KSTAR Field in SAP | Cost Element Data Element using tables

KSTAR is a data element in SAP used for storing Cost Element data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this KSTAR field in SAP.

  • Data Element : KSTAR
  • Description : Cost Element
  • Data Type :CHAR

Cost Element tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using KSTAR Field

AD01DLIDynamic items (DI)
AD01DLISFRResource-related billing: DLI flow totals revenue by rev el
AFVCOperation within an order
ANLEAsset Origin by Line Item
ANLKAsset Origin by Cost Element
AUASSettlement Document: Totals Segment
AUATSettlement Document: Totals Segment Per Period
AUAWSettlement Document: Accounts for WIP Settlement
BSEGAccounting Document Segment
BSEG_ADDEntry View of Accounting Document for Additional Ledgers
CE1E_B1Model Bank
CE1S_ALAirline Route Profit
CE1S_CPTemplate for Consumer Goods Industry
CE1S_GOQuickstart Template
CE2E_B1Model Bank
CE2S_ALAirline Route Profit
CE2S_CPTemplate for Consumer Goods Industry
CE2S_GOQuickstart Template
CECOEJCO-PA Account Based Line Items
CECOEPCO-PA Account Based Line Items
CKBSBase Planning Object - Unit Costing
CKHSHeader: Unit Costing (Control + Totals)
CKISItems Unit Costing/Itemization Product Costing
CKPSUnit Costing Items
CKTC_CBEWCosting Master Data - Attributes
CNV_20100_COESDuplicate COES keys (target values)
CNV_20100_CSKABackup copy - CSKA
CNV_20100_CSKBBackup copy - CSKB
CNV_20100_CSKUBackup copy - Cost Element Texts
CNV_20100_DATABTemporary storage of old CSKB-DATAB/DATBI values
COEJCO Object: Line Items (by Fiscal Year)
COEPCO Object: Line Items (by Period)
COEPBCO Object: Line Items Variance/Period-Based Results Analysis
COERSales Order Value Revenue
COESCO Object: Sales Order Value Line Items
COFIO1Object Table for Reconciliation Ledger COFIT
COFIPSingle plan items for reconciliation ledger
COFISActual line items for reconciliation ledger
COFITTotals Records for Reconciliation Ledger
COINT_TKB6TPControlling Integration: Account Determination for Reposting
COINT_TPOST_ITControlling Integration: Reposting: Line Items
COKACO Object: Control Data for Cost Elements
COKPCO Object: Control Data for Primary Planning
COKSCO Object: Control Data for Secondary Planning
COPPP_ITMCO Postprocessing List - Items
COSBCO Object: Total Variances/Results Analyses
COSBDCO Object: Total of variances/accruals, of which settled
COSPCO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings
COSPDCO Object: Settled Primary Cost Totals
COSPPTransfer of the Order in the COSP Table to the Project
COSPRCO Objekt: Enhancement to COSP for Dependency Planning
COSSCO Object: Cost Totals for Internal Postings
COSSDCO Object: Settled Secondary Cost Totals
COSSPTransfer of the Order COSS Table to the Project
COVP_DELTA_LOGLog of COVP Delta Queue for Error Analysis
CRMCO_CONF_COSTSCRM/CO: Actual Costs for Confirmations
CRMC_CATS_COCRM Service: Derivation of Attendance Type and Activity Type
CSKACost Elements (Data Dependent on Chart of Accounts)
CSKBCost Elements (Data Dependent on Controlling Area)
CSKUCost Element Texts
CSSKCost center /cost element
DIS_TOBJSDistribution: cost objects posted to per group
DIS_TOBJS_COSPDistribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost)
DIS_TOBJS_COSSDistribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost)
ESLLLines of Service Package
ESUHExt. Services Management: Unpl. Service Limits: Header Data
EVCEProgress: Cost Element Assignments
EWUCOKException table for TWAER conversion
FAGLFLEX02General ledger: Main account assignment
FAGLFLEXAGeneral Ledger: Actual Line Items
FAGLFLEXPGeneral Ledger: Plan Line Items
FAGLFLEXTGeneral Ledger: Totals
FAGLFLEXT_BAKGeneral Ledger: Totals
FAGLFLEXT_DIFDelta Table: G/L Totals
FAGL_BW_LOG_TOTLFI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Totals Records
FAGL_QUEUE_LOGLog of Delta Queue for Error Analysis
FCML_ACCMAP_ACPAlternative Accounts for Each Accounting Principle
FCOM_KFPRICEKey Figure Prices
FCO_DOC_POSFailure Cost Document Item
FERC_C10Special cost elements
FERC_C4Specific standard cost adjustment assignments
FERC_F3Totals per source object, transaction type, and CO element
FMCOPICO-FM: Plan Data Transfer - Annual/Overall Values
FMCY_COPIFor CO plan data transfer
FMDERIVE001Derivation rule:Cost Element to Commitment Item
FMDERIVE002Derivation rule:Cost Center/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/
FMDERIVE004Derivation rule:Order/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/Fund/F
FMDERIVE006Derivation rule:WBS Element/CE to Commitment Item/Funds Ctr/
FMDERIVE008Profit Ctr/CE to Commit Item/Funds Center/Fund/Function
FMGLFLEX02General ledger: Main account assignment
FMGLFLEXAGeneral Ledger: Actual Line Items
FMGLFLEXPGeneral Ledger: Plan Line Items
FMGLFLEXTGeneral Ledger Public Sector: Total
FMICOITFM/CO integration: Line item
FMZUCHChange information on allocation of CO Object to FM Object
FMZUGRAllocation of CO Group to FM Account Assignment
FMZUKAAllocation of Cost Element to FM Account Assignment
FMZUOBAllocation of CO Object to FM Account Assignment
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View
GLPOS_N_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type
HIVGPM order history - operations
JBDFTPASSIGNMENTSAP Banking: Assignment of value fields to cost elements
JVGLFLEX02General ledger: Main account assignment
JVGLFLEXAGeneral Ledger: Actual Line Items
JVGLFLEXPGeneral Ledger: Plan Line Items
JVGLFLEXTGeneral Ledger: Totals
J_3RNDSINVTarget use of ingoing invoice positions for AuC
J_3RTSESecondary index table for VAT
KBLPDocument Item: Manual Document Entry
KFPPDocument Header: Transfer Prices for Tasks
MCKALKVVersions: Cost Itemization
MCKALKWVersions: Cost Itemization
MLAUFMaterial Ledger Item Table for Order History
MLAUFHHistory table for summarized MLAUF data
MLBEMaterial Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction
MLBEHMaterial Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction
MPOSMaintenance item
MPO_CCMON_RULESCost Center Monitor: Rule Definition for Exception Reporting
NMCOIS-H MM: CO Transfer Information
PLPOTask list - operation/activity
PRSD_DMRP_ACC_CHEngagement Mgmt: Accrual Characteristics for DMR Lines
PSSKF_DEFAU_TABDefault SKF for the the Project Parameters
S092Resource Requirements: Material
S092ES092 - Structural Information
T030IAcct Determination for Intercompany Cost Flow (CE Ledger)
T5UEFFR_BUND_RECTemporary storage of Bundled records in Effort Certification
T77KBCost Items
T77KLWage Elements in Personnel Cost Planning
T77REFDOCReference Document Table: Training and Event Management
T823PRevaluation percentages (plan)
T823ZRevaluation percentages (plan)
T8J8ADrilling Cost Elements - Payroll Burden Clearing
TBLP_COST_ITEMTBLP temporary store of costs for accurate payback
TBPFKAvailability Control: Cost Elements Exempted
TCKH2Assignment: Cost Element Interval - Cost Component Structure
TCKHACost Element/Origin Assignment with Additive Costs
TCM_D_TC_SRV_MAPMapping Transportation Charges Elements - Services
TFIN201Mapping of Secondary Cost Elements to FS Items: Details
TIVEXFIACCPROPProperties of FI Account
TJP_ECP_KPIECP: Pricing Key Definition
TKA08Price variances
TKA30Automatic account assignment
TKA3AAutomatic account assignment - default assignments
TKA3CAutomatic Acct. Assignment: Specific Assignments
TKA3PAutomatic Account Assignment: Specific Assignments
TKB5EAllocation structure
TKFPATransfer Price Document Types
TKKABPosting Rules for Results Analysis Data
TKKEPUnit Costing Price Elements
TKZU3Overhead Credit
TKZU9Credit objects for target/actual cost elements
TKZX3Credit objects for overhead cost elements per BUKRS/GSBER
TKZX9Credit objects for tgt=act. cost elements per BUKRS/GSBER
TPEXTProfile for external procurement
TPMUSPM/SM - User default values
TXW_S_COEPRetrieve COEP from archive
TXW_S_COFIRetrieve COFIS from archive
VIAKHOWPWEG-Verwaltung: Eigentümerabrechnung Wirtschaftsplan
VIEA03Administration information: Objects of owner settlement
VIEA06Management information: Owner for owner settlement
VISCS_COSTSOBSOLETE: Determined Costs (Replaced by VISCSCOSTS)
VIXCFRBUDGETBudget Seasonality Data
VSAFVC_CNVersion: Operation in order
/BDL/COESDefinition of COE names for authority check
/CCIS/PROFTAX02Object Table Number:02
/CCIS/PROFTAXAActual Line Items Table for General Ledger
/CCIS/PROFTAXPPlan Line Items Table for General Ledger
/CCIS/PROFTAXTTotals Table for General Ledger
/CEERE/BSEGProperty tax: booked FI items
/ISDFPS/TL1Task List - Operation/Activity
/SAPPCE/TPNV01Constr.Progr. Report/Plan Data: Definition of Cost Elements
/SAPPCE/TPNV14Constr.Progress Report: Definition Consolidation Account
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