AS4LOCAL is a data element in SAP used for storing Activation Status of a Repository Object data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this AS4LOCAL field in SAP.
- Data Element : AS4LOCAL
- Description : Activation Status of a Repository Object
- Data Type :CHAR
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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using AS4LOCAL Field
Table | Note |
ACMDCLSRC | ACM: DCL Source (Accesspolicy or Role) |
ACMDCLSRCT | ACM: DCL Source Text Table |
CD0BAS6VI | DD Veri: Table without data elements |
CD0TBSH001 | Veri-Struktur mit Suchhilfe-Anbindung |
CDBC_C_CTLIST | CDB: Procedures for cond. technique (rel. to /SAPCND/CTLIST) |
CDBC_C_CTLISTI | CDB:Procedures for cond. technique (rel. to /SAPCND/CTLISTI) |
CDBC_C_CTLISTT | CDB: Procedures for cond. technique rel. to /SAPCND/CTLISTT |
CND_MAPC_T681 | Meta Data for Condition Tables (Customizing Data Exchange) |
CND_MAPC_T681E | Condition table fields |
CND_MAPC_T681T | Generatable Condition Tables - Texts |
CNVTDMS_06_EXHR | TDMS: HR Integration - Exclude/Include HR |
DBDCDEPTB | DD: Persisting of Dependencies Between DD Objects |
DD01L | Domains |
DD01T | R/3 DD: domain texts |
DD02B | DD: Header for Structured Objects |
DD02BND | DD: List of Nodes for a Structured Object |
DD02BNDT | DD: Text Table for Nodes of Structured Objects |
DD02BT | Texts for Structured Objects |
DD02L | SAP Tables |
DD02T | SAP DD: SAP Table Texts |
DD03L | Table Fields |
DD03ND | DD: Attributes of a Node of a Structured Object |
DD03NT | DD: Texts for fields (Language-Dependent) (Struct.Object) |
DD03T | DD: Texts for fields (language dependent) |
DD04L | Data elements |
DD04T | R/3 DD: Data element texts |
DD05B | DD: Associations for Structured Objects: Fields |
DD05F | DD: Associations Filter Info for Structured Objects |
DD05S | Foreign key fields |
DD06L | Pool/cluster structures |
DD06T | R/3 DD: texts on SQL tables |
DD07L | R/3 DD: values for the domains |
DD07T | DD: Texts for Domain Fixed Values (Language-Dependent) |
DD08B | DD: Associations (Headers) for Structured Objects |
DD08BT | DD: Texts for Association Headers, Structured Objects |
DD08L | R/3 DD: relationship definitions |
DD08T | Texts on the relationship definitions |
DD09L | DD: Technical settings of tables |
DD10B | DD: Parameters for Structured Objects, for ex. View Entities |
DD12B | DD: Secondary Index Headers for Structured Objects |
DD12BT | Text Table for DD12B (Texts for Nodes Indexes) |
DD12L | R/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, header; |
DD12T | Text Table for DD12L (Short Descriptions of Sec. Indexes) |
DD14S | R/3 DD: components of SAP objects |
DD15L | R/3 DD: SAP objects |
DD15T | R/3 DD: texts on SAP objects |
DD16S | R/3 DD: SQL table fields |
DD17B | DD: Secondary Indexes Fields for Structured Objects |
DD17S | R/3 S_SECINDEX: secondary indexes, fields |
DD20L | Matchcode objects |
DD20T | AS400-T_MCOBJECT: MC Object Texts |
DD21S | S-MCIDTABLE: Tables for a MC ID |
DD23L | Matchcode ID |
DD23T | AS400_L-MCID: Matchcode ID Texts |
DD24S | Fields of a matchcode ID |
DD25L | Aggregate Header (Views, MC Objects, Lock Objects) |
DD25T | Short Texts for Views and Lock Objects |
DD26S | Base tables and foreign key relationships for a view |
DD27S | Fields in an Aggregate (View, MC Object, Lock Object) |
DD28S | Lines of a selection condition |
DD29L | Selection Condition for Views and MC IDs |
DD29T | AS400_L-SELCOND: Selection Condition Texts |
DD30L | Search helps |
DD30T | Search help texts |
DD31S | Assignment of search helps to collective search helps |
DD32S | Search Help Parameter |
DD33S | Assignment of search help fields |
DD35L | Search help attachments to structures: Headers |
DD36S | Parameter-field assignments for search help attachment |
DD40L | Table types (internal tables defined in DD) |
DD40T | Text on table types |
DD42S | Key fields for table types (internal tab. defined in DD) |
DD43L | Secondary Key for Table Types |
DD43T | Text Table for DD43L (Secondary Key for Table Types) |
DD90L | Header Information for External Index |
DD90T | R/3-DD: Text for External Index |
DD91S | DocID Key Definition of External Index |
DD92S | Mapping of R/3 Data on External Index |
DD93S | Attributes of an External Index |
DD94S | Languages of an Index Category |
DD96S | Synchronization Tables |
DDDDLSRC | DDL Sources |
DDDDLSRCT | DDL Source Texts |
DDLDEPENDENCY | DD: Objects in a DDL Source |
DDPATH | DD: Definition of access paths |
DDREPLICATOR | DD: Information on Metadata Transfer |
DDREPLICATORVI | DD: Information on Metadata Transfer |
DDREPLICNVDATA | DD: Information on Metadata Transfer: Fields - Data Convers. |
DDREPLICREF | DD: Information on Metadata Transfer: Fields |
DDREPLINDATA | DD: Information on Metadata Transfer: New Fields |
DDSQLSCSRC | Source Code Buffer for Database Procedure Proxies |
DDSQLSCT | Texts for SQL Scripts |
DDTYPES | Table of all Dictionary types and classes |
DF03L | Events |
DF03T | Event descriptions |
DF04L | Software Modules/Functions |
DF04T | Function description |
DF06L | Information flow |
DF06T | Information Flow Names |
DF07L | Object Types |
DF07T | Object Type Names |
DF08L | ALE Messages |
DF08T | Message Names |
DF10L | ALE Message Flows |
DF10T | Message Flow Names |
DF11L | Scenario Processes |
DF11T | Scenario Names |
DF12L | Organizational Units |
DF12T | Organization Unit Names |
DF13L | Enterprise areas |
DF13T | Enterprise Area Names |
DF14A | Application Components: Data for SAP Applications |
DF14L | Application Components |
DF14T | Business Application Component Names |
DF15L | Communication relationships |
DF15T | Communications Flow Names |
DF16L | Groups |
DF16T | Group names |
DF18L | Collaborative Business Scenario |
DF18T | Collaborative Business Scenario: Description |
DF30S | Object Relationships |
DF32S | Assignment of IMG chapters to functions |
DF40D | Diagam Management Information |
DF41S | Nodes |
DF42S | Links |
DF43S | Link points |
DF50D | Variant diagram radio button |
DF50L | Variants |
DF50O | Variant objects |
DF50T | Variant descriptions |
DF52A | Filter Action Log |
DF52L | Filter |
DF52T | Filter names |
DF53S | Active variant on variant node |
DF54S | Active nodes for a variant |
DF55L | Variants |
DF55T | Variant name |
DFMLO | Links from R/3 Reference Model objects to mail folder |
DM02L | DM Entity Type |
DM02S | DM Entity Type Definition Variant |
DM02T | DM Entity Type Short Text |
DM03S | DM Attribute |
DM25L | DM View-Entity Type Assignment |
DM26L | DM Table-Entity Type Assignment |
DM40L | DM Data Model |
DM40T | DM Data Model Short Text |
DM41S | DM Data Model Hierarchy |
DM42S | DM Relationship |
DM42T | DM Relationship Short Text |
DM43T | DM Entity Type Aliases |
DM45L | DM Specialization Category |
DM45T | DM Short text for specialization type |
DM46S | DM Specialization |
DM48L | DM Area |
DM48T | DM Area Short Text |
DM50S | DM ADW Position |
DM50T | DM ADW Text on Entity Type |
SCI_DD28S | Zeilen einer Selektionsbedingung |
SDDIC_DDLS_M_TXT | DDLS Mock Data: Short Texts |
SFSG_DEF_D | Database Table for GFS Definitions (Design Time) |
SFSG_DEF_DT | Text Table for SFSG_DEF_D |
SFSG_QR_DEF | Repository Table for Query Definition |
SFSG_QR_INPUT | Result mapping of query definition |
SFSG_QR_RESULT | Result mapping of query definition |
SFSG_Q_COND | Query Condition |
SFSG_Q_GROUP | Query Group |
SFSG_Q_JOIN | Query Joins |
SFSG_Q_RESULT | Result Table for Query |
SFSG_Q_TABLE | Query Tables |
SFSG_TAB_POS | Item Details in View Builder |
SFSQB_QUERY | Main Table of Query Builder |
SFSQB_QUERY_T | Description of the Queries |
SFSRFW_IDX_D | Replication Framework - Index Definition |
SFSRFW_IDX_DT | Replication Framework - Index Definition Description |
SFSRFW_IDX_IFD | Replication Framework - Definition of Index Fields |
SFSRFW_IDX_KEY_D | Replication Framework - Doc. ID Description of an Index |
SFSRFW_IDX_STMTD | Replication Framework Database Trigger Statements |
SFSRFW_IDX_TRG_D | Index Trigger |
SFSRFW_JDX_CONS | Replication Framework - Constraints |
SFSRFW_JDX_D | Replication Framework - Join Index Rules |
SFSRFW_JDX_JFD | Replication Framework - Join Index Definition |
SFSRFW_JDX_JP | Replication Framework - Join Paths |
SFSRFW_JDX_JV | Replication Framework - Join View Attributes |
SFSRFW_REQ_CONS | Replication Framework - Constraints |
SFSRFW_REQ_H | Replication Framework - Requester |
SFSRFW_REQ_H_T | Replication Framework Requested Tables Object List |
SFSRFW_REQ_JOIN | Static Join Condition |
SFSRFW_REQ_JPATH | Replication Framework - Join Paths |
SFSRFW_REQ_JVIEW | Replication Framework - View Attributes |
SFSRFW_REQ_OBJS | Replication Framework Requested Tables |
TCAPT | Tables used in CAPP formulas and methods |
TCEVERS | Version Information |
TGRAPH | Translation Graphs: General |
TGRAPHDEVC | Translation Graphs: General |
TNMAP | Assignment of global to (instance)local table names |
WDR_REC_PLG_CND | Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-Ins |
WDR_REC_PLUGIN | Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-Ins |
/SAPCND/CTLIST | Det. Procedure |
/SAPCND/CTLISTI | Elements in Determ. Procedure |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
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