PERNR_D Field in SAP | Personnel Number Data Element using tables

PERNR_D is a data element in SAP used for storing Personnel Number data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this PERNR_D field in SAP.

  • Data Element : PERNR_D
  • Description : Personnel Number
  • Data Type :NUMC

Personnel Number tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using PERNR_D Field

ACCTITCompressed Data from FI/CO Document
AFRUHROrder Confirmations for HR
AFRVConfirmation pool
AFRV_DELBackup Copy for Confirmation Pool
ALM_ME_D997User-specific settings
ALM_ME_SYNCSync Status
ANLZTime-Dependent Asset Allocations
ASSHRAssignment of HR to AFRU/ASSOB
ASSOBAssignment Objects
BSEGAccounting Document Segment
CACSHR_DOCHR_PDSettlement to PY: Reference Line Item
CACS_HRLOGLogging of HR Master Data Changes
CACS_PERNR_BPAssignment PA Personnel Number -> Business Partner
CACS_STMRUIndividual Settlement Rule
CATSCOCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to CO
CATSDBCATS: Database Table for Time Sheet
CATSDELTable with Deletion Time of Deleted CATS Records
CATSHRCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to HR
CATSMMCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to MM
CATSOFFTRANSKEYTable of CATS Offline Transaction Keys
CATSPMCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to PM/CS
CATSPSCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to PS
CATS_ARCH_IDXCATS Index Table for Data Object Selection
CATS_TEMPCATS: Database Table for Templates
CC1ERPIncorrect Time Events from CC1, Postings
CC1TEVTemporary Buffer for Time Events from CC1
CDB_CL_OMCDB Table for Org. Structure to MSA
CECOEPCO-PA Account Based Line Items
CNVHCM_NRANGETDMS4HCM: Number Range Table (old <--> new)
CNV_20551_PDSNRPDS No. selected for deletion (sequ. no. for PCD messages)
CNV_20551_PERNRIdentific. personnel areas and relevance for deletion
COEPCO Object: Line Items (by Period)
COEPLCO Object: Line Items for Activity Types (by Period)
COEPRCO Object: Line Items for Stat. Key Figs (by Period)
COIFTInterface to Activity Allocation
COKEYCO key sub-numbers
COPPP_ITMCO Postprocessing List - Items
COVP_DELTA_LOGLog of COVP Delta Queue for Error Analysis
CRACCPayment Cards: Account Assignments in Card Master Record
CRNUMPayment cards: Card master record
DEABPSCustomer change table: Logical view of BB amounts
DFKKMOPItems in contract account document
DFKKOPItems in contract account document
DKKOPBalance Audit Trail
DSKOPBalance Audit Trail
EBSEGDoc.Segment of Fin.Accntng External Documents
EKPAPartner Roles in Purchasing
ESLLLines of Service Package
EVHRHR Order Confirmations (Times/Time Events)
EWA_ORDER_RESOBJResource Table for Waste Disposal Order
FEB_ACCNT_SAVESaving of Posting Lines for Postprocessing (Account Assign.)
FEB_ACTAcct Assignment Templates
FITV_HINZ_WERB_BAdditional Amounts and Income-Related Expenses for Receipts
FITV_HINZ_WERB_SAdditional Amounts and Income-Related Expenses
FITV_MEAL_ACCOMAdditional Amounts for Meals in Accommodations Receipts
FITV_REJECTRejected Trips
FTPT_CARTravel Request Item - Car Rental Service
FTPT_CAR_PREFRental car service preferences of a travel plan
FTPT_CSX_PROFILERelationship SAP Human Resources Number - Amadeua Profile
FTPT_FARE_COMPRate components
FTPT_FLIGHTTravel Request Item - Flight Service
FTPT_FLIGHT_FAREAssignment table: flights <-> rate components
FTPT_FLIGHT_FCMPAssignment table: flights <-> rate components
FTPT_FLIGHT_LEGLeg of flight
FTPT_FLIGHT_PREFFlight service preferences of a travel plan
FTPT_FLIGHT_TSTTicket information
FTPT_FLIGHT_TSTKTicket Information
FTPT_HOTELTravel Request Item - Hotel Service
FTPT_HOTEL_PREFHotel service preferences of a travel plan
FTPT_ITEMTravel Service Request Item
FTPT_OTHERTravel Reservation Request Item - Other Service
FTPT_PLANGeneral Plan Data
FTPT_PNRElements of passenger name records of travel plan variant
FTPT_PNR_ADDRESSPNR delivery / billing addresses
FTPT_PNR_NAMEName element of PNR
FTPT_PNR_OSIOther PNR service information
FTPT_PNR_PHONEPNR telephone references
FTPT_PNR_SSRSpecial PNR service requests
FTPT_QT_BPROFILEQuicktrip Reservation Profile
FTPT_REQUESTTravel Plan Requests
FTPT_REQ_ACCOUNTTravel Request Cost Assignment
FTPT_REQ_ADVANCETravel Request Advance
FTPT_REQ_HEADFramework Data of Travel Request
FTPT_REQ_REASONReason for Travel Request
FTPT_SERVICEGeneral Services
FTPT_SYNC_DATAData Synchronization: SAP - External System
FTPT_TM_MEMOMemo table for Travel Management
FTPT_TRAINTravel Request Item - Train Service
FTPT_TRAIN_PREFTrain service preferences of a travel plan
FTPT_VARIANTTable of Travel Plan Variants
FTPT_VAR_INFOInfo texts for travel plan variants
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View
GLPOS_N_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type
HNZ_PTQDeduction of Time Quotas
HRAAITMHR Interface Table: Document Item for Activity Allocation
HRMMSRVIFInterface Table: Time Recording in MM-SRV
HRP5580DB Table for Infotype 5580
HRPADPMAdditional Data PADPM
HRPERSONEELink Employee / Central Person
HRPMSIMSimulated Payroll Results for HR Funds and Position Mgt
HRPMSIM_INTSelections for Payroll Simulation
HRPY_RGDIRDirectory for Payroll Results
HRPY_RGDIR_TEMPInternal TEMPORARY Directory for Payroll Results
HRSM_HEADExternal employee data: Header data
HRSM_PROTOCOLAssignment of external ID to SAP R/3 personnel number
HRSPPS_AVAILShift Abbreviations for Availability Duties
HRSP_POOL_RQSTNSResource Procurement (Without Strings)
HRT1684Table Part Infotype 1684
HRT1686Table Part Infotype 1686
HRWFD_HEADHCM - WFD Main interface table
IDWT_EMPDATA_VETo store the employee data for Venezuela payroll
JHTFPAIS-M/AM: Settlement/Billing Document Item: Partner
JKPASales Order: Partner
JLPASales Document: Partner
JLTULZPEXCIS-M/SD: Exceptions for Transfer to RP/HR for Specific Dates
J_3RF_WW_SIZESRersonnel sizes of working wear
KBEDCapacity Requirements Records
KMZEIFI: Account Assignment Model Item Information
KNB1Customer Master (Company Code)
KNVPCustomer Master Partner Functions
KOMUAccount Assignment Templates for G/L Account Items
KOPARebate Arrangement/Partner Assignment
LFB1Vendor Master (Company Code)
LSHRHR Order Confirmations (Durations/Time Tickets)
OIGSPAPartner in TD-shipment
OIRBBP1PFLocation partner role SD partner functions (IS-Oil SSR)
P01BV_KEANManagement of Employee ID
P01BV_STATStatus Table for PPO Contribution Collect. Notif. Procedure
P01E2_ADMELStAM Procedure: Administration Data
P01E2_MELDELStAM: Notifications for the Administrator
P01EA_STATStatus Table for Reimbursement Process
P01EE_STATAdmin. Records for Data Exchange for Compensation Benefits
P01EL_PROTLog Table for the ELENA Procedure
P01EL_STATStatus Table for the ELENA Notification Procedure
P01RBM_STATNotification Status: Pension Receipt Notifications
P01RBM_STAT_RStatus of Confirmations (Pension Receipt Notifications)
P01SV_DSIDAdministration Data Record Identification
P01SV_MLDAUFRControl of Recalculation in SI Reporting
P01T_ADMINETSmt: Administration of Employment Tax Statement
P01T_ADMIN_STATETStmt: Status Management Employment Tax Statements
P01T_ADMSTETStmt: Status Management - Employment Tax Statements (Old)
P01T_ELSTAMETStmt: ELStAM (as of 2012)
P01T_FRBJEmployment Tax Statement: Tax-Free Annual Amounts
P01T_HINZETStmt: Additional Amounts
P01T_KIFBETStmt: Tax Exemptions for Children
P01T_KISTETStmt: Church Tax Data
P01T_LSTETStmt: General Employment Tax Data
P01T_LST1ETStmt: Tax Bases on Employment Tax Statement
P01T_LST2ETStmt: Addnl Data on Employment Tax Statement
P01T_STKLETStmt: Tax Class Data
P01T_SVBEZETStmt: Other Pension Payments
P01T_VBEZEmployment Tax Statment: Pension Basis
P01ZFA_ATTRAttributes of ZfA Notifications
P01ZFA_NN_DATAZfA: Notifications Not Assigned
P01ZFA_STATUSZfA: Status Management for Notifications
P01ZS_AZVUManagement Record No. of Employer (Paying Office Procedure)
P01ZS_STATStatus Table for Paying Office Procedure
P06P1_AVGLListe des employés par pas de processus de promotion
P593RApplication Status: SI Reimbursement for Rehabilitants
PA0100HR Master Record: Infotype 0100 (SI B)
PA0712HR Master Record: Infotype 0712
PA0722HR Master Record Infotype 0722
PA0723HR Master Record Infotype 0723
PA0815HR Master Record for Infotype 0815
PAPBSDENV_ANZREntitlement Periods
PAPBSDENV_ANZR_DDynamized Entitlement Periods - Result
PAPBSDENV_PAYLOGRetroactive Pension Insurance Payment Runs Performed
PAPBSDENV_POINInput for Posting Run
PAPBSDENV_RESULTResults/Payment Table Retroactive Pension Insurance
PAPBSDEVA_VLTSV1Results Treaty on Sharing of Pension Costs
PAPBSDEVA_VLTSV2Administration Table for Reimbursements Sec.10 VersStaatsV
PAYRPayment Medium File
PB4003Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities
PCALACActivities per Payroll Result
PCEREActivities per Payroll Result
PDBKADCI: Social Fund Procedure: Records Management
PDBKANConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: ANMEL Data Records
PDBKAUConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: AUMEL Data Records
PDBKBEConstr. Ind. Social Fund Procedure: BEMEL (PerNo) Records
PDBKLOConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: LOMEL Data Records
PDBKNEConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: NEMEL Data Records
PDBKNWConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: Employee Statement
PDBKRAConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: RAMEL Data Records
PDBKURConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: URMEL Data Records
PDPBSZV363Estimated Tax-Free Contributions (Acc. to Sec.3 No.63)
PNBKPrenotification: New bank data from master records
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