TFK100A Table in SAP | General Settings for Cash Payments Table & Fields List

TFK100A is a SAP table coming under FI module and FI-CA component.View details, Fields & related tables of TFK100A in SAP.

  • Table description : General Settings for Cash Payments
  • Module : FI-CA
  • Parent Module : FI
  • Package : FKKB
  • Software Component : FI-CA
TFK100A table in SAP

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SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.

What is table in SAP ?

Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.

SAP TFK100A Table Fields structure

FieldNoteData ElementDomain
INTVKCash Desk/Cash Journal: Value Date Move on Card PaymentINTVK_KKINTVL_KK
INTVLCash Desk/Cash Journal: Value Date Move on Check PaymentINTVL_KKINTVL_KK
BVRKOBank clearing accountBVRKO_KKSAKNR
NALLCNo payment assignment for payments in dialog modeNALLC_KKXFELD
NBCHKCash Desk/Cash Journal: Overpayment Possible OnlineNBCHK_KKXFELD
RPRTACash Desk/Cash Journal: Receipt Printing is AutomaticRPRTA_KKXFELD
RPRTCCash Desk/Cash Journal: Receipt Printing after ConfirmationRPRTC_KKXFELD
RPRTNCash Desk/Cash Journal: No Receipt PrintingRPRTN_KKXFELD
BSHINCash Desk: Default Value for Document Type for Cash PaymentBSHIN_KKBLART_KK
BSOUTCash Desk: Default Value for Document Type for Cash PaymentBSOUT_KKBLART_KK
BRDINCash Desk: Default Value for Document Type for Card PaymentBRDIN_KKBLART_KK
BHKINCash Desk: Default Value for Document Type for Check PaymentBHKIN_KKBLART_KK
BHOUTCash Desk: Default Val. for Doc. Type for Outgoing Chck PymtBHOUT_KKBLART_KK
BSTINCash Desk: Default Value for Postal Order PaymentBSTIN_KKBLART_KK
NOLOTCash Desk: Only Create/Use Check LotsNOLOT_KKXFELD
XROLECash Journal: Activate Role Concept and Use RolesXROLE_KKBOOLE
CLACTCash Journal: Activate Cash Desk ClosingCLACT_KKXFELD
XCJCMCash Journal: Display Monetary Cash Balance CumulatedXCJCM_KKXFELD
XPYOTCash Journal: Do Not Check Monetary Cash BalanceXPYOT_KKXFELD
XNPWDCash Journal: No Partial Withdrawal from Cash Bal. PossibleXNPWD_KKXFELD
XNGWDWithdrawal of Negative Amount from Cash BalanceXNGWD_KKXFELD
KSHINCash Desk: Bank Clearing Account for Incoming Cash PaymentsKSHIN_KKSAKNR
KRDINCAsh Desk: Bank Clearing Account for Incoming Card PaymentsKRDIN_KKSAKNR
KHKINCash Desk: Bank Clearing Account for Incoming Check PaymentsKHKIN_KKSAKNR
KSTINCash Desk: Bank Clearing Account for Postal Order PaymentsKSTIN_KKSAKNR
KSOUTCash Desk: Bank Clearing Account for Outgoing Cash PaymentsKSOUT_KKSAKNR
KHOUTCash Desk: Bank Clearing Account for Outgoing Check PaymentsKHOUT_KKSAKNR
DPRTACash Journal: Special Document Print Is AutomaticDPRTA_KKXFELD
DPRTCCash Journal: Special Document Printing after ConfirmationDPRTC_KKXFELD
DPRTNCash Journal: No Special Document PrintingDPRTN_KKXFELD
XPYTPCash Journal: Cross-Payment Category Withdrawals PermittedXPYTP_KKXFELD
XDPCJCash Journal: Enable Difference for All Payment CategoriesXDPCJ_KKXFLAG
XBRCDCash Desk/Cash Journal: Display Entry Field for BarcodeXBRCD_KKXFLAG
XCLACCash Journal: Display Cash Desk Clearing AccountXCLAC_KKXFELD
XPYCCCash Desk/Cash Journal: Withdrawal of Credit Card PaymentsXPYCC_KKXFELD

TFK100A related tables

TFK100AGeneral Settings for Cash Payments
T5DPBS01Models for Special Payments and Non-Recurring Payments
T5DPBS01TModels for Special Payments and Non-Recurring Payments
TN21Z1IS-H: Define Cash Desk for Incoming Payments
VIXCPTCASHFIMI Cash flow data for the incoming payments
/DSD/ME_PAYM_HDDSD CN: Payments or Cash Collection received from Customer
/DSD/ME_REVN_HDDSD CN: Payments or Cash Collection received from Customer
JBCFZSTRBEWEGCash Flow Transaction: Flow Data for Cash Flow
JBCFZSTRKOPFCash Flow Transaction: Header Data for Cash Flow
TFK100DCash Desk: Cash Desk Clearing Accounts
TBKK65Settings for Cash Concentration
THAEXTC_ROHedge Management: Settings for Cash Flow Type
WOSCR_CBL_COCODECash Balancing: Settings for Each Company Code
WOSCR_SITE_GRPCash Balancing: Settings for Each Group of Accounts
DFKKORDERASSIGNAssignment of ORDNR for General Requests (General Object)
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