UNAME is a data element in SAP used for storing User Name data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this UNAME field in SAP.
- Data Element : UNAME
- Description : User Name
- Data Type :CHAR
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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using UNAME Field
Table | Note |
ABDBG_TRACE | Debugger Tracing |
ADPIC_T449U | MPN-specific additions to table t449u |
AFBP | CIM order: Batch print requests |
AFRD | Default values for collective confirmation |
AFSPREL | Relation Between Orders in an Order Split |
AGS_CNTRL_CNTR | AGS: Control Center (Locks) |
AGS_ESR_VHLP_MAP | ESR Value Help Mapping Table |
AGS_MASS_CONFIG | Configuration table |
AGS_SRQ_SNAPSHOT | Standard B2B XML Interface: Ticket Snapshot |
AGS_TBOM_AGENT | Contains information about the E2E Agent that was used... |
AIROUTTAB_VER | SAP Solution Manager: RoutTab Version |
AKB_RUNLIST | Obsolete: Information for Decoupling Administration |
AKB_SYSLIST | Obsolete: BCB System List for Replication |
ALE_DWM_EXCL_USR | USER to be excluded in connection with dec. WM |
ALM_MESYNC_DB1 | ME Sync Delta-Download Handling - Data Administration |
AMYOTREE | MyObjects Together with Hierarchy |
ANST_NOTE_SEA | Trace Notes Search Header |
AQPROT | Query Logging |
BBPD_CM_INIT | Initiatves for Category Management |
BBPD_CM_INITVEND | Assign Vendors, Vendor Lists to Initiative |
BBPD_CM_METH | Methodology Header |
BBPD_CM_PROGRAM | Programs |
BBPM_BUT_FRG0010 | Business Partner: General BBP Data (Administration) |
BBPM_BUT_FRG0020 | Business Partner: Bidder Characteristic (Administration) |
BBPM_BUT_FRG0030 | Business Partner: Quality Standards (Administration) |
BBPM_BUT_FRG0040 | Business Partner: Accepted Payment Card Types (Admin.) |
BBPM_BUT_FRG0060 | Business Partner: Purchasing Data (Administration) |
BBPT_IMS_LOG | IMS Log Data Table |
BBP_USRBDGT | Table for Update of User-Defined Budget |
BBP_WFLOCK | Lock Table Stores Entry Until Workflow Start |
BCST_SU | BCS: Folder for Semantic and Technical SAP User Key |
BDLMSGLOG | Message log for service data collection or transfer |
BLPK | Document log header |
BMA_EXCE | BOR Migration Assistant: Non-Migrated Objects |
BMENTTREE | Definition Table for Structures |
BPO_MEASCTRL | System Measurement: Control Table |
BRALOG | Industry log for import/activation of industries |
BRAN1 | Assignment of Industry Text Editor to Package |
BREBI_BILLP_T005 | Auto-Patch Configuration |
BUT_FRG0010 | Business Partner: Tax Classification |
BUT_HIER_TREE | Business Partner Group Hierarchy |
BWOMA_USER | BW Extraction: Last Extracted User for Cost Centers |
BWVSN | Version Management for Changes in the Valuation Program |
CACNS_CS_NOTE_A | General Notes on Consultant Portal Customer Search |
CACNS_CS_NOTE_P | Private Notes for Customer Search via Consultant Portal |
CACNS_GENERAL | Save Indicators for Different Applications |
CACNS_SEARCHCUST | Favorites for Customer Search Consultant Portal |
CACS00_B_VAR_ACT | Variants for Commission Case Activities |
CACS00_B_VAR_BDL | Variants for Bundling |
CACS00_B_VAR_CAS | Variants for Commission Case |
CACS00_B_VAR_INV | Variants for Commission Case Participants |
CACS00_B_VAR_LIN | Variants for Alternative Commission |
CACS00_B_VAR_OBJ | Variants for Commission Case Object Data |
CACS00_B_VAR_PAR | Variants for Commission Case Participant |
CACS00_B_VAR_REL | Variants for Participant Relations |
CACS_B_VAR | Variants for BDTI |
CACS_RANK_PERS | Personalization for Ranking |
CAL_USER_SETTING | User preference for Solman Calendar |
CASH_AUDIT | Cash Audit Table |
CATS_TEMP | CATS: Database Table for Templates |
CCCFLOW | Client Copy Control Flow |
CCCINFO | Client Copy Control: Info on Table CCCEXIT Entries |
CCMSBI_TWBIDX | TWB Reporting: Table of Contents |
CDBD_BP_CLASS | CDB Business Partner Classification |
CDBM_HIE_TREE | Created Hierarchy Trees |
CDB_CL_OM | CDB Table for Org. Structure to MSA |
CDC_EXTR_STATUS | CDC: Comparison Object Model Extractor Status |
CDC_INSTANCE_C | CDC: Comparison Instance Commands (for async processing) |
CDC_INSTANCE_H | CDC: Comparison Instance Headers |
CDC_OBJECT | CDC: Comparison Object Model Definition |
CDC_RESULT_H | CDC: Comparison Result Headers |
CFF_PHIO_TRACK | CFF: Tracking the Access (Read- and Write Accesses) |
CIFERRCTRL | Control for Enhanced CIF Error Handling |
CKCMV | Costing Model: Model Valuation |
CKMVFM_EXTRACT | Transaction CKMVFM, Extracts, see SAP Note 912984 |
CMSC_IP_PR_MAST | IP Profile Master Table |
CMSD_LO_HIST | Transaction to store details related to user access history |
CMSM_BP_FRG10 | CMS: BP additional attributes |
CMWDCGEN | Migration Delta collection: Generic data store |
CND_MEM_INF_UPL | Lock Table for Initial Load |
CNVA_PCREA_MM_R | LT PC Reorg Analysis: MM Reconciliation results Log |
CNVCMIS_A_1_FUGR | FUGR type Repository Analysis |
CNVC_CCE_HEAD | Data maintenance : runs |
CNVC_SCNG_HEAD | Comparison run header |
CNVC_SCNG_OBJLEX | Object status |
CNVC_SCWB_LCB1 | Last changed by - hidden users |
CNVC_SCWB_TRES | Trigger results |
CNVC_SCWB_TRIG | Trigger |
CNVC_SCWB_XT | Trigger header table |
CNVMBTPAT06 | PAT06-Control: Avoid ADDONS to be upgraded |
CNVMBTUSEDMTIDS | Used and obsolete MTIDs |
CNV_10940_FCONST | Final consistency check status |
CNV_10940_REP | Table for Reports |
CNV_10940_VARH | Storing all variants for relevant reports |
CNV_ADT_DP_LOGP | T. Summary: Data provider execution log (whole package) |
CNV_HWU_MAIL | Responsible Persons for LLC (Mail at Request for License) |
CNV_LICENCE_HWU | Requested License Keys |
CNV_MBT_UT_CASES | Unit test cases |
CNV_TDMS_16_DISP | Table used to display mandatory notes based on SP level |
COAT_CLASSI | COAT: Project - Classifications of Individual Objects |
COAT_CLASSI_HIST | COAT: Project - History of Classifications of Objects |
COAT_CLASSI_TIME | COAT: Time Stamp per Object |
COAT_E_DATA | COAT: Extract Data |
COAT_E_INFO | COAT: Information About Extracts |
COAT_MASTER | COAT: Master Table |
COIX | Controlling: Info system cluster tables |
COIX_DATA | Controlling: Info system cluster tables |
COIX_DATA40 | Cluster table infosystem |
COMM_CATEGORYWL | Category GUIDs and User for Worklist COMM_HIERARCHY |
COMM_HIERARCHYWL | Hierarchy GUIDs and User for Worklist COMM_HIERARCHY |
COMM_PRCAT_USER | User Settings in transaction COMM_HIERARCHY |
COMM_PRWBIL_USER | User Settings for Interlinkages in the Product Workbench |
COMM_PRWB_TODO | Worklist |
COMM_PRWB_USERTA | User Settings: Locator Tab |
COMM_PRWB_USER_2 | User Settings: Product Workbench |
COMM_WB_USER | User Settings: Product Workbench |
COMPH | OCM: Comparison result (header entry) |
CON_FIN_WQ_CTRL | Work Queue Control Table |
CON_FIN_WQ_HDR | Header Table for Transactions in Work Queue |
COOI | Commitments Management: Line Items |
COOI_PI | BW CO-OM: Commitment Management: Deleted Line Items |
COVAD | Variant catalog |
COVAL | Log Management Table |
COVREG | Coverage Analyzer: Registration of Test Key |
CRCIFKAPID | Object IDs for Changed Capacities |
CRFILEHD | Payment Card File: Header |
CRFILEPOS | Payment Card File: Individual Records |
CRFILESTAT | Payment Card File: Status Information for Individual Records |
CRMC_BUT_TDAR | Time-Dependent Appointment Rules: Appointment Rule Types |
CRMC_BUT_TDAR_FM | Time-Dependent Appointment Rules: Permitted Function Modules |
CRMC_BUT_TDAR_PP | Time-Dependent Date Rules. Predefined Time Periods |
CRMC_CACHE_PERF | Temp. cache performance |
CRMC_CAPP_C_UIH | Settings for Fields in Counter Application - Header Data |
CSID_INST_LOG | CSI: Instance Log Information |
CTIMPEXC | Logical import: exception table |
CUSADP | Default project and other standard settings in Customizing |
CUSADP40 | Default project and other standard settings in Customizing |
CUSDEFAULT | User Default Settings in Customizing |
CWBNTCUST | Customer attribute for Note |
DBDATA | Data Browser Procedure Data |
DDCNVCOUNT | DD: Logeinträge der inkrementellen Umsetzungen protokolliere |
DFK006B | Note to Payee - Texts |
DFK006E | Note to Payee - Accounts |
DFKKAVST | Control Table for Payment Advice Note Transfer |
DFKKBIC | Obsolete |
DFKKBICL | FI-CA Batch Input - Error Change Logs |
DFKKBRLEVYREC | Levy Way: Data from Payment Lot for Levy Way report (Brazil) |
DFKKCFDUNTEL | Telephone List for Dunning |
DFKKCLMEM | Management Table for Buffered Open Item Processing |
DFKKCRCL | Table for Checks To Be Clarified |
DFKKCRST | Control Table for Check Register Transfer |
DFKKTRACEK | FKKTRACE: Header for a Trace Run |
DFKKWEBP | EBPP: Payment Data for Payments via Web |
DIAGLS_CONFIG | Diagnostics Landscape API Configuration |
DIAGLS_LOG_MAIN | Main log table |
DIAGLS_LOG_MESS | Log messages |
DIAGLS_STAT_MAIN | Landscape Status. |
DIAG_LOG_MAIN | Main log table |
DIAG_LOG_MESS | Log messages |
DIAG_UNIF_CONFIG | Diagnostics Unified Configuration |
DIAG_WC_PREF | Workcenter Preferences |
DIWPS_USERSET | User-Specific Settings in MEB |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
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