TIMESTAMPL Field in SAP | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) Data Element using tables

TIMESTAMPL is a data element in SAP used for storing UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this TIMESTAMPL field in SAP.

  • Data Element : TIMESTAMPL
  • Description : UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun)
  • Data Type :DEC

UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using TIMESTAMPL Field

ABAP_ONLINE_COMABAP Online Community: Data exchange
ABAP_ONLINE_ROOMABAP Online Community: Room members
ABDBG_TRACEDebugger Tracing
ACLSTRIGGERStatistics for landscape triggers
ACMACCONDITIONACM: Access-Conditions (globally+reusable)
ACMAGGREGATEACM: Aggregate for Aspect Aggregation
ACMATSUBJ2ROLEACM-Admintime: Subjects(Users) assigned to Roles
ACMROLEACM: Role Persistency
ACMTSTACCONDITIOACMTST: ACCondition (Expected test-results)
ACMTSTAGGREGATEACMTST: Aggregate (Expected test-results)
ACMTSTATSUBJ2ROLACM-Admintime: Subjects(Users) assigned to Roles
ACMTSTROLEACMTST: Role (Expected test-results)
ACMTST_DB_BPAACMTST: Business Partner (DB-Table)
ACMTST_DB_SOACMTST: Sales Order Header (DB-Table)
AGSDSWP_UMUsage Measurement
AGSSISE_DIRSimple Setup: Directory
AGSSISE_UPD_ROLContains creation/update of copy roles done via SOLMAN_SETUP
AGS_GPA_ACTIVITYAuthoring Activities table
AGS_GPA_APPLAuthoring Guided Procedures table
AGS_GPA_STEPSimple Setup: Application Steps
AGS_MGT_ADP_USGContains the usage of the adapter functionality
AGS_NW_JBCHNGLOGLogging of Job Change Calls from SAP CPS
AGS_NW_JOBCHANGEMonitoring the Job Change calls from SAP CPS
AGS_UDA_DOCAttachments for UDA Projects
AGS_UDA_GENGeneric storage of UDA data
AGS_UDA_GEN_HHeader information for generic data table
AGS_UDA_HEADERHeader Table of Upgrade Dependency Analysis
AGS_UDA_OFFLINETemporary Data to run UDA offline
ALXMBALERTPersistence Table for XMB Alert IDs
BANK_PP_APPLLOCKObjects Locked by Application
BANK_WORKL_LOCKSObject Locks in Parallel Processing
BAPI_MONITORMeta Bapi Monitor
BAPI_MONI_CALLMeta Bapi Monitor
BBPD_LA_ACTIVITYUser activities log
BBPD_LA_PROXYBIDProxy bid status
BGRFC_IUNIT_HISTHistory of Inbound bgRFC Unit
BGRFC_I_DESTLOCKInbound tRFC/qRFC Destination Locks
BGRFC_I_DEST_ERRError Messages for bgRFC Destinations in Inbound Case
BGRFC_I_RUNNABLEInbound tRFC/qRFC: Executable Units
BGRFC_LOCK_TIMETimestamp when bgRFC Locks Removed
BGRFC_N_RUNNABLEObsolete Table (No-send scenario not implemented) Do not use
BGRFC_OUNIT_HISTHistory of Outbound bgRFC Unit
BGRFC_O_DESTLOCKOutbound tRFC/qRFC: Destination Locks
BGRFC_O_DEST_ERRError Messages for bgRFC Outbound Destinations
BGRFC_O_RUNNABLEOutbound tRFC/qRFC: Executable Units
BGRFC_REG_DESTUnit History Interface in bgRFC
BGRFC_REG_I_DESTUnit History Interface: Inbound bgRFC
BGRFC_REG_O_DESTUnit History Interface: Outbound bgRFC
BGRFC_UNIT_TIMETimestamp when Background RFCs Completed
BIZC_AREA_REGBusiness Content: Usage => Shared Objects Server
BPTC01Master Data for Total Commitment
BPTC02Flow Data for Total Commitment
BPTC03Contract - Role Category Link in Total Commitment
BSSOA_IAS_OUTInApplicationSequencing: Outgoing Messages
CDC_RESULT_HCDC: Comparison Result Headers
CFX_HIST_AUTHSaves all Changes to Authorization Objects
CFX_HIST_USERGRPSaves the History Entries for the User Groups
CMX_ISE_EVTQUEUEIntersession Events:Event Queue (Cluster,Shared Memory Only)
CMX_XSR_DB_CLOGXSteps: Change Log
CMX_XSR_DB_FOLDStandard Execution Step Repository: Folder
CMX_XSR_DB_ITEMStandard Execution Step Repository: Items
CMX_XSR_DB_VERSStandard Execution Step Repository: Versions
CMX_XS_DB_HOBJXSteps: Historical Objects (Status Table)
CMX_XS_DB_NOBJXSteps: Non-Historic Objects (Table of States)
CMX_XS_DB_TREEXSteps: Tree Characteristics
CNV_NCE_LOGNumber conversion engine: Processing information
CNV_NCE_NRIV_TRXNumber conversion engine: Tracking data
COAT_CLASSICOAT: Project - Classifications of Individual Objects
COAT_CLASSI_TIMECOAT: Time Stamp per Object
COAT_E_INFOCOAT: Information About Extracts
CON_FIN_WQ_HDRHeader Table for Transactions in Work Queue
CPC_CMX_DB_LOGXSteps: Change Log
CPC_CMX_DB_R_LOGXSteps (Routing): Change Log
CRRERRORCRR Error Messages
CRRRTICRR runtime information
CRRRTITCRR runtime information
CRRTASKHISTCRR Runtime Information of processed tasks
CTSOBJLISTCTS+ Object List: DB Main Persistence
CTS_AIM_TRACEHeader Table - AIM trace results
CTS_AIM_TRC_OBJTransport Objects triggering an AIM trace
CTS_AIM_TRC_STMStatements used in AIM execution
CTS_AIM_TRC_UPGCollection of AIM Traces Belonging to One Upgrade Event
DFKKCORRLOGLog Table for Correction Reports
DIAGLS_LOG_MAINMain log table
DIAGSTCCCDB: Store Customizing
DIAGST_ALERTStore Change Alert - Delta
DIAGST_CCDB_READStore-API: Read Statistics
DIAGST_CONFIGRAWCCDB: Raw Data Buffer (not only config)
DIAGST_FATALCCDB: Fatal Store errors
DIAGST_STORETable for instances of class CL_DIAGST_STORE
DIAGST_TPLCCDB: Template to Store relation
DIAGST_TSCCDB: Technical Systems
DIAG_LOG_MAINMain log table
DIAG_LOG_MESSLog messages
DMC_RUNDMC: Conversion Information
DMC_RUNINFO_TIMEDMC: Time and status for data portions
DMC_RUN_INFODMC: Record Counter and Status for a Run
DMC_SEL_PARAMSDMC: Table to store conv objects and results of analysis
DMC_STREE_TRACEMWB: Trace storage for table DMC_STREE
DSWPDELTALOGGINGLog Activities of the Serice Content Update
DSWP_SD_EXECTable to store the Self Check Results in SD
E2EEM_COREException Management - Core Table
E2EEM_STEPException Management - Steps
E2EEM_UNITException Management - Units
E2E_EFWK_LOGExtractor Framework Logging Table
EEDMSETTLDOCALERSettlement Document (Alerts)
EEDMSETTLDOCERRSettlement Document (Errors)
EEDMSETTLDOCLINESettlement Document (Lines)
EEDMSETTLDOCRUNSettlement Document (Run)
EEDMSETTLDOCSNDSSettlement Document (Sent Profiles) Status
EFG_FLIGHT_DATAData by Data Dispatch
EIDESWTDOCSwitch Document Header
EIDESWTDOCSTEPSwitch Document Step
EIDESWTMSGDATAMessage Data for Switch Document
EPIC_DUM_TRANSACTransactions of Dummy Bank
ESH_ADM_BIN_ERRdetail table for error protocol in case of binary data
ESH_AT_CONFIGRegister connectors for auto tagging
ESH_AU_USR_UPDESH Authorization: User to be updated after change
ESH_CM_SYS_COUPSystem Coupling for Tagging scenarios
ESH_CM_TBO_STATTag-by-Object Type Status
ESH_CO_CPOINTERChange Pointer Storage
ESH_CO_JOB_INFOInformation about background jobs
ESH_DBT_ADMINDatabase Trigger Demon Administration
ESH_EX_CPOINTERChange Pointer Storage
ESH_EX_CP_STATUSChange Pointer Processing Status
ESH_EX_FU_ADMFast Update Administration Data
ESH_EX_FU_CONNReal-Time indexing: Registered Objects
ESH_EX_TPOINTERTransaction Change Pointer Storage
ESH_PRC_TASKProcess step (task)
ESH_SE_PROCESSESH Search Runtime Data Buffer Processes
ESH_TST_EH_RTI_QReal Time Indexing Test : Test Transaction Queue Table
ESH_TTXOBESH: Indexed text objects
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SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
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