TEXT60 is a data element in SAP used for storing Text Field of Length 60 data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this TEXT60 field in SAP.
- Data Element : TEXT60
- Description : Text Field of Length 60
- Data Type :CHAR
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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using TEXT60 Field
Table | Note |
AD23_LAYTYPET | BPP: alternative layout type texts |
AFWBM_DEL_ADM_T | Deleted Objects from PAEPBM as a Worklist |
AGS_MTC_ATTACH | Manual Test Case Attachment table |
AGS_WORK_VIEW_T | Text table for table AGS_WORK_VIEW |
AICCMSBI_WTNAME | WebTemplate Names |
ALAVLGCNTL | CCMS Avail. Mon.: Control Table for Reference System Group |
BAD_APPROVAL_S | BAD - Approval Steps |
BBPC_PRIO_DISPTX | Texts for Values for Customizing for Display of Priorities |
BBP_DYNAT_DOM2_T | Language-Dependent Text Table for BBP_DYNAT_DOM2 |
BBP_DYNAT_DOMMAS | Possible Types in Definition of Dynamic Attributes |
BBP_OUTPUT_PPF | Persistence Output Action and Business Object |
BBP_T615T | Foreign Trade: Customs Offices - Descriptions |
BCONTCONFT | Contact Configuration: Texts |
BCSP12T_SM | Service system: Status description as in OSS |
BURBCALCRULEST | Texts on Calculation Rules for Revenues Increasing the Bud. |
BUT030T | BP Object Usage: Application Table, Texts |
CCMSBI_CTXFILTER | Table to Store Filter of Contexts Used in Interact. Report. |
CDBC_GM_TYPE | Customizing Mobile Movement Types |
CDBC_MVT_TYPES | Movement Types details table |
CDBD_BP1012 | Business Partner Ratings (Mobile Client) |
CKMLCUR | Text for currency type and valuation type |
CNVA_PCREA_MM_R | LT PC Reorg Analysis: MM Reconciliation results Log |
COMC_PARTNER_DOT | Texts for Partner Determination Sources |
CON_FIN_CONT_IDT | Content Catalog |
CON_FIN_CONT_TXT | Content Texts |
CPIS_RAMPUPTYPET | Ramp-Up Type Text Table |
CPIS_REASON_T | Project Reason Texts |
CSMNSDIC | CCMS CSM: Central Name Server Directory |
CTS_AIM_TRC_STM | Statements used in AIM execution |
DICS_T157H | Help Texts for Movement Types |
DSWPBIOBJECTS | DSWP: Table with BI reporting information |
DSWPREPOBJECTS | DSWP: Table with reporting information |
DSWP_WRK_FEATURE | Work Center Personalization |
DVM_BI_DELETE | DVM: Housekeeping - Definition of Deletion Jobs |
EFGSENDTYPES_EXX | External Send Types (Text Table) |
EFGTRANSLADM | Translation-Relevant Settings in Print Workbench |
EHS_TCGUETYNA | EHS: Descriptions for User Exit Categories in User Exit Mgmt |
EMMA_BPAT | Text Table for Business Process Area |
EMMA_BPCT | Text for Business Process Code |
EPRESCLT | Description of Price Adjustment Clause |
EPROPCAT | Additional Activity for Automatic Owner Move-In |
EWCUSTENVCLST | Customer Information Cluster Builder (Text) |
EWCUSTENVGT | Customer Information Cluster Builder Profile: Text |
FBW4XT | Text Exceptions for FI AP/AR Delta Update to BW |
FCLM_LQH_TEXT | Liquidity Item Hierarchy Text |
FINB_CONF_COMPT | Components - Texts |
FINB_CONTENT_IDT | Content Catalog |
FINB_CONTENT_TXT | Content Texts |
FMRESINI1T | Earmarked Funds: Transaction Texts |
FPB_DIALOGT | Personalization: Dialog Texts |
FPB_EXP_CA_ITMT | Express Planning: Element Labels (Obsolete) |
FPB_PERSAPPLT | Personalization: Application Hierarchy Texts |
FPB_PERSARRT | Personalization: Dialogs and Application Hierarchy |
FPB_PERSTABT | Personalization: Dialogs and Application Hierarchy |
FPB_PERSVART | Personalization: Texts for Variables |
FPB_SUBCONTEXTT | Personalization: Texts for Application Subcontext |
FPCR_RDC_REASONT | Reduction Reason Description |
GRFNCASEIS | Case table of Issue |
GRFNROLEASSCOMPT | Text of Role Assignment Component |
GRFNROLEASST | Text of Role Assignment Component |
HRPY_CYCLE_DOCU | Personnel Calculation Rules: User Comments |
ITL_SAFT_BDH | Billing Doc Header extraction table |
ITL_SAFT_BDI | Billing Doc Item extraction |
ITSOLUTION_SM | Issue Tracking Solution Join |
ITSOURCESER_SM | Issue Tracking Source Service Join |
JKKUEND | Sales Order: Termination Data |
J_1AFITPVT | Tax Type: Texts for Possible Entries |
J_1BSERVTYPES1T | Texts For Official Brazilian Service Types - Incoming |
J_1BSERVTYPES2T | Texts For Official Brazilian Service Types - Outgoing |
J_1BTXJURT | Text Table For Brazilian Tax Jurisdiction Codes |
KJCCSJ3DBI01 | Rate Categories for Reestimation |
KJCCSJ3DBI02 | Rate Types WITHOUT Reestimation |
LDAPAPPLT | Check Table for LDAP Application (Not Used Yet) |
LHMATTR_LHTYPET | Legal Hold Case: Legal Hold Type |
LXE_REMRKS | LXE Comments for Translation |
LXE_TAB_TEST | Test Table |
MCSSZENVT | Text table to MCSSZENV |
MDGD_LOG_HEADER | MDG DataLoad Application Log Header |
MENTREE1T | Text Table for Menus |
METRACE_SYNC | Netweaver MI:Enable Tracing for SyncService |
MSR_D_FUCO_SETT | Text Table: Definition of Profiles for Follow-Up Activities |
N2HIT_ENTT | HL: Text Table for /MED/GA_HL_ENTRY |
NOIND | Tables Excluded from Conversion |
NOTRA | Tables Excluded from Translation Process |
O2HTMLATTR | Attributes of HTML Tags |
O2LANGTYPE | HTML Language Dialects |
POC_C_POC_PERSNL | Personalization Settings |
POC_C_PROCPERSN | Personalization Settings |
POC_T_POC_PERSNL | Personalization Settings |
PPFTBOOK | PPF: Book Management (Demo Application) |
PPFTMECOND | PPF: Administration Table for Method Conditions |
PPFTTCSTRT | Description of communication strategies |
SAAHELPT | Help Assistant (short text) |
SALRTEXTRC | Other recipients |
SAPGUIHC_LINKST | Help Center: Document Texts |
SCALTT_MONTH | Table with Month Names |
SCMGATTR_REASONT | Case: Reasons |
SCMGATTR_SESCALT | Reasons for Escalation: Text Table |
SKTYREMK | Remarks Relating to Translation Objects |
SKWATREET | Administration Workbench: Initial Screen - Texts |
SMWPVIEW_T | CRM Middleware: View short text of Monitoring Cockpit |
SPERS_REGA | Personalization object attributes |
SRM_VE_WT_T | Vendor Evaluation - Weighting Key Texts |
STMPRODUCT | R/3 Products |
STMTTASK | STM: Tasks for Product Translation Units |
SXMSHELPT | Help Assistant (Short Text) |
SXMSMONSET | Selection Table for Integ. Engine Application Monitoring |
SXMSMSGINDSRV | SAP XI: Services for Indexing of Messages |
SXMSPFMSGTYPEDB | XMB: Selektionsdaten für Monitoring |
SXMSPFSEARCHDB | XMB: Selektionsdaten für Monitoring |
T139A | Exception Messages: Period Closing Program |
T139B | Exception Messages: Period Closing Program |
T156H | Help Texts for Movement Type (up to Rel. 2.0, then T157H) |
T157H | Help Texts for Movement Types |
T51P4 | Text: Indicator for Wage Type Assignment |
T599D | Report Category Names |
T599D_PY | Report Category Names |
T5A2S_PPT | Commuter Rate: Scaling Texts |
T5AKBT | Text Table for T5AKB |
T5ASRREFNUMPAIDT | Description of Pattern ID for Reference Numbers |
T5BD2 | Local Unit ID text table. |
T5BD5T | Inherently dangerous activities description |
T5BDRJT | Text Table Job Card Codes |
T5BDRMT | Grouping of deductions for DMFA |
T5BDRT | Texts for deductions codes for DMFA |
T5BDRXT | Text Table SI Deduction Codes |
T5BDRZT | Text Table Allowances Codes |
T5BHAT | Text Table Flow Types |
T5BHBT | Text Table Flow Types |
T5E31 | Actions and situations for affiliation messages |
T5E41 | Payment subkeys |
T5E4B | Employment texts |
T5E4D | CNAE texts |
T5E6I | Contract texts according to company |
T5E6J | Contract texts according to Social Insurance |
T5E6M | Contract set texts |
T5E6T | Title texts |
T5E92T | Deduction group texts for garnishments |
T5EIA | Payment keys |
T5ES5 | Processing method keys |
T5ES9 | Processing method keys |
T5EST | Incentive groups |
T5F31 | Categories of actions/reasons |
T5F99T1T | Termination: Severance types |
T5F99TGT | Termination: employee grouping |
T5FPBS0ST | Texte organismes externes. |
T5K0Q | Industry Sector Texts |
T5M6Q | Description of a Default Value for Leave Accumulation |
T5M8D | Designate Input Values for Own Statistics IT0204 (DK) |
T5PRT | HR-PT: Legal reasons for actions texts |
T5UOCGT | Occupational Classification Group Texts |
T5UOCT | Occupational Classification Code Texts |
T5UPBSOCCSET | US Federal Occupation (Series) Texts |
T605T | Foreign Trade: Business Transaction Type - Descriptions |
T610BT | Foreign Trade: Customs Approval Number Descriptions |
T610KPT | Foreign Trade: Import Processing: Quota or Ceiling Number |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
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