SCRTEXT_S Field in SAP | Short Field Label Data Element using tables

SCRTEXT_S is a data element in SAP used for storing Short Field Label data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this SCRTEXT_S field in SAP.

  • Data Element : SCRTEXT_S
  • Description : Short Field Label
  • Data Type :CHAR

Short Field Label tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using SCRTEXT_S Field

AGS_C_3RD_ATTRIBAGS SD Adapter settings for attributest in additional info
ATLSFTDisplay Filters: Limit Characteristics (Texts)
AUTH_FLDINFO_TMPAuthorization fields: technical info from dictionary
BBPC_SCR_TXTSUI Texts for Fields / Structures
CATS_MY_FIXTEXT2Fixed Texts for CATS notebook
CATS_MY_TEXTS_CCustomer-Specific Field Texts for CATS notebook
CAT_FINFOGeneral Control field info
CDBC_C_DD04TR/3 DD: Data element texts
CIFALOGCNFConfiguration of the CIF Application Log
CML_MIG_BUFFERTable DDIC buffering (migration)
CMSC_LO_STAGRP_TText table Status groups
CNVCMIS_A_1_DTELSelection of Object Type Master information
DD04TR/3 DD: Data element texts
DDFTXRun-time object with Screen Painter texts
J_7LC35TREA Dynamic Screen Control: Language-Dependent Field Catalog
KPPTTCO Planning: Text table for entity table. planning areas
MODWRDKey words of changed DE
SMODD04TR/3 DD: Data element texts
SPAR_NTDBParameter Storage: Persistent Nametab Container
SPERSFCATPersonalization Table for ALV Tree Field Catalog
T770UText field information on table fields
T7RU_STAT_VFLD_TNames of View Variant Fields
T8APP_HRKFTTTexts for values of field HRFKT in profit center planning
T8PL01DDFI Planning: Dimensions Table Index - Dictionary Information
T8PL01SVFI-Planning: Comb. fixed values/attr. for key fig. and dim.
TCNTXInformation System: Key Texts for Data Elements
TCOTXOrder Information System: Key Texts for Data Elements
TCO_FIELD_TEXTOrder Information System: Field Texts
TDG22DG: Description for user-defined texts
TDMODEL_FIELDTXTField Texts for Consumer Loans
TPT_DISP_OBJ_CTTMW: Display Objects Column Short Texts
TPT_DISP_OBJ_TTMW: Display Objects Column Short Texts
TRSTHCTBRST texts for hierarchy classes
TRSTHVTBRST Texts for hierarchies
VIRPALV6ALV: Field Catalog Modifications
WSD_PRICE_ELEM_TDescription and Field Labels for Predefined Price Elements
/MRSS/T_RM_TCOTXOrder Information System: Key Texts for Data Elements
/SAPSLL/TLEMOFTGTS: Definition of Field Names BOM Cost Estimate - Descriptn
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