SAP Standard Toolbar Buttons

Here is the main Standard Toolbar button in SAP screen with its functions and keyboard shortcut for your reference.

Enter or Continue Button (Keyboard ENTER key can be used as shortcut key)
Save Button (CTRL + S can be used as keyboard shortcut key)
Back Button ( F3 button on keyboard can be used a shortcut key)
Exit System task button (Shift + F3 can be used as keyboard shortcut)
Cancel Button ( F12 can be used as keyboard shortcut)
Print Button ( CTRL + P can be used as keyboard shortcut)
Find Button ( CTRL + F can be used as keyboard shortcut)
Continue Search button (Find next ) ( CTRL + G can be used as keyboard shortcut)
Help button ( F1 can be used as keyboard shortcut)
Button for scroll to top of document ( CTRL + Page UPĀ  can be used as shortcut )
Button for scroll up one page (“Page Up” keyboard button can be used as shortcut)
Button for scroll down one page (“page Down” keyboard button can be used as shortcut)
Button of scroll to bottom of the document (CTRL + Page Down can be used as shortcut)
Button for creating a new session ( There is not shortcut keyboard key for this)
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