USNAM Field in SAP | User name Data Element using tables

USNAM is a data element in SAP used for storing User name data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this USNAM field in SAP.

  • Data Element : USNAM
  • Description : User name
  • Data Type :CHAR

User name tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using USNAM Field

ACCTHDCompressed Data from FI/CO Document - Header
AFFWPROLog of deleted AFFW entries
ANEKDocument Header Asset Posting
BBP_RBKPDocument Header: Invoice Receipt
BKORMAccounting Correspondence Requests
BKORRAccounting correspondence requests
BKPFAccounting Document Header
BKPF_ADDAccounting Document Header
BSCL_CLASS_VIEWAdministration of generated Class Views
CACS_CLONE_STEPSControl Table for Application Cloner - Steps
CDBD_GM_HMaterial Document Header Table
CEZPReporting Points Line Items
CFX_ACTION_RECIPReceiver of a Status Action
CKLAYOUTUser Settings for Layout of Cost Estimate
CKMLAVRDOCClosing Document for Cumulation
CKMLCUMDOCClosing Document for Cumulation
CKMLRUNPERIODMaterial ledger costing run for one month
CKMLRUNTYPEObsolete From Release 4.6A
CKMLRUNWRuns for Weekly Actual Costing in Material Ledger
COFIPSingle plan items for reconciliation ledger
COFISActual line items for reconciliation ledger
COVP_DELTA_LOGLog of COVP Delta Queue for Error Analysis
DIS_ADMINDistribution - Administration Table
DKKOPBalance Audit Trail
DKOKPOpen Item Account Balance Audit Trail
DPCOMMON_MAP_U_PUser to Partner Mapping
DSKOPBalance Audit Trail
EBKPFFin.Accntng Doc.Header (of Docs from Extern.Systems)
ECMCASAP Cons.: Journal Entry Table (Actual)
ETXDCLOGTemporay table for storing last error message of an update
EVAL_IV_RES_HDResults of Vendor Evaluation (Header)
FAGLFLEXAGeneral Ledger: Actual Line Items
FAGLFLEXPGeneral Ledger: Plan Line Items
FAGLSKF_PNGeneral Ledger; Statistical Key Figures (Source Document)
FAGL_011PCFin. Statement Structure: Items in Fin. Statement Structure
FAGL_011PC_XBRLFin. Statement Version: Items in Financial Statement Version
FAGL_BCF_FIELDSSummarization: Balance Carryforward for P&L Accounts
FAGL_CUST_FIELDSCustomer fields for flexible general ledger
FAGL_FIELD_MOVECConversion Table for Customer Fields of General Ledger
FAGL_GCDPC_VERGCD Revision: Element Relationships
FAGL_GCDPC_XBRLGCD-Structure: Element Relationships
FAGL_LEDGER_SCENActive Scenarios of a Ledger
FAGL_QUEUE_LOGLog of Delta Queue for Error Analysis
FBICRC001AICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Documents
FBICRC001PNot in use
FBICRC002AICRC: GL Accounts: Documents
FBICRC002PNot in use
FBICRC003AICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Documents
FBICRC003PNot in use
FCO_DOC_HEADFailure Cost Document Header
FDM_CONTACT_BUFPersonalization of Contact Person Data
FDM_PERSONALIZEPersonalization of Collections Management
FIEUD_FIDOC_HSAFT: FI Transaction Document Header
FIEUD_USER_HISTSAFT: User history for extraction details
FILCAFI-LC: Actual journal entry table with 2 object tables
FILCPFI-LC: Plan line items for object table
FINB_TR_CCMAdministration Client Copy
FMAVCAActual line item table
FMAVCPPlan line items table
FMBDAActual line item table
FMBDPFM Budget change line items table
FMBWUDUser Documents
FMBWUSBudgeting Workbench User settings
FMFGT_IPAC_STATSUS Federal IPAC interface process status table
FMFG_SAV_FACTS1ASaved FACTS1A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_FACTS2ASaved FACTS2A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_FMUSFGASaved FMUSFGA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMGLFLEXAGeneral Ledger: Actual Line Items
FMGLFLEXPGeneral Ledger: Plan Line Items
FMIAActual Line Item Table for Funds Management
FMIOICommitment Documents Funds Management
FMIPPlan Line Items Table for Funds Management
FMKA_ZTADefaulteinstellung Verdichtungsschlüssel
FMPSO_PENDUser for Correction of Pending Day-End Closing
FMPSO_ZTABDefaulteinstellung Abschlußgruppe
FMRBAActual line item table
FMRBPPlan line items table
FMSPLITAActual line item table
FMSPLITPPlan line items table
FMTC_CHK_RANGESchedule Check Ranges for US Federal Treasury Confirmation
FMUSFGAActual line item table for US Federal Government
FMUSFGFACTS1AActual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS1PPlan line items table
FMUSFGFACTS2AActual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS2PPlan line items table
FMUSFGPPlan line items table
FPB_PERSPARMPersonalization: User Settings
FUNOCMFunction marked for Order Change Management
FUNREQFunction marked for PP/PS
GGREFAExample for Global FI-SL Line Items (Actual)
GGREFPExample for Global FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
GLFLEXAFlexible general ledger: Actual line items
GLFLEXPFlexible G/L: Plan line items
GLFUNCAActual Line Items Table for Cost of Sales Accounting
GLFUNCPPlan Line Items Table for Cost of Sales Accounting
GLFUNCURollup line item tables with function area for IDES
GLFUNCVRollup plan line items table with function area for IDES
GLISDEAActual Line Item Tables for Insurance (DE)
GLISDEPPlan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE)
GLP0Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line Items
GLP1Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line Items
GLP2Global Special Purpose Ledger Plan Line Item Table
GLPCAEC-PCA: Actual Line Items
GLPCA_CTProfit Center Documents
GLPCPEC-PCA: Plan Line Items
GLPO1Plan Line Items for Object Table
GLPO2Plan Line Items for Object Table Global
GLPO3Plan Line Items for Object Table
GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View
GLPOS_N_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type
GLPPCProfit Center Accounting: Plan line items
GLREFAExample for Local FI-SL Line Items (Actual)
GLREFPExample for Local FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLREFUExample for FI-SL Rollup Line Items (Actual)
GLREFVExample for Rollup FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLS1Local Logical General Ledger Actual Line Items
GLS2Global logical Consolidation line items
GLSO1FI-SL Line Item Table with Objects for GLTO1
GLSO2FI-SL Table with Objects, Structure corresponds to GLS2
GLSO3FI-SL LI Table with Objects for GLTO3
GLSPCProfit Center Accounting: Line Items
GMAVCAActual line item table
GMAVCPPlan line items table
GMIAActual Line Item Table
GMIPPlan line items table
GRISDEAActual Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
GRISDEPPlan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
IASTFSQDIA: My Problems (Frequently Searched Problems)
IASTFSSDIA: My Solution (frequently and recently selected solutions
IAUSERDIA: User profiles
IDCN_3RFF4ADJDOCAdjustment Document Header
IDGT_GTDHGT Document Header
IDGT_INFOGTI China: Data sent to GT
IKPFHeader: Physical Inventory Document
INTITFXFixed Interest Amounts per Invoice
INTITITInterest Calculation Details per Item
INTITPFInterest Data per Form and Posting
ISSRFLDEAActual line item table
ISSRFLDEPPlan line items table
ISUSRSDB: Table for User Recently Edited Problems/Solutions
IVBKIncidental expenses collector-Document header
JVGLFLEXAGeneral Ledger: Actual Line Items
JVGLFLEXPGeneral Ledger: Plan Line Items
JVPO1JVA: Plan Line Items
JVPSC01AActual line item table
JVPSC01PPlan line item table
JVS1JV Line Items
JVSO1JV LI Table with Objects for JVTO1
JVSO2JV Billing FI-SL Line Item
J_1AINFW_FILESForeign Currency Inflation Adjustment: File Management
J_1ICALOCAllocation of materials to assets
J_1IEWTPROVTable for TDS provisions
J_1IEWT_CERTIFCertificate Issued Details-EWT India
J_1IEWT_CERTIF_NCertificate Issued Details-EWT India:SECCO
J_1IPART1Excise part I detials
J_1IPART2Excise Part II details
J_1ISERCATSD1Ser Category based on Customer, Material and Sales Area (L1)
J_1ISERCATSD2Ser category based on Customer and Material (L2)
J_1ISERCATSD3Service Category based on Material (L3)
J_1ISERCATSD4Service Category determination based on Material Group (L4)
J_1ISERVCService tax details
J_1ISER_BSEGTransaction table having the Invoices with Service Category
J_1ITAXDEPDepreciation computation as per Income Tax (India)
J_1ITDSClassic TDS - reference table
J_2IACCBALOpening/Closing a/c balance table
J_2IEXDATERegister Extraction Dates
J_2IEXTRCTData Extract table for Excise Registers
J_2IREGBALOpening/Closing balance table for Raw & Capital goods
J_2IRG1BALOpening/Closing balance table for RG1
J_2IUTZDATUtilization dates
J_3RBUE_BK_TABLETransparent table for PurBook (ALV)
J_3RDOPDEBSecondary index table for VAT
J_3RFIN_RATE_CLCDownpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - invoices
J_3RFTAXRATax Accounting: Actual line item table
J_3RFTAXRPTax Accounting: Plan line item table
J_3RFTAXRVATax Accounting: Actual line item table
J_3RFTAXRVPTax Accounting: Plan line item table
J_3RF_PRECMFAPrecious materials content of asset master record
J_3RF_REGINV_INIncoming Invoice Registration Journal
J_3RF_REGINV_LOGInvoice Journal (Russia): History of Statuses
J_3RF_REGINV_OUTOutgoing Invoice Registration Journal
J_3RKKRSAccount correspondence line items
J_3RTSESecondary index table for VAT
KE1_WU_RUNIDPCA Where-Used List: Runs
KMKPFFI: Account Assignment Model Header Information
KNC1Customer master (transaction figures)
KNC1_BAKCustomer Master (Transaction Figures)
KOMUAccount Assignment Templates for G/L Account Items
KUSEProd.Cstg: User-Specific Settings (Depends on Cstg Variant)
LFC1Vendor master (transaction figures)
LFC1_BAKVendor Master (Transaction Figures)
LFSSTNSustainability details for Vendor
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