HKONT is a data element in SAP used for storing General Ledger Account data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this HKONT field in SAP.
- Data Element : HKONT
- Description : General Ledger Account
- Data Type :CHAR

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using HKONT Field
Table | Note |
ACCTIT | Compressed Data from FI/CO Document |
ARIX_BSAD | FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving Customer Accts |
ARIX_BSAK | FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Indx for Archiving Vendor Accounts |
ARIX_BSAS | FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving G/L Accounts |
ARIX_BSIS | FI_DOCUMNT: Line-Oriented Index for Archiving G/L Accounts |
BBP_PCACC | Procurement Card: Accounting Data |
BBP_PCIAC | Accounting Data for Procurement Card Company |
BBP_PCMOD | Procurement Card: Modified Statement Data |
BBP_USR01 | Internet user data |
BFIT_A | FI Subsequent BA/PC Adjustment: G/L Account Items |
BFIT_A0 | FI Subseq.BA/PC Adjustmnt: Zero Bal.Postings for Bus.Area |
BFOD_A | FI Subsequent BA/PC Adjustment: Customer Items |
BFOK_A | FI subsequent BA/PC adjustment: Vendor items |
BKKC02 | General Ledger: Posting Totals for FI |
BON_ENH_LEDGER | Reconciliation Accounts for Rebate Credit Memos |
BSAD | Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers (Cleared Items) |
BSAD_BAK | Accounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items) |
BSAK | Accounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items) |
BSAK_BAK | Accounting: Secondary Index for Vendors (Cleared Items) |
BSAS | Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items) |
BSAS_BAK | Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items) |
BSEG | Accounting Document Segment |
BSEG_ADD | Entry View of Accounting Document for Additional Ledgers |
BSES | Document Control Data (Obsolete) |
BSET | Tax Data Document Segment |
BSID | Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers |
BSID_BAK | Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers |
BSIK | Accounting: Secondary Index for Vendors |
BSIK_BAK | Accounting: Secondary index for vendors |
BSIS | Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts |
BSIS_BAK | Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts |
BSIW | Index table for customer bills of exchange used |
BSIX | Index table for customer bills of exchange used |
BWPOS | Valuations for Open Items |
CACS00_DOCFI_P | Data Transfer: FI Documents (Items) |
CACSCD_DOCCD_TI | Settlement to FS-CD: Reference Tax Information |
CACSFI_ACRFI | Account Assignment of Remun.Types for FI Settlement System |
CACSFI_DOCFI_CO | Settlement to FI: Reference Document Costs |
CACSFI_DOCFI_TI | Settlement to FI: Reference Tax Information |
CACSHR_DOCHR_TI | Settlement to PY: Reference Tax Information |
CACSNO_NO_ACSFI | Account Assignments Notification Rules FI |
CACS_DOCFI_T | Data Transfer: FI Document (Tax Item) |
CCENQ | Payment cards: Primary table for lock object EFCCENQ |
CKMLAVRDOCIT | Lines for Cumulation Posting Document |
CKMVFM_BSEG_OUT | Display of FI Documents, Transaction CKMVFM, SAP Note 912984 |
CNVA_PCREA_GRIRR | GR/IR Header - Reconciliation results (Level 1) |
CNV_10520FICAMAP | Mappingtable for conversion of foreign currencies |
COFP | Document Lines (project cash management) |
DBERDZ | DB Table: Individ. Lines - Print Document |
DEFTAX_ITEM | Data for Deferred Taxes |
DFKKFMBGAINFO | Tax Information for Public-Owned Commercial Operations |
DFKKSUM | Posting totals from FI-CA |
DKKOP | Balance Audit Trail |
DKOKP | Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail |
EBRLIVICMS | Registro de Apuração do ICMS: List control additional acct |
EPIC_BRS_FI_BUFF | EPIC: Bank Reconciliation Statement Buff FI balance table |
EPIC_BRS_HEADER | EPIC: Bank Reconciliation Statement |
EPIC_BRS_SEGMENT | EPIC: Bank Reconciliation Statement |
ERDZ_SHORT | Internal Table for Individual Print Doc.Lines -Extract Data |
ETXDCJ | Ext. tax document: tax rates and amounts by Jurisdict. level |
EWUFICRDOC | EMU conversion: Documents to RFEWUDOC |
EWUFI_SCA | EMU conversion: Table of the clearings to be adjusted |
EWUFI_SOP | EMU conversion: Table for open items total |
EWUFI_SPLIT | EMU Implementation: Table of FAGL_SPLINFO* to Be Corrected |
EWUMMFI | EMU: transfer table for clearing entries MM-FI |
FAGLBSAS | Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items) |
FAGLBSAS_BAK | Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items) |
FAGLBSIS | Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts |
FAGLBSIS_BAK | Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts |
FAGL_BW_LOG_ITEM | FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Line Items |
FAGL_MIG_FICHA1 | Worklist for FI Reassignment Tool |
FAGL_MIG_OPITEMS | Open Items from Period 0 (Creation of Split Information) |
FAGL_RAND_RANGE | Totals Record Randomization: Account Assignment Ranges |
FAGL_R_APAR | Reorganization: Object List for Receivables and Payables |
FAGL_R_SPL | Reorganization: Splitting Information of the Open Items |
FAGL_SPLINFO | Splittling Information of Open Items |
FCABP | FI-CA: Document Item |
FDSP | Cash Mgmt Adjustment Items from Document Splitting |
FEBKO | Electronic Bank Statement Header Records |
FEBPI | Polling Statement Line Item Information |
FIBL_RPCODE_TDEF | Default Values for Repetitive Codes |
FIEUD_FIDOC_I | SAFT: FI Transaction Document Item |
FLQITEMBS | Liquidity Calculation - Line Items for Bank Statement Docs |
FLQITEMD1_FC | Liquidity Calculation: Forecast Line Items from Loans |
FLQITEMFI | Liquidity Calculation - Line Items for Other FI Documents |
FLQITEMFI_FC | Liquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for FI Documents |
FLQITEMFI_TP | Liquidity Calculation: Actual Line Items at Top Level |
FLQITEMMMPARK_FC | Liquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for MM Documents |
FLQITEMPARK_FC | Liquidity Calculation - Forecast Line Items for FI Documents |
FLQITEMPR_FC | Liquidity Calc. Forecast - Line Items, Purchase Requisitions |
FLQITEMT1_FC | Liquidity Calculation: Forecast Line Items from TR Trans. |
FMAC2 | FM to FI - GL Account Assignment |
FMCA_CLEAR_ACC | Maintain Assgt of Clarification Worklist to FM Acct Assgt |
FMEP | FI-FM Line Items |
FMFGT_DIT_FBT | List of DIT & FBT accounts for Treasury Confirmation |
FMFGT_IPAC_ACCT | List of DIT & FBT Accounts for IPAC Interface Process |
FMFGYECLAA | US Federal Gov't : Y/E Pre-Closing of Anticipated Accounts |
FMFONDS | Cancelled Fund, Current Fund JFMIP |
FMFONDST | Cancelled Fund, Current Fund |
FMIA | Actual Line Item Table for Funds Management |
FMIAA | Assignment Table for Budget Ledger |
FMIFIIT | FI Line Item Table in Funds Management |
FMIO | Object Table for Funds Management |
FMIOI | Commitment Documents Funds Management |
FMIP | Plan Line Items Table for Funds Management |
FMIT | Totals Table for Funds Management |
FMRC_BSEG | Reconciliation of Lines from FI |
FPRL_ITEM | Item Data |
GLE_BALANC_DEF | Define Account Number Ranges for Documents |
GLE_BALANC_LINE | Line Items for Balancing |
GLE_ECS_BAL | ECS+GL Balances by Company Code, Account, Fiscal Year, Crcy |
GLE_ECS_BAL_ITEM | GL open items that are not in ECS |
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODF | ECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data) |
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIG | ECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F) |
GLE_MCA_RV_HSTRY | FX Revaluation History |
GLPOS_C_CT | FI Document: Entry View |
GLPOS_N_CT | New General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type |
GMIA | Actual Line Item Table |
GSBLCA | Business area consolidation: deviating records |
ICRC01 | Document Table for G/L Account Reconciliation |
ICRC04 | Account Groups for G/L Account Reconciliation - User Assgnmt |
IDEU_VAT | EU VAT Posting |
IDITSR_DATA | OeNB ID number of customers, vendors and GL accounts |
IDITSR_GLDATA | GL accounts for company code and country |
IDMX_VAT_ACC | Maintaining G/L Accounts for Different Concepts |
IDSL_GUC | Accounts for Deferred Tax (Slovakia) |
IHC_DB_DSP_TRAPO | Table Structure for displaying the Posted Item Detail |
IHC_DB_INB_PARMS | Clearing Partner for PEXR2002 |
IHC_DB_NEW_TRAPO | IHC: Customizing-Table for Posting Detail Report |
IHC_DB_TRAPO | IHC: Customizing Table for Transfer Posting Report |
IHC_PI_INB_PARMS | PI: Clearing Partner Posting Parameters |
ISSRPREFLOW | ISSR: Basistabelle/Bewegungstabelle |
J_1AOIFWVL | Open item foreign currency valuation: temp. storage |
J_1AWITH | Withholding transaction data |
J_1BLB08 | Registro de Apuração do IPI: List control additional accts |
J_1BLB09 | Registro de Apuração do ICMS: List control additional acct |
J_1ISERCATMMFI1 | Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level1 |
J_1ISERCATMMFI3 | Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level3 |
J_1ISERCATSDFI1 | Customization table to determine the Service Category Level1 |
J_1ISERCATSDFI3 | Customization table to determine the Service Category Level3 |
J_1ISERUTZ | Tracking accounting docs already utilized for service tax |
J_1ISER_BSEG | Transaction table having the Invoices with Service Category |
J_3RBUE_BK_TABLE | Transparent table for PurBook (ALV) |
J_3RCESSION_CUST | Document Types Selections For Cession Report |
J_3RFSEC_ITEM | Data for Secondary events for deferred tax |
J_3RFTAX_EXTRD | Tax Extract Detail Lines |
J_3RF_TP_BSEGCOR | Items of Corrective documents |
J_3RF_TP_BSEGORI | Items of Original documents |
J_3RSL_BK_TABLE | Transparent table for SaleBook (ALV) |
J_3RS_CCD_FIPOST | Posting Rules for Customs Fees and Duties |
J_3R_INV26_SET | Table Grouping of General Ledger Accounts |
KMZEI | FI: Account Assignment Model Item Information |
KOMU | Account Assignment Templates for G/L Account Items |
NFALACP | IS-H: Case Accrual per Day |
NWCH90 | IS-H CH: Honorarleistungen |
OPN_J1 | Japanese DME Foreign Payment Accounting Data (Open FI) |
PAYRQ | Payment Requests |
PAYRQP | PAYRQ Enhancement (Cross-Country Bank Account Transfers) |
PPDIT | Transfer to Accounting: Lines in HR IDOCs |
PPKIX | Transfer FI/CO: Index of Account Assignment Combinations |
PPMIX | Index Payroll Results Lines -> Posting Lines for Payment |
PSOSEGA | Document Segment for Assets Document Parking |
PSOSEGD | Document Segment: Recurring Request, Customer |
PSOSEGK | Recurring Request Document Segment, Vendors |
PTRV_DOC_IT | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Lines of TRV interm. document |
PTRV_DOC_TAX | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Tax lines of TRV document |
PTSAFT_MATACCNT | GL Account based material numbers |
REGUH | Settlement data from payment program |
REGUP | Processed items from payment program |
REGUPW | W/tax information per w/tax type/FI line item in pmnt run |
RFITEMAP_NO_ITEM | Item wise detail for the Vendor Transactions |
RFITEMAR_NO_ITEM | Item wise detail for the Customer Transactions |
RFITEMGL_NO_ITEM | Item wise detail for the GL Account Transactions |
Application Platform Tables
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Accounting - General Tables
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Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
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Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
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