T875D is a SAP table coming under FI module and SAP_FIN component.View details, Fields & related tables of T875D in SAP.
- Table description : Asset transfers
- Module : FI-LC-LC
- Parent Module : FI
- Package : FKUC
- Software Component : SAP_FIN
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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP T875D Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
RVERS | Version for asset transfers within group | RVERS_IA | RVERS_GCT |
RLDNR | Ledger | RLDNR | RLDNR |
RCOMP | Company ID of retiring company | RCOMP_RET | RCOMP |
RASSC | Acquiring company | RASSC_ACQ | RCOMP |
ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | ANLN1 |
UNR1 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | ANLN2 |
RYEAR1 | Beginning year of deprecation | RYEAR_DEP | GJAHR |
PERID1 | Depreciation starting period | PERID_DEP | LC_PERID |
DEPRT1 | Depreciation method | DEPRT | DEPRT |
DEPRP1 | Depreciation percentage rate | AFPROZ | AFPROZ |
DEPRLY1 | Life of depreciation (amortization) in years | DEPRL_ET | NUM3 |
DEPRLM1 | Depreciable life in months | DEPRM_ET | NUM3 |
ITEM1WB | Accumulated depreciation item number | RITEM_WB | RITEM |
ANLN2 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | ANLN1 |
UNR2 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | ANLN2 |
RYEAR2 | Beginning year of deprecation | RYEAR_DEP | GJAHR |
PERID2 | Depreciation starting period | PERID_DEP | LC_PERID |
DEPRT2 | Depreciation method | DEPRT | DEPRT |
DEPRP2 | Depreciation percentage rate | AFPROZ | AFPROZ |
DEPRLY2 | Life of depreciation (amortization) in years | DEPRL_ET | NUM3 |
DEPRLM2 | Depreciable life in months | DEPRM_ET | NUM3 |
ITEM2WB | Accumulated depreciation item number | RITEM_WB | RITEM |
RBKVL | Retired net book value in local currency | VLCUR_NBR | WERT8 |
AWBVL | Retiring depreciation in local currency | VLCUR_DR | WERT8 |
PROCL | Gain/Loss on retirement in local currency | VLCUR_GLR | WERT8 |
RBKVG | Historical APC with the retiring company in group currency | VGCUR_NBR | WERT8 |
AWBVG | Accumulated depreciation at retiring co. in group currency | VGCUR_DR | WERT8 |
PROCG | Gain or loss on retirement for retiring co. in grp curr. | VGCUR_GLR | WERT8 |
RYEAR | Year of the asset transfer | RYEAR_TR | GJAHR |
PERID | Period of asset transfer | PERID_TR | LC_PERID |
SELF | In-house production indicator | SELF_X | X |
ITEMFROM | Source item of reclassification | RITEM_ETF | RITEM |
ITEMTO | Destination item of reclassification | RITEM_ETT | RITEM |
NODEPRCORR | Indicator: No posting of depreciation adjustment | NODEPC_X | X |
DIVESTYEAR | Year of resale by the acquiring company | DIVEST_ACQ | GJAHR |
DIVESTPER | Period of resale by the acquiring company | DIVESP_ACQ | LC_PERID |
ASSETSALE | Indicator: external sale | ASSETSAL_X | X |
EXTY1 | Exchange rate indicator | CUTYP | CUTYP |
EXCH1 | Exchange rate | KURSC | KURSC |
EXTY2 | Exchange rate indicator | CUTYP | CUTYP |
EXCH2 | Exchange rate | KURSC | KURSC |
ITTXT1 | Asset Description | LC_ANLTX | TEXT50 |
ITTXT2 | Add. text | LC_TXT30 | TEXT30 |
T875D related tables
Table | Note |
T875 | Asset transfers within the group |
T875D | Asset transfers |
T875E | Change in depreciation of asset transfers |
FAAASSETID | Assignment Table - Asset Key to Asset GUID |
IDSAU_TD_C_AGAC | Assignment of Asset Group to Asset Class |
T087U | Asset group number / asset group |
T087V | Text table asset group number / asset group |
TABVO | Determine asset value date in Asset Accounting transactions |
TZ17 | Asset group C11/76 Asset 6 (Annual stock overview) |
VWPANAN | Asset master/asset master relationship |
AT14 | Status Transfers |
CDSOLMIG | Solution Manager Runs for Change Document Transfers |
DMC_COPY_RULES | Administration of Rule Transfers Between (Sub-)Projects |
DRFC_APPL_VARI | Download variants for file transfers |
FAGLCOFITRFLDS | Field Transfers for Real-Time Integration CO->FI |
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