TEXT40 is a data element in SAP used for storing Text, 40 Characters Long data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this TEXT40 field in SAP.
- Data Element : TEXT40
- Description : Text, 40 Characters Long
- Data Type :CHAR
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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using TEXT40 Field
Table | Note |
AD00PMCLT | Text Table for Class |
AD04NMCT | Text element for number category |
ADPMPRIOPRFT | Component Maintenance Cockpit Profile Text Table |
ADPMSTATHDT | Component Maintenance Cockpit Profile Text Table |
ADPMSTATPRFT | CMC Profile Text Table |
AGSRBE_CUST | Customizing Table |
AGS_AB_ACTION_T | Description of Actions on Assignment Block |
AGS_CCD_SHLP | Custom Code Library - Description for Objects |
AGS_EJR_ATTRCSTT | Attributes |
AGS_EJR_OBJCUSTT | Object Implementation |
AGS_JMON_GEN | Job Monitoring |
AGS_PARTNER_CNTX | Contact persons |
AGS_RELATION_ATT | Job Scheduling Management |
AGS_SCRIPT_T | Script Description |
AGS_TBOM_AVERS | BPCA: TBOM Avers of remote systems |
AGS_UDA_GEN | Generic storage of UDA data |
AISDK_CF_OSS_SYS | Service Provider: SAP Systems and Data |
AKKP | Documentary Payment Guarantee: Fin.Doc.Master - Header Data |
ATLSLIT | Permitted Statuses for Utilization Determination (Texts) |
AUFLAY1 | Layouts for the Orders |
AVERS | Information About Updates of R/3 Add-On Products |
AVERS_ORIG | Informationen über die Updates der R/3 Add On Produkte |
BDLSCCT | Text for Items to Be Checked |
BSPWD_MSGREPL_PT | Definition Text Table for Message Replacement Profiles |
BSPWD_RF_PROFILT | Text Table for BSP WebDynpro Runtime Framework Profile |
BSPWD_WB_CMP_REG | Registry for Workbench components |
BSPWD_WB_SETUPD | Definition table for workbench setups |
BSSP101T | Document Flow |
BUBAS_MSG_AREA_T | Message Area Text |
CATS_REC_FIELDS | CATS: Table to hold CAC2 column set |
CCMSBIAVAILDOWNT | Individual Non-Availability Settings |
CCMSBIAVLREPCF | Individual Reporting Settings: SLA Limits |
CDBD_FACTSHEET_O | Request for Fact Sheets (Options) |
CFMACLAUTPROCEST | text:Table of acrrual processes used for the authority check |
CGUICOMPONENTT | Identifications of the Application Objects |
CHBSHTPT | Text table for home types |
CHBSNCMT | Text table for the target income |
CHBSRLNT | Text table for HBSRLN |
CLIACTCHECK_DEFT | Text Tables for Routing Types |
CLICOMP_DEFT | Identifications of the Application Objects |
CMPWLE | Customizing Comparison: Exception List (SAP) |
CMPWLEC | Customizing Comparison: Exception List (Customer) |
CNTLSTRINF | Attributes of a stream |
CNTLSTRLIS | Control stream list |
CNVMBTCWBSUBACT | Subactivities of CWB-activities |
CNV_ORG_TAB_TEXT | Org. units for conversions (descriptions) |
COCF_SR_SNGRPT | Description of Shift Note Group |
COMC_PARTNER_DFT | Partner Processing: Texts for Defined Filter Values |
COMM_IL_PROPRD | Master Data for the Process Products Relationship Type |
COMM_IL_PROPRDT | Master Data for Process Products Relationship Type: Txt Tble |
COMM_IL_PROPRD_H | Historical Data for the Process Products Relationship Type |
COMM_IL_SLSBDL | Master Data for the Sales Bundle Relationship Type |
COMM_IL_SLSBDLT | Master Data for Sales Bundle Relationship Type: Text Table |
COMM_IL_SLSBDL_H | Historical Data for the Sales Bundle Relationship Type |
COMM_PME_NDTXT | Short Texts for Dependency Tokens |
COMP_LAYER | Component Layering |
CON_FIN_CONT_TXT | Content Texts |
CPH_TRACE | Table for CPH Log Information |
CPIS_PARTROLE | Ramp-Up Project Partner Roles |
CPIS_PARTROLET | CPI Partner Role Text Table |
CPPEVWEATXT | Text Table for Standard Value Determination Type |
CPS_PREST | Text Table zu CPS_PRES |
CRMC_ANA_WEBI_T | Text Table for OpenDocument Reports |
CRMC_CMG_MY | CRM Case Management: Locator "My" |
CRMC_CND_FLTFLDT | Filter Value for BAdIs used in Enh Spot CRM_CND_FLD_FILLING |
CRMC_CND_PR_LVLT | Condition Processing Level |
CRMC_CND_SRCFLTT | Filter Value for Source Object BAdI |
CRMC_CND_TRGFLTT | Filter Value for Target Object BAdI |
CRMC_CODEX_CHK_T | Check Number Text |
CRMC_CODEX_GRP_T | Check Group Text |
CRMC_CODEX_SCN_T | Check Scenario Text |
CTS_QA_LOCK | Table of goups that have to approve a QA lock |
CTS_QA_MAIL_NOTE | cCTS: Mail Notification for QAs |
CVERS_TXT | Component Version System Information |
CWBNTSTATT | Texts: Processing Status of SAP Notes |
CWBPRSTATT | Texts Implementation Status |
DMC_MDS_AVERS | MDS: Information About Updates of R/3 Add-On Products |
DMDGROUPTEMPLATE | DMDG: Combinations Allowed for Groups |
DMS_SELECTIONST | Texts to Selection Variants |
DSIG_BOOKING_EX | Signature Tool: Sample Database Table with Application Data |
DSVASGPCOLORST | DSVAS: Graphic - Colors |
EAML_D_LRP_ITM_T | Linear Reference Pattern Item Texts |
ECONDTYPET | Comunication Control Condition Type Text |
EEWA_ROBT | IS-U Waste: Cleaning Object Texts |
EIDEBUSSTATT | Business status of IDE workflow process: text |
EIDETECSTATT | Technical status of IDE workflow process: text |
EOPAREAT | Operational Area Text |
EPIC_BACOM_XML | Bank Communication XML Messages |
EPSS_TBC1T | EPSS Toolbar Configuration Texts |
ESECWRT | Reason for Exemption from Security Deposit (Texts) |
ESOLT | Text Table for Check Table for CSOL Domain |
F4UHLP | Table for user-related help |
FCLM_LQH_TEXT | Liquidity Item Hierarchy Text |
FDKUSER_ACTIONT | AP/AR Internet Applications: User Action (Texts) |
FINB_CONTENT_TXT | Content Texts |
FMAVC_RBE_FDET | Text Table for AVC Filter Definition for RBE |
FMCOBPROGT | Gültige Programme |
FMTEXTIDT | Gültige Text-Identifikationen zum Lesen der Texte |
GHO_AGGR_TYP_T | Text table of platform type |
GHO_ALLOC_GLG_T | Gas Lift Gas TCM text table |
GHO_DEH_TYP_T | Text Table for Dehydrator Type |
GHO_ELE_REF_T | Elevation Reference Text Table |
GHO_FLARE_OFS_T | Orientation of Flare Stack |
GHO_HT_CONF_T | Heater Treater Configuration Text Table |
GHO_HT_TMEC_T | Heater Treater - Treater Mechanism Text table |
GHO_MEAS_MODE_T | Measurement Mode |
GHO_MODEL_OBJ_T | Text Table for Network Modelling Objects |
GHO_MTR_OM_T | Text Table for Operating Mode |
GHO_NETOBJ_ST_T | Network Object Status Text Table |
GHO_NETOBJ_TYP_T | text table for Network Object Type |
GHO_NETOB_GC_T | Text Table For Netobj Status |
GHO_NETOB_ST_T | Text table for Network Status |
GHO_PE_TYP_T | Text Table for Oil and Gas Entities |
GHO_PRDENTY_TYPE | Table for Holding Oil and Gas Entity |
GHO_PUMP_APL_T | Text Table for Pump Application |
GHO_PUMP_DGN_T | Text Table for Pump Design |
GHO_PUMP_DR_T | Text Table for Pump Type of Driver |
GHO_PUMP_FLD_T | Text Table for Pump Fluid Handled |
GHO_SEP_UOSEP_T | Text Table for Use of Separator |
GHO_STAT_T | Text Table for Netobj Status |
GHO_TB_FLTYP_T | Text Table for Turbine Fuel Type |
GHO_TB_TYP_T | Text Table for Turbine Type of Driven Unit |
GHO_WTTYPE_T | Well test type text |
GRPCSNPSHTCNTL | Controll Planner SnapShot Controll Details |
ITL_SAFT_BDH | Billing Doc Header extraction table |
JITCTYPET | Text Table for JIT Call Types |
JITINFOT | Text Table for Infotext and Label |
J_1AT001TG | Tax Category Data per Company Code |
J_1ATXOFF | Official Codes per tax |
J_1BTXSTGT | Tax calc.: Sub.Trib. customer group - Description |
J_3GTCHLP | Auxiliary Table for Joint Venture Trans. Calls (SAPMJ3GO) |
J_3GWFCEM | CEM: Default Values for Workflow |
KSML | Characteristics of a Class |
LKSML | Characteristics of a Class |
LOYC_CARD_TEXT | Text table for attributes extracted in Report |
LOYC_PPA_EXTRT | Text table for attributes extracted in Report |
LOYC_PPA_TXNRSNT | LOY Partner Pt Acct Text Table for Transaction Reason |
MASSVARTABLESTAB | Variants: Reference for New Segments |
MASSVARTAB_S | System Variants: Reference for New Segments |
MICOND_TYPE | MI-MSD: Valid Values for Dependency Types |
MICOND_VALUE | MI-MSD: Valid Values for Dependency Types |
MIG_OBJECTTYPET | BDoc Types used for Migration |
MKTRT_TP_RESTR | Restrict Field Changeability in Trade Promotions |
MLTTSTTEM1 | MLT Test Cases: Template for Small Table |
MLTTSTTEM2 | MLT Test Cases: Template for Medium-Size Tables |
MLTTSTTEM3 | MLT Test Cases: Template for Large Tables |
MLTTSTWRK1 | MLT Test Cases: Work Area for Small Table |
MLTTSTWRK2 | MLT Test Cases: Work Area for Medium-Size Table |
MLTTSTWRK3 | MLT Test Cases: Work Area for Large Table |
MSDAPPLT | MI-MSD: Values for Applications |
N1PUT | Replaces NPUT for IS-H |
NAVERS | UPG: Information About Updates of R/3 Add-On Products |
NPUT | IS: SAP R/3 Add-On Release Information |
OIH2T | Duty code/tax group description |
OIIOTWSAT | BDRP-OTWS: Time window applicability texts |
OIIOTWSRST | BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window reference set text |
OIIOTWSTT | BDRP-OTWS: Operations time window set type texts |
OIISCPSOET | SCP: Sales order entry default group text |
OIKIFTYPT | OIL-TPI: Interface type description |
P0SUB | Subsystems to Non-SAP Systems |
PA0082 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data) |
PAT02 | Conflicts Between Patches and Add-Ons |
PAT04 | Patch Add-On ID (PAOID) |
PIQPROC_ED_GRP | ED Activity Document: Transferred Work Grouping |
RDTX | Short text describing the rounding profile |
RSSSY_SWCLAT | System Classes and Releases, Texts |
RSSTATMANPARTT | Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration |
RSSTATMANPSAT | Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration |
RSSTATMANT_SAVE2 | Store for G_T_PART of Request Display in DTA Administration |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
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