TPM_BUSTRANSID Field in SAP | Identifier of the Distributor Business Transaction Data Element using tables

TPM_BUSTRANSID is a data element in SAP used for storing Identifier of the Distributor Business Transaction data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this TPM_BUSTRANSID field in SAP.

  • Data Element : TPM_BUSTRANSID
  • Description : Identifier of the Distributor Business Transaction
  • Data Type :RAW

Identifier of the Distributor Business Transaction tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using TPM_BUSTRANSID Field

ADJT_TRANSACTIONTreasury: Reconciliation business transactions
FDC1Cash Management Shadow table
FTI_BI_REP_ODSReparation Records for Inconsistent Data in ODS 0CFM_O01 /BW
SLDT_TRANSACTIONSubledger Distributor Business Transactions
TCAT_TRANSACTIONBusiness Transaction: Corporate Action
TERT_TRANSACTIONBusiness Transaction: Exercise of Rights
TLVT_VAL_TRANSTreasury: Valuation Business Transactions
TPMT_DEDOC_HDRDerivatives Document: Document Header
TRACT_DOCUMENTTreasury: Accounting Adaptor Document
TRACT_QUEUEResubmission for Reversal
TRADT_LOCKTR: Accrual/Deferral: TRL Position Lock
TRATT_TRANSAccount Assignment Reference Transfer Business Transactions
TRCT_BUSTRANSTable of business transactions
TRDTT_DATA_ADMINLegacy Data Transfer Admin. Entries Business Transactions
TRDTT_DATA_SECValuation-Area-Independent Data for Securities
TRDTT_VADATA_FUTValuation-Area-Dependent Data for Futures
TRDTT_VADATA_OTCValuation-Area-Dependent Data for MM, FX, OTC Derivatives.
TRDTT_VADATA_SECValuation-Area-Dependent Data for Securities
TRDT_INIT_BTTRL Initialization: Transfer Business Transactions
TRDT_INIT_FIXTRL Initialization: Fix/Post Business Transactions
TRDT_TRDBUSTRANSTreasury: Persistent distributor business transaction
TRFT_BUSTRANSTreasury: TRF Business Transaction
TRFT_FLOWTreasury: Table with TRF Flows
TRFT_MAN_POSTManual Posting
TRFT_SUBTRANSTreasury: TRF Business Subtransaction
TRGT_MIG_BTACTData Table for Flows
TRILT_DFLOWDerived Flows in the Income Ledger
TRILT_DTRANSDerived Business Transactions in the Income Ledger
TRLET_BUSTRANSOBSOLETE: Previous Solution: BOs Transferred from Loans Area
TRLIT_AD_MIGRATEAccrual/Deferral: Log Data of Migration to EP 2:
TRLIT_AD_TRANSAccrual/Deferral Business Transactions (Documentation avail)
TRLT_BACKUPVORABBackup Flow Table from Preliminary Solution - Pos. Mgmt Sol.
TRLT_DERIVTRANSDerived Business Transactions
TRLT_INIT_POSAdmin. Table: (Obsolete as from Support Package 01)
TRLT_INIT_TRANSList of Initializing Business Transactions
TRLT_INIT_VAL_FUInitialization Values for TRL Futures Positions
TRLT_INIT_VAL_LOInitialization Values for TRL Positions: Loans
TRLT_INIT_VAL_SEInitialization Values for TRL Positions: Securities
TRLT_TRANSACTIONTreasury Ledger Business Transactions
TRLT_TRANS_DELDeleted TRL Transactions (BW Only)
TRLT_VCL_FLOWFlows Valuation Class Transfer
TRLT_VCL_TRANSValuation Class Transfers
TRPRT_PAYMENTSPersistent Data for Payment Requests
TRQT_ASSIGN_HISTCFM: Lot Assignment History
TRQT_BUSTRANSTreasury: Business Transactions
TRQT_FLOWTreasury: Flow Data Quantity Ledger
TRQT_LOTTreasury: Lot
TRSET_BUSTRANSOLD! Preliminary Solution: Transferred Sec. Bus.Transactions
TRST_CLASFLOCFM: Class Flows in Securities Account
TRST_CLASFLO_REVCFM: Reversed Class Flows in Securities Account
TRST_NOM_CORRTreasury: Nominal Adjustment
TRST_POS_CHGCFM: Securities Account Position Change
TRST_SECACCTRANSTreasury: Securities Account Transfer
VTBFHAPO_MIGRMigrated Financial Flows
VWBEPITreasury Securities: Actual Flows - Item
VWBEPPTreasury Securities: Planned Flows
VWVORTRSecurities: Carry-Forward Totals
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