FMCCFD is a SAP table coming under PSM module and EA-PS component.View details, Fields & related tables of FMCCFD in SAP.
- Table description : Fiscal Year Change Documents (FM)
- Module : PSM-FM
- Parent Module : PSM
- Package : FMBS_ADDON
- Software Component : EA-PS

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP FMCCFD Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
CFDOCNR | Document Number of Fiscal Year Change Document (FM) | FM_CFBELNR | BELNR |
FIKRS | Financial Management Area | FIKRS | FIKRS |
RYEAR | Closing Operations in FM: Receiver Fiscal Year | FM_CCF_RYEAR | GJAHR |
.INCLUDE | Common Key for Funds Management Actual Data | ||
REFBN | Reference Document Number | CO_REFBN | BELNR |
REFBT | Reference document category | FM_REFBTYP | FM_REFBTYP |
RFORG | Reference organisational units | AWORG | AWORG |
RFPOS | Item number of reference document | CC_RFPOS | NUMC05 |
RFKNT | Account assignment number of reference document | CC_RFKNT | NUMC05 |
RFETE | Reference document classification number | CC_RFETE | ETENR |
RCOND | Counter Conditions and Level Number | RCOND | RCOND |
RFTYP | Reference procedure | AWTYP | AWTYP |
RFSYS | Logical System | LOGSYSTEM | LOGSYS |
BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | BUKRS |
KNGJAHR | Fiscal year for FI document number | FM_KNGJAHR | GJAHR |
FMBELNR | Document Number of FM Line Item | FM_BELNR | BELNR |
FMBUZEI | Number of a posting line in a TR-FM line item | FM_BUZEI | NUMC03 |
TRANR | Funds Management Transaction Number | FM_TRANR | CHAR16 |
RLEDGER | Receiver Ledger (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_RLDNR | RLDNR |
SLEDGER | Sender Ledger (Fiscal Year FM) | FM_CCF_SLDNR | RLDNR |
SYEAR | Closing Operations in FM: Sender Fiscal Year | FM_CCF_SYEAR | GJAHR |
SGRANT | Sender Grant (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_SGRANT | GM_GRANT_NBR |
SFONDS | Sender Fund (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_SFONDS | BP_GEBER |
SFISTL | Sender Funds Center (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_SFISTL | FISTL |
SFIPEX | Sender Commitment Item (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_SFIPEX | FM_FIPEX |
SFAREA | Sender Functional Area (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_SFAREA | FKBER |
SMEASURE | Sender Funded Program (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_SMEASURE | FM_MEASURE |
RGRANT | Receiver Grant (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_RGRANT | GM_GRANT_NBR |
RFONDS | Receiver Fund (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_RFONDS | BP_GEBER |
RFISTL | Receiver Funds Center (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_RFISTL | FISTL |
RFIPEX | Receiver Commitment Item (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_RFIPEX | FM_FIPEX |
RFAREA | Receiver Functional Area (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_RFAREA | FKBER |
RMEASURE | Receiver Funded Program (Fiscal Year Change FM) | FM_CCF_RMEASURE | FM_MEASURE |
WRTTP | Value Type | FM_WRTTP | FM_WRTTP |
REVRS | Carryback Status Fiscal Year Change Document (FM) | FM_CCF_REVRS | FM_CCF_REVRS |
REVDOC | Carryback-reference document number of FYC document (Fm) | FM_REV_CFBELNR | BELNR |
CFLEV | Carryforward level | FM_CFLEV | FM_CFLEV |
CFRULE | FM carryforward rule (FYC) | FM_CFRULE | FM_CFRULE |
CFCNT | Year-End Closing: Number of Transfers | FM_CFCNT | FM_CFCNT |
CCF_OPTION | Amount Adjustment Type for Document Chains | FM_CCF_OPTION_CHAIN | FM_CCF_OPTION_CHAIN |
FLG_CFB | Commitments Carryforward: Carryforward Budget for Cmmt (FM) | FM_CFB | FM_CFB |
FLG_AUTO | Automatic Carryforward for Cross-Year Posting (FM) | FM_AUTOCF | FM_AUTOCF |
FLG_FDOC | Follow-On Document Created for Fiscal Year Change Doc. (FM) | FM_CCF_FOLLOW_ON_DOC | XFELD |
CPUDTCF | Accounting document entry date | CPUDT | DATUM |
CPUTMCF | Time of data entry | CPUTM | UZEIT |
CFLOTNR | Number to Identify Approval Process | FM_CFLOTNR | BELNR |
FMCCFD related tables
Table | Note |
PAYAC02 | Fiscal Year/Fiscal Year ID Assignment |
FMCCFD | Fiscal Year Change Documents (FM) |
FMCFC0 | Default Settings for Fiscal Year Change |
FMFYCVA | Value Adjustments Before Fiscal Year Change |
PTRV_REASGN_FM | Conversion of FM Data in Trip (e.g. Fiscal Year Change) |
T7RU51AV_P | Relation between Year and WType for income for this year |
BP021 | Fiscal Year Information |
CNV_20000_ERKRS | Operating concerns involved in fiscal year conversion |
CNV_20000_MCDX | Fiscal Year conversion -- data |
CNV_20000_PERIV | Participating fiscal year variants and company codes |
CNV_20000_RESULT | Result of the fiscal year analysis |
CNV_20200_AMDP | Fiscal Year when note 890976 became effective |
COEJ | CO Object: Line Items (by Fiscal Year) |
COEJL | CO Object: Line Items for Activity Types (by Fiscal Year) |
COEJR | CO Object: Line Items for Stat. Key Figures (by Fiscal Year) |
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