AENAM is a data element in SAP used for storing Name of Person Who Changed Object data in table fields. Here is it basic details and list of tables using this AENAM field in SAP.
- Data Element : AENAM
- Description : Name of Person Who Changed Object
- Data Type :CHAR

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
List of Tables using AENAM Field
Table | Note |
ACCRBD | Accruals/Deferrals Master Data - Basic Data |
AFFH | PRT assignment data for the work order |
AFFW | Goods Movements with Errors from Confirmations |
AFRH | Header information for confirmation pool |
AFRH_DEL | Backup Copy of Header Information for Confirmation Pool |
AFRU | Order Confirmations |
ANAR | Asset Types |
ANGA | Asset catalog general data |
ANGB | Asset catalog deprec. area |
ANIA | Depr. simulation for invest. projects |
ANKA | Asset classes: general data |
ANKB | Asset class: depreciation area |
ANKP | Asset classes: Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart of Depreciation |
ANLA | Asset Master Record Segment |
ANLB | Depreciation terms |
ASMD | Service Master: Basic Data |
AUBF | Document Flow SAP Retail (Allocation Table, Promotions...) |
AUFG | Allocation Table Sub-Item, Store Group |
AUFI | Allocation Table, Document Sub-item, Stores |
AUKO | Allocation Table Document Header |
AUPO | Allocation Table Document Item |
AVIK | Payment Advice Header |
BCONT | Business Partner Contact |
BGMK | Master Warranty Header |
CABN | Characteristic |
CABNNEW | Characteristic |
CATSDB | CATS: Database Table for Time Sheet |
CATSHR | Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to HR |
CECUSD | Configuration editor: design: basic data |
CLST | Link class - BOM |
CMM_D_IDX | Commodity Management: Index Table |
CNLDST_SHORTTX | Table of Language-Dependent Short Texts |
CNV_10400_HEAD | Last used run parameter for analysis |
CNV_20330_TSTRUC | Structure of CO object numbers |
COCF_SR | Shift Reports in PDF Format |
COMT_VBX_CBATP | Tax Table for Characteristic-Based ATP |
COMT_VBX_P_CBATP | Tax Table for Products for Characteristic-Based ATP |
COSC | CO Object: Assignment Original Costing Sheets |
COWIPB_CHVW | WIP Batches with Where-Used List |
CRFH | CIM production resource/tool master data |
CSIC_PROFILE | CSI Administration Profile for Cloud Providers |
CSIC_PROVACCOUNT | Cloud Provider Account Information |
CUCO | Additional Data for Configurable Objects |
CUSD | Customizing: Class/Config: Screendesigner |
CUVFUN_ADM | Administrative Data for variant function |
CUVTAB_ADM | Variant table - administrative data |
DEABP | Table: Customer Change Header Data for BB Amounts |
DFKKAVK | Payment Advice: Header Data |
DFKKAWM | Foreign Trade Reporting: Report File |
DFKKBOH | Boleto: Header data |
DFKKBPCL | Business Partner Duplicates: Predecessor - Successor |
DFKKBPCL_ACT | Business Partner Duplicates: Status of Activities |
DFKKCMK | Manually Issued Checks Lot: Header Data |
DFKKCMP | Manually Issued Checks Lot: Item Data |
DFKKDDA | Debit Memo Notification (England) |
DFKKIP_GRP | Payment Specification: Header Data |
DFKKIP_GRPH | Payment Specification: Payment Data (History) |
DFKKMDUGP | Master Data Lot: Items of the Groups of a Lot |
DFKKMDUK | Master Data Lot: Header Data |
DFKKNRK | NOC Returns Lot: Header Data |
DFKKNRP | NOC Returns Lot: Item Data |
DFKKPNBKA | Prenotification data (latest) |
DFKKPNBKC | Prenotification file creation run: administration data |
DFKKPNBKH | Prenotification data (history) |
DFKKPOH | Payment Order: Header Data |
DFKKRK | Returns lot: Header data |
DFKKRP | Returns lot: Data for payment |
DFKKTHI_SUM | Aggregated Transfer Records for Invoicing |
DFKKZA | Repayment Request |
DFKKZK | Payment lot: Header data |
DFKKZP | Payment lot: Data for payment |
DFMCA_CRPA | Approval List for Document Changes |
DIWPS_CR | Work Package Cross-Reference Notification |
DIWPS_RV_CR | Revision: Cross-Reference Notification |
DOST | Document to BOM Link |
DPSOB | Contract Object in Collection and Disbursement |
DPSOB_BP_ACC | Data for Contract Object for Each Partner & Cont. Acct Cat. |
DRAD_PORDER | Attributes for Links: Document to Production Order |
DRVLOG_HEADER | Derivation: Header table for log file |
DTEFW | Downtime Values Entered |
EABL | MR Document |
EABP | BB Plan |
EABPL | Sample Lines for Budget Billing Plan |
EADZ | Multiple-Installation Billing Data: Register |
EAML_D_EVT | EAML: Events DB Table |
EAML_D_LRP_HDR | Linear Reference Pattern Header |
EAM_D_IHPA_TIME | Validity for Partner Assignment in Plant Maintenance |
EANAS | IS-U Device Checker: Current Processing Status of Test |
EANL | Installation |
EAPL | Allocation of task lists to pieces of equipment |
EAPPOBJ | Application Objects |
EASTE | Register-related Period Consumption |
EASTIH | Header Data for Register Relationships |
EASTL | Billing data: Installation Structure at Device Level |
EASTS | Billing data: Installation Structure at Reg. Level |
EAUS | Move-out Doc. for Contract Acc. |
EAUSV | Move-out Doc. Contract Level |
ECAMIOPRHEAD | IS-U: Parked Document: Header Data |
ECRM_REPL_CD | Table for Change Documents FG EREPL_ERRORHANDLING |
ECRM_REPL_HD | Header Data for IS-U Sales Replication Error Handling |
ECRM_TEMP_OBJ | CRM Integration: Clipboard for Technical Objects |
ECROSSREFNO | Reference Number for IDoc |
EDEVGR | Master Data for Device Group |
EDEXTASK | Data Exchange task |
EDGE | Relations Between Change Numbers |
EDISCDOC | DiscDoc.: Header |
EDSC | Disc.Header Data |
EEDMSETTLDOC | Settlement Document (Header) |
EEDMSETTLDOCALER | Settlement Document (Alerts) |
EEDMSETTLDOCERR | Settlement Document (Errors) |
EEDMSETTLDOCRUN | Settlement Document (Run) |
EEDMSETTLDOCVARH | Variants for Header Info of Settlement Document |
EEIN | Move-in Doc. for ContAcc. |
EEWA_CAPAB_HEAD | IS-U Waste: Capacity Planning - Header |
EEWA_GUARANTOR | Guarantor Contract |
EEWA_PROP_H | Header data of property |
EEWA_ROB | Cleaning Object |
EFGSTTXTINFO | Version Information Standard Text |
EFLOG | IS-U Device Checker: Log File for all Analyzed Errors |
EGERR | Device data: Info record for point of delivery - historical |
EGERS | IS-U Device Master Data |
EGTUR_HEAD | Creation Data for Periodic Repl. List EGTUR |
EIDESWTDOC | Switch Document Header |
EIDESWTMSGDATA | Message Data for Switch Document |
EINIDATCR | Init. Data Cr. Doc.: Premise - Header Data |
EJVL | Yearly Advance Payment |
EKON | Franchise Contract MasterData |
ELACC | Loyalty Account Header |
EMMA_CSOLP | Case Solution Path |
ENODE | DRG Node |
EPDPROD | IS-U Master Data Generator: Master Data Template |
EPREI | Mstr Pricing Table for All Prices |
EPRESCL | Price Adjustment Clause for All Price Categories |
EPROFHEAD | Profile Header Data |
EPROFHEAD_TMP | Header Data of Temporary Profile |
EPROP | Owner Allocation |
EQSE | Serial Number Records |
EQST | Equipment to BOM Link |
EQUI | Equipment master data |
EQUZ | Equipment time segment |
ERCH | Billing Doc. Data |
ERDK | Print Document/Header Data |
ERDK_ARCH | Reversal Data for Print Docs Reversed after Archiving |
EREDEMP | Redemption Document for Loyalty Program |
ESCH | Billing Schema (Header Data) |
ESERVICE | Point of delivery service |
ESERVPROV | Service provider |
ESLA | Service Type Editions |
ESSR | Service Entry Sheet Header Data |
ETDZ | Technical Data for Installed Register |
ETRF | Rate (Head. Data) |
ETRG | Billing Order |
ETTA | General Rate Cat.(Header Data) |
ETYP | Dev. Cat.: IS-U Additional Material Data |
EUIGRID | Allocation of PoD to Grid |
EUIHEAD | PoD Header Data |
EUIINSTLN | Allocation of Installation to PoD |
EUILNR | Allocation of Logical Device to PoD |
EUILZW | Allocation of Logical Register to PoD |
EUITRANS | Transformation of Internal/External Point of Delivery No. |
EVBS | Premise |
EVER | IS-U Cont. |
EVERH | IS-U Contract History |
EWACALENDER | Definition of General Non-Workdays |
EWADEVSERV | Service Order for Container Delivery |
EWAEHSGP | Business Partner Integration Table EHS/ IS-W |
EWAEQUI | IS-U WA: Additional Data for Equipment Master |
EWAOBJ | Header Data for Service Frequency |
EWAROUTE | Header table of route |
EWATDEVLOC | Provisional Container/Container Location Allocation |
EWA_BILL_RELEVNT | Valuation of Fields Relevant for Billing in Waste Bill.Cat. |
EWA_EL_WDPPROC | Procedure Within Facility |
EWA_EL_WDPPROGR | Transaction Group |
EWA_EL_WDPPROTE | Transaction Template |
EWA_EL_WDPPROTY | Procedure Category |
EWA_FAKTOR | Factors for Billing of Waste Management Services |
EWA_ORDER_HEAD | Header Table for Waste Disposal Order |
EWA_VBS | Table Supplement for Premise with Historical Data |
EWA_WA_WEIGHOFFL | Offline Weighing |
EWIK | Winding Group |
EWMINSPHEAD | Inspection list header |
EZUG | Device Allocations for Device (Non-Metering Devices) |
EZUZ | Device Allocations for Register (Metering Devices) |
EZWG | Register Group |
EZWGEASTIH | Header Data for Predefined Register Relationships |
EZWGEPROFASS | Template for Creating and Allocating Profiles |
EZWG_HEAD | Register Group: Header Data |
FITV_REJECT | Rejected Trips |
FKKVK | Contract Account Header |
FKKVKP | Contract Account Partner-Specific |
FKK_SEC | Security Deposit |
FMD1_F15 | F15 Interface - Documents |
FTPT_REQ_HEAD | Framework Data of Travel Request |
GHO_INET_LOG | Change log table for INET - productive networks |
GHO_PRDENTY_TYPE | Table for Holding Oil and Gas Entity |
GHO_SIMU_INETLOG | Log table for simulation changes in production network |
GHO_SIM_INET | Object Links for Network Simulation |
Application Platform Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
Discrete Industries Tables
Customer Relationship Management Tables
Financial Accounting Tables
SAP Industries specific module Tables
Supplier Relationship Management Tables
Logistics - General Tables
Sales and Distribution Tables
Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) Tables
Basis Components Tables
Controlling Tables
Materials Management Tables
Service Tables
Financials Tables
Real Estate Management Tables
Accounting - General Tables
Knowledge Management Tables
Cross-Application Basis Components Tables
Product Lifecycle Management Tables
Project System Tables
Production Planning and Control Tables
Plant Maintenance Tables
Personnel Time Management Tables
SAP Business Information Warehouse Tables
Auto-ID Enterprise Tables
Investment Management Tables
Supply Chain Management Tables
Personnel Management Tables
Treasury Tables
Financial Services Tables
Logistics Execution Tables
Public Sector Management Tables
Payroll Tables
Environment, Health and Safety Tables
Portfolio and Project Management Tables
Web Channel Tables
Enterprise Portal Tables
Customer Service Tables
Collaborative Cross Applications Tables
Enterprise Controlling Tables
Governance, Risk and Compliance Tables
Training and Event Management Tables
Quality Management Tables
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management Tables
Obsolete Product: Workplace Tables
Enterprise information management solutions Tables
Global Trade Services Tables
Occasional Platform User Tables
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