AWORG Field in SAP | Reference organisational units Data Element using tables

AWORG is a data element in SAP used for storing Reference organisational units data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this AWORG field in SAP.

  • Data Element : AWORG
  • Description : Reference organisational units
  • Data Type :CHAR

Reference organisational units tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using AWORG Field

ACCTCRCompressed Data from FI/CO Document - Currencies
ACCTHDCompressed Data from FI/CO Document - Header
ACCTITCompressed Data from FI/CO Document
ANEKDocument Header Asset Posting
ARC_IDX_ATIndex table for ACCTIT/ACCTHD/ACCTCR archives
ARIX_BKPFFI_DOCUMNT: Header-Oriented Document Index for Archive
BPDKHeader Entry Document
CE1E_B1Model Bank
CE1S_ALAirline Route Profit
CE1S_CPTemplate for Consumer Goods Industry
CE1S_GOQuickstart Template
CEERRORCO-PA: Incorrect records from SD
CKMI1Index for Accounting Documents for Material
COBKCO Object: Document Header
COFIPSingle plan items for reconciliation ledger
COFISActual line items for reconciliation ledger
COIFTInterface to Activity Allocation
COK41C_IXIndex Table for Documents in a Posting Run
COOICommitments Management: Line Items
COOI_PIBW CO-OM: Commitment Management: Deleted Line Items
COPPP_HDRCO Postprocessing List - Headers
ECMCASAP Cons.: Journal Entry Table (Actual)
ETXDCHExternal tax document: header info
FAGLCOFITRACELog of Real-Time Integration CO->FI
FAGL_SPLINFOSplittling Information of Open Items
FBICRC001AICRC: Open Items GL Accounts: Documents
FBICRC001PNot in use
FBICRC002AICRC: GL Accounts: Documents
FBICRC002PNot in use
FBICRC003AICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Documents
FBICRC003PNot in use
FCABKFI-CA: Document Header
FDM1Cash Management & Forecast: Line Items of MM Documents
FDM2Cash management line items from MM purchase requisition
FDMVCash Planning Line Items of Earmarked Funds
FDS2CM&F Line Items in SD Documents (fromr Release 4.0)
FDSPCash Mgmt Adjustment Items from Document Splitting
FERC_D2Documents per sender and account
FILA_GF_ITEMDOCSAssignment of Process - FI/CO Document Numbers
FILA_GF_ITEMLINKAssignment of Objects to Assets
FILCAFI-LC: Actual journal entry table with 2 object tables
FILCPFI-LC: Plan line items for object table
FMAVCAActual line item table
FMAVCPPlan line items table
FMBDAActual line item table
FMBDPFM Budget change line items table
FMBHFunds management budget header (entry documents)
FMCCFDFiscal Year Change Documents (FM)
FMCCFLOTCommitment Carryforward of Held Documents (Approval Proc.)
FMCFSIOFI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents
FMCFSIO_TRFI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents
FMCHA1Work List for Reassignment Tool
FMFG_PO_SUBSETZEKKN number to correct invoices for SES
FMFG_PO_ZEKKNZEKKN data for all FI items referencing service POs
FMFG_PPA_INV_HDPPA invoice header information (reason codes)
FMFG_PPA_INV_LNReason Codes for Accounting Documents (Item Level)
FMFG_SAV_FACTS1ASaved FACTS1A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_FACTS2ASaved FACTS2A data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_FMUSFGASaved FMUSFGA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFG_SAV_GLIDXASaved GLIDXA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600
FMFYCVAValue Adjustments Before Fiscal Year Change
FMIAActual Line Item Table for Funds Management
FMIFIHDFI Header Table in Funds Management
FMIOICommitment Documents Funds Management
FMIOICCNEarmarked Blocked Amounts for Commitments in Funds Managemnt
FMIPPlan Line Items Table for Funds Management
FMRBAActual line item table
FMRBPPlan line items table
FMSPLITAActual line item table
FMSPLITPPlan line items table
FMUSFGAActual line item table for US Federal Government
FMUSFGFACTS1AActual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS1PPlan line items table
FMUSFGFACTS2AActual line item table
FMUSFGFACTS2PPlan line items table
FMUSFGPPlan line items table
GGREFAExample for Global FI-SL Line Items (Actual)
GGREFPExample for Global FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
GLFLEXAFlexible general ledger: Actual line items
GLFLEXPFlexible G/L: Plan line items
GLFUNCAActual Line Items Table for Cost of Sales Accounting
GLFUNCPPlan Line Items Table for Cost of Sales Accounting
GLFUNCURollup line item tables with function area for IDES
GLFUNCVRollup plan line items table with function area for IDES
GLIDXAIndex to Find FI-SL Documents Based on AWKEY
GLISDEAActual Line Item Tables for Insurance (DE)
GLISDEPPlan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE)
GLP0Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line Items
GLP1Local Logical General Ledger Plan Line Items
GLP2Global Special Purpose Ledger Plan Line Item Table
GLPCAEC-PCA: Actual Line Items
GLPCA_CTProfit Center Documents
GLPCPEC-PCA: Plan Line Items
GLPPCProfit Center Accounting: Plan line items
GLREFAExample for Local FI-SL Line Items (Actual)
GLREFPExample for Local FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLREFUExample for FI-SL Rollup Line Items (Actual)
GLREFVExample for Rollup FI-SL Line Items (Plan)
GLS1Local Logical General Ledger Actual Line Items
GLS2Global logical Consolidation line items
GLSPCProfit Center Accounting: Line Items
GMAVCAActual line item table
GMAVCPPlan line items table
GMBDGTHEADERBudget Document Header
GMIAActual Line Item Table
GMIPPlan line items table
GRISDEAActual Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
GRISDEPPlan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
HRAAHDRHR Interface Table: Document Header for Activity Allocation
HRAAITMHR Interface Table: Document Item for Activity Allocation
ISSRFLDEAActual line item table
ISSRFLDEPPlan line items table
ISSRPREFLOWISSR: Basistabelle/Bewegungstabelle
JVPO1JVA: Plan Line Items
JVPSC01AActual line item table
JVPSC01PPlan line item table
JVSO1JV LI Table with Objects for JVTO1
JVSO2JV Billing FI-SL Line Item
J_1AINFINVInflation: Invoices for Replacement Value Determination
J_1B_CIAP_OBJECTCIAP document data
J_1IEWTPROVTable for TDS provisions
J_3RFTAXRATax Accounting: Actual line item table
J_3RFTAXRPTax Accounting: Plan line item table
J_3RFTAXRVATax Accounting: Actual line item table
J_3RFTAXRVPTax Accounting: Plan line item table
KBLEDocument Item Processing: Manual Document Entry
KBLKDocument Header: Manual Document Entry
MLHDMaterial Ledger Document: Header
OIHEDAActual line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHEDPPlan line item table, IS-OIL Excise Duty Special Ledger
OIHSLATDP (excise duty) special ledger actual line item table
PA2001HR Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences)
PA2002HR Time Record: Infotype 2002 (Attendances)
PA2003HR Time Record: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions)
PA2010HR Time Record: Infotype 2010 (Employee Remuneration Info.)
PCRRETAILAActual line item table
PCRRETAILPPlan line items table
PT2001HR Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences)
PTRV_DOC_HDTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Header of TRV int. document
PTRV_DOC_ITTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Lines of TRV interm. document
PTRV_DOC_MESSTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: CO Replacements of TRV Receipt
PTRV_DOC_TAXTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Tax lines of TRV document
PTRV_ROT_AWKEYAssignment of Trip Results to Posting Doc. Number and Line
T8J_JVECJVA equity change document relationship
T8J_POST_ERRORDocuments with errors in JV posting
T8J_POST_ERROR_CDocuments with errors in JV posting (Open Items)
TRACTSLAActual Line Item Table
TRACTSLPPlan Line Items Table
TRACT_DOCUMENTTreasury: Accounting Adaptor Document
TTXIExternal tax interface: index file
TTXUExternal tax interface: Audit file update information
TTXYExternal tax interface: tax information
TXW_S_ANEKRetrieve ANEP from archive
TXW_S_BKPFRetrieve BKPF from archive
TXW_S_COBKRetrieve COBK from archive
VDCHK_AWKEYStorage of unique links between FI and CML doc
VIAKBSEGDocument Line Item from SCS for Interface
VIBETAXDZuordnung Vorsteuerbeleg zum Berichtigungsobjekt
VIMIRAInstalments for Lease-Out
VITAXALine items for correction items
VITAXDTax Shares per Real Estate Account Assignment
VITAXROutflows for correction items
VITAXUTax transfer posting for advance payments with jurisdiction
/BEV3/CHFIAActual line item table
/BEV3/CHFIPPlan Line Items Table
/BEV3/CHVGRAActual line item table
/BEV3/CHVGRPPlan Line Items Table
/CCIS/PBU18APBU18: Actual line item table
/CCIS/PBU18PPBU18: Plan line item table
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