BKPF_ADD is a SAP table coming under FI module and SAP_FIN component.View details, Fields & related tables of BKPF_ADD in SAP.
- Table description : Accounting Document Header
- Module : FI-GL
- Parent Module : FI
- Software Component : SAP_FIN

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP BKPF_ADD Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | BUKRS |
BELNR | Accounting Document Number | BELNR_D | BELNR |
GJAHR | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | GJAHR |
BLART | Document type | BLART | BLART |
BLDAT | Document Date in Document | BLDAT | DATUM |
BUDAT | Posting Date in the Document | BUDAT | DATUM |
MONAT | Fiscal period | MONAT | MONAT |
CPUDT | Accounting document entry date | CPUDT | DATUM |
CPUTM | Time of data entry | CPUTM | UZEIT |
AEDAT | Date of the Last Document Change by Transaction | AEDAT_BKPF | DATUM |
UPDDT | Date of the Last Document Update | UPDDT | DATUM |
WWERT | Translation date | WWERT_D | DATUM |
USNAM | User name | USNAM | XUBNAME |
TCODE | Transaction Code | TCODE | TCODE |
BVORG | Number of Cross-Company Code Posting Transaction | BVORG | BVORG |
XBLNR | Reference Document Number | XBLNR1 | XBLNR1 |
DBBLG | Recurring Entry Document Number | DBBLG | BELNR |
STBLG | Reverse Document Number | STBLG | BELNR |
STJAH | Reverse document fiscal year | STJAH | GJAHR |
BKTXT | Document Header Text | BKTXT | TEXT25 |
WAERS | Currency Key | WAERS | WAERS |
KURSF | Exchange rate | KURSF | KURSF |
KZWRS | Currency Key for the Group Currency | KZWRS | WAERS |
KZKRS | Group Currency Exchange Rate | KZKRS | KURSF |
BSTAT | Document Status | BSTAT_D | BSTAT |
XNETB | Indicator: Document posted net ? | XNETB | XFELD |
FRATH | Unplanned Delivery Costs | FRATH | WERT7 |
XRUEB | Indicator: Document is posted to a previous period | XRUEB | XFELD |
GLVOR | Business Transaction | GLVOR | CHAR4 |
GRPID | Batch Input Session Name | GRPID_BKPF | CHAR12 |
DOKID | Document Name in the Archive System | DOKID_BKPF | CHAR40 |
ARCID | Extract ID Document Header | EXTID_BKPF | CHAR10 |
IBLAR | Internal Document Type for Document Control | IBLAR | IBLAR |
AWTYP | Reference procedure | AWTYP | AWTYP |
AWKEY | Object key | AWKEY | AWKEY |
FIKRS | Financial Management Area | FIKRS | FIKRS |
HWAER | Local Currency | HWAER | WAERS |
HWAE2 | Currency Key of Second Local Currency | HWAE2 | WAERS |
HWAE3 | Currency Key of Third Local Currency | HWAE3 | WAERS |
KURS2 | Exchange Rate for the Second Local Currency | KURS2 | KURSF |
KURS3 | Exchange Rate for the Third Local Currency | KURS3 | KURSF |
BASW2 | Source Currency for Currency Translation | CURSR | CURSR |
BASW3 | Source Currency for Currency Translation | CURSR | CURSR |
UMRD2 | Translation Date Type for Second Local Currency | UMRD2 | CURDT |
UMRD3 | Translation Date Type for Third Local Currency | UMRD3 | CURDT |
XSTOV | Indicator: Document is flagged for reversal | XSTOV | XFELD |
STODT | Planned Date for the Reverse Posting | STODT | DATUM |
XMWST | Calculate tax automatically | XMWST | XFELD |
CURT2 | Currency Type of Second Local Currency | CURT2 | CURTP |
CURT3 | Currency Type of Third Local Currency | CURT3 | CURTP |
KUTY2 | Exchange Rate Type | KURST | KURST |
KUTY3 | Exchange Rate Type | KURST | KURST |
XSNET | G/L account amounts entered exclude tax | XSNET | XFELD |
AUSBK | Source Company Code | AUSBK | BUKRS |
XUSVR | Indicator: US taxes changed at detail level ? | XUSVR_BKPF | XFELD |
DUEFL | Status of Data Transfer into Subsequent Release | DUEFL_BKPF | DUEFL_BKPF |
AWSYS | Logical System | LOGSYSTEM | LOGSYS |
TXKRS | Exchange Rate for Taxes | TXKRS_BKPF | KURSF |
LOTKZ | Lot Number for Requests | PSO_LOTKZ | LOTKZ |
XWVOF | Indicator: Customer bill of exchange payment before due date | XWVOF | XFELD |
STGRD | Reason for Reversal | STGRD | STGRD |
PPNAM | Name of User Who Parked this Document | PPNAM | XUBNAME |
BRNCH | Branch number | J_1ABRNCH | J_1BBRANCH |
NUMPG | Number of pages of invoice | J_1ANOPG | J_1ANOPG |
ADISC | Indicator: entry represents a discount document | J_1ADISC | ADISC |
XREF1_HD | Reference Key 1 Internal for Document Header | XREF1_HD | CHAR20 |
XREF2_HD | Reference Key 2 Internal for Document Header | XREF2_HD | CHAR20 |
XREVERSAL | Specifies whether doc. is reversal doc. or reversed doc. | XREVERSAL | XREVERSAL |
REINDAT | Invoice Receipt Date | REINDAT | DATUM |
RLDNR | Ledger | RLDNR | RLDNR |
BKPF_ADD related tables
Table | Note |
BKPF | Accounting Document Header |
BKPF_ADD | Accounting Document Header |
DFKKKO | Header Data in Open Item Accounting Document |
DFKKKO_SHORT | Header Data for Contract Accounting Document - Extracts |
DFKKMKO | Header data for sample contract accounting document |
FINACHD | Accounting Document Header |
PPDHD | Transfer to Accounting: Document Header |
ACCJOURNAL0C | Obsolete: Former: Journals in the Accounting Document |
BSEG | Accounting Document Segment |
BSEG_ADD | Entry View of Accounting Document for Additional Ledgers |
CRMC_PS_ACC_ST | Accounting Status of Net Calculation Document /Item |
CRMC_PS_ACC_ST_T | Text for Accounting Status of Net Calculation Document /Item |
DFKKOPKX | Items for Contract Accounting Document (Enhancement) |
IDCN_DOCTYPE | Accounting Document Types (Golden Audit) |
TJL05 | IS-M/SD: Document Types for Transfer to Financial Accounting |
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