BU_PARTNER is a data element in SAP used for storing Business Partner Number data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this BU_PARTNER field in SAP.
- Data Element : BU_PARTNER
- Description : Business Partner Number
- Data Type :CHAR
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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using BU_PARTNER Field
Table | Note |
AD01DLI | Dynamic items (DI) |
AFWCH_STR_SAMP | Sample Customizing |
AGSSMSY2CPS | Optional: Mapping of SMSY Systems onto CPS Systems |
AGS_EJR_PROCTYPE | Allowed Process types for Job Request |
AGS_JOB_HEAD | Background Job Header Data |
AGS_JOB_INSTANCE | Executable Entity of a Job (in System) |
AGS_ORGMODEL | Job Definition Context Information |
AGS_PARAM_MON | Business Process Monitoring Parameters |
AISDK_CF_OSS_USR | Service Provider: S-User --> R/3 User |
ARCH_FKKOP | FI-CA doc: Header-oriented doc index for archive |
BBPC_IMSTREX_E | Customizing Table for Duplicate Invoice's Search Criteria |
BBPC_IMSTREX_V | Assignment of Delivery to Groups |
BBPC_IMS_PROP | IMS Exception Properties |
BBPC_SUS_ALERTS | Alerts for SUS |
BBPD_CMS_DOC | CMS Documents |
BBPD_CTR_NOV_LOG | Novation Protocol |
BBPD_PD_INDEX | Index Table for Fast Access to Contracts and AVLs |
BBPD_SUS_BP_DUPL | SUS/BP: Staging Table for Duplicate Check |
BBPD_SUS_BP_NOTF | Supplier to be Notified for First Use |
BBPT_IMS_LOG | IMS Log Data Table |
BBP_ADDRMAP | Mapping EBP Address Number <--> External Address Number/Type |
BBP_ATTR_LOCBIN | EBP Backup Table for Unconverted Locations |
BBP_BOBUSER_FAV | User-Specific Favorites for Requester / Buying on Behalf of |
BBP_CAT_ENTITY | Definiton of Allowed Catalogs |
BBP_CU_TRACK | Status Tracking: Call Structure |
BBP_GRCPLANT_FAV | User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Plants |
BBP_GRCUSER_FAV | User Spec. Favorites for Goods Recipient (Person) |
BBP_LOCATION_FAV | User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Locations |
BBP_LOCMAP | Mapping Table Business Partner --> System --> Location |
BBP_LOCMAP_ADM | Admin.Information for BBP_LOCMAP |
BBP_NEWVD_LOG | List of Newly Created Vendors |
BBP_PDBUP | Business Partner Set |
BBP_SD_LOG | Vendor's Entries in Vendor List |
BBP_SIMU_WT_CUST | Activate Withholding Tax |
BBP_SP_ALERT | Alerts for SP1.0 from SUS |
BBP_SUPP_MONI | Vendor Monitor for Changed Data |
BBP_SUS_BPCMPMAP | Mapping Table for Business Partner (Buyer; Goods Recipient) |
BBP_SUS_NEWS | SRM-SUS: News Management by Purchaser |
BBP_SUS_STG_ADR | Staging address table |
BBP_SUS_STG_BANK | Staging Bank table |
BBP_SUS_STG_FAX | Staging address table |
BBP_SUS_STG_MAIL | staging mail table |
BBP_SUS_STG_TAX | staging tax table |
BBP_SUS_STG_TEL | Staging table for telephone |
BBP_TMP_ZD_ASP | Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Contact Person Data |
BBP_TMP_ZD_ORG | Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Company Data |
BBP_VENDOR_FAV | User-Specific Favorites for Vendors |
BBP_WS_DETAILS | Extension for Table WSI_ENTITY |
BC001 | Business Partner: Assign Vendor - Partner |
BCA_US_BC_ADDR | Addresses Associated with Bank Cheques |
BCA_US_BUT000 | US Specific Enhancements to BP |
BCA_US_DEA_ESCH | Escheat Accounts Data |
BCA_US_DEA_HIST | Correspondence History |
BCONT | Business Partner Contact |
BD001 | Business Partner: Assignment Customer - Partner |
BEA_CNPL_PLH | Price List Header of application CNPL |
BKK21 | Business Partner Aliases |
BKK45 | Relationship: Current Account - Business Partner |
BKK45_CORR | Correspondence Receiver Administration |
BKK45_HISTORY | History Table for BCA - BP relationship |
BKKC12 | Gen. Ledger: New Balances for Bal. Sheet Preparation |
BKKOVR_ACCNT | Item Table: Accounts with Tolerated Overdraft |
BP000 | Business Partner Master (General Data) |
BP001 | FS-Specific Attributes; Organization |
BP002 | Treasury attributes natural person |
BP1012 | Ratings |
BP1013 | Differentiated Attributes |
BP1070 | Do Not Use! Liability Risks for Business Partner |
BP3010 | Additional Data |
BPBPCA | BPCA for Business Partner |
BPFRG | OBSOLETE TABLE: Business Partner: Roles for Release |
BPID001 | Additional Partner Numbers |
BPOBIMMO | Business Partner - Object Relationship: Real Estate |
BPOBTAB | Partner-Object Relationship |
BPTAXC | Business Partner Tax Compliance |
BPTC01 | Master Data for Total Commitment |
BPTC02 | Flow Data for Total Commitment |
BPTC03 | Contract - Role Category Link in Total Commitment |
BPTRGP_ABGL | BP: Match Existing and Migrated Partners |
BPTRGP_WORK | BP: Assign Treasury Partner to IS-IS-Partner |
BPZGP | BP: Conversion Table TR BP to SAP BP |
BROK_SALD | Broker Balance Table |
BROK_SALD_VK | Broker Balance Table |
BUT000 | BP: General data I |
BUT000_TD | BP: General Data I, Shadow Table Time Dependency |
BUT000_TDS | BP: General Data I, Shadow Table Time Dependency |
BUT001 | BP: General data II |
BUT010 | GP: old, do not use ==> BUT020 |
BUT020 | BP: Addresses |
BUT020S | Shadow Table BP: Addresses |
BUT021 | BP: Address usages |
BUT021_FS | Time-Dependent Address Usages |
BUT021_FSS | Shadow Table: Time-Dependent Address Usages |
BUT030 | BP Where-Used List: Usages |
BUT030G | BP Where-Used List: Generic Nodes |
BUT030GT | BP Where-Used List: Generic Nodes, Text |
BUT030T | BP Object Usage: Application Table, Texts |
BUT050 | BP relationships/role definitions: General data |
BUT050S | BP Relationships/Role Definitions: General Data |
BUT050_CD | BP Rel./Role Determination:Index Table for Change Doc.Access |
BUT051 | BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship |
BUT051S | Shadow Table BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship |
BUT052 | BP Relationship: Addresses |
BUT052S | Shadow Table BP Relationship: Addresses |
BUT053 | BP Relationship: Company Interest |
BUT054 | BP Relationship (not used yet) |
BUT0BANK | Business Partner: Bank Data |
BUT0BK | BP: Bank Details |
BUT0BKU | BP: Bank Details Usages |
BUT0BK_SHD | Shadow table for BUT0BK (IBAN only) |
BUT0CC | BP: Payment Cards |
BUT0ID | BP: ID Numbers |
BUT0ID_BIP_NOHIT | Business Information Provider: Logging of non identified BP |
BUT0IS | BP: Industries |
BUT0VP | BP: Business Partner Assignment and Links |
BUT100 | BP: Roles |
BUT150 | BP relationship: Attribute table (test different.type TBUKR) |
BUTADRSEARCH | Mass Search Help: Business Partner |
BUTEORT | End of Retention Date for Business Partner |
BUTP_TP | TP common data |
BUTSORT | SORT Details of Business Partners for each Application |
BUT_TDMISS | BP Non-Distributable Time-Dependent Data (from BUT_TDTRANS) |
BUT_TDTRANS | BP: Index Table for Distributing Time-Dependent Data |
BUXPRA | Business Partner: XPRA Management Table |
CACS_BUPA1 | More Data on ComnContrPartner, CommnsClerk or Occasion.Agent |
CACS_PERNR_BP | Assignment PA Personnel Number -> Business Partner |
CDBC_BRANCH | MSA: Decimal places maintained for plants |
CDBC_LOCMAP | Mapping Table: Business Partner -> Location |
CDBD_BPTAXNUM | Tax Numbers for Business Partner in CDB |
CDBD_BP_CLASS | CDB Business Partner Classification |
CDBD_BUT0IS | Business Partner Industries (Mobile Client) |
CDBD_BUT100 | BP: Roles |
CDBD_TAXEXMT_AR | MSA: Tax Exemptions for Business Partners |
CMACBPST | Business Partner: Student |
CMACBPST2 | Additional Attributes of Student Business Partner |
CMACBPSTCA | Business Partner: Student Grant |
CMACBPSTCA2 | Business Partner: Student Grant Detail |
CMACCODD | Due Date Schedule for Contract Object |
CMACDB_FEEHD | Fee Calculation Document Header |
CMSD_CNT_BP_XT | Contract Partner(s) Extract |
CMSD_CNT_PWAC_XT | Contract Product - WAC |
CMSD_GRP_MEM_MST | Group Membership |
CMSD_LKEY_PARTNR | CMS : Cascade Registry -> Logical key for Partner |
CMSD_TRANSM_LOG | Contract transmission Log |
COMD_WEC_BP_CP | Checkout Profile |
COMD_WEC_BP_CPD | Default Checkout Profile |
CRMBWT_VAL_BP | Attribute Values for Business Partner |
CRMC_BRANCH | Decimal places maintained for plants |
CRMC_BUPA_CONSUM | Business Partner Consumer Template |
CRMC_CIC_CTISLTM | CRM CIC: time limit for reacting within Service Level |
CRMC_COMM_INFO | Communication Information |
CRMC_CPP_AVC | Profiles for Tolerance control |
CRMC_E2C_USRAUTH | EMAILTOCRM: User Authorization |
CRM_OSP_T_BP_TS | Table for Last changed timestamp of Business Partner |
CRM_SVY_RE_TOBJA | CRM Survey: Recipient Attributes (BW Connection) |
DFKKBPTAXNUM | Tax Numbers for Business Partner |
DFKKSAFTBP | SAF-T Business Partner |
DFKK_BL_BP | Locked Business Partners from GTS |
DFK_NORM_BP | Normalized Data for Duplicate Search for Business Partner |
DIMABROKER | IO: Broker-Specific Data in FS-CD |
DIMAIOBPAR | IO: Insurance Object-Partner Relationship in FS-CD |
DIMAIOBPAR_RE | OBSOLETE: Extended Insurance Object-Partner Relationship |
DIMAPARBROK | IO: Insurance Object-Broker Relationship in FS-CD |
DIMAPARCORR | IO: Correspondence for Ins. Object <-> Partner Relationship |
DIMAPARPAY | IO: Alt. Payt Recipient for Ins. Obj.-Partner Relationship |
DIMAPARPPLAN | IO: Payment Plan Changes in Insurance Object |
DIMAPARPPLAN_REV | Payment Plan: Reversal Table for Whole Payment Plan |
DIMAPA_REV_DETA | Payment Plan: Reversal Table Detail Payment Plan |
DPSCITIZEN | Business Partner: Corresponding Citizen |
EAUS | Move-out Doc. for Contract Acc. |
EBP_ADDR_SERVICE | Search Index for Business Partner Service Addresses |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
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