SAP FI-RL module Tables | Retail Ledger   Tables & Fields

FI-RL is a SAP sub-module coming under FI module and SAP_APPL component.Total 7 FI-RL tables are stored in our database.View these tables by sub modules wise coming under SAP FI-RL.You can also refer SAP FI-RL transaction codes from this link

  • Module description : Retail Ledger  
  • Parent Module : FI
Retail Ledger   tables in SAP

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SAP FI-RL Tables

FI-RL Related modules & tables

Module NameDescription
FI-AA (View full list of 33 Tables)Asset Accounting  
FI-AA-AA (View full list of 16 Tables)Basic Functions  
FI-AA-AA-MA (View full list of 11 Tables)
FI-AA-AA-TR-TP (View full list of 2 Tables)Transfer Postings  
FI-AA-IS (View full list of 10 Tables)Information System  
FI-AA-SVA-HI (View full list of 10 Tables)Handling of Inflation  
FI-AA-SVA-NT (View full list of 4 Tables)Net Worth Tax  
FI-AF-DPC (View full list of 50 Tables)Down Payment Chains  
FI-AP-AP (View full list of 72 Tables)Basic Functions  
FI-AP-AP-PT (View full list of 54 Tables)Payment Transactions  
FI-AR (View full list of 1 Tables)Accounts Receivable  
FI-AR-AR-IN (View full list of 2 Tables)
FI-AR-AR-PT (View full list of 8 Tables)Payment Transactions  
FI-BL (View full list of 37 Tables)Bank Accounting  
FI-BL-MD (View full list of 4 Tables)Master Data  
FI-BL-MD-BK (View full list of 8 Tables)Bank Master Data  
FI-BL-PT (View full list of 80 Tables)Payment Transactions  
FI-BL-PT-AP (View full list of 15 Tables)Automatic Payments  
FI-BL-PT-BS-EL (View full list of 23 Tables)Electronic Bank Statement  
FI-CA (View full list of 940 Tables)Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  
FI-CA-BF (View full list of 46 Tables)Basic Functions  
FI-CA-BF-BP (View full list of 9 Tables)Business Partner  
FI-CA-BF-CA (View full list of 1 Tables)Contract Accounts  
FI-CA-BT (View full list of 1 Tables)Business transactions  
FI-CA-BT-CC (View full list of 37 Tables)Customer Contact  
FI-CA-BT-IC (View full list of 4 Tables)Account Balance Interest Calculation  
FI-CA-BT-PY (View full list of 16 Tables)Payments  
FI-CA-BT-SE (View full list of 14 Tables)Security Deposits  
FI-CA-IN (View full list of 5 Tables)
FI-CA-IN-CR (View full list of 7 Tables)SAP Credit Management  
FI-CA-INV (View full list of 60 Tables)Invoicing to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  
FI-CAX (View full list of 14 Tables)Generic Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable  
FI-FM (View full list of 190 Tables)Funds Management  
FI-FM-IS (View full list of 2 Tables)Information System  
FI-FM-PO (View full list of 56 Tables)Postings  
FI-GL (View full list of 272 Tables)General Ledger Accounting  
FI-GL-CU-MCA (View full list of 31 Tables)Multi Currency Accounting  
FI-GL-FL (View full list of 5 Tables)Flexible Structures  
FI-GL-GL (View full list of 12 Tables)Basic Functions  
FI-GL-GL-AAC (View full list of 4 Tables)Manual Accruals  
FI-GL-GL-ACE (View full list of 47 Tables)Accrual Engine  
FI-GL-GL-ADB (View full list of 8 Tables)Average Daily Balance  
FI-GL-GL-AP (View full list of 13 Tables)G/L Account Posting  
FI-GL-GL-CAE (View full list of 10 Tables)CRM Accruals  
FI-GL-GL-CL (View full list of 30 Tables)Closing Operations  
FI-GL-GL-PL (View full list of 11 Tables)Planning  
FI-GL-GL-SOA (View full list of 15 Tables)Provisions for Awards  
FI-GL-REO (View full list of 52 Tables)General Ledger Reorganization  
FI-LA (View full list of 120 Tables)Lease Accounting  
FI-LC-LC (View full list of 140 Tables)Basic Functions  
FI-LOC (View full list of 1088 Tables)Localization  
FI-SL (View full list of 17 Tables)Special Purpose Ledger  
FI-SL-IS (View full list of 73 Tables)Information System  
FI-SL-SL (View full list of 12 Tables)Basic Functions  
FI-SL-SL-MD-SE (View full list of 12 Tables)Sets  
FI-SL-VSR (View full list of 30 Tables)Validation, Substitution and Rules  
FI-TV (View full list of 9 Tables)Travel Management  
FI-TV-COS (View full list of 151 Tables)
FI-TV-PL (View full list of 272 Tables)
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