KUNNR is a data element in SAP used for storing Customer Number data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this KUNNR field in SAP.
- Data Element : KUNNR
- Description : Customer Number
- Data Type :CHAR

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using KUNNR Field
Table | Note |
ACCTIT | Compressed Data from FI/CO Document |
AISDK_CF_OSS_SYS | Service Provider: SAP Systems and Data |
AISDK_CF_OSS_USR | Service Provider: S-User --> R/3 User |
AKKP | Documentary Payment Guarantee: Fin.Doc.Master - Header Data |
ARIX_BSAD | FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving Customer Accts |
AUBF | Document Flow SAP Retail (Allocation Table, Promotions...) |
AUFI | Allocation Table, Document Sub-item, Stores |
BD001 | Business Partner: Assignment Customer - Partner |
BFOD_A | FI Subsequent BA/PC Adjustment: Customer Items |
BNK_BATCH_ITEM | Batch Payment Items |
BP000 | Business Partner Master (General Data) |
BPISIS | BP: Assign Treasury Partner to IS-IS-Partner |
BPOBIMMO | Business Partner - Object Relationship: Real Estate |
BPTRGP_ABGL | BP: Match Existing and Migrated Partners |
BSAD | Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items) |
BSAD_BAK | Accounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items) |
BSBM | Document Valuation Fields |
BSBW | Document Valuation Fields |
BSEG | Accounting Document Segment |
BSEGC | Document: Data on Payment Card Payments |
BSID | Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers |
BSID_BAK | Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers |
BSIW | Index table for customer bills of exchange used |
BSIX | Index table for customer bills of exchange used |
BWPOS | Valuations for Open Items |
BWPOSI | Valuations for Open Items |
CACNS_CS_NOTE_A | General Notes on Consultant Portal Customer Search |
CACNS_CS_NOTE_P | Private Notes for Customer Search via Consultant Portal |
CACNS_CU_HIST | Projects at Customer |
CACNS_SEARCHCUST | Favorites for Customer Search Consultant Portal |
CCGLT_CLBL | EHS: Customer-Specific Labels |
CCRCT_CUPOS | EHS: Customer List - Item Data |
CHBSINTC | RE-SCM - "sold to interal party" for canceled sales! |
CHVW | Table CHVW for Batch Where-Used List |
CIF_IMCUS | Integration Model Reference Table for Customers |
CIF_IMMSKU | Int. Model Reference Table for Special Stocks at Customer |
CIF_IMVCLP | Integration Model Reference Table for VMI Customer Material |
CIF_IMVMI | Mapping Table for Scheduling Sales Order |
CIF_VMISD | Confirmation of Sales Area Data and Order Category for VMI |
CKMLMV001 | Procurement alternatives |
CMDET_S06667 | Individual Records for Updating External Credit Data |
CMM_D_IDX | Commodity Management: Index Table |
CNVPERFDATA | Table for database performance |
CNV_20200_KNB1 | Differences in customer account master data |
CNV_20800_KNVK | CNV backup copy: Customer master contact person |
CNV_LICENCE_HWU | Requested License Keys |
COER | Sales Order Value Revenue |
COFP | Document Lines (project cash management) |
CPIS_COMPANY | Partner Companies in a Ramp-Up Project |
CRS_BLOCKS | Blocks for Initial Download Customer Master |
CVI_CUST_LINK | Assignment Between Customer and Business Partner |
DEFTAX_ITEM | Data for Deferred Taxes |
DFAXD | Fax information extendable sample SAP-WB |
DIPCS_SDRULES | Specific Stock determination rules for customer |
DIWPS_COMP | Reallocation: Conversion Storage Location |
DKKOP | Balance Audit Trail |
DKKOS | Balance Audit Trail |
DKOKP | Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail |
DKOKS | Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail Master Record |
DSKOP | Balance Audit Trail |
DSKOS | Balance Audit Trail |
EBPPINT_DEBUG | Biller Direct: Debugging |
EBPPPC | Biller Direct Data for the Payment Cards |
EBPP_AR_CONTACT | Index of the Comments Created in Biller Direct |
EBPP_KNB1 | FSCM Master Data Customer Enhancement (Company Code) |
EDPAR | Convert External < > Internal Partner Number |
EDSDC | Assignment of EDI Partner by Sales Org., Distrib.Ch.,Div. |
EKKO | Purchasing Document Header |
EKPV | Shipping Data For Stock Transfer of Purchasing Document Item |
ERPD_WEC_CUST_CP | Checkout Profile for a customer |
ERPD_WEC_CU_DFPM | Default Payment method for a Customer ( Web Channel ) |
ERPD_WEC_CU_PAYM | Customer Payment Methods ( Web Channel ) |
ESDADFD | Maintenance of Additional Fields for Scheduling Agreement |
EWADEVSERV | Service Order for Container Delivery |
EWAELOCSD | Allocation Table: Container Loc.Data <-> Sales Document Item |
EWAPROPSD | Allocation Table: Property <-> Sales Document Item |
EWA_EL_WDPLANT | Waste Disposal Facility |
EWA_WA_PCKGDSREG | General Cargo Entry |
EWA_WA_WEIGHOFFL | Offline Weighing |
EWA_WA_WEIGHPROC | Weighing Procedure |
FAGL_R_APAR | Reorganization: Object List for Receivables and Payables |
FBICRC003A | ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Documents |
FBICRC003O | ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Object table 1 |
FBICRC003P | Not in use |
FBICRC003T | ICRC: Open Items Customers/Vendors: Totals |
FCABP | FI-CA: Document Item |
FDFIEP | CM: FI Line Items (OP of Deb/Cred for Drilldown) |
FDI1 | Cash Management Line Item for RE Classic Planning Records |
FDMV | Cash Planning Line Items of Earmarked Funds |
FDM_CCM_CORR | Trigger Table for Manual Adjustments (Claims Management) |
FDM_CDISCONFLICT | FSCM-DM: Conflicts in Automatic Assignment of Items to Cases |
FDM_CDISPROPOSAL | FSCM-DM: Proposal for Assignment of OIs to Cust.-Init. Disp. |
FDM_COLL_BR_GPRS | Additional Business Partners, Enhancemnt to FDM_COLL_BR_HEAD |
FDM_COLL_LASTPAY | Last Payments of Business Partner |
FDM_COLL_PAY_RS | Payments of a Business Partner (Customer Involved) |
FDM_COLL_TROBJ | FSCM-COL: Trigger Table for Collections Management |
FDM_CUSTB_MIRROR | Administration Information for Customer Master Data (B Seg.) |
FDM_CUST_MIRROR | Customer Assignment (Substitute <-> Original) |
FDM_DOCLI_MIRROR | Information Regarding Data Transfer |
FDM_DOC_MIRROR | Document Information (Raw Data in Substitute System) |
FDM_INVOICE_MEM | Invoice Information Provided |
FDSP | Cash Mgmt Adjustment Items from Document Splitting |
FIEUD_FIDOC_H | SAFT: FI Transaction Document Header |
FIEUD_SDINV_H | SAFT: Invoices from SD module(Header) |
FIP_D_PDT_TO_CUS | Internal planned delivery time from suppl. Plant to customer |
FIP_D_PROMO | Promotion data |
FIWF_ACGRP | Account Assignment Groups for Role Definition |
FKK_VBPA_SHORT | Partner Data for SD Billing Document - Extracts |
FMCJ | IS-PS: Documents in Cash Desk Subsidiary Ledger |
FMEP | FI-FM Line Items |
FMFG_SAV_FMUSFGA | Saved FMUSFGA data for docs excluded from SL Repost for 600 |
FMIFIHD | FI Header Table in Funds Management |
FMIOI | Commitment Documents Funds Management |
FMLGD_H_VG_01_01 | Budget Type 01: Customer Down Payment |
FMPSOIS | Assgmt of Customer to Subledger Preprocess. Proc./Rev. Type |
FMSHERLOCK | Clarification List (Payments to be Clarified) |
FMUSFGA | Actual line item table for US Federal Government |
FPRL_ITEM | Item Data |
FSLSI | Foreign Trade: Legal Control - Sanct. Party List - Indices |
FSLST | Foreign Trade: Legal Control - SLS - Audit Trail |
FSLSTA | Foreign Trade: Legal Control - SLS - Audit Trail |
GHO_CUVD_OWN_MD | Customer/Vendor Ownership Master Data of Business partner |
GHO_CUVD_OWN_TYP | Customer/Vendor Ownership Roles |
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODF | ECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data) |
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIG | ECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F) |
GLPCA | EC-PCA: Actual Line Items |
GLPCA_CT | Profit Center Documents |
GLPCP | EC-PCA: Plan Line Items |
GLPOS_C_CT | FI Document: Entry View |
GLPOS_N_CT | New General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type |
GLPPC | Profit Center Accounting: Plan line items |
GLSPC | Profit Center Accounting: Line Items |
GSBLCA | Business area consolidation: deviating records |
ICRCA | ICRC: Items to be Reconciled |
ICRCU | ICRC: Potentially Differing Document Groups |
ICRCZ | ICRC: Reconciled, Completed Items |
IDGT_CUSTTYPE | VAT Invoice Type |
IDKR_CUSTVAT | VAT registration number against customer on a time basis |
IHC_DB_NEW_TRAPO | IHC: Customizing-Table for Posting Detail Report |
IHC_DB_TRAPO | IHC: Customizing Table for Transfer Posting Report |
ISJPHIERARCHY | Customer Hierarchy For Invoice Summary |
ISJPNAYOSE | Alternative Name for Payer |
ISJPPAYTERMS | Terms of payment with validity period |
JFPA | IS-M/SD: Sales Document - Partner |
JFXDEBIDL | IS-M: Backup Transfer Internal Table XDEBI |
JGTADDRASSMBLED | IS-M: Table of Formatted Address Lines |
JHTFPA | IS-M/AM: Settlement/Billing Document Item: Partner |
JITIMP | Calls for the signal monitor |
JJTVM | IS-M/AM: Media Sales Area Customer |
JKSDPROTOCOL | IS-M: Order Generation Log |
JKSDQUANTITYROLE | IS-M: Contract-Related Quantities for Specific Roles |
JKSDREPROTOCOL | IS-M: Return Release Log |
JKSDT_SD_CON_GEN | IS-M: Table for Generating Contracts |
JLPA | Sales Document: Partner |
JVSDBPINSERTGRP | IS-M: Business Partner Insert Group |
JVSO1 | JV LI Table with Objects for JVTO1 |
J_1ACAE | Argentina electronic invoice CAE track table |
J_1AOIFWVL | Open item foreign currency valuation: temp. storage |
J_1IMOCUST | Customer Master Excise Additional Data |
J_1ISERCATSD1 | Ser Category based on Customer, Material and Sales Area (L1) |
J_1ISERCATSD2 | Ser category based on Customer and Material (L2) |
J_1ISERCATSDFI1 | Customization table to determine the Service Category Level1 |
J_1ISERCATSDFI2 | Customization table to determine the Service Category Level2 |
J_1ISER_BSEG | Transaction table having the Invoices with Service Category |
J_1I_CUST_CERT | Data table for clearing doc on customer tax certificate. |
J_3GDEMEQUI | Default Recipient for Equipment per Organizational Structure |
J_3GDEMPERS | Default Recipient for Personnel Performance per Org. Struct. |
J_3GINBEL | Customer Numbers Used in Documents |
J_3RFCNT | Maintain Internal Contract Numbers |
J_3RFIN_RATE_CLC | Downpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - invoices |
J_3RFPM_RATE_CLC | Downpayments rate calculator for foreign currency - payments |
J_3RFSEC_ITEM | Data for Secondary events for deferred tax |
J_3RF_DI_CCCUST | Assign Operator to Company Code and Customer |
J_3RF_DI_PCUST | Assign Electronic ID to Customer |
J_3RF_DI_PCUSTN | Assign Electronic ID to Customer |
J_3RF_PARTNER | Partner Data (Vendor and Customer) |
J_3RF_REGINV_IN | Incoming Invoice Registration Journal |
J_3RF_REGINV_OUT | Outgoing Invoice Registration Journal |
J_3RF_TP | Transfer pricing: main customizing table |
J_3RF_TP_FORG | Foreign organization data for transfer pricing |
J_3RF_TP_LIST2 | Information of Notification. List 2 |
J_3RSEXTRACTD | Exctract details (obsolete) |
J_3RSPASSDEAL | Deal Passport |
J_3RUMSV | Tax Balances per Comp.Code, Tax Code and Process.Key+ client |
J_7LBDCMSG | REA Conditions: Error Messages BDC Condition Adjustment |
J_7LC191 | REA Data Filters: Splitting for Sales Transactions |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
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