KSCHL Field in SAP | Condition Type Data Element using tables

KSCHL is a data element in SAP used for storing Condition Type data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this KSCHL field in SAP.

  • Data Element : KSCHL
  • Description : Condition Type
  • Data Type :CHAR

Condition Type tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using KSCHL Field

AD04RELCONRelation between conditions
AD23_LAYTYPE_CTBPP: alternative layout type for output type
AMOKONVKOMPIS-M/SD: Condition Index for Amortization
AT210Rules for Determining a Taxes for CFM postings
BBP_ES_CNDMAPSRVMapping of ES Conditions to ERP Service Conditions
BBP_ES_COND_MAPMapping of ES Conditions to ERP Conditions
BBP_PDICFSet for Tabluar Customer and Solution Fields on Itm
BSETTax Data Document Segment
CACSCD_DOCCD_TISettlement to FS-CD: Reference Tax Information
CACSFI_DOCFI_TISettlement to FI: Reference Tax Information
CACSHR_DOCHR_TISettlement to PY: Reference Tax Information
CACS_DOCFI_TData Transfer: FI Document (Tax Item)
CDBC_TAXCAT_ARMSA: Tax Code Groupings
CKMLAVRDOCITLines for Cumulation Posting Document
CMACDB_ITEMRESFee Calculation Line Results
CMM_MTM_CALCAssign Condition Types to Groups
CMP_KSCHLCondition Type for Complaints Processing
CMP_KSCHL_TXTCondition Types: Texts
CMP_MAPMASSKSCHLMapping Condition ID <-> Condition Type
CND_MAPC_PASS_UAFilter Table for Condition Usage, Application and Cond. Type
COINT_TPOST_ITControlling Integration: Reposting: Line Items
COND_POWL_HEADObject Types for Conditions@POWL: Header
CPEC_CRM_VALFORMArea of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in CRM
CPEC_CRM_VALTERMArea of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in CRM
CPEC_MM_VALFORMArea of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in MM
CPEC_MM_VALTERMArea of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in MM
CPEC_SD_VALFORMArea of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in SD
CPEC_SD_VALTERMArea of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in SD
CSPCTAXCondition Types for SPC2K Tax Types: TXS, TXC, TXL
DFKKINVDOC_IItems of Invoicing Document
DFKKMOPKItems in contract account document
DFKKOPKItems in contract account document
DFKKSUMPosting totals from FI-CA
DFKKTAX_EXEMPTTable of FI-CA Tax Exemptions
EEWA_BULK_DATABulk refuse order data
EKBZHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKBZHHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKRSDCERS Procedure: Planned Delivery Costs to be Invoiced
ERDTSAdditional Charges and Taxes of a Print Document
FKK_EBS_INT_STAXIDoc with Revenue Item Tax Data Determination of Tax Subitem
FTCOMTForeign Trade: Communication: Audit table for FT documents
IDCFMFLOWCALCOUTFlow calc.using conditions:map KOMK/KOMP fields to flow data
IDGT_OB_CTRLPersonalization Settings
IDMX_VATMexico : Identifiable and Non-Identifiable VAT conditions
IFW_ITEMInvoice forecasting item
JLTPST1IS-M/SD: Header Data for Batch Input Postal Charges
J_1A_WS_COND_MAPAR WS: Mapping of pricing conditions with material code
J_1BIM01MM-IM: Tax posting strings for inventory management
J_1BMMKON0MM: Value transfer from pricing to Nota Fiscal
J_1BNFLWCONDTax Law Conditions Interface for Notas Fiscais
J_1BTXCONDMap Internal Codes for Tax Conditions to Condition Types
J_1B_PO_TAX_MAPMapping from pricing condition to tax condition
J_1IEXCDEFNDefault Condition Types
J_1IKONVExcise recalculated conditions
J_1ISER_BSEGTransaction table having the Invoices with Service Category
J_3GCOFIXAccount Determination Using Fixed CO Object
J_3GJ000Condition Table for Price List Determination
J_3GKAL0Definitions for CEM Calendar Visualizations
J_3GKAL1Selection Parameters for CEM Calendar Visualization
J_3GKAL2Function Codes/Performs for CEM Calendar
J_3GKNDMOConditions Modification on Screen
J_3GKSCHLFRISTDeadline Logic per Condition Type
J_3GKSCHLUMBAssign Condition Types for Transfer Postings
J_3GPLKATAssignment Price List - Condition Types - Catalogs
J_3GPRLHDCEM Price Lists Condition Header
J_7LBDCMSGREA Conditions: Error Messages BDC Condition Adjustment
J_7LC59REA Customizing: Assignment of Accruals Correction Posting
J_7LC60REA Customizing: Condition Types for Accruals Correction
K002Condition(s) for Customer
K003Sales Tax, Germany
KONDConditions (Data)
KOND3Conditions: Campaign Determination - Data Part
KONRResource Prices: Help Table for Variable Fields
KONR1Resource Prices: Help Table for Variable Fields
KONXOverhead Rates: Help Table for Variable Fields
KONX1Overhead Rates: Help Table for Variable Fields
KOT4001Debited Company Code
KOT4002Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area
KOT4003Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient
KOT4004Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equi. Type
KOT4005Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equipment
KOT4006Condition Table for Price List Determination
KOT4007Condition Table for Price List Determination
KOT4008Condition Table for Price List Determination
KOT4009Condition Table for Price List Determination
KOT4012Condition Table for Price List Determination
KOTJ001Debited Company Code
KOTJ002Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area
KOTJ003Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient
KOTJ004Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equi. Type
KOTJ005Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equipment
KOTJ006Debited Company Code/Recipient Category
KOTJ007Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient Category
KOTJ008Debited Co. Code/Debited Bus. Area/Debited Plant/Recpnt Cat.
KOTJ009Document Category
KOTJ012Document Category/Recipient/Material Group/Activity Type
L2TC_ADJUST_CONDCondition type - Commodity ID Mapping Items
L2TC_CONDICOMMCondition type - Commodity ID Mapping
LEDRUCKPROFILAssignment of a Printer to an Object
LFMCVendor master (short texts for condition types)
MASTER_3000Condition Table for Campaign Determination
MMBSI_KSCHL_CONVMapping of SRM to ERP Condition Types
MMBSI_PO_SRM_INFDB table for storing additional SRM data related to PO
MNTCNTMaintenance Control in Distributed Systems
NACHDetailed output data
NWCH90BIS-H CH: Konditionen zu Honorarleistungen der NWCH90
OIH21Assignment: License type to condition type
OIH22Interstate excise table
OIHLOUsed licenses for orders
OIRAREPSUMCOLSSR Reporting: Subtotal column definition
OIRAREPSUMCOLTSSR Reporting: Subtotal column deinition
OIRAREPSUMCOLVSSR Reporting: Subtotal column value assignments
OIRCT685SSR Pricing - Condition type definition
OIRCT685_HSSR Pricing - Condition type definition
OIRC_PRLOG_PRMSSR Pricing - Price update parameter log
OIRC_VCDEFSSR Pricing - List variant/condition type definition
OIRC_VCDEFTSSR Pricing - List variant/condition type def. - Texts
OIRC_VCDEF_COLDFSSR Pricing - Column definition
OIRC_VCDEF_FSSR Pricing - List variant/cond. type - field definition
OIRC_VCDEF_F_VALSSR Pricing - List variant/condition type - field values
OIRC_VCDEF_VALSSR Pricing - List variant/condition type definition heade
OIRECCTYPSSR PC: Company code / credit card types
OPS_SE_SOCService Output Control
OPS_SE_SOC_LOGACLog activation of Service Output Control
PPDITTransfer to Accounting: Lines in HR IDOCs
PTRV_DOC_TAXTransfer Travel -> FI/CO: Tax lines of TRV document
RBDRSEGBatch IV: Invoice Document Items
RBTXTaxes: Incoming Invoice
SPCGLOBALGlobal constants for SPEC 2000
T007CGroupings for tax codes
T007VTax Codes to be Transported
T059PWithholding tax types
T161MFine-Tuned Control: Message Types
T258IAssignment: Condition types -> CO-PA value fields
T610FDImport Processing: Pharmaceut. Products Code Determination
T610FKImport Processing: Customs Quota Code Determination
T610FLImport Processing: Third-country Duty Rate Determination
T610FPImport Processing: Preferential Duty Rate Determination
T610FSImport Processing: Customs Exemption Determination
T610UForeign Trade: Upload: Duty Rate Types, Legal Regulations
T612KFT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Duty Type - Condition type
T665DSD Self-Billing Procedure: Contractor Processing Parameters
T682VConditions: Condition Type/Access (Execute Header Check)
T682VAConditions: Condition Type/Access (Execute Header Check)
T683SPricing Procedure: Data
T684GCondition Exclusion Groups: Condition Types
T685Conditions: Types
T685TConditions: Types: Texts
T685ZCondition Types: Lower/Higher Limits for Pricing Elements
TBOSECP2Cost Elements for Condition Types
TCM_C_COND_MAPMapping Transportation Charges Elements - Conditions
TCM_D_TC_SRV_MAPMapping Transportation Charges Elements - Services
TCONUSEUsage of condition types
TEEWA_BULKY_CUSTBulk Refuse Order Types
TFILA_RE_CAT_CAssign Sales Tax Flag and Clearing Account to Refi. Categ.
TGTMCONDCondition Types with Special Properties in GTM
TJAKIS-M/SD: Sales Document Type
TJF09IS-M/SD: Deposit Condition Types
TJF50IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Billing
TJH49IS-M/AM: Wage Type Determination for Sales Agent Settlement
TJHVAFUKIS-M: Condition Types for Creation of External Sales Volume
TJHVSW01IS-M/AM: Assign Condition Types to VSW Fields
TJJ79IS-M: Copying rules for condition types (Pricing)
TJJ90Conditions that Influence Quantity in Pricing
TJJ93IS-M/AM: Condition Reference: Determination
TJJ99IS-M/AM: Control Dynamic Condition Maintenance
TJJA7IS-M/AM: Dynamic Maintenance of Conditions
TJJA8IS-M/AM: Dynamic Maintenance of Conditions - Text
TJL01IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Commission
TJL02IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Home Delivery
TJL25IS-M/SD: Deposit Condition Types
TJL50IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Home Delivery (new)
TJL52IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Commission (new)
TJNF1IS-M/SD: Invoice Printout, Attributes for Message Type
TJVCINUPayment Cards: Type
TJY04IS-M/SD: Dyn.Menu Entries for Master Data Maint.Cond.(Texts)
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