RFCDEST Field in SAP | Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call) Data Element using tables

RFCDEST is a data element in SAP used for storing Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call) data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this RFCDEST field in SAP.

  • Data Element : RFCDEST
  • Description : Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call)
  • Data Type :CHAR

Logical Destination (Specified in Function Call) tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using RFCDEST Field

ABDBG_ACTIVATIONDO NOT CHANGE: ABAP Debugger Table of Waiting Debuggees
ACCONNECTIONDIRAlert configuration: Connection Context Information
ACRFCDESTDATARFC Destination Data for Connection Monitoring
ADR11SSF (Business Address Services)
ADR11SShadow Table: SSF (Business Address Services)
ADR11S2Shadow Table 2: SSF (Business Address Services)
AGR_HIERTable for Structure Information for Menu
AGR_HIER2Menu structure information - Customer version of SAP roles
AGR_HIER3Menu structure information - SAP version of SAP roles
AGSRBE_SYSTEMSDSWP_RBE: Table with RBE analysis system data
AGSSMSY2CPSOptional: Mapping of SMSY Systems onto CPS Systems
AGSTWB_ISSUE_ATRIssue Managment: Message Attributes
AGSTWB_ISSUE_RELIssue Management: Relationship Table (Project, Issue)
AGS_SMT_3TT_CLNClients on which a test runs
AGS_SMT_WITCWork Items - Test Cases
AIE2ECONFConfiguration for E2E Diagnostics
AIND_STR10Technical Attributes of Archive Information Structures
AIROUTTAB_INFOSAP Solution Manager: RoutTab Info
AKB_CHKCONFObsolete: Configuration for Checkman Check AKB_CHK
AKB_PROJECTSObsolete: BCB Project Index
AKB_SYSLISTObsolete: BCB System List for Replication
AKB_TRANS_CHECKObsolete: Compatibility Control
ALAVLAGENTCombine CCMSPING Agents into Groups
ALAVLCTRLCCMSPING Push Technology: Current State of Worklists
ALAVLGCNTLCCMS Avail. Mon.: Control Table for Reference System Group
ALCONSEGAlert: Context/segment assignment
ALDBSMSEGCCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring Segments
ALM_MESYNC_RFCME Sync RFC Destination for the Backend
ALM_ME_DEST_SDMAM RFC Destinations for Server Drives
ALSYSTEMSCCMS Central System Management: Remote Managed Systems
ALTOOLEXECAlert: Tool definition (executable, dispatcher and so on)
AMASTAGlobal Performance Analysis: Application Statistc (from 7.0)
AMASURGlobal Perf. Analysis: Application Statistic Compressed Data
AMATRGlobal Performance Analysis: Extract Data (Attribute View)
AMDESGlobal Performance Analysis: Destinations
AMESISTAGlobal Performance Analysis: Statistics Main Rec + ESI Total
AMESISUBGlobal Performance Analysis: ESI Statistics: Single Records
AMIDCTest Case Names for Log ID
AMPROAutomatic Test: Log Book
AMRFCGlobal Perfromance Analysis: RFC Trace Data
AMSSUGlobal Performance Analysis: Trace Summary SQL Statements
AMSTAGlobal Performance Analysis: Statistical Data
AMSURGlobal Performance Analysis: Overview Summarized Log Data
AMTSUGlobal Performance Analysis: Trace Data SQL, Table View
ANST_NOTE_SEATrace Notes Search Header
APAUSEDBasis Objects Used in Other Packages
APAUSED_TESTBasis Objects Used in Other Packages
ARCH_DASConfiguration of the Data Archiving Service
ARFCLOGDescription of tRFC States (Create, Send, Delete)
ARFCRDATAARFC Call Data (Callers)
ARFCRSTATEStatus of ARFC Calls on Receiver Side
ARFCSDATAARFC Call Data (Callers)
ARFCSSTATEDescription of ARFC Call Status (Send)
AUKOAllocation Table Document Header
BBPC_RFCDESTRFC destinations
BBPC_RFC_DESTRFC Destinations that Refer to an SRM System
BBPD_TREX_INDEXBBP TREX Indexes: Assign Business Object -> TREX Indexes
BBPLANDF4F4 for Country Assignment
BBPORGF4F4 for User Assignment - Organizational Units for BBP
BBP_BACKEND_DESTDefinition of Backend Systems in B2B
BBP_RFC_LOGS_FAVUser-Specific Favorites for RFC Destinations
BBP_TMP_VENObsolete from 2.0C Onwards. Was Never used Before
BBP_TMP_VENDNOObsolete from 2.0C Onwards. Was Never used Before
BCOS_CUSTCreate Messages: Customizing
BDLBADHOSTList of host that have not been transferred for certain dest
BDLDESTList of RFC destinations to which data should be sent
BDLFUVERSDefinition of all Versions for one Logical Function
BDLSESDESTDestinations and RFC block sizes for data transfer
BGRFC_CUST_I_SRVInbound Scheduler/Destinations Customizing
BGRFC_CUST_O_SRVOutbound Scheduler/Destination Customizing
BGRFC_CUST_SUPERCustomizing for bgRFC Supervisor Destinations
BGRFC_REG_DESTUnit History Interface in bgRFC
BLIC_TEXT_IDInvoice Transfer - Assignment of Text IDs
BPR_BUS_ADMINAdministration functionalities to collect data
BSIUDESBSI Default Destination
BTP_DL_LSCPRFCBTP System Landscape RFC Connections
BWBICS_INA_STOREPersistance for the Test Tool
BWSD_LOGDStatus Information for Individual Transfer Locations
BWSD_LOGIStatus of Element Objects from Transfer
CACS00_DOCFI_HData Transfer: FI Documents (Header Data)
CACS_OAWLFOA: Worklist, Header
CATKCATT: Log Process Data
CATRCATT: Reset table changes
CCCFLOWClient Copy Control Flow
CCGLC_LODESTEHS: RFC Destinations to Logistics Systems
CCMCMPCALLPAREActionbox component call: external parameters
CCMCMPCALLPARICIC HTML configuration: parameter for internal calls
CCMCMPCALTPAREActionbox component call type: external parameters
CCMCMPCALTPARICIC HTML configuration: parameter for internal calls
CCMHTMLPARCIC HTML configuration: external parameters
CCMHTMLPARICIC HTML configuration: parameter for internal calls
CCMSBI_WASTATPTRCCMS/BI: WebAs Statistic Delta Pointer
CCRCC_ERRMAILEHS: Specify Recipients for Error Messages
CDBC_TTXCAssignment of external system to logical destination
CDBC_TTXDDescription of Tax Jurisdiction Code Structure
CDBD_ADR11SSF (central address admin.)
CDC_EXTR_STATUSCDC: Comparison Object Model Extractor Status
CFX_BP_SETGlobal Settings of Organization in cFolders
CGPL_R3_ATTRIBUTR/3 Interface: Attributes of R/3 Shadow Objects
CGPL_STAT_SEMBPSProject Planning - Call of SEMBPS when Status Changes
CIFRFCDESRFC Destinations for CIF Dialog Applications
CMFPStorage Structure for Errors Collected
CMPWLHCustomizing Comparison: Worklist Header
CMSC_RFC_DES_QUECMS Table for storing RFC destination & que no range
CMSIDESTMS CI: Destinations
CMWTRAN0Persistent Message Headers for Inbound Transfer Messages
CMWTRAN1Persistent Message Headers for Outbound Transfer Messages
CMX_ISE_REGIntersession Events: Registration Table
CNVA_00555_RUNIDHeader Information of Run Time Estimation Id
CNVA_CCD_ANA_SHDHeader table for CC Deletion Analysis Package in SolMan
CNVA_PCREA_RUNIDHeader Information of Profit Center Reorganization
CNVCDMCCA_COMPCDMC - Results from Remote comparision
CNVCDMC_BGNDWPCDMC : Background work processes to be used in Anal System
CNVCDOPCA_COMPCDOP - Results from Remote comparision
CNVCMIS_U_BCSETCopied/backup entries from DMC_IU_BCSET
CNVC_CCE_SYSTEMSMaintenance: Systems
CNVC_JSTATJob status
CNVC_SCNG_CA_PRJCDMC projects per each system ID in a run
CNVC_SCNG_SIDSystems per run
CNVC_SCNR_TNRODefinition of number range objects
CNVC_SCWB_RFCStatus of the used RFC-connections
CNVMBTACTLOGMBT PCL - Activity execution log
CNVMBTDESTinfo.about dest. of sender/receiver/central system
CNVMBTDESTDISTControl table for the distribution of destinations
CNVMBTDESTSTATEConnection state of a RFC Destination
CNVMBTDESTVERSMBT: RFC destination versions and settings
CNVMBTPROCDISTMaintaining the distribution of destintions
CNVMBTSTATEStatus table for execution of all activities and history
CNVMBTSUBSTATEStatus table for execution of all subactivities and histor
CNVMBTVERS_CTRLMBT: RFC destination versions and settings
CNVWDCNV watchdog: Customizing table
CNV_10940_RUN_IDSearch Run IDs created in Sol Man for RVS
CNV_10993_RUNIDSHC: Search RUn ID Table
CNV_MBT_ME_RMTERemote systems in the Mapping Engine
CNV_NCE_SYSTEMSSource and target systems
CNV_TDMS_16_DRFCList of RFC destinations - DDIC Comparison report
COCC2PP-PI: Customer-Specific Attributes for Characteristics
COMM_PCAT_EXP_PRProduct Catalog Profile: XML Export
CONNECT_XI_BS_ISObsolete: Connections from Business Systems to IS
CONNECT_XI_IS_BSObsolete: Connections from IS to Business Systems
CPEC_RFCDESTCPE Caller - RFC Destination for CPE Call
CRMA_MKTPL_CPGNMAPO Integration: Match CRM and generated APO Campaigns
CRMBW_BWRFC_MAPDialog RFC Destinations for BW Systems
CRMCI_FC_DESTFulfillment Coordination RFC Destination
CRMC_AUI_PROFILECRM-IC-AUI: Profiles for the Agent Universal inbox
CRMC_CIC_ASP_AClient Switch: Application
CRMC_CLA_APP_SYSApplication Systems
CRMC_DXDC_AP_SYSApplication Systems
CRMC_EDR_XI_DESTCustomizing table for XI RFC-Adapter destination
CRM_SI_WB_DLCSettings for Dynamic Layout
CRM_SVY_CN_ORDCustomizing Table for Connector Destinations
CSMBK_ASCAssociations in CCMS System Repository
CSMBK_OBJObject Repository in CCMS System Repository
CSMNSDICCCMS CSM: Central Name Server Directory
CSMSEGMCCMS Central System Management: Remote Managed Segments
CSMSEGMXCCMS: Cache for Administration of Monitored Segments
CSM_ABOSCRSubscription to Intrinsic Events in CCMS SCR
CSM_OBJObjects in System Component Repository from SAP Web AS 6.10
CSTPSRVCustomizing Table with STEP RFC Servers
CWBRFCUSROverwrite RFC Connection for Certain Users
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