SYTABIX Field in SAP | Row Index of Internal Tables Data Element using tables

SYTABIX is a data element in SAP used for storing Row Index of Internal Tables data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this SYTABIX field in SAP.

  • Data Element : SYTABIX
  • Description : Row Index of Internal Tables
  • Data Type :INT4

Row Index of Internal Tables tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using SYTABIX Field

ADPIC_HOLD_MPNStore MPN subitems for MIGO hold / restore functionality
BANK_PACKMAN_VALParameter Values of an Application
BANK_PP_PARVALSParameter Values of an Application
BAPI_MONI_CALLMeta Bapi Monitor
BDLCONTABContent description for following data transmission
CAVEIBDOCCAVE: Inbound Document Processing
CLS_ATTR_VALUEValues of attributes
CMPWLCustomizing Comparison: Worklist Items
CNS_CP_INFOCNS: Change Pointer Additional
CNVCDMCCA_SQLTRACDMC : SQL Trace File analysis results
CNVCDOPCA_SQLTRACDOP : SQL Trace File analysis results
CNVCMIS_A_1_FUNPFucp type Repository Analysis
CNV_10400_HEAD_SRange area for storing the select option for characteristics
CRTO_BADISystem Table with Functions for Defining Filter Values
DBDCGENTBDD: Persisting Activating Ojects in Mass Activation
DTLIDOKIDocu index for renaming the links to data element docu.
ENHCROSSCross Reference for ENH Object
EVER_CRMQ_KEYNew Keys Tab from MDG
FIMA_TRACE_TEXTFIMA: Description for FIMA Call Sequences
FMFGRCN_SAV_ITEMSaved reconciliation match item data
FUPARAREFParameters of function modules
FUPARAREF_ENHAParameters of function modules
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
JBRHISPHBAUMSTree Structure for Deactivated Portfolio Hierarchies
JBRPHBAUMSStorage of Portfolio Hierarchy
JBRRHBAUMTree Structure of Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHBAUMHTree Structure of Risk Hierarchy (History)
JBRRHBAUM_BACKBackup Table JBRRHBAUM (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRSVGAPERRRM Gap: Error for Saved Gap Evaluation Results
JBRSVPHBAUMRM: Portfolio Hierarchy for Saved Datasets (Backtesting)
JKSDSCHEDERRTABError Log on Changes to Schedule Line Data
MAPPARAREFParameter for Conversions Between XML and ABAP
OIB_MIGO_HQCI_EStore the QCI-GOITEM-Bapiret for MIGOs hold/restore feature
OIB_MIGO_HQCI_PStore the QCI-GOITEM-Parameter for MIGOs hold/restore featur
OIB_MIGO_HQCI_QStore the QCI-GOITEM-Quantity for MIGOs hold/restore feature
ORA_ASHGSETOracle ASH monitor graphic settings
ORA_JSEL_STMTOracle 'arbitrary join select monitor' statement
PPROXY_FProxy Setting for HTTP/HTTPS Client (Filter)
RASUTADMASU: Toolbox: Started reports
SADRFFax addresses with cover sheet
SALRTCCNTAlerts: Container Table (Customizing)
SALRTCNTAlerts: Container Table (Runtime)
SCDTWLCustomizing Comparison: Worklist Items
SCDTWLKRCompare Customizing: Key Ranges of Worklist Items
SMOEACLOGLog Table for User Actions in Administration Console
SMOEGENLOGLog Table for Subscription Agent
SMOEGENMAPDetails for subscription generators
SMOEGENSTAStatic Where Clause for Subscription Generator
SMOEGENTABTables used in Subscription Generator (dynamic mapping)
SMOFDNLBCKBackup table for downloaded data
SRT_SEQ_TST_DTSequence Manager test data
SWFRCNTXMLContainer: XML Runtime Data
SWFREVTCNTContainer: XML Runtime Data
SWFRXICNTXI Adapter: XML Container for a Message Object
SWFRXIPCNTXI Adapter: XML-Parameter Container
SWFRXMPICNTXML Message Proxy: Instance Container
SWFSLSCNTDeadline Service: Data Container
SWFXICLOGXI Cache: Message Log
SWWCNTP0Workflow Container: XML Database (P0)
SWW_STAT_CRTWorkflow: Created Workflows
T811ZAllocations: Data for Runtime Analysis
T811ZCCycles for Runtime Analysis
T811ZTCycles for Runtime Analysis
TASUVADMASU: Variants: Started reports
TBLP_COST_ITEMTBLP temporary store of costs for accurate payback
TCONFMULTOCCKonfigurationsstruktur: Mehrfach vorkommende Objekte
TCONFMULTOCCNODEKonfigurationsstruktur: Knoten und Pfade der Vorkommen
TCONFSTRUCINDEXGesamtindex für Konfigurationsstrukturen
TCS_GSETTINGTimeChartSimple: Graphic settings
TICNVDD: Status of Incremental Conversions
TPR_INDEXList of nodes sorted by project
TVIMVextended table maintenance: Selection variants
USER_CATTProfile Generator in CATT counter table
VARICONSelection variants: Content
VARICONCISelection Variants: Content (Cross-Client)
VDDISBTEMPDisbursements That Were Not Released
VDZNB_PAYINFOPayment Postprocessing: Payment Inform. for a PPP Activity
VDZNB_PAYMENTPayment Postprocessing: Payments for a PPP Activity
WDFR_DISPPerishables Planning Header
WDFR_POETPerishables Planning Item Delivery Phase
WDFR_POSPerishables Planninng Item
/BDL/CONTABContent description for following data transmission
/LIME/LOG_QUANLog Table for the Stock Changes Made to a Document
/LIME/LOG_SERIALLog Table of Serial Numbers
/LIME/LOG_TREELog Changes in Table /LIME/TREE
/LIME/PN_ITEMTable to Save Prima Nota Item Data
/LIME/PN_ITEM_TB/LIME/DOC Collective Table of Param, Quant, Serial No, ACC
/VIRSA/MGMTALERTAlerts total by Business Process
/VIRSA/MGMTRISKDUser & Role analysis Risk details
/VIRSA/MGMTRISKSUser & Role analysis Risks Total by Risk IDs.
/VIRSA/MGMTTOTALUser & Role analysis Violations Summary
/VIRSA/MGMTTOTBUUser & Role analysis Risks Total by Business Process
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
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