FIKRS Field in SAP | Financial Management Area Data Element using tables

FIKRS is a data element in SAP used for storing Financial Management Area data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this FIKRS field in SAP.

  • Data Element : FIKRS
  • Description : Financial Management Area
  • Data Type :CHAR

Financial Management Area tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using FIKRS Field

ACCTITCompressed Data from FI/CO Document
BBP_PCACCProcurement Card: Accounting Data
BBP_PCMASProcurement Card Master Data
BBP_PCMODProcurement Card: Modified Statement Data
BKPFAccounting Document Header
BKPF_ADDAccounting Document Header
BPREP_HRFPM_BCSVariants of Budget Creation for PBC
CMACGRANTGrant Master Data
CNV_20100_T001CNV backup copy for T001
CNV_20100_TKA01Backup copy - controlling areas
CNV_20200_T001ADOriginal settings of company codes (additional fields)
CNV_20305_T001backup table of T001 (certain fields only)
CNV_20305_TKA01backup table of TKA01 (certain fields only)
CRACCPayment Cards: Account Assignments in Card Master Record
CRNUMPayment cards: Card master record
CTRUNICLASis being deleted
EUUDCHAPPermitted Expenditure Chapter for Revenue Budget Line
FAGL_ORG_INFOGeneral Ledger: Configuration Information
FCABKFI-CA: Document Header
FCABPFI-CA: Document Item
FCDUNICLASis being deleted
FEB_ACCNT_SAVESaving of Posting Lines for Postprocessing (Account Assign.)
FEB_ACTAcct Assignment Templates
FLQFIPOS_LPOSRelationship: Commitment Items - Liquidity Items
FLQLPOS_FIPOSRelationship: Liquidity Items - Commitment Items
FM01Financial Management Areas
FM01AFM area control records
FM01BSPFM Area - Fund Center for the Budget
FM01BUDHORIZONNumber of Cash Effectivity Years and Financial Budget Years
FM01CFM area control parameters
FM01CBCash Budget Management Update Control
FM01DFunds Management Update Control
FM01DFBudget Type: Assignment to Cover Eligibility
FM01EInfo on cover availability per FM area
FM01FOverall parameters for FM areas
FM01FRGMaintain Release Groups
FM01FRG1Maintain Release Groups
FM01FRG2Assign Release Approval Groups to Activity
FM01FRGTMaintain Release Approval Groups (Texts)
FM01GFM Areas: Availability Control Settings
FM01HYear-Independent Assignment of Hierarchy Variants to FM Area
FM01IAssignment Commitment Type/Cover Eligibility Profile FM Area
FM01KTCustomizing FM Account Assignment
FM01NFollow-up posting info by FM area / application /data origin
FM01PYear-Dependent Assignment of Master Data to FM Area
FM01SAdditional master data for budgeting tools
FM01SNCollective Expenditure Settings
FM01TFunds Management Area Texts
FM01TOLTolerance for Budget Consistency Checks
FM01UDSettings for revenues increasing the budget
FM01YFM Areas- Year-Dependent Values
FM01_ARCHArchived FM Areas
FM01_STAssign Field Selection String -> FM Area
FM2BLACT1FM2BL - Activate of FM area and FM Budget Category
FM2BLACTBFM2BL - Activation of Budget Value Types
FM2BLACTCFM2BL - Activation of Commitment/Actual Value Types
FM2BLTR1FM2BL - Define on FM area level
FM2BLTRFLDFM2BL - Transfer Dimension fields
FMABSTSection Text
FMACTIVPERActivate Period Control Budgeting
FMADATEArchiving Date
FMALE_SETNUMFM Document Numbers to be Converted FI Line Item Table FM
FMAPSTATFIFM: System Status for FIFM Acct Asst Objects
FMAVCis being deleted
FMAVCAActual line item table
FMAVCACTCDActivation of Change Documents for FMAVCT Records
FMAVCBUDFILTBAVC filter settings for FM budget values: valid budget types
FMAVCBUDFILTHAVC filter settings for FM budget values: header entries
FMAVCLDGRACTActivation of availability ledger for Funds Management
FMAVCLDGRATTAttributes of Availability Control Ledger (Funds Management)
FMAVCLDGRGATYear-Independent Attributes of Control Ledger (FM)
FMAVCOObject table 1
FMAVCPPlan line items table
FMAVCTAVC Summary Table (BCS)
FMAVCUPDFILTHAVC Filter Settings for FM Posting Data: Header Entries
FMAVCUPDFILTVAVC Filter Settings for Posting Data: Excluded Value Types
FMAVC_RBE_SETAVC Ledger Settings for RBE
FMBASIDXIndex table for budget structure and AVC
FMBCSABudget Control System activation settings
FMBCSA_USERUser specific Budget Control System activation settings
FMBDAActual line item table
FMBDOObject table 1 - Budget address
FMBDPFM Budget change line items table
FMBDTFM budget totals table
FMBGADEFPublic-Owned Commercial Operation : Master Data
FMBGADEFTPublic-Owned Commercial Operation: Master Data Texts
FMBGAKONTAssignment of FM Account Assignment to PCO
FMBGAVAQFInput Tax Deduction Rates for PCO
FMBHFunds management budget header (entry documents)
FMBLFunds management budget document lines (entry documents)
FMBLEXTACBActivation of BL Ext for Value Type - Budgets
FMBLEXTACCActivation of BL Ext for Value Type - Commitments / Actuals
FMBLEXTACTActivation of BL Ext for Budget Category
FMBLEXTBUSubstitute BL Doc Types for Budget Docs
FMBLEXTEASubstitute BL Doc Types for Earmarked Funds
FMBLEXTFASubstitute BL Doc Types
FMBLEXTFLASelection of fields to be moved in FI for BL Ext - Fields
FMBLEXTFMASelection of fields to be moved in FI for BL Ext - FM Areas
FMBLEXTINSubstitute BL Doc Types for Invoices
FMBLPSTNGFM BL posting customizing for GL line-items collection
FMBPCLOSE_FTYPEPreclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund Type
FMBPCLOSE_FUNDPreclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund
FMBSCDACTActivation of Change Documents for Budget Structure
FMBS_BOBudget Addresses
FMBS_BSBudget structures
FMBS_BS_TTexts for Budget Structures
FMBS_CONTROLBudget structure settings on FM area and fiscal year level
FMBS_CONTROL_LDRBS settings FM area, fisc. year and posting ledger
FMBS_VERS_ASSBudget Addresses settings on the version level
FMBTGDEFBudget Group content definition
FMBTGROUPBudget Type Group definition
FMBTGROUPTText for Budget Type Group
FMBUDFI-FM Data Transfer Structure FM4C
FMBUDACLRules for Closing Residual Ledger Accounts
FMBUDBCSBudgetary ledger account derivation: BCS
FMBUDCATBudget category activation
FMBUDDISBudgetary ledger account derivation: Budgeting (old)
FMBUDRESBudgetary ledger account derivation: Revenue/Statistical
FMBUDREVRevenue/Statistical Postings & Open items/actuals Resource
FMBUDSTABudgetary ledger account derivation: Open items/Actuals bdgt
FMBUDTXTBudget texts register
FMBUDTXT_KEYBudget Text Key Customizing
FMBUDTYPEBudget type definition
FMBUDTYPETTexts for Budget Type Definition
FMBUDVERSActivate Budget Versions
FMBUMANAGERManagement of budgeting enironment in FM
FMBUSTATUSStatus and budget addresses settings on the version level
FMBWUDUser Documents
FMCCFBDGT_CNTRLCustomizing settings: creation of budget during ccf
FMCCFBDGT_CUSTCustomizing settings: creation of budget during ccf
FMCCFDFiscal Year Change Documents (FM)
FMCCFLOTCommitment Carryforward of Held Documents (Approval Proc.)
FMCCFLOTHDLot for Commitment Carryforward (Approval Procedure)
FMCC_CUST_LIBFM - Consistency checks - Assignment of libraries
FMCDCFAssign Commitment Item to Fund
FMCDRBRevenues Increasing the Budget Government of Canada
FMCDRBBSFM Rev. Incr. Budget History - Government Canada
FMCDRBERevenues Increasing Budget Government of Canada (Receiver)
FMCEACTActivation of Cover Elibility
FMCECDACTActivation of Change Documents for Cover Elibility
FMCECGADDRSCover Groups: Assigned Budget Addresses
FMCECVGRPTTexts for Cover Groups
FMCFBAPPISPS: Budget Closing Operations: Manual Approval
FMCFBAPPUSEISPS: FYC Budget: Use Manual Approval
FMCFB_VRGNGFM: Permitted Activities for Balance Carryforward
FMCFB_VRGNGTFM: Balance Carryfwd Allowed Activities (Language-Dependent)
FMCFC0Default Settings for Fiscal Year Change
FMCFC1FYC Commitment Control
FMCFC1RFYC Commtiment Control (Carryforward Parameter)
FMCFC2FYC Budget Control
FMCFRULEFM - Carryforward Parameters (FYC)
FMCFSBFM - CF: Carryforward rules
FMCFSITR-FM Selected Open Commitments
FMCFSIFFI-FM: Selected Open Documents from FI Update
FMCFSIF_TRSelected Open FI Documents (Settlement)
FMCFSIOFI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents
FMCFSIO_TRFI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents
FMCHA1Work List for Reassignment Tool
FMCHECK_YEARObsolete Table
FMCICommitment items master data
FMCITCommitment items texts
FMCIVARNTVariant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities texts
FMCIVARNTTVariant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities texts
FMCLOSEOUTRules for Closing out Obligations
FMCONSUM_FTYPEConsumable budget type for Fund Type
FMCONSUM_FUNDConsumable budget type for Fund
FMCOPICO-FM: Plan Data Transfer - Annual/Overall Values
FMCOVRCO Posting Integration: Transaction
FMCTRNR02Commitment-item-depending FM monitoring number
FMCVCHECKSRestrictions in the Rule Maintenance for Cover Eligibility
FMCVCHECKSDYRestrictions in the Rule Maintenance for Cover Eligibility
FMCVRULEGENGeneric Rules for Generating Cover Pools
FMCY_COPIFor CO plan data transfer
FMD1_F15_BEWIRTF15 Interface - Master Data Manager
FMD1_F15_FIPO2BWF15 Interface - Commitment Item -> Manager
FMD1_F15_TKZNKRF15 Interface - Number Range for Cash Reference Number
FMDECK3Cover eligibility: amount management for sender budget obj.
FMDECKHKAssignment of FM Account Assignment to Cover Pool
FMDECKHKCAssignment of FM Account Assignment to Cover Pool
FMDECKRGTCover Pool Texts
FMDECKUNGAssignment of a Cover Pool to an FM Account Assignment
FMDIMSTATEDefinition of state for account assignment element
FMDISTADistribution Activation
FMDISTCDistribution Checks
FMDKSORTSort Criteria for Cover Eligibility
FMDKSRTGRPGroups of Sort Criteria for Cover Eligibility
FMEINDECKAssign FM Acct Assgt Requir.Cover to One Give It
FMEINDECKCAssign FM Acct Assgt Requir.Cover to One Give It
FMEPLPersonnel Expend.
FMEPLTText zum Einzelplan
FMEUFFNSFinancing Source
FMEUFRUNCertification Run Parameter
FMEUROPLANTable of Euro FM Areas
FMEUTRANSParameters for Euro Conversion
FMFCPOFIFM: Commitment Summarization Item
FMFCPOTFIFM: Financial Summarization Item Texts
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