TZNTSTMPS is a data element in SAP used for storing UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this TZNTSTMPS field in SAP.
- Data Element : TZNTSTMPS
- Description : UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
- Data Type :DEC

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using TZNTSTMPS Field
Table | Note |
ACRELATION | Relationships in Accounting |
ADBOS_ECP_REL | Object Relationship Service: Generic Binary Links |
AFRP0 | Table of planned changes for confirmation (PDC) |
ALM_EXTR_PTR | Alert Management Reporting Extraction Pointer |
BAD_SRV_REFOBJ | BAD - Reference Object - object assignment. |
BANK_PP_PARUNHD | General Data on Mass Runs (Header) |
BBPD_ES_EEWA | Employee Workplace: Org. Address References (NW710: MOM052) |
BBPD_ES_EEWA_FS | Employee Workplace: Address Usages (NW710: MOM052_FS) |
BBPD_OR_INVHUB | Object Link: Invoice/Invoice Template to Reference Document |
BBPD_OR_PCO | Object Link: Purchase Order/Order Confirmation |
BBPD_OR_SUSPCO | Object Link: SUS Purchase Order/Order Confirmation |
BBPD_OVE_OBREL | Object Linkage Purch. Doc. / Online Vendor Evaln |
BBP_PDBINREL | Transaction Object Linkage (EBP) |
BKKMPARUNHD | General Data for Mass Runs (Header) |
BP3100 | Additional information |
BPCTSRGBINREL | Business Partner Contact: Generic Binary Relationships |
CCMBINREL_CCMA | Object Relationship Service: generic binary links |
CDBD_BINREL | Interlinkages Between CRM Application Objects |
CFF_PHIO_TRACK | CFF: Tracking the Access (Read- and Write Accesses) |
CFS_STATUS | CFS: Additional (Mapping) Data for Status |
CFS_STATUS_PROF | CFS: Additional (Mapping) Data for Status Profile |
CFS_STATUS_TRANS | CFS: Status Transitions |
CFX_ACCESS | Track first access of object by user |
CFX_ASSIGNMENTS | Assignment to External Objects |
CFX_SEARCHES | CFX: List of Search Queries for each User |
CNV_20330_TABLE | Table analysis - tables with object number fields |
CRMBINREL2 | Object Relationship Service: Generic Binary Links |
CRM_SRV_LOG_SC | CRM Service: Logistics Scenarios |
CUSAH | IMG attribute table: SAP data |
CUS_ACTH | Customizing Activity - Header Data |
CUS_ATRH | Customizing Attributes - Header Data |
ECSTAT_LOC | Overview of Distribution LoC Acc. to Packages and App. Comp. |
ECSTAT_MAIN | Overview of Numbers of eCATT Objects in System |
ECSTAT_OBJECT | Overview of eCATT Objects Acc. to Package and AC |
ECSTAT_SC_EXEC | Overview of Test Script Executions |
ECSTAT_TC_EXEC | Overview of Execution of Test Configurations and Var. |
ECSTAT_TESTDRV | Overview of Test Drivers According to Packages and AC. |
EIEI | Foreign Trade: Export/Import Communication Data |
ESH_OM_PC_EXEMPT | Plausibility Check: Exemptions |
ESH_TAU_CL_PVPD | Classification Test: Property Value Assignm. to EPM Product |
ESH_TST_PROP_VAL | ES Test Object Material - Property valuation |
EVAL_IV_ERR_HD | Error at Header Level |
EVAL_IV_ERR_ITM | Error Log for Evaluations at Item Level |
EVAL_IV_RES_HD | Results of Vendor Evaluation (Header) |
EVAL_IV_RES_ITM | Results of Vendor Evaluation (Item) |
FCOMT_INASET | Inactive Groups |
FSLST | Foreign Trade: Legal Control - SLS - Audit Trail |
FSLSTA | Foreign Trade: Legal Control - SLS - Audit Trail |
FTCOMT | Foreign Trade: Communication: Audit table for FT documents |
FTGKL | Legal Control: Log (Up-to-Date) |
FTGKLA | Legal Control: Log (Prestep for Archiving) |
FTGOVPA | Foreign Trade: Periodic Declarations |
GHO_IMRG_STD_H | Header for Standardized QCI Volumes |
GHO_NETOBJ_TD | Well Time Dependency |
GHO_OWN_DOI_HDR | DOI Header Details |
GHO_WC_NATURE | Well completion nature |
GHO_WELLCLASS_LC | Well class Lifecycle |
GHO_WELL_PRIOR | Capture Measurement - Well Test Priority |
GHO_WELL_STD_H | Table for storing the well test standard header values |
HRSP_POOL_RQSTNS | Resource Procurement (Without Strings) |
HUMSEG | Reference-HU-Item for Material Doc.Item that was Posted Last |
HURES | Tentative Reservation of HU Items |
IDOCREL | Links between IDoc and application object |
JPOBJLINK | Generic Binary Object Linking for IS-M/PD |
JPTTITLELINK | Generic Binary Object Link for By Title |
JPTTITLEREL | Object Relationship Service: Title Relationships |
LLGST | Resource status log |
LMDB_SYNC_CONF | Configuration of content synchronization connections |
LPO_INTMODEL_MAT | Integration model LPO: Integrated Materials |
LPO_INTMODEL_WC | Integration model LPO: Integrated Work centers |
LRSRC | Resource |
MEREP_108 | Reference Recording |
MEREP_209 | Variant for SyncBO Emulator |
MEREP_414 | Related SyncBO Control |
MMPREF_PRO_01 | Logging table for archiving object MMPREF |
MMPREF_PRO_01_B | Log table - Preference - Information from rules |
MMPREF_PRO_02 | Log table - Main component - Information |
MMPREF_PRO_03 | Log table - Component - Information |
MMPREK_PRO_01 | Log table for archiving object MMPREK |
MMPREK_PRO_01_B | Log table - Preference - Info from rule |
MMPREK_PRO_02 | Log table - Main component - Information |
MMPREK_PRO_03 | Log table - Component - Information |
MMPREW_PRO_01 | Log table for archiving object MMPREW |
MMPREW_PRO_01_B | Preference CPG: Log - Information from rule |
MMPREW_PRO_02 | Preference CPG: Log main component - Information |
MMPREW_PRO_03 | Preference CPG: Log components - Information |
MOM052 | Workplace Addresses |
MOM052_FS | Workplace Address Usages |
OIO_C1_CNTNR | RLM Oil and gas container master data |
OIO_CM_DOC_FLOW | RLM document flow index |
OIO_MX_INDEX | RLM material tracking extract index |
OIO_RT_RTDOC | RLM returns document - header |
OIO_SH_VOYAGE | Voyages |
OIUBL01_ADJ | Balancing Adjustments |
OIUBL01_ADJH | Balancing Adjustments History |
OIUBL01_DOH | Ownership History Flags |
OIUBL01_PBA | Product Balancing Agreement |
OIUBL01_PBAST | Production Balancing Agreement (PBA) Status |
OIUBL01_PBAXREF | PBA to Well Completion/Measurement Point Cross-ref |
OIUBL01_RPTPA | Balancing Permanent Report Adjustments |
OIUBL01_RPTPD | Balancing Permanent Report Detail |
OIUBL01_RPTPH | Balancing Permanent Report Header |
OIUBL_IMBMP | Measurement Point Imbalance |
OIUBL_IMBWC | Well Completion Imbalance |
OIUBL_PBAMP | Cross reference for measurement point and PBA |
OIUBL_PBAWC | Cross Reference for Well Completion and PBA |
OIUCA_CTMP | PRA: Transporter Contract Measurement Point XRef |
OIUCA_CTWC | PRA: Transporter Contract Well Completion XRef |
OIUCA_OSP | Termination Point Component Options for Selective Process. |
OIUCA_PRPD | Stores the percent returned to lease detail data |
OIUCA_PRPH | Stores the Percent Returned to Producer Header Data |
OIUCA_PSP | Plant Component Options for Selective Processing |
OIUCA_SSCP | Sliding scale component data for each level maintained |
OIUCA_SSPD | Sliding Scale Detail |
OIUCA_SSPH | Sliding Scale Percent Header |
OIUCA_SSPM | Sliding scale pct material data for each level maintained |
OIUCA_TIKPC | Network Take-In-Kind Percent by Material |
OIUCA_TIKPC_T | Network Take-In-Kind Percent by Material Temp Table |
OIUCI_HEADER | Incoming Check Header information |
OIUCI_PDX | Purchaser DOI Cross Reference |
OIUCM_BA_LINK | Business Associate -> SAP Master Link |
OIUCM_CSC | Cycle Segment Configuration |
OIUCM_PU_OVRD | Purchaser Override |
OIUCW_BA_WH_EXMP | Business Associates exempt from state NRIT withholding |
OIUH_LOADED_JE | Records loaded to JE by transation o3uh_loadje |
OIUH_PTR_REP_LOG | Production, Tax and Royalty Reporting Execution Log |
OIUOW_DLD | DOI Legal Description Table |
OIUOW_DOACC | DOI Owner Override Account Codes |
OIUOW_DOACC_WK | DOI Owner Override Account Codes Worktable |
OIUOW_DODO_WK | Owner Print Information Worktable |
OIUOW_DOEX_WK | Owner State Tax Exemption Worktable |
OIUOW_DOH_WK | Ownership History Workable |
OIUOW_DORH | DO Owner Request History |
OIUOW_DTCH | DOI Transfer Change Header |
OIUOW_DTCS | DOI Transfer Change Select |
OIUOW_DTD | DOI Transfer Change Detail |
OIUOW_ESTDT | Escheated Transfer Date |
OIUOW_ESTDT_WK | Escheated Transfer Date Worktable |
OIUOW_INTOD | Interface Owner Detail |
OIUOW_INTOD_WK | Interface Owner Detail Worktable |
OIUOW_INTOH | Interface Owner Header |
OIUOW_INTOH_WK | Interface Owner Header Worktable |
OIUOW_LGL_FLD | Legal Description Fields |
OIUOW_LGL_FLD_TX | Legal Description Fields Text |
OIUOW_LGL_TYP | Legal Description Types |
OIUOW_LGL_TYP_TX | Legal Description Types Text |
OIUOW_LTYP_FLXRF | Legal Description Type Field Xref |
OIUOW_MKEX_WK | Marketing Cost Exemption Worktable |
OIUOW_ORP_TWB | ORP test workbench comparison history |
OIUOW_OSS | Owner Sliding Scale |
OIUOW_OSS_WK | Owner Sliding Scale Worktable |
OIUOW_POW | Owners on Pending Requests |
OIUOW_PP | Ownership Production Payment |
OIUOW_PUC_WK | Property Unit Use Control - work table |
OIUOW_RETDT | Royalty Escrow Transfer Date |
OIUOW_RETDT_WK | Royalty Escrow Transfer Date |
OIUOW_RTCH | RD DOI Transfer Change Header |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
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