SPART is a data element in SAP used for storing Division data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this SPART field in SAP.
- Data Element : SPART
- Description : Division
- Data Type :CHAR
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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using SPART Field
Table | Note |
A007 | Division/Customer |
A020 | Division/Price Group |
A033 | Incoterms |
A034 | Incoterms Part 1 + 2 |
A064 | Customer Hierarchy |
A065 | Customer Hierarchy/Material |
A140 | Sales Area / Accounting Indicator |
A146 | Customer Hierarchy |
A147 | Customer Hierarchy (Sales Deal) |
A200 | IS-PAM: COA Standing: Booking Unit/Content Component/COA UM |
A201 | IS-M: Contract Standing: Booking Unit/Contract UM |
A202 | IS-M: Contract Standing: Content Component/Contract UM |
A203 | IS-M: Contract Standing: Contract Unit of Measure |
A205 | IS-M: Contract Standing: Book.Unit/Cont.Comp./ Contrct Curr. |
A206 | IS-M: Contract Standing: Booking Unit/Contract Currency |
A207 | IS-M: Contract Standing: Content Component/Contract Currency |
A208 | IS-M: Contract Standing: Contract Currency |
A236 | IS-M: SO/DC/Dv/BLP/PG/CS/BU |
A237 | IS-M: SOrg/DstChannel/Division/BookUnit/ProcessType |
A239 | IS-M: SOrg/DistChann/Division/Rec.Country/Payment Method |
A240 | IS-M: SOrg/DstChann/Division/Box Number |
A241 | IS-M: SOrg/DstChannel/Division/Design Type/Ad Shape |
A244 | IS-M: SO/DC/Dv/BU/TSlce |
A245 | IS-M: SOrg/DstChannel/Division |
A250 | IS-M: SOrg/DstChann/Division/Service |
A251 | IS-M: SOrg/DChannel/Division/Advertiser |
A273 | Sales org./Distr. chl/Division/Material/Customer/Item |
A274 | Sales org./Distr. chl/Division/Material/Item |
A385 | Sales Org./DChann./Division/Material/Status/Proc.Status |
A386 | Sales Org./Dist.Chl./Division/Sold-To Pty |
A422 | DRC: Sales Area/Material/Wide Area Pricing |
A429 | DRC: Sales Area/Material/State License Fee Zone |
A430 | DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC Country |
A431 | DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC Region |
A432 | DRC: Sales Area/Material/DRC Country/DRC Region |
A435 | Sales org./Distr. chl/Customer/Material/DRM Agr No/DRM Itm |
A453 | IS-M/SD: Advance Payment Discount |
ASMD | Service Master: Basic Data |
AUFI | Allocation Table, Document Sub-item, Stores |
AUKAI | Worklist for Sales Orders (FBG) |
AUVDI | Worklist for Deliveries (Follow-on Doc. Generation) |
AUVT | Shipping-Specific Data of Plants for Delivery Generation |
AUVZ | Distribution Center |
B006 | SOrg/DstCh/Division/Customer |
B161 | SOrg/Distr.Channel/Division/Rebate Recipient |
B171 | Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Division/Payer |
B220 | Output per Organizational Data, Confirmation, No Quasi |
B222 | IS-M/AM: Sales area, transaction type |
B405 | Sales Organization/Distribution Channel/Division/Sales Off. |
B406 | Sales Area |
B408 | Sales Area/Bill-To Party |
B413 | IS-M/SD: Sales Area/Level Type |
BBPT_T023 | Material groups |
C009 | SlsOrg/Dist.chan./Div. |
CBPR | CO-ABC: Activity Master Table |
CDBC_STORLOC | Storage Location Details |
CDBD_DELIVERY_I | Table to store the delivery items |
CDBM_KNVH | Customer Hierarchies (Temporary for Initial Download) |
CE1E_B1 | Model Bank |
CE1S_AL | Airline Route Profit |
CE1S_CP | Template for Consumer Goods Industry |
CE1S_GO | Quickstart Template |
CE2E_B1 | Model Bank |
CE2S_AL | Airline Route Profit |
CE2S_CP | Template for Consumer Goods Industry |
CE2S_GO | Quickstart Template |
CE4E_B1 | Model Bank |
CE4E_B1_ACCT | Model Bank |
CE4E_B1_KENC | Model Bank |
CE4S_AL | Airline Route Profit |
CE4S_AL_ACCT | Airline Route Profit |
CE4S_AL_KENC | Airline Route Profit |
CE4S_CP | Template for Consumer Goods Industry |
CE4S_CP_ACCT | Template for Consumer Goods Industry |
CE4S_CP_KENC | Template for Consumer Goods Industry |
CE4S_GO | Quickstart Template |
CE4S_GO_ACCT | Quickstart Template |
CE4S_GO_KENC | Quickstart Template |
CEERROR | CO-PA: Incorrect records from SD |
CEST4 | Segment table (CO-PA) |
CIF_VMISD | Confirmation of Sales Area Data and Order Category for VMI |
CKMLMV011 | Costing run: Object list |
CKMLMV011F | Costing Run: Filter Table for Object List |
CKMVFM_OUT | Output for the Value_Flow_Monitor, see SAP Note 912984 |
CMDET_S06667 | Individual Records for Updating External Credit Data |
CMDT_BP | Generic master record business process enhancements |
CMM_D_IDX | Commodity Management: Index Table |
COER | Sales Order Value Revenue |
COSTING_VARIANT | Default Costing Variant for Easy cost planning |
CPEC_SD_FA_PROC | CPE in SD: Determination of Procedure for Formula Assembly |
CPEC_SD_VALFORM | Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in SD |
CPEC_SD_VALRULE | Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term Rule in SD |
CPEC_SD_VALTERM | Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in SD |
CRM_SI_FLDGRP | UI Field Grouping for Service Industries |
CRM_SI_FLDGRP_T | Text: Field Grouping for Service Industries |
CRM_SI_GRP_FLD | Service Industry: Field Attribute for Service Type/Group |
CRM_SI_GRP_FLD_T | Service Industry: Field Description for Service Type/Group |
CRM_SI_WB_SEAFCT | Value Table for Search Function in the Object Workbench |
CVLC23 | VELO: Assign Organization Data to VMS Roles |
CVLC30 | VMS calculation sheet profile |
DFKKBOL | Bollo: Italy |
DFKKITVATM | VAT monthly report for Italy: hystory table |
DFKKITVATQ | VAT quarterly report for Italy: hystory table |
DFKKRP3 | Returns: Manual Posting Specifications |
DFKKRP3H | Returns: History for Manual Posting Items |
DVK01 | R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Header Data R2 -> R3 |
DVM01 | R/2-R/3 Link: R/3 Input Data for Material Master |
ECRM_ISU_DIV_FLD | IS-U/T: Assign Field Attributes to Service Categ./Divisions |
ECRM_ISU_DIV_FLT | IS-U/T: Differing Field Labels for Technical Objects |
ECRM_ISU_DIV_PRO | BSG-S DA IS Assignment of IS-T Change Processes to Divisions |
ECRM_ISU_DIV_SET | BSG-S DA IS Assignment of Product Set Types to Divisions |
ECRM_ISU_TSPA | IS-U Organizational Unit: Sales Division |
ECRM_ISU_TSPAT | IS-U Organizational Unit: Sales Division Texts |
ECRM_SI_TSPA | Service Industries: Settings for Service Types |
EDSDC | Assignment of EDI Partner by Sales Org., Distrib.Ch.,Div. |
EKPV | Shipping Data For Stock Transfer of Purchasing Document Item |
ESALES_PRODSALES | Profiles of the sales transaction |
EWA_EL_WDPLANT | Waste Disposal Facility |
FCML_MAT | ML Characteristics for Material (Selection Criteria) |
FIP_D_ORDER_LINE | Order lines for FIP |
FKKMAKO | Dunning History Header |
FMFGRODEF | Define Reimbursable Orders |
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODF | ECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data) |
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIG | ECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F) |
GLPCA | EC-PCA: Actual Line Items |
GLPCA_CT | Profit Center Documents |
GLPCP | EC-PCA: Plan Line Items |
GLPPC | Profit Center Accounting: Plan line items |
GLSPC | Profit Center Accounting: Line Items |
GMGR | Grant Master |
HRP1037 | Infotype 1037 DB Table |
IDGT_CONF_SA | GTI Configuration by Sales Area |
IDGT_GTDM | Mapping of SAP Document and GT Document |
IDGT_INFO | GTI China: Data sent to GT |
IEQT_WL_ITEMS | Interim Statuses - Items |
IEQT_WL_ITM_BAC | Interim Statuses - Items (Backup) |
IFW_WORKLIST | Invoice forecasting worklist |
ILOA | PM Object Location and Account Assignment |
ILOA_VS | Location & Account Assignment for PM Object (Version Table) |
JFDFS | IS-M/SD: Billing/Settlement Index |
JFREVLIABACC | IS-M/SD: Accr.Table for Rev.Dist.w/Liab.Acct for Transfer |
JFREVLIABACC_REV | IS-M/SD: Reverse Revenue Dist. w/Liability Acct for Trans. |
JFREVVAACC | IS-M/SD: Accr.Table for Issue-Related Rev.Dist.w/Liab.Acct |
JFREVVAACC_REVER | IS-M/SD: Reverse Issue-Related Revenue Dist. w/Liab. Account |
JFRK | IS-M/SD: Billing - Header Data |
JFRP | IS-M/SD: Billing Document - Item Data |
JFXDEBIDL | IS-M: Backup Transfer Internal Table XDEBI |
JGTAKTFSYS | IS-M: Buffer Table for Activities in Non-SAP Systems (BP) |
JGTBKSA | IS-M: Validity of Bank Details in Sales Area |
JGTBKVW | IS-M: Note to Payee for Banks |
JGTEUWVGEO | IS-M: Retailer - Geographical Unit Assignment |
JGTEUWVV | IS-M/SD: Retailer - Sales Data |
JHAGAX | IS-M/AM: Update Index for Billing Dataset |
JHAK | IS-M/AM: Order-Publishing-Media (Header Data) |
JHAREV1 | IS-M/AM: Order Revenue Recognition Key Date Values |
JHAREV3 | IS-M/AM: Order Revenue Recognition Key Date Quantities |
JHATS | IS-M: Technical System Pricing Procedure Determ.for Pricing |
JHA_ORDER_INDEX | Selection Index for Orders |
JHFREV2 | IS-M/AM: Key Dates for Billing Document Revenue Recognition |
JHFREV4 | IS-M/AM: Billing Document Revenue Recognition Key Date Qties |
JHTFP | IS-M/AM: Billing/Settlement Documents - Item |
JHTFX | IS-M/AM: Billing Index - Order Billing |
JHTTBED | IS-M/AM: OPM - Rate Requirements |
JHTVAABK | IS-M/AM: Contract Settlement Header Data |
JHTVAABP | IS-M/AM: Contract Settlement Item Data |
JHTVAARG | IS-M/AM: Alternative Payer for Contract Settlements |
JHTVAARI | IS-M/AM: Contract Settlement Payer/Advertiser Record |
JHTVB | IS-M/AM: Contract Requirements |
JHTVKO | IS-M/AM: Contract |
JHTVVBER | IS-M/AM: Contract/Assigned Sales Areas |
JHWWWTEMP_ORDER | IS-M/AM: Temporary Table for Order Data from the Internet |
JJCPFREESUB | IS-M: Free Subscription - Contact Person Relationship |
JJCPRESPONSIB | IS-M: Responsibility in Contact Person Relationship |
JJTAF | IS-M/AM: Free Subscription for Media Contact Person |
JJTAZ | IS-M/AM: Media Contact Person Responsibility |
JJTBEVB | IS-M/AM: Booking Unit Sales Area Assignment |
JJTBS | IS-M/AM: Barred List for Bank Details |
JJTBS_BKVID | IS-M/AM: Lock Directory of Bank IDs for Business Partners |
JJTIKOVB | IS-M/AM: Content Components - Sales Area Assignment |
JJTINSSERT_DET | IS-M/AM: Series Creation Rule Determination |
JJTMXB | IS-M: Media-Mix Package Element |
JJTTS | IS-M/AM: Barred Telephone Numbers List |
JJTVA | Incl/Exclusive Sales Agt Requirements for Entire Sales Area |
JJTVM | IS-M/AM: Media Sales Area Customer |
JJTVT | Requirement - Sales Area Assignment (Media Sales Agent) |
JKAKPR | Ad Pre-Print Order: Header Data |
JKSDCOLLECT | IS-M: (Obsolete): Collection |
JKSDCONTRACTQUAN | IS-M: Contract-Related Quantities |
JKSDCREDITMEMO | IS-M/SD Worklist of Mass Credit Memos |
JKSDPROTOCOL | IS-M: Order Generation Log |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
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