KUNAG Field in SAP | Sold-to party Data Element using tables

KUNAG is a data element in SAP used for storing Sold-to party data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this KUNAG field in SAP.

  • Data Element : KUNAG
  • Description : Sold-to party
  • Data Type :CHAR

Sold-to party tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using KUNAG Field

A146Customer Hierarchy
A147Customer Hierarchy (Sales Deal)
A149Customer-dependent data determination
A313SD Doc./Item/Personnel/Sold-to pt/
A386Sales Org./Dist.Chl./Division/Sold-To Pty
AUVDIWorklist for Deliveries (Follow-on Doc. Generation)
AUVTShipping-Specific Data of Plants for Delivery Generation
B150Doc.Type/Sales Org./Customer
CEERRORCO-PA: Incorrect records from SD
CKMLMV005Consumption alternatives
CMP_VBFS_EXTStatus Messages from Mass Complaints Processing
COERSales Order Value Revenue
CVLC30VMS calculation sheet profile
DELCONHDDelivery Confirmation: Basis of Logistic.Match. - Header
EKPVShipping Data For Stock Transfer of Purchasing Document Item
FDS1Cash Management & Forecast: Line Items of SD Documents
FKK_JFRK_SHORTHeader Data for IS-M/SD Billing Document - Extracts
FKK_VBRK_SHORTHeader Data for SD Billing Document - Extracts
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
HRPAD25Additional data PAD25
IAOM_CPRO_EXATExternal Characteristics of an Object in cProjects
IAOM_CRMFIN_EXATExt. Attributes of an Ext. Object (Single Obj.Controlling)
IAOM_CRMSRV_EXATExt. Attributes of an Ext. Object (Single Obj.Controlling)
IFW_WORKLISTInvoice forecasting worklist
IUID_MAN_DATAManually Maintained Values for IUID Messages
IUID_PEDIGREEUII IDoc Message Data for Supporting Supplier Collaboration
JFRKIS-M/SD: Billing - Header Data
JITCUCustomer data
JKSDCREDITMEMOIS-M/SD Worklist of Mass Credit Memos
JKSDUNSOLDIS-M: Header Data on Unsold Copies
J_1BTFISC_ID_SDTax Incentive ID (Incentive ID) for SD table
J_1IEXCHDRExcise invoice header detail
J_1IFRDTSOTransaction table for Forms Tracking for Sales.
J_1ILICHDRExcise Bonding: License Header
J_3RSCCDHEADERCargo Customs Declaration Header
J_7LVBRKNON-SD Interface: Billing: Header Data
LAE_CRM_ITEMSLAE: Contract Items
LIKPSD Document: Delivery Header Data
MDMULTLEVDELAYMultilevel Delay Calculated via Order Report
MDRP_POCOEvent Table: Deployment Run
MEV_D_AD_ITEM_SDPeriod-End Valuation: Accruals Document Item SD
MEV_D_WL_ITEMPeriod-end valuation: Worklist item
NVBRKIS-H: Billing document header data
OCMHOMO_ARCHBackup Table of Homogeneity List in Case of Archiving
OICGNGross/Net Rule Defaulting
OIC_FORM_ATTRIBAttributes of Business Context for F&A Formula
OIFPBLIndex to point at Business Location
OIK01IS-OIL/TAS: LID Document Data
OIK01DIS-OIL/TAS: deactivated LID Document Data
OIKCFTAS - Control Field Data
OIKCFWTAS - Control Field Data
OIKLIDTAS active LIDs(NOTE:keep eq to DB OIKLIDW->append includes)
OIKLIDRTD - TAS Reference Table
OIKLIDWTAS LID Working version (NOTE: keep DB eq to DB OIKLID)
PKSDControl Cycle Item/Additional Data for Kanban With Delivery
QALSInspection lot record
QASHQuality control chart
S001SIS: Customer Statistics
S001BIW1S001BIW1 * SIS: Customer Statistics
S001BIW2S001BIW2 * SIS: Customer statistics
S001ES001 - Structural Information
S003SIS: SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/District/Customer/Product
S003BIW1S003BIW1 * SIS: SaleOrg/Dist.Channel/Divisn/Distrct/Cust/Pro
S003BIW2S003BIW2 * SIS: SaleOrg/Dist.Channel/Divisn/Distrct/Cust/Pro
S003ES003 - Structural Information
S006SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/Product
S006BIW1S006BIW1 * SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/
S006BIW2S006BIW2 * SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/
S006ES006 - Structural Information
S008Communications Table SD -> CO/Projects
S016SIS: Sales activities
S016ES016 - Structural Information
S020SIS: Customer Potential Analysis
S020ES020 - Structure Information
S108ES108 - Structural Information
S123Customer / material group
S123ES123 - Structural Information
S124Customer / material
S124ES124 - Structural Information
S125Forecast history for ex. system
S125ES125 - Structural information
S126Open Variants - Basis 1
S127Open Variants - Basis 2
S128Open Variants - SIS
S128ES128 - Structural information
S137Variants: Basis 2
S138Variants: SIS & planning
S138ES138 - Structural Information
S140Product Allocations
S140ES140 - Structural Information
S159W&S: Picking Waves
S260SD - Sales order
S260BIW1SD - Sales order
S260BIW2SD - Sales order
S261SD - Delivery note
S261BIW1SD - Delivery note
S261BIW2SD - Delivery note
S262SD - Billing document
S262BIW1SD - Billing document
S262BIW2SD - Billing document
S263SD - Sales order/delivery note
S263BIW1SD - Sales order/delivery note
S263BIW2SD - Sales order/delivery note
S264SD- Offer
S264BIW1S264BIW1 * SD - Quotation
S264BIW2S264BIW2 * SD - Quotation
S271Do not use!
S271BIW1Do not use!
S271BIW2Do not use!
S272Do not use!
S272BIW1Do not use!
S272BIW2Do not use!
S274Do not use!
S274BIW1Do not use!
S274BIW2Do not use!
S274ES274 - structure information
S276Transfer BW: Vertriebsdaten
S276BIW1S276BIW1 * Transfer to BW: Sales and Distribution Data
S276BIW2S276BIW2 * BW Transfer: Sales and Distribution Data
S279Transfer BW: Bestandsführung
S279BIW1S279BIW1 * BW Transfer: Inventory Management
S279BIW2S279BIW2 * BW Transfer: Inventory Management
S409Contract & Billing
S409ES409 - Structure Information
S430SIS: (OIL-TSW) Sales document statistics by TSW object
S462IS-BEV-CH: Sales in BUn
S462ES462 - Structure Information
S463IS-BEV-CH: Sales in Stat. UoM
S463ES463 - Structure Information
S467Indirect Order Update
S473Pendulum List - Requisitioner
S473ES473 - Structure Information
S474Pendulum List - Confirmation
S474ES474 - Structure Information
SERISerial Numbers
SLS_TMPL_HEADSales: Template Head
SLS_TMPL_KEYSales: Template Key
T661KInternal and External Conditions Assignment
T661TDifference Tolerances for External and Internal Conditions
T661WDetermination of Sold-to Party for EDI DlvSched/JIT
T663ADealing with errors:Scheduling agreements with rel.orders
T664ASpecial processing for deliveries for ext.agents
T665ASpecial Processing for Self-Billing
T665DSD Self-Billing Procedure: Contractor Processing Parameters
T77REFDOCReference Document Table: Training and Event Management
TXW_S_LIKPRetrieve LIKP from archive
TXW_S_VBRKRetrieve VBRK from archive
VAKGUSales Index: Quotation Validity
VAKPASales Index: Orders by Partner Function
VAPMASales Index: Order Items by Material
VBAKSales Document: Header Data
VBBESales Requirements: Individual Records
VBREVERevenue Recognition: Revenue Recognition Lines
VBREVKRevenue Recognition: Control Lines
VBRKBilling Document: Header Data
VBRLSales Document: Invoice List
VEPVGDelivery Due Index
VETVGDelivery Due Index for Stock Transfer
VKAOFSales Index: Open Sales Activities
VKAWVSales Activities by Follow-up Date
VKDFSSD Index: Billing Initiator
VLKPASD Index: Deliveries by Partner Functions
VLPKMScheduling agreements by customer material
VLPMASD Index: Delivery Items by Material
VRKPASales Index: Bills by Partner Functions
VRPMASD Index: Billing Items per Material
VSBHDRIDoc Self-Billing Procedure w. Automatic Postings
VSBOIISelf-Billing: Index of Generated Open Items
VSVBAK_CNVersion: Sales document: Header data
WBHKTrading Contract: Header Data
/BEV1/EMLGBSDCustomer Empties Stock per Month
/BEV1/EMLGBWDPEmpties Movement Account Customer
/BEV1/EMLGKTOEmpties Account
/BEV1/LATERMINEShipping: Standard Dates Loading Places
/BEV1/LAZEITFShipping: Loading Agenda
/BEV1/RBBOCustomer Master Data Rebate Processing
/BEV1/RBVBAKSales Document: Header Data
/BEV1/REWARTRental Items: Delivery Schedule Items
/BEV3/CH_VISUPDTCH: Table with Changed SIS Records
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