SGTXT Field in SAP | Item Text Data Element using tables

SGTXT is a data element in SAP used for storing Item Text data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this SGTXT field in SAP.

  • Data Element : SGTXT
  • Description : Item Text
  • Data Type :CHAR

Item Text tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using SGTXT Field

ACCTITCompressed Data from FI/CO Document
AD01DLIDynamic items (DI)
AFRVConfirmation pool
AFRV_DELBackup Copy for Confirmation Pool
ANEKDocument Header Asset Posting
ASSOBAssignment Objects
AVIPPayment Advice Line Item
BPBKDoc.Header Controlling Obj.
BPDZTText Line Entry Document
BPTXBudgeting Text
BPVKDocument Header for Parked Documents
BSADAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items)
BSAD_BAKAccounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items)
BSAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)
BSAK_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)
BSASAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)
BSAS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)
BSEGAccounting Document Segment
BSEG_ADDEntry View of Accounting Document for Additional Ledgers
BSIDAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers
BSID_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers
BSIKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors
BSIK_BAKAccounting: Secondary index for vendors
BSISAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts
BSIS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts
CACS00_DOCFI_PData Transfer: FI Documents (Items)
CC1ERPIncorrect Time Events from CC1, Postings
CC1TEVTemporary Buffer for Time Events from CC1
CDBD_GM_IMaterial Document Item Table
CKMLAVRDOCITLines for Cumulation Posting Document
COFIPSingle plan items for reconciliation ledger
COFISActual line items for reconciliation ledger
COFPDocument Lines (project cash management)
COIFTInterface to Activity Allocation
COMPMOVEGoods Movement of Components
COPPP_ITMCO Postprocessing List - Items
CRFILEPOSPayment Card File: Individual Records
DKKOPBalance Audit Trail
DKOKPOpen Item Account Balance Audit Trail
DPAYPPayment program - data on paid item
DSKOPBalance Audit Trail
EBSEGDoc.Segment of Fin.Accntng External Documents
ECMCASAP Cons.: Journal Entry Table (Actual)
FAGLBSASAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)
FAGLBSAS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)
FAGLBSISAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts
FAGLBSIS_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts
FBICRC001AICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Documents
FBICRC001PNot in use
FBICRC002AICRC: GL Accounts: Documents
FBICRC002PNot in use
FBICRC003AICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Documents
FBICRC003PNot in use
FCABPFI-CA: Document Item
FDM_DOC_MIRRORDocument Information (Raw Data in Substitute System)
FEBEPElectronic Bank Statement Line Items
FEB_ACCNT_SAVESaving of Posting Lines for Postprocessing (Account Assign.)
FEB_ACTAcct Assignment Templates
FEB_AVIR_EXTDAdvice Note Subitem Enhancement (Bank Statement Postproc.)
FEB_ITEM_SAVESaving of Posting Items for Postprocessing (On Account)
FILCAFI-LC: Actual journal entry table with 2 object tables
FILCPFI-LC: Plan line items for object table
FIOTPOIOne-Time Postings: Items
FKKBEPElectronic Bank Statement Line Items
FLQITEMMALiquidity Calculation - Line Items for Manual Transfers
FMAVCAActual line item table
FMAVCPPlan line items table
FMBDAActual line item table
FMBDPFM Budget change line items table
FMBLFunds management budget document lines (entry documents)
FMCCFBDGT_CUSTCustomizing settings: creation of budget during ccf
FMCFBPAKSFM-FYC: Budget/Planning Updates (Interim Storage)
FMCJIS-PS: Documents in Cash Desk Subsidiary Ledger
FMFG_ABP_HDR_DEFABP Budget Entry Document default attributes
FMFG_SAV_FACTS1ASaved FACTS1A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_FACTS2ASaved FACTS2A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_FMUSFGASaved FMUSFGA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMHBLFunds management budget document lines (held documents)
FMIAActual Line Item Table for Funds Management
FMIFIITFI Line Item Table in Funds Management
FMIOICommitment Documents Funds Management
FMIPPlan Line Items Table for Funds Management
FMRBAActual line item table
FMRBPPlan line items table
FMSPLITAActual line item table
FMSPLITPPlan line items table
FMUSFGAActual line item table for US Federal Government
FMUSFGFACTS1AActual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS1PPlan line items table
FMUSFGFACTS2AActual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS2PPlan line items table
FMUSFGPPlan line items table
FTPT_REQ_ACCOUNTTravel Request Cost Assignment
GGREFAExample for Global FI-SL Line Items (Actual)
GGREFPExample for Global FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLE_BALANC_LINETText Table for Line Items for Balancing
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
GLFLEXAFlexible general ledger: Actual line items
GLFLEXPFlexible G/L: Plan line items
GLFUNCAActual Line Items Table for Cost of Sales Accounting
GLFUNCPPlan Line Items Table for Cost of Sales Accounting
GLFUNCURollup line item tables with function area for IDES
GLFUNCVRollup plan line items table with function area for IDES
GLISDEAActual Line Item Tables for Insurance (DE)
GLISDEPPlan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE)
GLP0Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line Items
GLP1Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line Items
GLP2Global Special Purpose Ledger Plan Line Item Table
GLPCAEC-PCA: Actual Line Items
GLPCA_CTProfit Center Documents
GLPCPEC-PCA: Plan Line Items
GLPO1Plan Line Items for Object Table
GLPO2Plan Line Items for Object Table Global
GLPO3Plan Line Items for Object Table
GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View
GLPOS_N_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type
GLPPCProfit Center Accounting: Plan line items
GLREFAExample for Local FI-SL Line Items (Actual)
GLREFPExample for Local FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLREFUExample for FI-SL Rollup Line Items (Actual)
GLREFVExample for Rollup FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLS1Local Logical General Ledger Actual Line Items
GLS2Global logical Consolidation line items
GLSO1FI-SL Line Item Table with Objects for GLTO1
GLSO2FI-SL Table with Objects, Structure corresponds to GLS2
GLSO3FI-SL LI Table with Objects for GLTO3
GLSPCProfit Center Accounting: Line Items
GMAVCAActual line item table
GMAVCPPlan line items table
GMBDGTFYDLINEGM Budgeting Fiscal Year Distribution Lines
GMBDGTLINEBudget Document Line
GMHBDGTFYDLINEGM Budgeting Fiscal Year Distribution Lines
GMHBDGTLINEBudget Line: Held Documents
GMIAActual Line Item Table
GMIPPlan line items table
GRISDEAActual Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
GRISDEPPlan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
IDCN_3RFF4ADJITMAdjustment Document Item
ISSRFLDEAActual line item table
ISSRFLDEPPlan line items table
ISSRPREFLOWISSR: Basistabelle/Bewegungstabelle
JFXBPOSDLIS-M: Backup Transfer Internal Table XBPOS
JVPO1JVA: Plan Line Items
JVPSC01AActual line item table
JVPSC01PPlan line item table
JVS1JV Line Items
JVSO1JV LI Table with Objects for JVTO1
JVSO2JV Billing FI-SL Line Item
J_3RFTAXRATax Accounting: Actual line item table
J_3RFTAXRPTax Accounting: Plan line item table
J_3RFTAXRVATax Accounting: Actual line item table
J_3RFTAXRVPTax Accounting: Plan line item table
J_3RFTAX_EXTRDTax Extract Detail Lines
J_3RSL_BK_TABLETransparent table for SaleBook (ALV)
KBLPDocument Item: Manual Document Entry
KFPPDocument Header: Transfer Prices for Tasks
KMZEIFI: Account Assignment Model Item Information
KOMUAccount Assignment Templates for G/L Account Items
MSEGDocument Segment: Material
MWXMSEGZMSEG: Interface for Posting of Value
MWZMSEGZMSEG:Interface for Posting of Value
NFALACPIS-H: Case Accrual per Day
OIA08LIA Document: Item Data
OIHEDAActual line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDPPlan line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHSLATDP (excise duty) special ledger actual line item table
OIO_RT_RTDOC_CTReturns document - container items
OIO_RT_RTDOC_MTReturns document - material items
OIUHS_JE_ACC_IDPRA: Journal Entry Posting Rules per Account Type
OIUHS_JE_ACC_TYPPRA: Journal Entry Posting Rules per Account Type
PAYRQPayment Requests
PCRRETAILAActual line item table
PCRRETAILPPlan line items table
PPDITTransfer to Accounting: Lines in HR IDOCs
PSOSEGADocument Segment for Assets Document Parking
PSOSEGDDocument Segment: Recurring Request, Customer
PSOSEGKRecurring Request Document Segment, Vendors
PSOSEGSRecurring Request Document Segment, G/L Accounts
PTEX2000Interface Table for Attendances/Absences Infotype(2001/2002)
PTEX2003GENInterface Table for IT 2003: General Information
PTEX2003SPECInterface Table for IT 2003: Interval Information
PTEX2010Interface Table for EE Remuneration Info. Infotype (2010)
PTRV_DOC_ITTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Lines of TRV interm. document
PTRV_DOC_TAXTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Tax lines of TRV document
RBCODocument Item, Incoming Invoice, Account Assignment
RBDRSEGBatch IV: Invoice Document Items
REGUPProcessed items from payment program
REGUP_COREProcessed Items from Payment Program
RESBReservation/dependent requirements
RFITEMAP_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the Vendor Transactions
RFITEMAR_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the Customer Transactions
RFITEMGL_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the GL Account Transactions
RUECKTemp. storage for subsystem confirmations
T5DBVConstruction Pay: Cost Assignment: Hostels
Application Platform Tables
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