line Items | TXGRP | NUM03 |
KTOSL | Transaction Key | KTOSL | CHAR3 |
QSSHB | Withholding Tax Base Amount | QSSHB | WERT7 |
KURSR | Hedged Exchange Rate | KURSR | KURSP |
GBETR | Hedged Amount in Foreign Currency | GBETR | WERT7 |
BDIFF | Valuation Difference | BDIFF | WRTV7 |
BDIF2 | Valuation Difference for the Second Local Currency | BDIF2 | WRTV7 |
VALUT | Fixed Value Date | VALUT | DATUM |
ZUONR | Assignment number | DZUONR | ZUONR |
SGTXT | Item Text | SGTXT | TEXT50 |
ZINKZ | Exempted from Interest Calculation | DZINKZ | ZINKZ |
VBUND | Company ID of trading partner | RASSC | RCOMP |
BEWAR | Transaction type | RMVCT | RMVCT |
ALTKT | Group Account Number | BILKT_SKA1 | SAKNR |
VORGN | Transaction Type for General Ledger | VORGN | VORGN |
FDLEV | Planning Level | FDLEV | FDLEV |
FDGRP | Planning Group | FDGRP | FDGRP |
FDWBT | Planned Amount in Document or G/L Account Currency | FDWBT | WERTV7 |
FDTAG | Planning Date | FDTAG | DATUM |
FKONT | Financial Budget Item | FIPLS | FIPLS |
KOKRS | Controlling Area | KOKRS | CACCD |
KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | KOSTL |
PROJN | Old: Project number : No longer used --> PS_POSNR | PROJN | PROJN |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | AUFNR |
VBELN | Billing document | VBELN_VF | VBELN |
VBEL2 | Sales Document | VBELN_VA | VBELN |
POSN2 | Sales Document Item | POSNR_VA | POSNR |
ETEN2 | Schedule line | ETENR | ETENR |
ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | ANLN1 |
ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | ANLN2 |
ANBWA | Asset Transaction Type | ANBWA | BWASL |
BZDAT | Asset Value Date | BZDAT | DATUM |
PERNR | Personnel Number | PERNR_D | PERNR |
XUMSW | Indicator: Sales-Related Item ? | XUMSW | XFELD |
XHRES | Indicator: Resident G/L Account? | XHRES | XFELD |
XKRES | Indicator: Can Line Items Be Displayed by Account? | XKRES | XFELD |
XOPVW | Indicator: Open Item Management? | XOPVW | XFELD |
XCPDD | Indicator: Address and Bank Data Set Individually | XCPDD | XFELD |
XSKST | Indicator: Statistical Posting to Cost Center | XSKST | XFELD |
XSAUF | Indicator: Posting to Order Is Statistical | XSAUF | XFELD |
XSPRO | Indicator: Posting to Project Is Statistical | XSPRO | XFELD |
XSERG | Indicator: Posting to Profitability Analysis Is Statistical | XSERG | XFELD |
XFAKT | Indicator: Billing Document Update Successful? | XFAKT | XFELD |
XUMAN | Indicator: Transfer Posting from Down Payment? | XUMAN | XFELD |
XANET | Indicator: Down Payment in Net Procedure? | XANET | XFELD |
XSKRL | Indicator: Line item not liable to cash discount? | XSKRL | XFELD |
XINVE | Indicator: Capital Goods Affected? | XINVE | XFELD |
XPANZ | Display item | XPANZ | XFELD |
XAUTO | Indicator: Line item automatically created | XAUTO | XFELD |
XNCOP | Indicator: Items Cannot Be Copied? | XNCOP | XFELD |
XZAHL | Indicator: Is Posting Key Used in a Payment Transaction? | XZAHL | XFELD |
SAKNR | G/L Account Number | SAKNR | SAKNR |
HKONT | General Ledger Account | HKONT | SAKNR |
KUNNR | Customer Number | KUNNR | KUNNR |
LIFNR | Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | LIFNR | LIFNR |
FILKD | Account Number of the Branch | FILKD | MAXKK |
XBILK | Indicator: Account is a balance sheet account? | XBILK | XFELD |
GVTYP | P&L statement account type | GVTYP | CHAR2 |
HZUON | Assignment Number for Special G/L Accounts | HZUON | ZUONR |
ZFBDT | Baseline date for due date calculation | DZFBDT | DATUM |
ZTERM | Terms of payment key | DZTERM | ZTERM |
ZBD1T | Cash discount days 1 | DZBD1T | ZBDXT |
ZBD2T | Cash discount days 2 | DZBD2T | ZBDXT |
ZBD3T | Net Payment Terms Period | DZBD3T | ZBDXT |
ZBD1P | Cash discount percentage 1 | DZBD1P | PRZ23 |
ZBD2P | Cash Discount Percentage 2 | DZBD2P | PRZ23 |
SKFBT | Amount Eligible for Cash Discount in Document Currency | SKFBT | WERT7 |
SKNTO | Cash discount amount in local currency | SKNTO | WERT7 |
WSKTO | Cash Discount Amount in Document Currency | WSKTO | WERT7 |
ZLSCH | Payment Method | SCHZW_BSEG | ZLSCH |
ZLSPR | Payment Block Key | DZLSPR | ZAHLS |
ZBFIX | Fixed Payment Terms | DZBFIX | ZBFIX |
HBKID | Short key for a house bank | HBKID | HBKID |
BVTYP | Partner bank type | BVTYP | BVTYP |
NEBTR | Net Payment Amount | NEBTR | WERT7 |
MWSK1 | Tax Code for Distribution | MWSKX | MWSKZ |
DMBT1 | Amount in Local Currency for Tax Distribution | DMBTX | WRTV7 |
WRBT1 | Amount in foreign currency for tax breakdown | WRBTX | WRTV7 |
MWSK2 | Tax Code for Distribution | MWSKX | MWSKZ |
DMBT2 | Amount in Local Currency for Tax Distribution | DMBTX | WRTV7 |
WRBT2 | Amount in foreign currency for tax breakdown | WRBTX | WRTV7 |
MWSK3 | Tax Code for Distribution | MWSKX | MWSKZ |
DMBT3 | Amount in Local Currency for Tax Distribution | DMBTX | WRTV7 |
WRBT3 | Amount in foreign currency for tax breakdown | WRBTX | WRTV7 |
REBZG | Number of the Invoice the Transaction Belongs to | REBZG | BELNR |
REBZJ | Fiscal Year of the Relevant Invoice (for Credit Memo) | REBZJ | GJAHR |
REBZZ | Line Item in the Relevant Invoice | REBZZ | BUZEI |
REBZT | Follow-On Document Type | REBZT | REBZT |
ZOLLT | Customs Tariff Number | DZOLLT | ZOLLT |
ZOLLD | Customs Date | DZOLLD | DATUM |
LZBKZ | State central bank indicator | LZBKZ | LZBKZ |
LANDL | Supplying Country | LANDL | LAND1 |
DIEKZ | Service indicator (foreign payment) | DIEKZ | DIEKZ |
SAMNR | Invoice List Number | SAMNR | SAMNR |
ABPER | Settlement period | ABPER_RF | BUPER |
VRSKZ | Insurance Indicator | VRSKZ | CHAR1 |
VRSDT | Insurance Date | VRSDT | DATUM |
DISBN | Number of Bill of Exchange Usage Document (Discount Doc.) | DISBN | BELNR |
DISBJ | Fiscal Year of Bill of Exchange Usage Document | DISBJ | GJAHR |
DISBZ | Line Item within the Bill of Exchange Usage Document | DISBZ | BUZEI |
WVERW | Bill of Exchange Usage Type | WVERW | WVERW |
ANFBN | Document Number of the Bill of Exchange Payment Request | ANFBN | BELNR |
ANFBJ | Fiscal Year of the Bill of Exchange Payment Request Document | ANFBJ | GJAHR |
ANFBU | Company Code in Which Bill of Exch.Payment Request Is Posted | ANFBU | BUKRS |
ANFAE | Bill of Exchange Payment Request Due Date | ANFAE | DATUM |
BLNBT | Base Amount for Determining the Preference Amount | BLNBT | WERT7 |
BLNKZ | Subsidy Indicator for Determining the Reduction Rates | BLNKZ | BLNKZ |
BLNPZ | Preference Percentage Rate | BLNPZ | PRZ52 |
MSCHL | Dunning key | MSCHL | MSCHL |
MANSP | Dunning block | MANSP | MANSP |
MADAT | Date of Last Dunning Notice | MADAT | DATUM |
MANST | Dunning Level | MAHNS_D | MAHNS |
MABER | Dunning Area | MABER | MABER |
ESRNR | POR subscriber number | ESRNR | ESRNR |
ESRRE | POR reference number | ESRRE | ESRRE |
ESRPZ | POR check digit | ESRPZ | CHAR2 |
KLIBT | Credit Control Amount | KLIBT | WERT7 |
QSZNR | Certificate Number of the Withholding Tax Exemption | QSZNR | CHAR10 |
QBSHB | Withholding Tax Amount (in Document Currency) | QBSHB | WERT7 |
QSFBT | Withholding Tax-Exempt Amount (in Document Currency) | QSFBT | WERT7 |
NAVHW | Non-Deductible Input Tax (in Local Currency) | NAVHW | WERT7 |
NAVFW | Non-Deductible Input Tax (in Document Currency) | NAVFW | WERT7 |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | MATNR |
MENGE | Quantity | MENGE_D | MENG13 |
MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | MEINS | MEINS |
ERFMG | Quantity in unit of entry | ERFMG | MENG13 |
ERFME | Unit of entry | ERFME | MEINS |
BPMNG | Quantity in order price quantity unit | BPMNG | MENG13 |
BPRME | Order Price Unit (purchasing) | BPRME | MEINS |
EBELN | Purchasing Document Number | EBELN | EBELN |
EBELP | Item Number of Purchasing Document | EBELP | EBELP |
ZEKKN | Sequential Number of Account Assignment | DZEKKN | NUM02 |
ELIKZ | "Delivery Completed" Indicator | ELIKZ | XFELD |
VPRSV | Price control indicator | VPRSV | VPRSV |
PEINH | Price unit | PEINH | PACK3 |
BWKEY | Valuation area | BWKEY | BWKEY |
BWTAR | Valuation type | BWTAR_D | BWTAR |
BUSTW | Posting string for values | BUSTW | BUSTW |
REWRT | Invoice Value Entered (in Local Currency) | REEWR | WRTV7 |
REWWR | Invoice Value in Foreign Currency | REFWR | WRTV7 |
BONFB | Amount Qualifying for Bonus in Local Currency | BONFB | WERT7 |
BUALT | Amount posted in alternative price control | BUALT | WERTV7 |
PSALT | Alternative Price Control | PSALT | VPRSV |
NPREI | New Price | NPREI | WERT11 |
TBTKZ | Indicator: Subsequent Debit/Credit | TBTKZ | TBTKZ |
SPGRP | Blocking Reason: Price | SPGRP | XFELD |
SPGRM | Blocking Reason: Quantity | SPGRM | XFELD |
SPGRT | Blocking Reason: Date | SPGRT | XFELD |
SPGRG | Blocking Reason: Order Price Quantity | SPGRG | XFELD |
SPGRV | Blocking Reason: Project Budget | SPGRV | XFELD |
SPGRQ | Manual Blocking Reason | SPGRQ | XFELD |
STCEG | VAT Registration Number | STCEG | STCEG |
EGBLD | Country of Destination for Delivery of Goods | EGBLD | LAND1 |
EGLLD | Supplying Country for Delivery of Goods | EGLLD | LAND1 |
RSTGR | Reason Code for Payments | RSTGR | RSTGR |
RYACQ | Year of acquisition | RYACQ | CJAHR |
RPACQ | Period of Acquisition | RPACQ | NUM03 |
RDIFF | Exchange Rate Gain/Loss Realized | RDIFF | WRTV7 |
RDIF2 | Exchange Rate Difference Realized for Second Local Currency | RDIF2 | WRTV7 |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | PRCTR |
XHKOM | Indicator: G/L Account Assigned Manually? | XHKOM | XFELD |
VNAME | Joint venture | JV_NAME | JV_NAME |
RECID | Recovery Indicator | JV_RECIND | JV_RECIND |
EGRUP | Equity group | JV_EGROUP | JV_EGROUP |
VPTNR | Partner account number | JV_PART | KUNNR |
VERTT | Contract Type | RANTYP | RANTYP |
VERTN | Contract Number | RANL | RANL |
DEPOT | Securities Account | RLDEPO | RLDEPO |
TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | TXJCD | TXJCD |
IMKEY | Internal Key for Real Estate Object | IMKEY | IMKEY |
DABRZ | Reference date for settlement | DABRBEZ | DDAT |
POPTS | Real Estate Option Rate | POPTSATZ | POPTSATZ |
FIPOS | Commitment Item | FIPOS | FIPOS |
KSTRG | Cost Object | KSTRG | KSTRG |
NPLNR | Network Number for Account Assignment | NPLNR | AUFNR |
AUFPL | Task List Number for Operations in Order | AUFPL_CH | AUFPL |
APLZL | General Counter for Order | APLZL_CH | CO_APLZL |
PROJK | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_PSP_PNR | PS_POSNR |
PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | RKEOBJNR |
PASUBNR | Profitability Segment Changes (CO-PA) | RKESUBNR | RKESUBNR |
SPGRS | Blocking Reason: Item Amount | SPGRS | XFELD |
SPGRC | Blocking Reason: Quality | SPGRC | XFELD |
BTYPE | Payroll Type | JV_BILIND | JV_BILIND |
ETYPE | Equity type | JV_ETYPE | JV_ETYPE |
XEGDR | Indicator: Triangular deal within the EU ? | XEGDR | XFELD |
LNRAN | Sequence Number of Asset Line Items in Fiscal Year | LNRAN | LNRAN |
HRKFT | Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element | HRKFT | HRKFT |
DMBE2 | Amount in Second Local Currency | DMBE2 | WERT7 |
DMBE3 | Amount in Third Local Currency | DMBE3 | WERT7 |
DMB21 | Amount in Second Local Currency for Tax Breakdown | DMB2X | WRTV7 |
DMB22 | Amount in Second Local Currency for Tax Breakdown | DMB2X | WRTV7 |
DMB23 | Amount in Second Local Currency for Tax Breakdown | DMB2X | WRTV7 |
DMB31 | Amount in Third Local Currency for Tax Breakdown | DMB3X | WRTV7 |
DMB32 | Amount in Third Local Currency for Tax Breakdown | DMB3X | WRTV7 |
DMB33 | Amount in Third Local Currency for Tax Breakdown | DMB3X | WRTV7 |
MWST2 | Tax Amount in Second Local Currency | MWST2 | WERT7 |
MWST3 | Tax Amount in Third Local Currency | MWST3 | WERT7 |
NAVH2 | Non-Deductible Input Tax in Second Local Currency | NAVH2 | WERT7 |
NAVH3 | Non-Deductible Input Tax in Third Local Currency | NAVH3 | WERT7 |
SKNT2 | Cash Discount Amount in Second Local Currency | SKNT2 | WERT7 |
SKNT3 | Cash Discount Amount in Third Local Currency | SKNT3 | WERT7 |
BDIF3 | Valuation Difference for the Third Local Currency | BDIF3 | WRTV7 |
RDIF3 | Exchange Rate Difference Realized for Third Local Currency | RDIF3 | WRTV7 |
HWMET | Method with Which the Local Currency Amount Was Determined | HWMET | HWMET |
GLUPM | Update Method for FM - FI-CA Integration | GLUPM | GLUPM |
XRAGL | Indicator: Clearing was Reversed | XRAGL | XFELD |
UZAWE | Payment method supplement | UZAWE | UZAWE |
LOKKT | Alternative Account Number in Company Code | ALTKT_SKB1 | SAKNR |
FISTL | Funds Center | FISTL | FISTL |
STBUK | Tax Company Code | STBUK | BUKRS |
TXBH2 | Tax Base/Original Tax Base in Second Local Currency | TXBH2 | WERT7 |
TXBH3 | Tax Base/Original Tax Base in Third Local Currency | TXBH3 | WERT7 |
PPRCT | Partner Profit Center | PPRCTR | PRCTR |
XREF1 | Business partner reference key | XREF1 | CHAR12 |
XREF2 | Business partner reference key | XREF2 | CHAR12 |
KBLNR | Document number for earmarked funds | KBLNR_FI | KBLNR |
KBLPOS | Earmarked Funds: Document Item | KBLPOS | KBLPOS |
STTAX | Tax Amount as Statistical Information in Document Currency | STTAX | WERT7 |
OBZEI | Number of Line Item in Original Document | OBZEI | BUZEI |
XNEGP | Indicator: Negative posting | XNEGP | XFELD |
RFZEI | Payment Card Item | RFZEI_CC | NUM03 |
CCBTC | Payment cards: Settlement run | CCBTC | CCBTC |
KKBER | Credit control area | KKBER | KKBER |
EMPFB | Payee/Payer | EMPFB | MAXKK |
XREF3 | Reference key for line item | XREF3 | CHAR20 |
DTWS1 | Instruction key 1 | DTAT16 | DTWSX |
DTWS2 | Instruction key 2 | DTAT17 | DTWSX |
DTWS3 | Instruction key 3 | DTAT18 | DTWSX |
DTWS4 | Instruction key 4 | DTAT19 | DTWSX |
GRICD | Activity Code for Gross Income Tax | J_1AGICD_D | J_1AGICD2 |
GRIRG | Region (State, Province, County) | REGIO | REGIO |
GITYP | Distribution Type for Employment Tax | J_1ADTYP_D | J_1ADTYP |
XPYPR | Indicator: Items from Payment Program Blocked | XPYPR | XFELD |
KIDNO | Payment Reference | KIDNO | CHAR30 |
ABSBT | Credit Management: Hedged Amount | ABSBT | WERT7 |
IDXSP | Inflation Index | J_1AINDXSP | J_1AINDXP |
LINFV | Last Adjustment Date | J_1ALINFVL | DATUM |
KONTT | Account Assignment Category for Industry Solution | KONTT_FI | KONTT_FI |
KONTL | Acct assignment string for industry-specific acct assignmnts | KONTL_FI | CHAR50 |
TXDAT | Date for defining tax rates | TXDAT | DATUM |
AGZEI | Clearing Item | AGZEI | AGZEI |
PYCUR | Currency for Automatic Payment | PYCUR | WAERS |
PYAMT | Amount in Payment Currency | PYAMT | WERT7 |
BUPLA | Business Place | BUPLA | J_1BBRANCH |
SECCO | Section Code | SECCO | SECCO |
LSTAR | Activity Type | LSTAR | LSTAR |
CESSION_KZ | Accounts Receivable Pledging Indicator | CESSION_KZ | CESSION_KZ |
PRZNR | Business Process | CO_PRZNR | CO_PRZNR |
PPDIFF | Realized Exchange Rate Gain/Loss 1.Loc.Curr.(Part Payments) | PPDIFF | WRTV7 |
PPDIF2 | Realized Exchange Rate Gain/Loss 2.Loc. Curr.(Part Payments) | PPDIF2 | WRTV7 |
PPDIF3 | Realized Exchange Rate Gain/Loss 3.Loc.Curr.(Part Payments) | PPDIF3 | WRTV7 |
PENLC1 | Penalty Charge Amount in First Local Currency | PENALTY1 | WERT13 |
PENLC2 | Penalty Charge Amount in Second Local Currency | PENALTY2 | WERT13 |
PENLC3 | Penalty Charge Amount in Third Local Currency | PENALTY3 | WERT13 |
PENFC | Penalty Charge Amount in Document Currency | PENALTY | WERT13 |
PENDAYS | Number of Days for Penalty Charge Calculation | PDAYS | INT4 |
PENRC | Reason for Late Payment | PENRC | CHAR2 |
SCTAX | Tax Portion FI-CA Local Currency | SCTAX | WERT7 |
FKBER_LONG | Functional Area | FKBER | FKBER |
GMVKZ | Item is in Execution | FM_GMVKZ | FM_GMVKZ |
SRTYPE | Type of Additional Receivable | FM_SRTYPE | FM_SRTYPE |
INTRENO | Internal Real Estate Master Data Code | VVINTRENO | VVINTRENO |
AUGGJ | Fiscal Year of Clearing Document | AUGGJ | GJAHR |
PPA_EX_IND | PPA Exclude Indicator | EXCLUDE_FLG | XFELD |
DOCLN | Six-Character Posting Item for Ledger | DOCLN6 | DOCLN6 |
SEGMENT | Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | FB_SEGMENT |
PSEGMENT | Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_PSEGMENT | FB_SEGMENT |
PFKBER | Partner Functional Area | SFKBER | FKBER |
HKTID | ID for account details | HKTID | HKTID |
KSTAR | Cost Element | KSTAR | KSTAR |
XLGCLR | Clearing Specific to Ledger Groups | XLGCLR | XFELD |
TAXPS | Tax document item number | TAX_POSNR | NUM6 |
PAYS_TRAN | Payment Reference of Payment Service Provider | FPS_TRANSACTION | COM_WEC_PSP_TRANSACTION_ID |
MNDID | Unique Referene to Mandate per Payment Recipient | SEPA_MNDID | ID035 |
XFRGE_BSEG | Payment Is Released | XFRGE_BSEG | XFELD |
.INCLU--AP | Funds Management EHP4 | ||
PGEBER | Partner Fund | FM_PFUND | BP_GEBER |
.INCLU--AP | FM: Budget Period | ||
.INCLU--AP | FMFG: US Federal Specific Fields | ||
PEROP_BEG | Billing Period of Performance Start Date | FM_PEROP_FI_LOW | DATUM |
PEROP_END | Billing Period of Performance End Date | FM_PEROP_FI_HIGH | DATUM |
IGNR_IVREF | FMFG: Ignore the invoice reference during FI doc splitting | FMFG_IGNORE_INV_REF | XFELD |
FMFGUS_KEY | United States Federal Government Fields | FMFG_US_KEY | SYSUUID_22 |
.INCLU--AP | Funds Management Actual Data Reference Document | ||
.INCLUDE | Funds Management Actual Data Reference Document | ||
FMXDOCNR | FM Reference Document Number | FM_XDOCNR | BELNR |
FMXYEAR | FM Reference Year | FM_XYEAR | GJAHR |
FMXDOCLN | FM Reference Line Item | FM_XDOCLN | NUMC6 |
FMXZEKKN | FM Reference Sequence Account Assignment | FM_XZEKKN | NUMC5 |
.INCLU--AP | Joint Venture addtional doucment fields | ||
PRODPER | Production Month (Date to find period and year) | JV_PRODPER | JV_PRODPER |
/CEERE/BSEG related tables
Table | Note |
TSAWE_BOOK_CUST | Staff Assignment Hard Booked/ Soft Booked Customizing |
/CEERE/BSEG | Property tax: booked FI items |
OIUCI_DOCS | Incoming Checks - Generated/Booked Documents |
VIXCSKTAXRET_P | Property Tax Return SK - Items - Sections II,III,IV |
/CEERE/SDANA | Property tax return - items |
WDY_WB_VD_CTXPRO | Web Dynpro Viewdesigner: Mapping UI Property -> Ctx Property |
J_3R_PTAX_ABROAD | Tax Paid Abroad Property tax |
VIXCSKTAXASSES | Property Tax - Tax Assessment |
/CEERE/RIZENIFU | Property tax control - tax offices |
/CEERE/USZAV | Property tax: posting schema - liability to the tax office |
/KJRTAX01/A03 | Property Tax Report: Tax Office Code |
TCJ_WTAX_ITEMS | Withholding Tax Items for Cash Journal Document Items |
IDFIAA_JP_RESULT | Results of Property Tax Report (Japan) |
J_3RFPOFPRIV | Official property tax privileges (Federal level) |
J_3RFPOFPRIVT | Official property tax privileges (Federal level) texts |
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