NUMC2 Field in SAP | Two digit number Data Element using tables

NUMC2 is a data element in SAP used for storing Two digit number data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this NUMC2 field in SAP.

  • Data Element : NUMC2
  • Description : Two digit number
  • Data Type :NUMC

Two digit number tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using NUMC2 Field

ACI_TECS_IF_GENAdministration Information for Generation
AGS_PRINT_CFGForm Assignment to Print View
AIBW_CHARBCT-IM: Strategic Characteristics for Corporate IM
APAUSEDBasis Objects Used in Other Packages
APAUSED_TESTBasis Objects Used in Other Packages
BBPC_CF_TIMESDetermine Defaults for Time Recording
BCSP12T_SMService system: Status description as in OSS
BORGR_TREE_COLBordero: Profiles for Columns in Tree
BORGR_TREE_COLFDBordero: Profiles for Columns in Tree - Fields
BORGR_TREE_COLTBordero: Profiles for Columns in Tree - Texts
BPUM_REPConversion: Conversion Sequence Business Partner
BSACC_HIST_TAAccount History: Transaction Types Used
BSIUDTTHR-US: BSI test data (tax record)
CCGLT_PR_HDR_UT2EHS: Print Request Header Table Test Data for Unit Test
CCGLT_PR_PAR_UTEHS: Print Request Parameters Test Data for Unit Tests
CGPL_USROPTProject Planning - Classes for User Settings
CMSC_LO_SS_LELogical events mapping for the background processing
CNVC_SCNG_OBJLObject list (Mapping to internal IDs)
CNVHCM_I_OBJMAPE-recruiting S-table - Object type Mapping
CNVPERFDATATable for database performance
CNVWDCNV watchdog: Customizing table
CNV_10996_ARCHIVArchiving sessions for conversion
CNV_LIC_GLOBALSTable of Objects for Encryption
CPIS_CONTACTContact in Project
CPIS_CONTACTTText Table for Contacts in Project
CPIS_WORKPLANRamp-Up Project Work Plan
CUSADPDefault project and other standard settings in Customizing
CUSADP40Default project and other standard settings in Customizing
DTIPSIW Demo: Tips
EDTIDIS-U Device Checker: Allocation of Table Names - Table IDs
EWMOBJKEYInternal Help Table for Creating Objects from Keys
FAGL_REL_AIInternal Table for Activating General Ledger (New)
FINB_COMP_KEYSComponent Key (Client-Specific)
FMARCINFOMessages of initial archiving run RFFM_FMARC
FRMLC16RMS-FRM: Assignmt of Units of Measure -> Unit of Measure Grp
GHO_REP_MATReproduced Material details table
GHO_SIMU_REP_MATSimulation: Reproduced Material details table
GHO_WC_RULE_LOGLog table for Well Completion Override, Reproduce material
GRFNTASKBOPARMAvailable BO variant for Task name
HRH1222Infotype 1222: Reserved for Enhancements
ICLCAREREP1Data on Care Request
ICLCAREREP2Data on Caregiver
IWBSETTINGKEN: Settings (valid versions, etc.)
IWB_EHP_SWCAssignment of Enhancement Package to Software Component
KWD_RFC2BIRFC Destinations for Different Contexts
MCUSREXITSUser exits in the matchcode area
MDG_BS_MAT_MAPObsolete table (can't be deleted in EhP mode)!!
N3BF1002V2PMD: N3BGF1002 BG: Ergänzungsbericht Kopfverletzung
N3BGF1002PDOK: N3BGF1002 BG: Ergänzungsbericht Kopfverletzung
OIUX3_RUN_DTLTax Reporting - Run Detail
OIUX7_RUN_DTLTax 2.0 - WYGP Run Detail
OMC_CDEPTable is obsolete (no longer used)
PAT05OCS Tool Settings
PCERHHistory of Payroll Posting Runs
PCERVAttributes for Posting Runs
PERS_TXTText for personalization objects
PEVATAttributes for Posting Runs
PEVSHHistory of Payroll Posting Runs
PPDSHPayroll Posting Document: Status History
PSPP_INFO_COLTable for Info Columns Associated with a Variant
RSPOR_T_FOLDERKM Folder in Portal
RSPROCESSTYPESPossible Process Types
RSSTATREQDELREDUStart Selections of Reduce/Delete Runs for critical DTAs
RSZWMDITEMBW Web Metadata: Template Item ( Dataprovider, Item, ... ).
SBM132Industry short text proposal pool
SDOC_SETTINGSSDOC: Settings for Documentation
SDOK_Q_BTC_ALERTTraffic Light Control Batch Program Runtime
SDV_VCL_MIMEViewer Control for MIME Type
SDV_VCL_MIME_CViewer Control for MIME Type
SLS_SCENARPAW - Dynamic scenarien
SMDSCHEMAVALUEStatus Schema Values
SMW3DBOMBRObsolete Mobile Bridges
SPRTL9Transaction Parameter Description (Obsolete)
SPRTL91Service Parameter Description
SPRTL91CService Parameter Description (Runtime)
SRMWFCUSTCustomizing of Field Display in Process Route
SRT_SEQ_SCD_CONFSequence Scheduler: Configuration Data
SSF_PSE_HSSF: Personel Security Environment
SWDILOGInternal Log of Changes to Workflow Definitions
T514ZScreen Control for Transaction PE51
T51R5_HISTRemittance accumulated posting data history
T52CLSTDisplay Order for Payroll Tables in PC_PAYRESULT
T52SEIOCHRPAY-Status Management: Program Categories
T52SEOCTProcess Manager: Program Categories, Targets of Objects
T5M_LO_INTERFACELoans: Relationship: WT & Pseudo-Split and Generated WT
T77ACOLColumn Framework: Columns in a Column Group
T77ACOLCColumn Framework: Columns in a Column Group
T77AW_SCENAssignment of Eval. Paths (MDT)->OrgPub Scenario (Customer)
T77AW_SCEN_SYSTAssignment of Eval. Paths (from MDT)->OrgPub Scenario (SAP)
T77CNODORDScenario-Specific Definition of Nodes in Search Range
T77CSSuitability Ranges for Career and Succession Planning
T77CSEAT_OScenario-Specific Definition of Search Range
T77FNODORDScenario-Specific Definition of Nodes in Search Range
T77FSEATScenario-Specific Definition of Search Range
T77MWBDEvaluation Paths in Manager's Desktop Framework
T77MWBDTTexts for Evaluation Paths in Manager's Desktop Application
T77MWBDTCCustomer-Specific Texts for Evaluation Paths in MDT
T77MWBFCHFunction Code Hierarchies for Manager's Desktop
T77MWBFHCCustomer-Specific Arrangement of FCodes in MDT
T77MWBKCustomer-Specific Evaluation Paths for Each Category in MDT
T77MWBKSEvaluation Paths for Each Category in Manager's Desktop
T77PPHR-PD: Profile Maintenance - Sub-profile Names
T77TGHR-PD: Profile Maintenance - Sub-profiles
T77WWW_SCControl Table for Country-Specific Screens in Web Services
T7RUTRANSLHR-RU: XML translation table
T7TW7ASNHI report history data record
TISSR_PDF_OUTPUTTable records structure of Nachweisung Forms
TKEPPLCSMFCHCO-PA: Function Codes for Context-Sensitive Menu - Header
TSELRANGES_01HR Forms: Specifications of Selections
TSKTUIndustry Short Text Search Strings
TSKTVIndustry Short Text Found Strings
TSKTWIndustry short text replacements
TWBCCATTLOGSolution Manager: CATT Logs
TWRF1_CUST_TABpossible customizing tables for sites
WCFD_ES_BOL_QPARAssign parameters to BOL extraction query
/BEV1/RPFTType of Vehicle (Route Planning Customizing)
/BEV1/RPFZVehicle Master (Route Planning)
/BEV3/CHCPOSTXItem texts
/EACC/V_TOTALS_FJournal Totals - Field List
/EACC/V_TOTALS_IJournal Totals - Database Indexes
/EACC/V_TOTALS_JJournal Totals
/EACC/V_TOTALS_TJournal Totals - Texts
/EACC/V_TOTAL_IIJournal Totals - Database Indexes - Index
/EACC/V_TOTAL_ITJournal Totals - Database Indexes - Texts
/PLMB/NAV_CLMORDNAV - Preferred order of Columns of a Heterogeneous list
/PLMB/NAV_LAYOUTNAV - Layout definition per object type customizing table
/PLMB/NAV_USR_TPNAV: User Specific Layouts
Application Platform Tables
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Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
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