ANLN1 Field in SAP | Main Asset Number Data Element using tables

ANLN1 is a data element in SAP used for storing Main Asset Number data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this ANLN1 field in SAP.

  • Data Element : ANLN1
  • Description : Main Asset Number
  • Data Type :CHAR

Main Asset Number tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using ANLN1 Field

ACCTITCompressed Data from FI/CO Document
ANEAAsset Line Items for Proportional Values
ANEKDocument Header Asset Posting
ANEPAsset Line Items
ANEVAsset downpymt settlement
ANLAAsset Master Record Segment
ANLBDepreciation terms
ANLBZATime-Dependent Depreciation Terms
ANLBZWAsset-specific base values
ANLCAsset Value Fields
ANLEAsset Origin by Line Item
ANLHMain asset number
ANLILink table for investment measure -> AuC
ANLKAsset Origin by Cost Element
ANLPAsset Periodic Values
ANLTAsset Texts
ANLUAsset Master Record: User Fields
ANLVInsurance data
ANLWInsurable values (year dependent)
ANLXAsset Master Record Segment
ANLZTime-Dependent Asset Allocations
APERB_ITEMSLog Table for Dep. Areas Posted Directly to FI
AUAASettlement Document: Receiver Segment
BBP_ASSETNO_FAVUser-Specific Favorites for Permitted Assets
BBP_PCACCProcurement Card: Accounting Data
BBP_PCMODProcurement Card: Modified Statement Data
BBP_PDACCAccount Assignment
BSADAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items)
BSAD_BAKAccounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items)
BSAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)
BSAK_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items)
BSEGAccounting Document Segment
BSEG_ADDEntry View of Accounting Document for Additional Ledgers
BSIDAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers
BSID_BAKAccounting: Secondary Index for Customers
BSIKAccounting: Secondary Index for Vendors
BSIK_BAKAccounting: Secondary index for vendors
BWFIAA_AEDAT_ABFIAA-BW: Modified Valuation Area Data for Delta Upload
BWFIAA_AEDAT_ASFIAA-BW: New and Modified Master Records for Delta Upload
BWFIAA_AEDAT_TRFIAA-BW: New and Modified Transactions for Delta Upload
CFIFA0CFIN Objects for Fixed Assets
CNVA_PCREA_AA_CPC Reorg Analysis: FI-AA Profit Center assignments
CNVA_PCREA_AA_OLT PC Reorg Analysis: Asset Reconciliation results (Level 2)
CNV_40305_ANLAAssets with semantically changing account determination
CNV_40305_ANLA_BAssets with semantically changing account determination
CNV_40305_MERGEAssets with semantically changing account determination
CNV_40305_POST_DValues to be reposted for a given asset
COBRBDistribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement
COMPMOVEGoods Movement of Components
DFKKOPKXItems for Contract Accounting Document (Enhancement)
DFKKORDERPOS_SRequest Templates: Items
EBKNPurchase Requisition Account Assignment
EBSEGDoc.Segment of Fin.Accntng External Documents
EKKNAccount Assignment in Purchasing Document
ESKNAccount Assignment in Service Package
EWUANLAVOREWU conversion: Table for marking assets before conversion
EWUFI_SCAEMU conversion: Table of the clearings to be adjusted
FAAASSETIDAssignment Table - Asset Key to Asset GUID
FAA_TENV_TCMGTManagement Table for Test Cases
FAGL_R_SPLReorganization: Splitting Information of the Open Items
FAGL_SPLINFOSplittling Information of Open Items
FIAAPTD_COL16VALResidual amounts to be reported in col16 for remaining years
FIAASKD_SUBACQUISlovakia: FIAA Subsequent Acquisition Postings
FIEUD_FIDOC_ISAFT: FI Transaction Document Item
FILA_GF_ITEMLINKAssignment of Objects to Assets
FMBGACORRSHistory for Input Tax Adjustments PCOs
FMBGADCTAXData from Backdated Tax Calculation for PCOs
FMFGAPASSAccountable Property Assets Created w Value
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
GLISDEAActual Line Item Tables for Insurance (DE)
GLISDECObject Table 2 for Insurance (DE)
GLISDEPPlan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE)
GLISDETSummary Table for Insurance (DE)
GLOFAAASSETDATACountry-Specific Asset Master Records
GLOFAATMDPNDNTTime-Dependent Country-Specific Asset Master Records
GLPCAEC-PCA: Actual Line Items
GLPCA_CTProfit Center Documents
GLPCPEC-PCA: Plan Line Items
GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View
GLPOS_N_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type
GLPPCProfit Center Accounting: Plan line items
GLSPCProfit Center Accounting: Line Items
GRISDEAActual Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
GRISDECObject Table 2 for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
GRISDEPPlan Line Item Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
GRISDETSummary Table for Insurance (DE) - Rollup
IDCN_GA_ANLNGA China: Asset depreciation ratio and costcenter
IDFIAA_JP_RESULTResults of Property Tax Report (Japan)
IDPT_A031Manual Entries for Form 32.1
IDPT_A061Depreciation Foregone
IEQT_WL_ITEMSInterim Statuses - Items
IEQT_WL_ITM_BACInterim Statuses - Items (Backup)
ILOAPM Object Location and Account Assignment
ILOA_VSLocation & Account Assignment for PM Object (Version Table)
IMAKAApprop. request for assets or equipment to be replaced
ISSRFLDEAActual line item table
ISSRPREFLOWISSR: Basistabelle/Bewegungstabelle
JVOO1Object Table for FI-SL Table JVTO1
JVPO1JVA: Plan Line Items
JVPSC01AActual line item table
JVPSC01CObject table 2
JVPSC01PPlan line item table
JVPSC01TSummary table
JVSO1JV LI Table with Objects for JVTO1
JVTO1JV Summary Table with Objects
J_1AAOLDTAInflation Adjustment AA - Historic transact. period Balances
J_1B_CIAP_OBJECTCIAP document data
J_1IPART2Excise Part II details
J_1ITAXDEPDepreciation computation as per Income Tax (India)
J_3RFCAPREPNet book value increase of assets as a result of repairs
J_3RFPROPTAXVProperty tax values in asset master record
J_3RFTAXRATax Accounting: Actual line item table
J_3RFTAXROTax Accounting: Object table
J_3RFTAXRPTax Accounting: Plan line item table
J_3RFTAXRTTax Accounting: Summary table
J_3RFTAXRVATax Accounting: Actual line item table
J_3RFTAXRVOTax Accounting: Object table
J_3RFTAXRVPTax Accounting: Plan line item table
J_3RFTAXRVTTax Accounting: Summary table
J_3RFTAX_EXTRDTax Extract Detail Lines
J_3RF_PRECMFAPrecious materials content of asset master record
J_3RMWOINMaterial issues without invoices.
J_3RNDSINVTarget use of ingoing invoice positions for AuC
J_3RTASSETTime dependent master record tax parameters of vehicles
J_3RTRETLock table for update retired asset during TranspTaxCalc
J_3RTVEHICLTime independent master record tax parameters of vehicles
J_3R_FATAXTransport Tax Data
J_3R_PTAX_ABROADTax Paid Abroad Property tax
KMZEIFI: Account Assignment Model Item Information
KOMUAccount Assignment Templates for G/L Account Items
MCIPMISPMIS: Master data characteristics for PMIS before image
MLCOMaterial valuation document account assignment information
MSEGDocument Segment: Material
MWXMSEGZMSEG: Interface for Posting of Value
MWZMSEGZMSEG:Interface for Posting of Value
OIFOANLAObject links - FI-AA asset master (IS-Oil MRN)
OIRBOANLAObject links - FI-AA asset master (IS-Oil SSR)
ONRANObject number index for system
PSOSEGADocument Segment for Assets Document Parking
PSOSEGSRecurring Request Document Segment, G/L Accounts
QALSInspection lot record
RBCODocument Item, Incoming Invoice, Account Assignment
REGUPProcessed items from payment program
REQACCTAccount Assignment for the Req. Coverage Request Lines
RFIDPTAAVPro-Rata Asset Acquisition Value
RFITEMAP_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the Vendor Transactions
RFITEMAR_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the Customer Transactions
RFITEMGL_NO_ITEMItem wise detail for the GL Account Transactions
RKPFDocument Header: Reservation
T076KFI-EDI: Additional Account Assignments
T084Incorrect assets
T084ARestart information for legacy asset data transfer
T875Asset transfers within the group
T875CChanges in depreciation
T875DAsset transfers
T875EChange in depreciation of asset transfers
T8J1JAsset intercompany cutback rule
T8J4FNon op Bill table assets (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4I)
T8J4INon operated Billing Asset Tables (for holding bills)
T8JDJJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object Mapping Table
T8JDKJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref) Mapping Table
T8JDLJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref + Class) Mapping
T8JDMJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref, Class, Subclass A)
T8JDNJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class) Mapping Table
T8JDOJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class + Subclass A) Mapping
T8JDTJV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping Table
T8JDUJV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping (Service code) Table
T8JIXJV index table
T8J_POST_ERROR_CDocuments with errors in JV posting (Open Items)
TQ8COAssignment of reference orders to notification type
TXW_S_ANEARetrieve ANEA from archive
TXW_S_ANEKRetrieve ANEP from archive
TXW_S_ANEPRetrieve ANEP from archive
TXW_S_BSEGRetrieve BSEG from archive
TXW_S_MSEGRetrieve MSEG from archive
VBSEGADocument Segment for Document Parking - Asset Database
VBSEGSDocument Segment for Document Parking - G/L Account Database
VFKNAccount Determination in Shipment Costs Item
VIAKBSEGDocument Line Item from SCS for Interface
VIBEAMAllocate assets to correction items
VIFANLALUM: Flurstück - Zugeordnete Anlagenstammsätze
VIFANLA_LOGLUM: Flurstück - Integration Anlagenbuchhaltung
VIOB01Business entities
VIOB37Relationship between real estate objects and SAP-FI-AA
VIWEGBRelation table between buildings and assets
VIWEGRRelation table between property and assets
/CEERE/BSEGProperty tax: booked FI items
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