KURST_CURR Field in SAP | Exchange rate type Data Element using tables

KURST_CURR is a data element in SAP used for storing Exchange rate type data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this KURST_CURR field in SAP.

  • Data Element : KURST_CURR
  • Description : Exchange rate type
  • Data Type :CHAR

Exchange rate type tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using KURST_CURR Field

ACE_SOP_INDTYPEType of Index Used for Award Program
AFWBM_BASICTRM: Additional Attributes of a Basic Benchmark
AT10XForex Attributes for Transaction Types
AT15BTreasury: Forex Swap Rates (New)
AT16Treasury: Fixing Settings for Forex Transactions
ATVO3Statistics Type for Parameterizing Estimation Functions
CDBC_T_CURR_HDLTax Currencies per Country
CDBC_T_CURR_HDL2Tax Currencies per Country
CMM_MTM_BUKRSMtM Settings on company code level
CPED_TCURR_SIMCPE - Exchange Rate Simulation
EWUEXCLKT_40Exch.rate types for which histor.rates are to be maintained
FDESCash Management and Forecast: Memo Records
FDESDISTCash management memo records (distributed)
FICOC_CONDCondition Type
FMCJ_BTR Erfassung des Kassenistbestandes
FTBB_MDG_VAR_FXTable for Saving Start Parameters for Foreign Currency
INM_GEN_SETTINGSTable for General Settings for integration with RPM
MDUCVMkt Data: Assign New Key for Curr.Type
NIHC_DB_PO_PNTASource Document for Incoming Payment Orders
RSTRAN_R_CURRCurrency Translations for Transformation Runtime Unit Test
SCURRExchange rates for Workbench training model BC_Travel
SMOTCURFConversion Factors
SMOTCURRExchange Rates
SMOTCURVExchange rate types for currency translation
SMOTCURWExchange rate type usage
T056CFixed Amounts in Interest Calculation
T242QCurrency translation type
T445APlanning Configuration for Info Structure
T606Legal Control: License Types
T706DDefault Values for Dialog
T7CN32Tax Area
T7GP_CURR_CONVCurrency Conversion Rules
T7PIQPKEYPeriod control
T895Local Fiscal Year-Dependent Version Parameters
T8PSA_CURR_TYPEPSA Currency and Exchange Rate Types
TBCA_IHCCCCurrency swap for IHC
TBKK01Bank Area Table
TBNK_CUST_DEFALTBasic settings
TCURFConversion Factors
TCURRExchange Rates
TCURSRate Spreads
TCURVExchange rate types for currency translation
TCURWUsage of Exchange Rate Types
TCURWKRTSExch.rate maint: Assign exch. rates to work lists
TPROFIT2_CALCTrading Contract:
TPROFIT_POPUP2Define Index Simulation in Profit Simulation
TRGC_AMORT_PROCOLD!! Treasury: Amortization Procedure
TRGC_IMP_PROCImpairment Procedure
TRGC_STEP_PROCProcedure for Steps
TRGC_TAC_VAAssignment of Accounting Code to Valuation Area
TTEC_CURR_HDLTax Currency Handling
TTEC_CURR_HDL3Tax Currency Handling
UMB_SC100Scorecard: Header Table
VALC_RPVAL_PROCOLD! TR: Definition - Price Valuation Procedures
VALC_TIFE_PROCOLD! Procedures for One-Step Price Valn, Sec. Valn, FX Valn
VALC_VAL_PROCOLD! TR: Definition - Valuation Procedure
/DSD/PE_CONVFACTPricing: Conversion factors
/DSD/PE_EXCHRATEPricing: Exchange rates
/SAPSLL/T606License Types
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