KH_KOSTR Field in SAP | IS-H: Insurance Provider Data Element using tables

KH_KOSTR is a data element in SAP used for storing IS-H: Insurance Provider data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this KH_KOSTR field in SAP.

  • Data Element : KH_KOSTR
  • Description : IS-H: Insurance Provider
  • Data Type :CHAR

IS-H: Insurance Provider tables in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using KH_KOSTR Field

NAKLFIS-H AT: LKF - Kostenträger zu Landesfond
NAKR1IS-H AT: LKF - Grunddaten
NAMBIS-H: Request for Medical Grounds
NAPHFIS-H AT: LKF - Punktehistorie zum Fall
NC301IS-HCM: Order Table Data Transmission for EDI
NC301KTRIS-H EDI: Data Cllct. Point - Ins. Provider Asgmt
NC301SIS-HCM: EDI Status Management
NC301TIS-H EDI Temporary Storage for Old EDI Msg. Status Records
NC302KTRIS-H EDI Annahmestellen Kostenträger Zuordnung für §302
NC321IS-H: Table for data exchange of §321
NCIRIS-H: Insurance Relationships of a Case
NEHC_INSIS-H: Health Insurance Card (Insurance Data)
NKIPIS-H: Pre-Approved Insurance Verification Information - Item
NKLPIS-H: Individual outpatient srv / ins.providers (AT)
NKSAIS-H: Insurance verification declaration (Austria)
NKSKIS-H: Insurance verification/certificate - Header data
NKSPIS-H: Insurance verification/certificate - item data
NKTRIS-H: Business Partners/Insurance Providers
NMBGIS-H: Medical grounds
NNAUIS-H NL: Confirmation of coverage info from ins. provider
NNK1IS-H NL: Additional file for insurance providers
NNPERIS-H NL: Assign Physician -> Ins. Provider
NNTFIS-H NL: Service Catalog Determination
NNVRIS-H: Subsequent billing (AT)
NPIRIS-H: Insurance Relationship Proposal Pool
NPTWIS-H: Rules for Charge Factor Value Determ.
NREDOMAIS-H: Table Renewable Documents - Header Data
NTFIIS-H: Service Catalog Determination Rules
NVVFIS-H: Case-Related Insurance Relationships
NVVPIS-H: Patient-related insurance relationship
NWATLH1IS-H AT: Leistungshöchstwerte für Leistungsgruppen
NWATLHOIS-H AT: Leistungshöchstwerte
NWAT_EDI_KOMIS-H AT: EDI Kommentar (K12)
NWAT_GIN_STATIRIS-H AT: Versicherungsstatus des Patienten
NWAT_GIN_STATIR2IS-H AT: Versicherungsstatus Familienmitglieder
NWCH70IS-H CH: Insurance Verification
NWCHKTRGRZUOIS-H CH: Zuordnung Kostenträger zu Kostenträgergruppen
NWCHPAKLZIS-H CH: Patientenabrechnung - LstVerteilung Nachträge
NWCH_BOA_ARCHProtokoll-Archiv für die Massendeckungsabfrage
NWCH_BOA_PROTProtokoll für die Massendeckungsabfrage
NWCH_NKTR_PROFAusschluss Rechnungskopien an Patienten
TN18BIS-H: Propose Contract Scheme by Ins. Prov. Type
TN21AIS-H: Billing Type Determination
TN22KIS-H: Copayment Amount per Ins. Provider/Ins. Provider Type
TNA21AIS-H: Determining the flat rate type (VERA)
TNA30VIS-H: Insurance statistics (AT)
TNAUMLEIIS-H AT: Umschlüsselung Leistung
TNC301EXIS-H EDI: Msg Exclusions for IP - Obsolete => TNC301MX
TNC301MXIS-H EDI: Message Exclusions for Insurance Providers
TNCDF4IS-H: DRG Coding and Grouping System Payer Determination
TNCH52IS-h CH: Determination of Billing Agreements
TNCMSCOIS-H: Scoring - Conversion of the HINR
TNF31IS-H: Work Organizers with Ins. Prov. Conditions
TNKIVIS-H: Insurance Provider Attributes - Integrated Care
TNKTR_KVIS-H: Settings for Federal PPA Insurance Provider Master
TNLDBC_TRDBC3IS-H NL: Dummy DBC per Kostenträger
TNLMR4IS-H NL: LMR Verzekeringscodes
TNNC3IS-H NL: Kostenübernahme von leistungen
TNNL2IS-H NL: LMR insurance file
TNVSLIS-H: Rules for Determining Multiplication Factors
TNWATKBDIAIS-H AT: Leistungsgenerierung - Ausschluß über Diagnosen
TNWATKBGENIS-H AT: Leistungsgenerierung
TNWAT_DEK_KOSTIS-H AT: Dekaden (Kostenträgerdaten)
TNWAT_EDI_VERTRIS-H AT: EDIVKA Vereinbarungen Krankenhaus und Versicherung
TNWAT_LEIKOM_HDRIS-H AT: Leistungskombinationen umschlüsseln - Header
TNWCH74IS-H CH: Vertragstypen Zuordnungstabelle
TNWCH76IS-H CH: Zuordnung Kostenübernahme - Rückweisbegründung Code
TNWCH80IS-H CH: Charge Factor Value Determination
TNWCH81IS-H CH: Billing Type Determination
TNWCH82IS-H CH: Punktwertermittlung für TARMED-Leistungen
TNWCH83Ermittlung der Baserate
TNWCH91IS-H CH: Positionen zur Honorarrelevanz
TNWCHKTRGRIS-H CH: Dynamische Kostenträgergruppen
TNWCHSDRG01Swiss-DRG - Leistungsregeln DRG-Leistung generieren
TNWCH_EDIKTRIS-H CH: Steuerung EDI-Verfahren beim Kostenträger
TNWCH_EDIKTR_EOSteuerung EDI-Verfahren für externe Aufträge
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