PDBKNE Table in SAP | Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: NEMEL Data Records Table & Fields List

PDBKNE is a SAP table coming under PY module and SAP_HRCDE component.View details, Fields & related tables of PDBKNE in SAP.

  • Table description : Construction Industry Social Fund Proced: NEMEL Data Records
  • Module : PY-DE-CI
  • Parent Module : PY
  • Package : P01B
  • Software Component : SAP_HRCDE
PDBKNE table in SAP

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What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP PDBKNE Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
.INCLUDEKey Information for Data Records for SFP    
INPERIn-Period for Evaluation for Social Fund ProcedureP01B_BKINPP01B_BKPER
FPPERFor-Period for Evaluation for Social Fund ProcedureP01B_BKFUPP01B_BKPER
SEQNOKey Field Sequence Number for SFP Data RecordsP01B_BKSEQNUM2
KENIDIdentifier of RecordP01B_BKSIDP01B_BKSID
.INCLUDEIdentification of Notifications for Social Fund Procedure    
RZNSKData Center Number of Social Fund (R)P01B_BKRZEP01B_BKRZN_R
RZNAGData Center Number for Company for Social Fund (R)P01B_BKRZAP01B_BKRZN_R
BNRSKCompany Number at a Social Fund - Construction IndustryP01B_BKBNRP01B_BKBNR
NUS01Unused Numeric Field - Length 7P01B_BKNU7NUM7
NUS02Version Number ComponentCHAR2CHAR2
RZDATCreation Date of Data MediumP01B_RZDATSYDATS
VERNRVersion of Data Medium ExchangeP01B_BKVNRNUM2
FNAMEName of Company for Social FundP01B_BKFNACHAR22
.INCLUDEInitial Notification for Account Opening in Social Fund Proc    
ZVKANEmployee Number at a Construction Social Insurance FundP01B_BKANRNUM13
SKPNRPersonnel Number for Notifications in SFPP01B_BKPNRCHAR13
MDARTNotification Type for Data Record NEMELP01B_BKMAEP01B_BKMAE
BEGDAStart of Notification PeriodP01B_BKBEGDATUM
STONRNumber of Cancellation for Evaluation Data Records SFPP01B_BKSNRNUM2
WAERSCurrency Key for Social Fund ProcedureP01B_BKWAECHAR3
BTAGEEmployment Days for Data Record URMELP01B_BKBTGNUM3
BLOHNGross Wage for Data Record URMELP01B_BKBLONUM8
AGLSTNumber of Lost Hours for Data Record URMELP01B_BKAFSNUMC6
UTAGENumber of Leave DaysP01B_BKUTENUMC4
UVERGLeave Remuneration EntitlementP01B_BKUVENUMC8
RTAGERemaining Leave Days for Data Record RAMELP01B_BKRTGNUM2
RVERGLeave Remuneration EntitlementP01B_BKUVENUMC8
KENAJSFP: Indicator: Final Year of Traineeship / Young PersonP01B_BKKAJCHAR1

PDBKNE related tables

PDBKNEConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: NEMEL Data Records
PDBKANConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: ANMEL Data Records
PDBKAUConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: AUMEL Data Records
PDBKLOConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: LOMEL Data Records
PDBKRAConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: RAMEL Data Records
PDBKURConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: URMEL Data Records
PDBKNWConstruction Industry Social Fund Proced: Employee Statement
T5DB9Construction Pay Evaluation Records for Social Fund Proc.
CRMD_FM_AGR_FUIFM Fund Item Postings Aggregates by Fund / Fund Period
CRMD_FM_AGR_FUNDFM Fund Postings Aggregates by Fund / Fund Period
P01ZS_AZKKManagement of HI Fund Record Number (Paying Office Proced.)
TCACS_PCMETParticipation Construction: Construction Methods
T5DBPData for Year-End Bonus (Construction Industry)
PDBKADCI: Social Fund Procedure: Records Management
PDBKBEConstr. Ind. Social Fund Procedure: BEMEL (PerNo) Records
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