OIU_DN_NO Field in SAP | Delivery network number Data Element using tables

OIU_DN_NO is a data element in SAP used for storing Delivery network number data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this OIU_DN_NO field in SAP.

  • Data Element : OIU_DN_NO
  • Description : Delivery network number
  • Data Type :CHAR

Delivery network number tables in SAP

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What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using OIU_DN_NO Field

OIUBL01_ADJBalancing Adjustments
OIUBL01_ADJHBalancing Adjustments History
OIUBL_IMBMPMeasurement Point Imbalance
OIUBL_IMBWCWell Completion Imbalance
OIUCA_OSPTermination Point Component Options for Selective Process.
OIUCA_PSPPlant Component Options for Selective Processing
OIUCA_TIKPCNetwork Take-In-Kind Percent by Material
OIUCA_TIKPC_TNetwork Take-In-Kind Percent by Material Temp Table
OIUPC_AVGRPAvailability Group Header
OIUPC_SPADJSales Point Adjustments
OIUPR_SSHSupply Source Header
OIUP_PR_MPVLPRA: Measurement Point Volumetric Data (PDM Shadow)
OIUP_PR_WCDVLHWC Disposition Volumes Header (PDM Shadow)
OIUP_SB_ACTMPActual Owner Level CA results at MP's (PDM Shadow)
OIUP_SB_ACTWCActual Owner Level CA results at WC's (PDM Shadow)
OIUP_SB_ENTMPMP level owner entitlements (PDM Shadow)
OIUP_SB_ENTWCWC level owner entitlements (PDM Shadow)
OIUP_SB_RNAWCResidue and NGL actual at a WC level (PDM Shadow)
OIUP_SB_RNEWCResidue and NGL entitlements at a WC level (PDM Shadow)
OIUREP_DN_XREFRegulatory Reporting X-ref for Delivery Networks
OIUREP_TAXBACKUPBackup tax table for old tax reporting SOL
OIUREP_TIKBACKUPBackup tik table for old tax reporting SOL
OIUREP_VL_VOLGross Volume and Value after VL/RD
OIURV03_DTL_BKValuation Transactions Level 1 - Vltxns
OIURV03_DTL_ZEValuation Transactions Level 1 - Zero Volume
OIURV03_MPWC_XRFMP to Well Completion Split Out XRef
OIURV_DOC_DTL_BKValuation Transactions Level 1 - Vltxns
OIURV_DOC_DTL_RVValuation Reversal Notificaton
OIURV_DOC_DTL_ZEValuation Transactions Level 1 - Zero Volume
OIURV_DOC_HDRValuation Document Header
OIURV_GASSTMTHGas Statement Header
OIUVL_OILSTMTHOil Statement Header
OIUVL_PLTRWeighted average plant reimbursement header
OIUVL_RPTValuation reporting header
OIUVL_SEVMPSeverance tax measurement point
OIUVL_SEVWCSeverance tax well completion
OIUX1_ADJ_TAXHCTax adjustments header for reporting
OIUX1_TRN_TAXHCTax transaction header for reporting
OIUX1_TRN_TAXHLTax transaction header for reporting
OIUX3_TX_OOSHSTTax Reporting - Texas Out Of Statute Transaction History
OIUX3_TX_OOSTXNTax Reporting - Texas Out Of Statute Transactions
OIUX3_TX_PRDTBTax Reporting - Texas PRA Detail Txns-Tier Tax Below
OIUX3_TX_PRDTITax Reporting - Texas PRA Detail Txns-Tier Tax Incremental
OIUX3_TX_PRDTNTax Reporting - Texas PRA Detail Txns - No Tier Tax
OIUX3_TX_REVSTGTax Reporting - Texas Tax Transaction Reversal Staging
OIUX3_TX_REVTXNTax Reporting - Texas Tax Transaction Reversals
OIUX3_TX_TAXHSTTax Reporting - Texas Tax History Transactions
OIUX3_TX_TAXSTGTax Reporting - Texas Tax Transaction Staging
OIUX3_TX_TAXTXNTax Reporting - Texas Tax Transactions
OIUX5_OK_OOSHSTTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Out Of Statute Transactions History
OIUX5_OK_OOSTXNTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Out Of Statute Transactions
OIUX5_OK_PRDTTax 2.0 - Oklahoma PRA Detail Tax Transactions
OIUX5_OK_PRDTCTax 2.0 - Oklahoma PRA Detail Tax Transactions Multi Count
OIUX5_OK_REVSTGTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Reversals Staging
OIUX5_OK_REVTXNTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Reversals
OIUX5_OK_TAXHSTTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions History
OIUX5_OK_TAXHSTCTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions History Multi-Counties
OIUX5_OK_TAXSTGTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions Staging
OIUX5_OK_TAXTXNTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions
OIUX5_OK_TAXTXNCTax 2.0 - Oklahoma Tax Transactions Multiple Counties
OIUX6_WY_CAPRDTTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA PRA Detail Transactions
OIUX6_WY_CASTGTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA Transactions Staging
OIUX6_WY_CATXNTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation CA Transactions
OIUX6_WY_COOSHSTTax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Conservation Trans Hist
OIUX6_WY_COOSTXNTax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Conservation Transactions
OIUX6_WY_CPRDTTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax PRA Detail Transactions
OIUX6_WY_CREVSTGTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Reversals Staging
OIUX6_WY_CREVTXNTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Reversals
OIUX6_WY_CTAXHSTTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Transactions History
OIUX6_WY_CTAXSTGTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Transactions Staging
OIUX6_WY_CTAXTXNTax 2.0 - Wyoming Conservation Tax Transactions
OIUX6_WY_GTAXSTGTax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax Transactions Staging
OIUX6_WY_GTAXTXNTax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax Transactions
OIUX6_WY_SOOSHSTTax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Severance Trans History
OIUX6_WY_SOOSTXNTax 2.0 - Wyoming Out Of Statute Severance Transactions
OIUX6_WY_SPRDTTax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax PRA Detail Transactions
OIUX6_WY_SREVSTGTax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Reversals Staging
OIUX6_WY_SREVTXNTax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Reversals
OIUX6_WY_STAXHSTTax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Transactions History
OIUX6_WY_STAXSTGTax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Transactions Staging
OIUX6_WY_STAXTXNTax 2.0 - Wyoming Severance Tax Transactions
OIUX7_WY_DN_CONTax 2.0 - WYGP DN Consistency
OIUX7_WY_GSALHSTTax 2.0 - WYGP Sales History
OIUX7_WY_GTAXTax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax Transactions
OIUX7_WY_GTAXHSTTax 2.0 - Wyoming Gross Prod Tax Transactions History
OIUX7_WY_GVOLTax 2.0 - WYGP Volume
OIUX7_WY_GVOLHSTTax 2.0 - WYGP Volume History
OIUX7_WY_GVOLTXNTax 2.0 - WYGP Volumes
OIUX8_NM_OOSHSTTax 2.0 - NM - Out-Of-Statute Transaction History
OIUX8_NM_OOSTXNTax 2.0 - NM - Out-Of-Statute Transactions
OIUX8_NM_PRDTTax 2.0 - NM - PRA Detail Transactions
OIUX8_NM_REVSTGTax 2.0 - NM - Tax Reversals (Staging)
OIUX8_NM_REVTXNTax 2.0 - NM - Tax Reversals
OIUX8_NM_TAXHSTTax 2.0 - NM - Tax Transaction History
OIUX8_NM_TAXSTGTax 2.0 - NM - Tax Transactions (Staging)
OIUX8_NM_TAXTXNTax 2.0 - NM - Tax Transactions
OIUXI_PPNHXI: Prior Period Notification Header
OIUY3_MIG_DNRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/A&M - Migration - DNs
OIUY3_TX_INTSTGRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Royalty Trans Interface Staging
OIUY3_TX_INTTXNRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU - Royalty Transaction Interface
OIUY3_TX_OOSHSTRoyalty 2.0 - TX - Out of Statute Royalty Transaction Hist
OIUY3_TX_OOSTXNRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Out of Statute Royalty Transactions
OIUY3_TX_PRDTRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Royalty PRA Details
OIUY3_TX_PRDTARoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Royalty PRA Details (Allocated)
OIUY3_TX_REVSTGRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Royalty Reversals (Staging)
OIUY3_TX_REVTXNRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Royalty Reversals
OIUY3_TX_ROYHSTRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Royalty Transaction History
OIUY3_TX_ROYHSTARoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Royalty Trans History (Allocated)
OIUY3_TX_ROYSTGRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Royalty Transactions (Staging)
OIUY3_TX_ROYTXNRoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Royalty Transactions
OIUY3_TX_ROYTXNARoyalty 2.0 - TX GLO - Royalty Transactions (Allocated)
OIUY6_MIG_DNRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Migration - DNs
OIUY6_WY_INTSTGRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty Transaction Interface (Staging)
OIUY6_WY_INTTXNRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty Transaction Interface
OIUY6_WY_OOSHSTRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Out of Statute Royalty Transaction Hist
OIUY6_WY_OOSTXNRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Out of Statute Royalty Transactions
OIUY6_WY_PRDTRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty PRA Details
OIUY6_WY_PRDTARoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty PRA Details (Allocated)
OIUY6_WY_REVSTGRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty Reversals (Staging)
OIUY6_WY_REVTXNRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty Reversals
OIUY6_WY_ROYHSTRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty Transaction History
OIUY6_WY_ROYHSTARoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty Transaction History (Allocated)
OIUY6_WY_ROYSTGRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty Transactions (Staging)
OIUY6_WY_ROYTXNRoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty Transactions
OIUY6_WY_ROYTXNARoyalty 2.0 - WY - Royalty Transactions (Allocated)
OIUYC_OVR_MASTEROverride master - Pass Exception data to Royalty loaders
OIU_CM_HIER_ENTPRA Hierarchy Node Entity
OIU_PR_DNDelivery Network
OIU_PR_DNAPHNetwork Allocation Profile Header
OIU_PR_DNSTHDelivery Network Status Header
OIU_PR_DNTCMDelivery Network Theoretical Calculation Method
OIU_PR_DNVDDelivery Network Variable Data
OIU_PR_HPPNHVolumetric Historical PPN Header
OIU_PR_MPALFMP Allocation Factor
OIU_PR_MPAPHMeasure Point Allocation Profile Header
OIU_PR_MPVLPRA: Measurement Point Volumetric Data
OIU_PR_NODE_DNNode on a delivery Network
OIU_PR_PPNHPrior Period Notification Header
OIU_PR_TWCDVHTemporary Well Completion Volumes
OIU_PR_WCALFWC Allocation Factor
OIU_PR_WCDVLHWell Completion Disposition Volumes Header
OIU_PR_WCSSHWell Completion Supply Source Dated Header
OIU_RV_LOAD_OILValuation Load Oil Transactions
OIU_RV_MULT_DNMultiple DN for same well
OIU_RV_NPCValuation Network Processing Control - Table
OIU_RV_RVTRejected Valuation Transactions
OIU_RV_VCRValuation Cross Reference
OIU_RV_VLDPValuation Division Order Prior Period Process
OIU_RV_VLRPTValuation Reporting
OIU_RV_VLRVSValuation Reversal Notificaton
OIU_RV_VLTXNSValuation Transactions
OIU_RV_VPPNValuation Prior Period Notification
OIU_RV_VPPNMManually Created Valuation Prior Period Notifications
OIU_RV_VPPNUValuation Prior Period Notification
OIU_RV_VXDSValuation Cross Reference Date Stamp
OIU_SB_ACRHheader table for the Allocation Cross Reference
OIU_SB_ACTMPActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at MP's
OIU_SB_ACTMP_TActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at MP's
OIU_SB_ACTWCActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at WC's
OIU_SB_ACTWC_TActual Owner Level Contractual Allocations results at WC's
OIU_SB_AVHAvailability Header
OIU_SB_CAMPHContract volumes by measurement point header
OIU_SB_CAPCapacity Header
OIU_SB_CTRMPVolumes for sale
OIU_SB_CTRMP_TVolumes for sale
OIU_SB_CTRWCVolumes for sale
OIU_SB_CTRWC_TVolumes for sale
OIU_SB_ENTMPMP level owner entitlements
OIU_SB_ENTMP_TMP level owner entitlements
OIU_SB_ENTWCWC level owner entitlements
OIU_SB_ENTWC_TWC level owner entitlements
OIU_SB_NIMBMarketing representative imbalance volumes
OIU_SB_OAHOwner Availability Header
OIU_SB_OZOPHOutside operated residual contract header
OIU_SB_RANKGas Balancing Ranking Table
OIU_SB_RNAMPResidue and NGL actual at a MP level
OIU_SB_RNAMP_TTemporary Residue and NGL actual at a MP level
OIU_SB_RNAWCResidue and NGL actual at a WC level
OIU_SB_RNAWC_TTemporary Residue and NGL actual at a WC level
OIU_SB_RNEMPResidue and NGL entitlements at a MP level
OIU_SB_RNEMP_TTemporary Residue and NGL entitlements at a MP level
OIU_SB_RNEWCResidue and NGL entitlements at a WC level
OIU_SB_RNEWC_TTemporary Residue and NGL entitlements at a WC level
OIU_SB_SPEMPSpecial owner entitlements at MP level
OIU_SB_SPEMP_TSpecial owner entitlements at MP level
OIU_SB_SPEWCSpecial owner entitlements at WC level
OIU_SB_SPEWC_TSpecial owner entitlements at WC level
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