RESB is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of RESB in SAP.
- Table description : Reservation/dependent requirements
- Module : CRM
- Parent Module : CRM
- Package : MB
- Software Component : BBPCRM

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP RESB Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
RSNUM | Number of reservation/dependent requirements | RSNUM | RSNUM |
RSPOS | Item Number of Reservation / Dependent Requirements | RSPOS | RSPOS |
RSART | Record type | RSART | RSART |
BDART | Requirement type | BDART | BDART |
RSSTA | Status of reservation | RSSTA | STATR |
XLOEK | Item is deleted | XLOEK | XFELD |
XWAOK | Goods movement for reservation allowed | XWAOK | XFELD |
KZEAR | Final issue for this reservation | KZEAR | XFELD |
XFEHL | Pre-allocated stock | XFEHL | XFELD |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | MATNR |
LGORT | Storage location | LGORT_D | LGORT |
PRVBE | Production Supply Area | PRVBE | PRVBE |
CHARG | Batch Number | CHARG_D | CHARG |
PLPLA | Distribution of Differences | PLPLA | PLPLA |
SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | SOBKZ | SOBKZ |
BDTER | Requirements date for the component | BDTER | DATUM |
BDMNG | Requirement Quantity | BDMNG | MENG13 |
MEINS | Base Unit of Measure | MEINS | MEINS |
SHKZG | Debit/Credit Indicator | SHKZG | SHKZG |
FMENG | Quantity is fixed | FMENG | XFELD |
ENMNG | Quantity withdrawn | ENMNG | MENG13 |
ENWRT | Value Withdrawn | ENWRT | VWERT13 |
WAERS | Currency Key | WAERS | WAERS |
ERFMG | Quantity in unit of entry | ERFMG | MENG13 |
ERFME | Unit of entry | ERFME | MEINS |
PLNUM | Planned order number | PLNUM | PLNUM |
BANFN | Purchase requisition number | BANFN | BANFN |
BNFPO | Item number of purchase requisition | BNFPO | BNFPO |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | AUFNR |
BAUGR | Material number of higher-level assembly | BAUGR | MATNR |
SERNR | BOM explosion number | SERNR | SERNR |
KDAUF | Sales Order Number | KDAUF | VBELN |
KDPOS | Item number in Sales Order | KDPOS | NUM06 |
KDEIN | Delivery schedule for sales order | KDEIN | NUM04 |
PROJN | Old: Project number : No longer used --> PS_POSNR | PROJN | PROJN |
BWART | Movement type (inventory management) | BWART | BWART |
SAKNR | G/L Account Number | SAKNR | SAKNR |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | GSBER |
UMWRK | Receiving plant/issuing plant | UMWRK | WERKS |
UMLGO | Receiving/issuing storage location | UMLGO | LGORT |
NAFKZ | Indicator: follow-up material active/not active | NAFKZ | XFELD |
NOMAT | Follow-Up/Original Material | NOMAT | MATNR |
NOMNG | Required quantity | NOMNG | MENG13 |
POSTP | Item category (bill of material) | POSTP | POSTP |
POSNR | BOM item number | APOSN | SPOSN |
ROMS1 | Size 1 | ROMS1 | MENG13 |
ROMS2 | Size 2 | ROMS2 | MENG13 |
ROMS3 | Size 3 | ROMS3 | MENG13 |
ROMEI | Unit of measure for sizes 1 to 3 | ROMEI | MEINS |
ROMEN | VarSizeItem Qty | ROMEN | MENG13 |
SGTXT | Item Text | SGTXT | TEXT50 |
LMENG | Required quantity for in stockkeeping units | LMENG | MENG13 |
ROHPS | Variable-sized item indicator | ROHPS | XFELD |
RFORM | Formula Key | RFORM | RFORM |
ROANZ | Number of Variable-Size Items | ROANZ | MENG13 |
FLMNG | Shortfall quantity of the component in the order | FLMNG | MENG13 |
STLTY | BOM Category | STLTY | STLTY |
STLNR | Bill of Material | STNUM | STNUM |
STLKN | BOM Item Node Number | STLKN | KNTNR |
STPOZ | Internal counter | CIM_COUNT | CIM_COUNT |
LTXSP | Language: The long text was stored in this language | LTXSP | SPRAS |
POTX1 | BOM Item Text (Line 1) | POTX1 | TEXT40 |
POTX2 | BOM Item Text (Line 2) | POTX2 | TEXT40 |
SANKA | Indicator for Relevancy to Costing | CK_SELKZ | CK_SELKZ |
ALPOS | Alternative item indicator | ALTPS | XFELD |
EWAHR | Usage Probability in % (Alternative Item) | EWAHR | DEC3 |
AUSCH | Component scrap in percent | KAUSF | DEC3_2 |
AVOAU | Operation Scrap | AVOAU | DEC3_2 |
NETAU | Indicator: Net Scrap | NETAU | XFELD |
NLFZT | Lead-Time Offset | NLFZT | NLFZT |
AENNR | Change Number | AENNR | AENNR |
UMREZ | Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure | UMREZ | UMBSZ |
UMREN | Denominator for conversion to base units of measure | UMREN | UMBSN |
SORTF | Sort String | SORTP | CHAR10 |
SBTER | Latest requirements date | SBTER | DATUM |
VERTI | MRP Distribution Key | SA_VERTL | SA_VERTL |
SCHGT | Indicator: bulk material | SCHGT | XFELD |
UPSKZ | Indicator: Subitems Exist | UPSKZ | XFELD |
DBSKZ | Direct procurement indicator | DBSKZ | DBSKZ |
TXTPS | Item text indicator | TXTPS | XFELD |
DUMPS | Phantom item indicator | DUMPS | XFELD |
BEIKZ | Material Provision Indicators | BEIKZ | BEIKZ |
ERSKZ | Indicator: Spare Part | ERSKZ | ERSKZ |
AUFST | Order level | AUFST | AUFST |
AUFWG | Order path | AUFWG | AUFWG |
BAUST | Assembly order level | BAUST | AUFST |
BAUWG | Assembly order path | BAUWG | AUFWG |
AUFPS | Order item number | AUFPS | CHAR2 |
EBELN | Purchasing Document Number | EBELN | EBELN |
EBELP | Item Number of Purchasing Document | EBELP | EBELP |
EBELE | Delivery Schedule Line Counter | EETEN | EETEN |
KNTTP | Account assignment category | KNTTP | KNTTP |
KZVBR | Consumption posting | KZVBR | KZVBR |
AUFPL | Routing number of operations in the order | CO_AUFPL | AUFPL |
VORNR | Operation/Activity Number | VORNR | VORNR |
APLZL | Internal counter | CIM_COUNT | CIM_COUNT |
OBJNR | Object number | J_OBJNR | J_OBJNR |
FLGAT | Sequence category | FOLGENART | FLGAT |
GPREIS | Price in component currency | PPCOMP | WERTV8 |
FPREIS | Fixed Price in Foreign Currency | OPREIFX | WERTV8 |
PEINH | Price unit | PEINH | PACK3 |
RGEKZ | Indicator: Backflush | RGEKZ | XFELD |
EKGRP | Purchasing group | EKGRP | EKGRP |
ROKME | Unit of measure for variable-size component | ROKME | MEINS |
ZUMEI | Unit for cutting measures | DZUMEI | MEINS |
ZUMS1 | Cutting measure 1 | DZUMS1 | MENG13 |
ZUMS2 | Cutting measure 2 | DZUMS2 | MENG13 |
ZUMS3 | Cutting measure 3 | DZUMS3 | MENG13 |
ZUDIV | Integral divisor for cutting measures | DZUDIV | ZUDIV |
VMENG | Confirmed quantity for availability check in SKU | VMENG | MENG15 |
PRREG | Checking rule for the availability check | PRREG | PRREG |
LIFZT | Delivery Time in Days | LIFZT | DEC3 |
CUOBJ | Configuration (internal object number) | CUOBJ | CUOBJ |
KFPOS | Indicator: "configurable item" | KFPOS | XFLAG |
REVLV | Revision level | REVLV | REVLV |
BERKZ | Material Staging Indicator for Production Supply | BERKZ | LVS_BERKZ |
LGNUM | Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex | LGNUM | LGNUM |
LGTYP | Storage Type | LGTYP | LGTYP |
LGPLA | Storage Bin | LGPLA | LGPLA |
TBMNG | Transfer requirement quantity already requested | TBMNG | MENG13 |
NPTXTKY | Internal text number (12-character) | TXTKY | CHAR12 |
KBNKZ | Kanban Indicator | KBNKZ | KBNKZ |
KZKUP | Indicator: Co-Product | KZKUP | XFELD |
AFPOS | Order item number | CO_POSNR | CO_POSNR |
NO_DISP | Effective for Materials Planning | NO_DISP_PLUS | NO_DISP_PLUS |
BDZTP | Time that reservation quantity required | BDZTP | BDZTP |
ESMNG | Usage quantity per order unit of measure | ESMNG | ESMNG |
ALPGR | Alternative Item: Group | CS_ALPGR | CHAR2 |
ALPRF | Alternative Item: Ranking Order | CS_ALPRF | NUM2 |
ALPST | Alternative Item: Strategy | CS_ALPST | CS_ALPST |
KZAUS | Discontinuation type | AUSLF | AUSLF |
NFEAG | Discontinuation Group | CS_NFEAG | CHAR2 |
NFPKZ | Indicator: Follow-Up Item | CS_KZNFP | XFELD |
NFGRP | Follow-Up Group | CS_NFGRP | CHAR2 |
NFUML | NOT USED: Quantity transfer factor for follow-up material | NFUML | NFUML |
ADRNR | Addresses: Address Number | CADNR | CADRNR |
CHOBJ | Internal object number of the batch classification | CUOBJ_CH | CUOBJ |
SPLRV | Item Number of Reservation / Dependent Requirements | RSPOS | RSPOS |
KNUMH | Number of condition record from batch determination | KNUMH_CH | KNUMB |
WEMPF | Goods recipient | WEMPF | WEMPF |
ABLAD | Unloading Point | ABLAD | TEXT25 |
HKMAT | Material-related origin | HKMAT | HKMAT |
HRKFT | Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element | HRKFT | HRKFT |
VORAB | Ind: Preliminary order | VORABKZ | XFELD |
MATKL | Material Group | MATKL | MATKL |
FRUNV | Indicator: External procurement data incomplete | FRUNV | KREUZ |
CLAKZ | Indicator: classification exists | CLAKZ | XFELD |
INPOS | Indicator: intra material | INPOS | XFELD |
WEBAZ | Goods receipt processing time in days | WEBAZ | DEC3 |
LIFNR | Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | LIFNR | LIFNR |
FLGEX | Indicator: External procurement | FLGEX | XFELD |
FUNCT | Distribution function | CY_FUNCT | CY_FUNC |
GPREIS_2 | Total Price in Local Currency | PPGXXX | WERTV8 |
FPREIS_2 | Fixed price in local currency | PPFXXX | WERTV8 |
PEINH_2 | Price unit | PEINH | PACK3 |
INFNR | Number of purchasing info record | INFNR | INFNR |
KZECH | Determination of batch entry in the production/process order | KZECH | KZECH |
KZMPF | Manual Maintenance of Requirement Date | KZMPF | XFELD |
STLAL | Alternative BOM | STALT | ALTNR |
PBDNR | Requirements Plan Number | PBDNR | CHAR10 |
STVKN | Inherited Node Number of BOM Item | STVKN | KNTNR |
KTOMA | Acct entered manually | KTOMA | CHAR1 |
VRPLA | Indicator: planning without final assembly | VRPLA | XFELD |
KZBWS | Valuation of Special Stock | KZBWS | KZBWS |
NLFZV | Lead-time offset for operation | CS_NLFZV | NLFZT |
NLFMV | Unit for lead-time offset for operation | CS_NLFMV | MEINS |
TECHS | Parameter Variant/Standard Variant | TECHS | TECHS |
OBJTYPE | Change indicator | OCM_OBJ_TYPE | OCM_OBJ_TYPE |
CH_PROC | Process that has lead to the change of an object | OCM_CH_PROC | OCM_CH_PROC |
FXPRU | Fixed-Price Co-Product | CK_FIXPRKU | XFELD |
UMSOK | Special stock indicator for physical stock transfer | UMSOK | SOBKZ |
VORAB_SM | Advance Shipment Indicator | VORAB_SM | VORAB_SM |
FIPOS | Commitment Item | FIPOS | FIPOS |
FIPEX | Commitment item | FM_FIPEX | FM_FIPEX |
FISTL | Funds Center | FISTL | FISTL |
FKBER | Functional Area | FKBER | FKBER |
PRIO_URG | Requirement Urgency | PRIO_URG | PRIO_URG |
PRIO_REQ | Requirement Priority | PRIO_REQ | PRIO_REQ |
KBLNR | Document Number for Earmarked Funds | KBLNR | KBLNR |
KBLPOS | Earmarked Funds: Document Item | KBLPOS | KBLPOS |
SC_ITM_NO | Internal Shopping Cart Item Number | /SRMERP/SC_ITM_NO | INT4 |
.INCLU--AP | Append to RESB for DFPS | ||
RESB related tables
Table | Note |
RESB | Reservation/dependent requirements |
SMORESB | Reservation/dependent requirements |
VSRESB_CN | Version: Reservation/Dependent requirements |
T77RT | Requirements Type Description for Requirements Definition |
MDSM | Simulative dependent requirements |
PKSL | Detailed Selection of the Dependent Requirements |
AESERVICES | Name Reservation for Address Enhancement Services |
ATRESERVATION | Offer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator |
ATRESERVATIONT | Offer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator |
AXT_OBJ_NAME_RES | Object name reservation for extensions |
CONT04_RSADD | Container Table for Reservation Appendix |
FTPT_OTHER | Travel Reservation Request Item - Other Service |
FTPT_QT_BPROFILE | Quicktrip Reservation Profile |
HURES | Tentative Reservation of HU Items |
ONROK | Object number index for material component/reservation |
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