FKART Field in SAP | Billing Type Data Element using tables

FKART is a data element in SAP used for storing Billing Type data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this FKART field in SAP.

  • Data Element : FKART
  • Description : Billing Type
  • Data Type :CHAR

Billing Type tables in SAP

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What is SAP ?

SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

List of Tables using FKART Field

AD04RELCONRelation between conditions
B008Billing Type
B011Sales Organization/Billing Type
CE1E_B1Model Bank
CE1S_ALAirline Route Profit
CE1S_CPTemplate for Consumer Goods Industry
CE1S_GOQuickstart Template
CE2E_B1Model Bank
CE2S_ALAirline Route Profit
CE2S_CPTemplate for Consumer Goods Industry
CE2S_GOQuickstart Template
CE4E_B1Model Bank
CE4E_B1_ACCTModel Bank
CE4E_B1_KENCModel Bank
CE4S_ALAirline Route Profit
CE4S_AL_ACCTAirline Route Profit
CE4S_AL_KENCAirline Route Profit
CE4S_CPTemplate for Consumer Goods Industry
CE4S_CP_ACCTTemplate for Consumer Goods Industry
CE4S_CP_KENCTemplate for Consumer Goods Industry
CE4S_GOQuickstart Template
CE4S_GO_ACCTQuickstart Template
CE4S_GO_KENCQuickstart Template
CEERRORCO-PA: Incorrect records from SD
CEST4Segment table (CO-PA)
CMP_PROFBilling Type for Creating a Pro Forma Billing Document
CMP_REASONCustomizing for Complaints Reasons
COERSales Order Value Revenue
FIEUD_SDINV_HSAFT: Invoices from SD module(Header)
FKK_JFRK_SHORTHeader Data for IS-M/SD Billing Document - Extracts
FKK_VBRK_SHORTHeader Data for SD Billing Document - Extracts
GLE_FI_ITEM_MODFECS: Modified FI Line Items (Header/Item/Currency Data)
GLE_FI_ITEM_ORIGECS: Original FI Line Items (Header/Line Item/Crcy Actg I/F)
GLPCAEC-PCA: Actual Line Items
GLPCA_CTProfit Center Documents
GLSPCProfit Center Accounting: Line Items
HUPHPF_SIGNPHPF Sign Determination table
IDPL_DP_NUM_RANGPoland: Number range for the clearing documents
IFW_C_BILL_TYPEBilling document type for provisional invoice
J_1AOFNR4SD Billing Type Parameters per country
J_1A_WS_DATA_MAPAR WS RG2904: Array Item Data mapping
J_1IBOSDEFAULTDefault Blling Type for Export
J_1ICUS_BILL_TYPAssign Customer Category to Bill Type
J_1IEXCREFDelivery document to excise invoice refrence document link
J_1IVATINVOICEBilling type determination for VAT
J_3RFGTDINVTDefine Billing Types for Customs Declaration Tracking
J_3RFSD_RATE_CLCEnable Down Payments in FC Function for SD Billing Documents
J_3RF_CORR_INVDefine Correction Invoices (Russia)
J_7LC03REA Data Filter: Billing Types
J_7LC62REA Data Filters: Doc. Flow Evaluation-to-Billing Type Asgmt
J_7LC672REA Data Filters: Document Flow Evaluation Billing Type
J_7LS990Pseudo Info Structure Similar to S990 for Extern.Data w/o SD
J_7LVBRKNON-SD Interface: Billing: Header Data
NVBRKIS-H: Billing document header data
OIRIDCPARSSR Invoicing - Document parameters
OIRIPGRPSSR SD/FI Invoice posting group
S008Communications Table SD -> CO/Projects
S262SD - Billing document
S262BIW1SD - Billing document
S262BIW2SD - Billing document
TBOS165BVariable Condition Procedure for Service of Billing Doc.
TCM_C_SLS_MAPMapping TM Organizational Unit to Sales Organisation
TKEVA10Control for Transfer from SD to CO-PA
TVARRArchiving Control for Billing
TVFKBilling: Document Types
TVFKTBilling: Document Types: Texts
TVFSPBilling: Blocking Reasons
TXW_S_VBRKRetrieve VBRK from archive
VBRKBilling Document: Header Data
VKDFSSD Index: Billing Initiator
VRKPASales Index: Bills by Partner Functions
VRPMASD Index: Billing Items per Material
WCAT_C_PAYTYPEPlanned Reb. Var.: Payment Types for Customer Billing Types
/BEV1/EMFAKTABilling Types Without Empties Update
/BEV1/EMLGOFSEmpties - Billing Document Without Update
/BEV1/RBBOCustomer Master Data Rebate Processing
/BEV1/RBCUSTRebate Customizing History
/BEV1/RBWEItemized Proof Rebate Settlement
/BEV1/REFAKTRental Items: Billing Types
/BEV1/TSSSPBFEIndiv.Doc.- Permiss.Doc.Types - Column Dtld Defntn TS Stats
/SAPHT/DRMCTVFKDRM relevant setting for Billing document types
/SAPHT/DRMR3XNDRM relevant ERP Transactions
/SAPPCE/TDPCINVCustomization table for assigning Billing Type to DPC
/SPE/GI_RVRS_INVConfigure Goods Issue Cancellation Behavior
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