SAP Training Materials

SAP is one of the most popular ERP software used in the world. This website contains the tutorials on SAP as free. All the training materials are arranged in a categorized manner and easy to learn.

What is SAP

SAP is a German Enterprise Application Software development company founded in 1972.The name SAP stands for “Systems, Applications and Productions in Data Processing”. The company has spread over 50 countries and has more than 109000 customers.

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SAP software Products

SAP ERP is the main product of the company which focused on Enterprise Resource Planning. SAP ERP coming with SAP Business Suite enterprise software.

SAP Business Suite contains the following five major applications.

  1. SAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
  2. SAP ERP
  3. SAP LM (Product Lifecycle Management)
  4. SAP SCM (Supply Chain Management)
  5. SAP SRM (Supply Relationship Management)

Other major Enterprise Solutions are

SAP Business One and Crystal solutions are some of the products for small size and mid size companies. The company also provides on demand and other rapid deployment solution products.

SOA (Service-oriented architecture), SAP NetWeaver technology platform, In-Memory Computing technology and SAP BusinessObjects portfolio are the technologies and platforms provided by SAP for making the companies to implement and running the solutions faster and cost effective way.

SAP is having a three tier architecture congaing Presentation Server, Application Serve and Database Server. The more details about this architecture cam be found in our later posts.ABAP and Java are the programming languages used in SAP for customization ad other modification works as per the user requirement. You will get more details about that in our tutorials.

There are several companies for implementing SAP for the companies planning to use their products. Trained SAP professionals are required for doing this job. The company also provides certification based on exams for the professionals.

SAP Tutorials – part 1 : SAP Basic

SAP Tutorials – part 2 : Technical Section

SAP tutorials – part 3 : SAP Functional

SAP Tutorials – part 4 : SAP solutions

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