KSCHL is a data element in SAP used for storing Condition Type data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this KSCHL field in SAP.
- Data Element : KSCHL
- Description : Condition Type
- Data Type :CHAR

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using KSCHL Field
Table | Note |
AD04RELCON | Relation between conditions |
AD23_LAYTYPE_CT | BPP: alternative layout type for output type |
AMOKONVKOMP | IS-M/SD: Condition Index for Amortization |
AT210 | Rules for Determining a Taxes for CFM postings |
BBP_ES_CNDMAPSRV | Mapping of ES Conditions to ERP Service Conditions |
BBP_ES_COND_MAP | Mapping of ES Conditions to ERP Conditions |
BBP_PDICF | Set for Tabluar Customer and Solution Fields on Itm |
BSET | Tax Data Document Segment |
CACSCD_DOCCD_TI | Settlement to FS-CD: Reference Tax Information |
CACSFI_DOCFI_TI | Settlement to FI: Reference Tax Information |
CACSHR_DOCHR_TI | Settlement to PY: Reference Tax Information |
CACS_DOCFI_T | Data Transfer: FI Document (Tax Item) |
CDBC_TAXCAT_AR | MSA: Tax Code Groupings |
CKMLAVRDOCIT | Lines for Cumulation Posting Document |
CMACDB_ITEMRES | Fee Calculation Line Results |
CMM_MTM_CALC | Assign Condition Types to Groups |
CMP_KSCHL | Condition Type for Complaints Processing |
CMP_KSCHL_TXT | Condition Types: Texts |
CMP_MAPMASSKSCHL | Mapping Condition ID <-> Condition Type |
CND_MAPC_PASS_UA | Filter Table for Condition Usage, Application and Cond. Type |
COINT_TPOST_IT | Controlling Integration: Reposting: Line Items |
COND_POWL_HEAD | Object Types for Conditions@POWL: Header |
CPEC_CRM_VALFORM | Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in CRM |
CPEC_CRM_VALTERM | Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in CRM |
CPEC_MM_VALFORM | Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in MM |
CPEC_MM_VALTERM | Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in MM |
CPEC_SD_VALFORM | Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in SD |
CPEC_SD_VALTERM | Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in SD |
CSPCTAX | Condition Types for SPC2K Tax Types: TXS, TXC, TXL |
DFKKINVDOC_I | Items of Invoicing Document |
DFKKMOPK | Items in contract account document |
DFKKOPK | Items in contract account document |
DFKKORDERPOS | Requests: Items |
DFKKSUM | Posting totals from FI-CA |
DFKKTAX_EXEMPT | Table of FI-CA Tax Exemptions |
EEWA_BULK_DATA | Bulk refuse order data |
EKBZ | History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs |
EKBZH | History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs |
EKRSDC | ERS Procedure: Planned Delivery Costs to be Invoiced |
ERDTS | Additional Charges and Taxes of a Print Document |
FKK_EBS_INT_STAX | IDoc with Revenue Item Tax Data Determination of Tax Subitem |
FTCOMT | Foreign Trade: Communication: Audit table for FT documents |
IDCFMFLOWCALCOUT | Flow calc.using conditions:map KOMK/KOMP fields to flow data |
IDGT_OB_CTRL | Personalization Settings |
IDMX_VAT | Mexico : Identifiable and Non-Identifiable VAT conditions |
IFW_ITEM | Invoice forecasting item |
JHTVKO | IS-M/AM: Contract |
JLTPST1 | IS-M/SD: Header Data for Batch Input Postal Charges |
J_1A_WS_COND_MAP | AR WS: Mapping of pricing conditions with material code |
J_1BIM01 | MM-IM: Tax posting strings for inventory management |
J_1BMMKON0 | MM: Value transfer from pricing to Nota Fiscal |
J_1BNFLWCOND | Tax Law Conditions Interface for Notas Fiscais |
J_1BTXCOND | Map Internal Codes for Tax Conditions to Condition Types |
J_1B_PO_TAX_MAP | Mapping from pricing condition to tax condition |
J_1IEXCDEFN | Default Condition Types |
J_1IKONV | Excise recalculated conditions |
J_1ISER_BSEG | Transaction table having the Invoices with Service Category |
J_3GCOFIX | Account Determination Using Fixed CO Object |
J_3GJ000 | Condition Table for Price List Determination |
J_3GKAL0 | Definitions for CEM Calendar Visualizations |
J_3GKAL1 | Selection Parameters for CEM Calendar Visualization |
J_3GKAL2 | Function Codes/Performs for CEM Calendar |
J_3GKNDMO | Conditions Modification on Screen |
J_3GKSCHLFRIST | Deadline Logic per Condition Type |
J_3GKSCHLUMB | Assign Condition Types for Transfer Postings |
J_3GPLKAT | Assignment Price List - Condition Types - Catalogs |
J_3GPRLHD | CEM Price Lists Condition Header |
J_7LBDCMSG | REA Conditions: Error Messages BDC Condition Adjustment |
J_7LC59 | REA Customizing: Assignment of Accruals Correction Posting |
J_7LC60 | REA Customizing: Condition Types for Accruals Correction |
K002 | Condition(s) for Customer |
K003 | Sales Tax, Germany |
KOND | Conditions (Data) |
KOND3 | Conditions: Campaign Determination - Data Part |
KONR | Resource Prices: Help Table for Variable Fields |
KONR1 | Resource Prices: Help Table for Variable Fields |
KONX | Overhead Rates: Help Table for Variable Fields |
KONX1 | Overhead Rates: Help Table for Variable Fields |
KOT4001 | Debited Company Code |
KOT4002 | Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area |
KOT4003 | Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient |
KOT4004 | Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equi. Type |
KOT4005 | Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equipment |
KOT4006 | Condition Table for Price List Determination |
KOT4007 | Condition Table for Price List Determination |
KOT4008 | Condition Table for Price List Determination |
KOT4009 | Condition Table for Price List Determination |
KOT4012 | Condition Table for Price List Determination |
KOTJ001 | Debited Company Code |
KOTJ002 | Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area |
KOTJ003 | Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient |
KOTJ004 | Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equi. Type |
KOTJ005 | Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equipment |
KOTJ006 | Debited Company Code/Recipient Category |
KOTJ007 | Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient Category |
KOTJ008 | Debited Co. Code/Debited Bus. Area/Debited Plant/Recpnt Cat. |
KOTJ009 | Document Category |
KOTJ012 | Document Category/Recipient/Material Group/Activity Type |
L2TC_ADJUST_COND | Condition type - Commodity ID Mapping Items |
L2TC_CONDICOMM | Condition type - Commodity ID Mapping |
LEDRUCKPROFIL | Assignment of a Printer to an Object |
LFMC | Vendor master (short texts for condition types) |
MASTER_3000 | Condition Table for Campaign Determination |
MMBSI_KSCHL_CONV | Mapping of SRM to ERP Condition Types |
MMBSI_PO_SRM_INF | DB table for storing additional SRM data related to PO |
MNTCNT | Maintenance Control in Distributed Systems |
NACH | Detailed output data |
NWCH90B | IS-H CH: Konditionen zu Honorarleistungen der NWCH90 |
OIH21 | Assignment: License type to condition type |
OIH22 | Interstate excise table |
OIHLO | Used licenses for orders |
OIRAREPSUMCOL | SSR Reporting: Subtotal column definition |
OIRAREPSUMCOLT | SSR Reporting: Subtotal column deinition |
OIRAREPSUMCOLV | SSR Reporting: Subtotal column value assignments |
OIRCT685 | SSR Pricing - Condition type definition |
OIRCT685_H | SSR Pricing - Condition type definition |
OIRC_PRLOG_PRM | SSR Pricing - Price update parameter log |
OIRC_VCDEF | SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type definition |
OIRC_VCDEFT | SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type def. - Texts |
OIRC_VCDEF_COLDF | SSR Pricing - Column definition |
OIRC_VCDEF_F | SSR Pricing - List variant/cond. type - field definition |
OIRC_VCDEF_F_VAL | SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type - field values |
OIRC_VCDEF_VAL | SSR Pricing - List variant/condition type definition heade |
OIRECCTYP | SSR PC: Company code / credit card types |
OPS_SE_SOC | Service Output Control |
OPS_SE_SOC_LOGAC | Log activation of Service Output Control |
PPDIT | Transfer to Accounting: Lines in HR IDOCs |
PTRV_DOC_TAX | Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Tax lines of TRV document |
RBDRSEG | Batch IV: Invoice Document Items |
RBTX | Taxes: Incoming Invoice |
SPCGLOBAL | Global constants for SPEC 2000 |
T007C | Groupings for tax codes |
T007V | Tax Codes to be Transported |
T059P | Withholding tax types |
T161M | Fine-Tuned Control: Message Types |
T258I | Assignment: Condition types -> CO-PA value fields |
T610FD | Import Processing: Pharmaceut. Products Code Determination |
T610FK | Import Processing: Customs Quota Code Determination |
T610FL | Import Processing: Third-country Duty Rate Determination |
T610FP | Import Processing: Preferential Duty Rate Determination |
T610FS | Import Processing: Customs Exemption Determination |
T610U | Foreign Trade: Upload: Duty Rate Types, Legal Regulations |
T612K | FT/Customs: Electr. Procedure: Duty Type - Condition type |
T665D | SD Self-Billing Procedure: Contractor Processing Parameters |
T682V | Conditions: Condition Type/Access (Execute Header Check) |
T682VA | Conditions: Condition Type/Access (Execute Header Check) |
T683S | Pricing Procedure: Data |
T684G | Condition Exclusion Groups: Condition Types |
T685 | Conditions: Types |
T685T | Conditions: Types: Texts |
T685Z | Condition Types: Lower/Higher Limits for Pricing Elements |
TBOSECP2 | Cost Elements for Condition Types |
TCM_C_COND_MAP | Mapping Transportation Charges Elements - Conditions |
TCM_D_TC_SRV_MAP | Mapping Transportation Charges Elements - Services |
TCONUSE | Usage of condition types |
TEEWA_BULKY_CUST | Bulk Refuse Order Types |
TFILA_RE_CAT_C | Assign Sales Tax Flag and Clearing Account to Refi. Categ. |
TGTMCOND | Condition Types with Special Properties in GTM |
TJAK | IS-M/SD: Sales Document Type |
TJF09 | IS-M/SD: Deposit Condition Types |
TJF50 | IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Billing |
TJH49 | IS-M/AM: Wage Type Determination for Sales Agent Settlement |
TJHVAFUK | IS-M: Condition Types for Creation of External Sales Volume |
TJHVSW01 | IS-M/AM: Assign Condition Types to VSW Fields |
TJJ79 | IS-M: Copying rules for condition types (Pricing) |
TJJ90 | Conditions that Influence Quantity in Pricing |
TJJ93 | IS-M/AM: Condition Reference: Determination |
TJJ99 | IS-M/AM: Control Dynamic Condition Maintenance |
TJJA7 | IS-M/AM: Dynamic Maintenance of Conditions |
TJJA8 | IS-M/AM: Dynamic Maintenance of Conditions - Text |
TJL01 | IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Commission |
TJL02 | IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Home Delivery |
TJL25 | IS-M/SD: Deposit Condition Types |
TJL50 | IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Home Delivery (new) |
TJL52 | IS-M/SD: Wage Type Determination for Commission (new) |
TJNF1 | IS-M/SD: Invoice Printout, Attributes for Message Type |
TJVCINU | Payment Cards: Type |
TJY04 | IS-M/SD: Dyn.Menu Entries for Master Data Maint.Cond.(Texts) |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
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SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
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Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace Tables
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