J_OBJNR Field in SAP | Object number Data Element using tables

J_OBJNR is a data element in SAP used for storing Object number data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this J_OBJNR field in SAP.

  • Data Element : J_OBJNR
  • Description : Object number
  • Data Type :CHAR

Object number tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using J_OBJNR Field

AD01DLIDynamic items (DI)
AD03OBJTVPlan data handling WBS objects, type and version
ADFSH_FLGTDETFlight Scheduling: Flight Schedule Details
ADFSH_FLGTMASFlight Scheduling: Flight Schedule Master
ADFSH_PRTDETFlight Scheduling: PRT Detail
ADFSH_PRTMASFlight Scheduling: PRT Master
AFABNetwork - Relationships
AFFHPRT assignment data for the work order
AFFLWork order sequence
AFIHMaintenance order header
AFPOOrder item
AFVCOperation within an order
AFVC_DSDigital signatures for Order Operation
AFWGO_FO_REWORKManagement of Financial Objects to be Postprocessed Per EP1
ANIADepr. simulation for invest. projects
ANIBInvestment projects depr. simulation depr. areas
ANLAAsset Master Record Segment
ANLILink table for investment measure -> AuC
AUAASettlement Document: Receiver Segment
AUAKDocument Header for Settlement
AUAODocument Segment: CO Objects to be Settled
AUAWSettlement Document: Accounts for WIP Settlement
AUFKOrder master data
BCKKLFAZ01Backup for Facilities
BGMKMaster Warranty Header
BGMKOBJMaster Warranty - Object Assignment
CBPRCO-ABC: Activity Master Table
CCIHT_ACHEHS: Safety Measures - Header
CCIHT_ANMLEHS: Analysis Method - Meas. Value - Ref. Value Comparison
CCIHT_ANSEEHS: Analysis Method - Summated Rating (Details)
CCIHT_ERHEHS: Risk Assessment - Header
CCIHT_ERQTEHS: Exposure Assignment - Exposure Amounts
CCIHT_FALEHS: Injury/Illness Log
CCIHT_IALEHS: Incident/Accident Log - Header
CCIHT_IPEVAEHS: Inc./Acc. Log - Data for Person Affected (Event)
CCIHT_MJEHS: Measurement
CCIHT_MJIMPORTEHS: Pooled Table for Imported Measurements
CCIHT_MPEHS: Measurement Project
CCIHT_WAHEHS: Work Area - Header
CECOEJCO-PA Account Based Line Items
CECOEPCO-PA Account Based Line Items
CEPFOLDERSTable of CM folder for CEP scenario
CEPMAILBODYTable fgor saving the mail body of folders in CEP
CEPMONITORMonitoring Table for CEP scenario (status changes)
CEPRECEIVERSRecipients of the distributed CM folder in CEP scenario
CEPRESENDDOCSDocuments to be sent again
CEP_REVFOL_STATStatus Administration for Review Folder
CERCLNB2E [PDM] Reconciliation Task
CEZPReporting Points Line Items
CHZPReporting Points - Change History
CKBOBKKB: Object Record (Fixed Database Portion)
CKHSHeader: Unit Costing (Control + Totals)
CKMLDUVACTDistribution of Activity Differences: Single Rcords & Status
CKMLDUVACTCODistribution Acty Differences: Diff. Per Acct Assgnmt object
CKMLDUVCOUsage Differences for Each Account Assignment Object
CKMLDUVNCOUsage Differences for Each Account Assignment Object
CKMLLAHDML Activity Types: Header Record
CKPHMaster Record: Cost Object ID Number
CKRCOAnchor Entry of Summarized CO Object (Summarization Object)
CMDTGeneric Master Record: General Header
CMDT_ADRGeneric Master Record: Address
CMDT_BPGeneric master record business process enhancements
CMDT_CCGeneric Master Data: Cost Center Enhancements
CMDT_PCGeneric Master Record: Profit Center Enhancements
CMDT_PC_BUKRSGeneric Master Record: Company Code Assign. for Profit Cent.
CMDT_TEXTGeneric Master Record: Texts
CNLDST_SHORTTXTable of Language-Dependent Short Texts
CNVA_PCREA_WIP_OLT PC Reorg Analysis: WIP Reconciliation results (Level 2)
CNV_20100_COESDuplicate COES keys (target values)
COANZIndex of Objects With Down Payments/Requests
COBRASettlement Rule for Order Settlement
COBRBDistribution Rules Settlement Rule Order Settlement
COEJCO Object: Line Items (by Fiscal Year)
COEJLCO Object: Line Items for Activity Types (by Fiscal Year)
COEJRCO Object: Line Items for Stat. Key Figures (by Fiscal Year)
COEJTCO Object: Line Items for Prices (by Fiscal Year)
COEPCO Object: Line Items (by Period)
COEPBCO Object: Line Items Variance/Period-Based Results Analysis
COEPBRCO Object: Valuated Line Item Settlement
COEPDCO Object: Line Item Settlement, Not Valuated, With Status
COEPLCO Object: Line Items for Activity Types (by Period)
COEPRCO Object: Line Items for Stat. Key Figs (by Period)
COEPTCO Object: Line Items for Prices (by Period)
COERSales Order Value Revenue
COESCO Object: Sales Order Value Line Items
COFPDocument Lines (project cash management)
COINT_TPOST_HDControlling Integration: Reposting: Header Data
COKACO Object: Control Data for Cost Elements
COKAACO Object: Control Data for Variances and Results Analysis
COKLCO Object: Control Data for Activity Types
COKPCO Object: Control Data for Primary Planning
COKRCO Object: Control Data for Statistical Key Figures
COKSCO Object: Control Data for Secondary Planning
COMPHOCM: Comparison result (header entry)
COMPMOVEGoods Movement of Components
COOICommitments Management: Line Items
COOI_PIBW CO-OM: Commitment Management: Deleted Line Items
COSBCO Object: Total Variances/Results Analyses
COSBDCO Object: Total of variances/accruals, of which settled
COSCCO Object: Assignment Original Costing Sheets
COSLCO Object: Activity Type Totals
COSLDCO Object: Activity Type Totals - of Which Settled
COSPCO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings
COSPDCO Object: Settled Primary Cost Totals
COSPPTransfer of the Order in the COSP Table to the Project
COSPRCO Objekt: Enhancement to COSP for Dependency Planning
COSRCO Object: Statistical Key Figure Totals
COSSCO Object: Cost Totals for Internal Postings
COSSDCO Object: Settled Secondary Cost Totals
COSSPTransfer of the Order COSS Table to the Project
COSTCO Object: Price Totals
COVP_DELTA_LOGLog of COVP Delta Queue for Error Analysis
COVP_OBJNRTemporary Table to Store Object Numbers
COWB120PARParameters for Costing Request
COWB135PARGenerate Parameters for Preselection of Control Recipe
COWB140PARWorkbench Print Parameters for Request
COWB160PARWorkbench Print Parameters for Request
COWB170PARParameters for Request for Creation of Capacity Requirements
COWB180PARParameters for Request for Triggering WM Goods Movements
COWB190PARParameters for User Status Request
COWB200PARParameters for Request for Confirmations
COWB205PARParameter for Flag for Planned-Order Firming
COWB210PARParameters for Request for Technical Completion
COWB215PARParameter for Flag for Deletion of Planned Order
COWB220PARParameters for Request for Technical Completion
COWB230PARParameters for Request for Close
COWB260PARParameter for Request for Deletion Flag
COWB270PARParameter for Flag for Deletion Indicator
COWBSUBOBJFile for Saving Sub-objects COWRK (INDX)
COWORK110PARWorkbench scheduling parameters for preposting
COWORK130PARWorkbench release parameters for preposting
CPZPReporting Points - Periodic Totals Values
CPZPBACKProduction Reporting Points Periodic Totals Values (Temp)
CPZPTEMPProduction Reporting Points Periodic Totals Values (Temp)
CRHDWork Center Header
CRMCO_CONF_COSTSCRM/CO: Actual Costs for Confirmations
CSKSCost Center Master Data
CSSLCost Center/Activity Type
DIACL_DSLogbook digital signatures
DIS_TOBJSDistribution: cost objects posted to per group
DIS_TOBJS_COSPDistribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost)
DIS_TOBJS_COSSDistribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost)
DIS_TOBJS_FMSUDistribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cash)
DJESTIndividual Status per Object: Key Date Based Management
EAMWS_REQUISafety requirements of WCM assigned to EAM object
EAMWS_RESPONSESRisk Respones for Safety Checklist
EAMWS_RISKSRisks for Safety Checklist
EAMWS_SAFETYMEASSafety Measures for Safety Checklist
EAM_D_IHPA_TIMEValidity for Partner Assignment in Plant Maintenance
EAM_IFCUGoods Movement for Technical Object
EBKNPurchase Requisition Account Assignment
ECRM_ISU_TO_IDXIndex table for service industries technical objects
EEWA_BULK_DATABulk refuse order data
EHSBT_APPL_SCOPEEHS: General Scope of Application
EHSBT_STPREHS-BAS: Central status log
EHSWAT_ENTAMDisposal Processing (Quantity Entry/Planning)
EHSWAT_MNWaste Manifest/Delivery Note: Header Data
EPROFHEADProfile Header Data
EPROFHEAD_TMPHeader Data of Temporary Profile
EQSESerial Number Records
EQUIEquipment master data
ESKNAccount Assignment in Service Package
ESTSTEHS: Specification Status Assignment
EVFGCNE5: Percentage of completion
EVOFCNE5: Object parameter PS earned value analysis
EVOPObject parameters
EVOP_VSObject parameters (Project version)
EVPOCPercentage of completion
EVPOC_VSPercentage of completion (Project version)
EWAROUTEHeader table of route
EWATDEVLOCProvisional Container/Container Location Allocation
EWA_ORDER_HEADHeader Table for Waste Disposal Order
EWA_ORDER_OBJECTItem Table for Waste Disposal Order
EWMINSPDETAILInspection List Detail
EWMOBJINSPInspection date for equipment or functional location
EWUCOKException table for TWAER conversion
EWUCOSUMBalances for settled CO objects
FCABPFI-CA: Document Item
FCOM_WHERE_USEDUsage of Master Data Objects
FCO_DOC_HEADFailure Cost Document Header
FCO_DOC_POSFailure Cost Document Item
FERC_C5Specific clearing cost object assignments
FERC_C6Regulatory indicators of CO objects
FERC_D2Documents per sender and account
Application Platform Tables
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