BEZEI40 is a data element in SAP used for storing Description data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this BEZEI40 field in SAP.
- Data Element : BEZEI40
- Description : Description
- Data Type :CHAR
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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using BEZEI40 Field
Table | Note |
ADCOMPT | PM/PS Text Table for ADCOMP |
AKKD | Documentary Paym. Guarantee: Fin.Doc.Master-Export Doc.Data |
AUKO | Allocation Table Document Header |
CPEC_BLOCKING_T | CPE Billing Block - Description |
CPEC_CALCRULE_T | CPE Term - Description of Calculation Rule |
CPEC_CONVERS_T | CPE - Description of Conversion Rule |
CPEC_CONVPLACE_T | CPE Conversion Place: Description |
CPEC_COVMOVE_T | Coverage - Description of Movement Reason |
CPEC_EXTENSION_T | CPE Extension Text |
CPEC_FORMULA_T | CPE Formula - Description |
CPEC_LOGSUBMOD_T | CPE Log Sub Module: Description |
CPEC_PERIODDET_T | CPE Term - Description of Period Determination Rule |
CPEC_PRCFIXRULET | CPE-Term - Description of Rule for Def. of Price Fix. Option |
CPEC_QTYCNVSRC_T | CPE - Description of Quantity Conversion Source |
CPEC_QUANCONV_T | CPE - Description of Quantity Conversion Rule |
CPEC_QUOTGROUP_T | Description of Quotation Group |
CPEC_QUOTNAME_T | Description of Quotation Name |
CPEC_QUOTRULE_T | CPE Description of Quotation Rule |
CPEC_QUOTSRC_T | Description of Quotation Source |
CPEC_QUOTTYPE_T | Description of Quotation Type |
CPEC_REFDATERT_T | CPE Term - Description of Reference Date and Time Routine |
CPEC_ROUNDRULE_T | CPE - Description of Rounding Rule |
CPEC_ROUTINE_T | CPE Routine: Description |
CPEC_SURCHARGE_T | CPE-Term - Description of Surcharge Rule |
CPEC_TERMRULE_T | CPE Term - Description of Term Rule |
CPEC_TERM_T | CPE Term - Description |
CPED_FORMINPUT | CPE Formula - Changed Input for General Data |
CPED_TERMINPUT | CPE Term - Changed Input for General Data |
EVFLT | CNE5: Texts for fields in earned value analysis (PS) |
EVFLT_VS | CNE5: Texts for fields in PS ev analysis "change doc.s" |
EVMTT | Texts for EV measurement methods in PS |
EVMTT_VS | Texts for PS earned value measurement methods("change docs") |
FILTER_VALST_RFW | text table for filter values |
JKSDQFAREA | IS-M: Planning Area for Media Issues |
J_3GFAKSPT | Billing Doc. Blocking Indicator Texts CEM |
KONHM | Portfolio Determination - Data Part |
OIJ_CONS_TYPET | TSW Texts for Time-Dependent Constraint Types |
OIRC_DRREJ | SSR Stocks - Dip readings rejected records |
OIRC_MRREJ | SSR Meters - Meter readings rejected records |
OIRC_PRCHK | SSR Pricing - Price check |
OIRC_STATUST | SSR Fuels - Status - Description |
OIRC_STATUST_USR | SSR Fuels - Status (User checks) - Description |
OIRITYPT | Text table for additional invoicing information |
T179T | Materials: Product hierarchies: Texts |
T186CT | Texts for 'Create Delivery' Profile |
T186T | Texts for 'Shipping Due List' List Profile |
T186VT | Texts for 'Shipping Due List' List Profile |
T476T | Parameterization of the Configuration Editor |
T604D | Preference: Description of Preference Procedure Code |
T604T | Foreign Trade: Commodity Code/Import Code No. Description |
T607AT | Documentary Payments: Financial Document Type Descriptions |
T607BT | Documentary Payments: Bank Function Descriptions |
T607DT | Documentary Payments: Descr. for Documents to be Presented |
T607FT | Doc. Payments: Indicators: Field Ctrl/Doc.Check-Descriptions |
T607GT | Documentary Payments: Reasons for Change - Descriptions |
T607KT | Documentary Payments: Bank Function ID Descriptions |
T618GT | EU Market: EU Market Products Group - Descriptions |
T618OT | EU Market: Market Organization Descriptions |
T618WT | EU Market: Market Organization Number - Descriptions |
T621T | Texts for Alloc. Tbl Item categories |
T626T | Texts for Allocation Table Notification Categories |
T628T | Texts for Split Criteria Indicators |
T629T | Alloc Tbl: Blocking Reasons: Texts |
T630T | Texts for Table T630 (Allocation of Over/Underdelivery) |
T680MT | Condition: Tree Control: Features: Texts? |
T680VT | Condition: Tree Control: Variants: Texts |
T681OT | Object Category Texts for Index to Conditions |
T7MX17T | Texts for breakdown groupers for the state tax basis |
T7MX19T | Texts for state tax supplementary tax rates |
T7MXCONVT | Pay scales |
TAXITABSTXT | Tab control: Tab label for table TAXITABS |
TB2BBT | Trading Contract: Status Group Description |
TB2BCT | Trading Contract: Purchasing Grouping Description |
TB2BDT | Trading Contract: Sales Grouping Description |
TB2BGT | Trading Contract: Text Table, Incompleteness Group |
TB2BP4T | Price Change Group Description |
TB2BWEBSTT | Trading Contract Web Status Text Table |
TBKKAUTGRPOBJT | Authorization Group Objects: Texts |
TBKKAUTGRPT | Authorization Groups: Texts |
TBOSFACT | Texts for Surcharges / Discounts |
TBOSFSHT | Texts for Overhead (Surcharges/Discounts) Structure |
TBOSGRPT | Service Line: Subcontractor Group: Text |
TBOSSUPPLET | Service Line: Texts for Subsequent Status |
TBSGT | Purchasing Documents: Reasons for Ordering: Texts |
TCOMT | Commodity Description |
TCWBCRT | AB-CWB: Complaints Reason Texts |
TFMAT | Adjustment Profiles per Processing Method |
TGART | Freight codes:descriptions |
TGAVT | Freight code set: descriptions |
TJL12 | IS-M/SD: Texts for Object Types |
TJL30 | IS-M/SD: Postal Settlement Types (Texts) |
TMAWBEVENTT | Text Tables for HU Goods Movement Events |
TMCSGRT | Texts Column Sorting Group |
TMFK4T | Texts of the Price Change Group |
TMFPFT | Distribution Profile of Material Master - Texts |
TMFSGT | Fields Field Status Groups |
TMIDTCT | AB: Texts Identification Object Categories Customer |
TMIDTVT | AB: Texts Identification Object Categories Vendor |
TMPR_T | AB: Texts - Posting Rules |
TMSBT | AB: Texts Settlement Blocks |
TMTET | AB: Transfer Event Texts |
TMTGT | AB: Transfer Group Texts |
TMVMTT | AB: Texts Category Vendor's Material Number |
TPOFOAT | Portfolio: Responsibility Description |
TPOFOBT | Responsibility Group |
TPOSTT | Portfolio Determination: Control Table |
TPROFIT2_CALC_T | Trading Contract: |
TPROFIT2_CUST_T | Trading Contract: Table of Status Fields |
TPROF_SIM_GROUPT | Text Table for Profit Simulation Group |
TPROF_SIM_TYPE2T | Profit Simulation Type 2 Definition Text |
TPVMST | Product Proposal: Materials Sorting: Texts |
TSTATUSCALC_T | Trading Contract: Text Table Status Information |
TSTATUSCUST_PR_T | Trading Contract: Table of Status Fields |
TSTATUSCUST_T | Trading Contract: Table of Status Fields |
TVAGT | Rejection Reasons for Sales Documents: Texts |
TVARCT | Text for Variants Conditions |
TVAUT | Sales Documents: Order Reasons: Texts |
TVENDCUST_SCGRT | Texts for Screen Groups for Customer and Vendor Master Data |
TVFAPT | Shipment Cost Information Profile: Descriptions |
TVFCDT | Description for Service Agent Procedure Group |
TVFCGT | Description for Item Procedure Group Shipment Costs |
TVFCVT | Description for Shipping Type Procedure Group Shipment Costs |
TVFTRT | Description of Rules for Date Det. in Shipment Costing |
TVFTZT | Description of Tariff Zone for Shipment Costs |
TVGRPT | Group Referencing Requirement: Texts |
TVKGT | Sales Documents: Reasons for Cancellation: Texts |
TVKST | Cancellation Procedures for Agreements; Texts |
TVM1T | Material pricing group 1: Description |
TVM2T | Material Pricing Group 2: Description |
TVM3T | Material pricing group 3: Description |
TVM4T | Material pricing group 4: Description |
TVM5T | Material pricing group 5: Description |
TVRMAT | Repairs Procedure: Texts |
TVRMAVT | Repair Procedure: Action Texts |
TVSAKT | Special Processing Indicator: Texts |
TVVFT | Variant Determination Procedure: Texts |
TVZPT | Planng Dely Sched.Instructions Descripn (TVZP) |
TVZST | Dlv.Sched.Splitting Rule Descript. (TVZS) |
TWBEXCLASST | Trading Expenses: Classification |
TWCMRT | Category Management: Roles: Names |
TWEVT | Net/net purchase price determination procedure (texts) |
TWFPFT | Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution - Texts |
TWICOSTORET | Descriptions for online stores |
TWICSCMT | IACs Retail: Customizing Schema Texts |
TWICSKEYT | SAP Retail Store: Selection Box Key Texts |
TWISPC_MDATTR | Master Data Attributes |
TWISPC_REQIDT | MAP: Customizing for External Applications: ID Text |
TWISPC_REQKENNZ | MAP: Customizing for External Applications: Key Figures |
TWISPC_REQMERK | MAP: Customizing for External Applications: Characteristics |
TWISPS_NOALLOC1 | Parameters for Allocation Tables Generated in MAP |
TWISPS_NOLISTG1 | Parameters for Allocation Tables Generated in MAP |
TWMBT | Competitor: Price Entry Type (Texts) |
TWPCTYPET | Product Catalog Type Description |
TWPST | Sales Price Calculations: Pricing Strategies (Texts) |
TWRVT | Texts: return agreement |
TWSFT | Subs. processing procedure (material discontinuation)/texts |
VALWT | Delivery Plan: Description of Route Schedule |
VBMUET | Sales Document: Characteristic Overview Description |
WDFR_DISP | Perishables Planning Header |
WDFR_POS | Perishables Planninng Item |
WLFD_IVRHDRT | Agency Bus. : DB table for Invoice Request Header Text |
WLF_C_CHECKUSERT | Description texts for IDOC editor |
WLF_C_CHK_GRPT | Description texts Check Group |
WMFHT | Description of a markdown plan |
WPFAMT | Family Pricing: Definition of Families (Texts) |
WPFGRT | Family Pricing: Definition of Family Groups (Texts) |
WRFST_DIMT | Texts for Assortment Dimensions |
WRFST_DIMVALT | Texts for Values of Assortment Dimensions |
WRFST_TYPT | Texts for Assortment Types |
WRF_PRICAT_PRF_T | Price Catalog: Profiles for Online Processing |
WRF_PRICAT_PROCT | PRICAT Inbound: Texts for Processing Status |
WRF_RPR_WAPGT | Plant Group Descr. Short Text |
/MAP/TA_AD_REASN | Assortment Definition: Reasons for Change |
/MAP/TC_AD_DIMNT | Dimension Names |
/MAP/TC_SSMA1T | Texts for Flexible Characteristics 1 for a Markdown Profile |
/MAP/TC_SSMA2T | Texts for Flexible Characteristics 2 for a Markdown Profile |
/MAP/TC_SSMA3T | Texts for Flexible Characteristics 3 for a Markdown Profile |
/MAP/TS_ADASORT | Help Table for Search Help Assortments by Type and Dimension |
/NFM/TNFTX | Descriptions for Various NE Tables |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
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