LOGSYSTEM Field in SAP | Logical System Data Element using tables

LOGSYSTEM is a data element in SAP used for storing Logical System data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this LOGSYSTEM field in SAP.

  • Data Element : LOGSYSTEM
  • Description : Logical System
  • Data Type :CHAR

Logical System tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using LOGSYSTEM Field

ACCTHDCompressed Data from FI/CO Document - Header
ANEKDocument Header Asset Posting
AUAKDocument Header for Settlement
AUFKOrder master data
BKKPOHDPayment Order, Header Data
BKKPOHD_TMPPlanned Payment Order, Header Data
BKKPOHD_TMP_DELPlanned Payment Order, Header Data
BKPFAccounting Document Header
BKPF_ADDAccounting Document Header
CBPRCO-ABC: Activity Master Table
CCMHOLEStructure Gap Table
CEALE01CO-PA Distribution: Line Item Reference for Distribution
CEERRORCO-PA: Incorrect records from SD
CEPCProfit Center Master Data Table
CMDTGeneric Master Record: General Header
CNV_20100_TKA01Backup copy - controlling areas
CNV_20305_CEPCSAP LT: Backup table of CEPC
COBKCO Object: Document Header
COPPP_HDRCO Postprocessing List - Headers
CSKSCost Center Master Data
DFKKAWMForeign Trade Reporting: Report File
DFKK_CUST_EXTRFI-CA Partner - Extracts
DFKK_DOC_EXTRFI-CA Documents - Extracts
DFKK_GP_EXTRFI-CA Partner - Extracts
EBKPFFin.Accntng Doc.Header (of Docs from Extern.Systems)
EKABRelease Documentation
EKKOPurchasing Document Header
EORDPurchasing Source List
ERCH_DOC_EXTRBilling Document Extract -Selection Requirements -
ERD_DOC_EXTRPrint Document Extract - Selection Conditions -
FAGL_MIG_FICHA1Worklist for FI Reassignment Tool
FCABKFI-CA: Document Header
FCO_DOC_HEADFailure Cost Document Header
FDM_CCM_CORRTrigger Table for Manual Adjustments (Claims Management)
FDM_DOC_MIRRORDocument Information (Raw Data in Substitute System)
FDS2CM&F Line Items in SD Documents (fromr Release 4.0)
FDSPCash Mgmt Adjustment Items from Document Splitting
FMCCFDFiscal Year Change Documents (FM)
FMCCFLOTCommitment Carryforward of Held Documents (Approval Proc.)
FMCFSIOFI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents
FMCFSIO_TRFI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents
FMCHA1Work List for Reassignment Tool
FMCICommitment items master data
FMEUFEXPCertified Expenditure Documents
FMFCTRFunds Center Master Record
FMFINCODEFIFM: Financing code
FMFYCVAValue Adjustments Before Fiscal Year Change
FMIFIHDFI Header Table in Funds Management
FMIFIITFI Line Item Table in Funds Management
FMIOICommitment Documents Funds Management
FMIOICCNEarmarked Blocked Amounts for Commitments in Funds Managemnt
FRE_BIF_OPH_INInbound interface table order proposal header
FRE_BIF_OPI_INInbound Interface Table Order Proposal Item
FRE_IF_HEADERR/3 Outbound Header Interface Table
FRE_IF_ITEMF&R Order Outbound IF: internal Item Table
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
GLPCAEC-PCA: Actual Line Items
GLPCA_CTProfit Center Documents
GLPCPEC-PCA: Plan Line Items
GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View
IAOM_EXT_OBJ_HSTGeneral Information on External Object: History
IAOM_EXT_OBJ_INFGeneral Information on External Object - See Documentation
IMAKAppropriation requests - general data
IMCCIM Summarization: Characteristics that are master data
IMCECCIM Summarization: Cost centers
IMCEFLIM Summarization: Functional locations
IMCEFLTIM Summarization: Texts for functional locations
IMCEMIM Summarization: Measures
IMCEPIM Summarization: Plants
IMCEPCIM Summarization: Profit centers
IMCEPTIM Summarization: Texts for plants
IMCERIM Summarization: Appropriation requests
IMCHIM Summarization: Header
IMCKFIM Summarization: Key figures
IMRGMeasurement Document
INTITFXFixed Interest Amounts per Invoice
J_1BCTE_D_DOCREFReference to the NF-e being transported
J_1BCTE_D_REFReference to the NF-e being transported
J_1BNFDOCNota Fiscal Header
J_1B_CIAP_OBJECTCIAP document data
MKPFHeader: Material Document
MLHDMaterial Ledger Document: Header
MLITMBMaterial valuation document row information
MWMKPFHeader Table for the Interface
PAYRQPayment Requests
PIQPROC_DHActivity Documents: Document Header
PROJProject definition
PRPSWBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data
QMELQuality Notification
SRMBORCUSTOverwrite Connection Parameters for SP BOR
TAIC3IM Summarization: Conversion of Investment Program Name
TBDLILists for a logical system
TBDLTLists for a logical system for ALE distribution
TINV_EXTR_HDRExtract of Bill Receipt Document: Admin. Data (Eval. System)
TKA01Controlling Areas
TXW_S_COBKRetrieve COBK from archive
TXW_S_EKKORetrieve EKKO from archive
TZIN1Document Header Data from Source Document (PS Int.Calc.)
VBKPFDocument Header for Document Parking
VIITTAXDSBASETax Document Item to Be Broken Down (VIITTAXDSBASE)
VIRAADVPAYEXTAdvance Payment - Legacy Data Transfer
VIRADOCRE Document Header
VISCCOSTSEXTCosts per Object - Legacy Data Transfer
VISCS_DOCSCosts Directly Assigned to Lease-Out
VIXCJPSCCOSTSEXTCosts per Object - Legacy Data Transfer
VSAUFK_CNVersion: Order master data
VSPROJ_CNVersion: Project definition
VSPRPS_CNVersion: WBS element master data
/BEV3/CH1030BKPFHeader Data for CH Event Ledger 00001030
/ISDFPS/EXPO_LISAdditional Objects to Be Distributed
/ISDFPS/MDIV_SUMDFPS: Totals Records - Interval Documents
/XNFE/BACKSTATUSNF-e: Status Update Failed in ERP
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