SAP FI-LC-LC module Tables | Basic Functions   Tables & Fields

FI-LC-LC is a SAP sub-module coming under FI module and SAP_APPL component.Total 140 FI-LC-LC tables are stored in our database.View these tables by sub modules wise coming under SAP FI-LC-LC.You can also refer SAP FI-LC-LC transaction codes from this link

  • Module description : Basic Functions  
  • Parent Module : FI
Basic Functions   tables in SAP

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  • EWULC01 : FI-LC: LC ledger
  • EWULC02 : FI-LC: Ledgers for conversion
  • EWULC03 : FI-LC: Companies for conversion
  • EWULC04 : FI-LC: Settings for euro conversion adjustments
  • FILCA : FI-LC: Actual journal entry table with 2 object tables
  • FILCC : FI-LC: Transaction-related fields for table FILCT
  • FILCO : FI-LC: Acct assign.fields (Object-TrPartner) for table FILCT
  • FILCP : FI-LC: Plan line items for object table
  • FILCT : FI-LC: Global totals table with 2 object tables
  • GLS2IDX : Index table for FI-LC document cluster
  • GLT2 : Consolidation totals table
  • GLT3 : Summary Data Preparations for Consolidation
  • GSBLCA : Business area consolidation: deviating records
  • MCDX : Compressed Consolidation transaction data
  • T000K : Group
  • T850 : Company data for Consolidation
  • T850A : Company sort criteria
  • T850B : Business segments
  • T850C : Business segments: texts
  • T850D : Assignment of business segment
  • T850F : Upload methods
  • T850G : Upload Methods: Texts
  • T850H : Upload Methods: Field Catalogs
  • T850I : Version-dependent assignment: Company/data import + validtn
  • T850K : Company correspondence data
  • T850S : Tax rates
  • T850Z : Layout: FS chart of accounts
  • T851 : Changes in Investments
  • T852 : Subgroups
  • T852G : Subgroup companies
  • T852N : Consolidation frequencies
  • T852O : Consolidation frequencies: Texts
  • T852P : Consolidation Periods
  • T852U : Subgroup companies
  • T852V : Version-dependent subgroup characteristics
  • T853 : Company status
  • T853K : Subgroup status
  • T854 : Financial statement items for consolidation
  • T854S : Selected FS items
  • T854T : Financial statement item texts
  • T854U : FS item short texts
  • T855 : Reasons for inclusion in consolidation
  • T855T : Reasons for inclusion in consolidation
  • T856 : Transaction Types
  • T856T : Transaction type texts
  • T856X : Transaction type groups
  • T856Y : Transaction type groups: Texts
  • T857 : Line layout of data entry forms
  • T857A : Column layout of data entry form
  • T857D : Data entry form groups: Names
  • T857E : Data entry form groups: Texts
  • T857F : Data entry form bundling
  • T857N : Validation groups
  • T857O : Validation groups: Texts
  • T857P : Validation Rules
  • T857S : Column layout for data entry form: Names
  • T857T : Column layout for data entry form: Text
  • T857X : Line layout for data entry form: Name
  • T857Y : Line layout for data entry form: Text
  • T858 : Consolidation versions
  • T858I : Versions for Consolidation integration
  • T858T : Consolidation version texts
  • T859 : Data entry forms
  • T859T : Data entry form title
  • T85A : First additional field
  • T85AT : First additional field: Texts
  • T85B : Second additional field
  • T85BT : Second additional field: Texts
  • T85C : Third additional field
  • T85CT : Third additional field: Texts
  • T85S1 : FI-LC: Assignment of first add. fld to second add. fld
  • T85S2 : FI-LC: Assignment of second add. fld to third add. fld
  • T85Y : Additional Field Category
  • T85YT : Additional field type: Texts
  • T862K : Standard reports: Headings
  • T862L : Standard reports: Header texts
  • T862Q : Standard reports: Column layout
  • T862R : Standard reports: Column layout texts
  • T862S : Standard reports: Column layout
  • T862T : Standard reports: Headers
  • T862X : Standard reports: Line layout
  • T862Y : Standard reports: Line layout texts
  • T862Z : Standard reports: Line layouts
  • T863 : Consolidation standard reports
  • T863B : Report groups
  • T863C : Report groups: Names
  • T863D : Report groups: Texts
  • T863I : Reports for Interactive Reporting
  • T863T : Report titles
  • T863V : Valuations: Texts
  • T863W : Valuations
  • T863X : Selections for reporting
  • T863Y : INDX datasets
  • T863Z : Selection: Document status
  • T864 : Reclassifications
  • T865 : Intercompany Elimination
  • T866 : Elimination of IC profit/loss: FS items
  • T866Z : Elimination of IC P/L: Assignment of additional fields
  • T867 : Product groups
  • T867T : Product group texts
  • T868 : Elimination of IC profit and loss
  • T868B : Elimination of IC profit/loss: Inventory management co.s
  • T868L : Elimination of IC profit/loss: Vendor data
  • T869 : Consolidation methods
  • T869T : Consolidation of investments methods
  • T870 : Consolidation method assignment
  • T871 : Changes in investee equity
  • T872 : Equity Holdings Adjustments
  • T872I : Periodic entry for affiliated companies
  • T873 : Hidden reserves
  • T874 : Elimination of hidden reserves
  • T875 : Asset transfers within the group
  • T875C : Changes in depreciation
  • T875D : Asset transfers
  • T875E : Change in depreciation of asset transfers
  • T876 : Consolidation document types
  • T876B : Document types
  • T876T : Consolidation document type texts
  • T876V : Validation of Consolidation document
  • T877 : Consolidation activity groups
  • T877K : Consolidation activity groups: Names
  • T877L : Consolidation activity groups: Texts
  • T879 : Standard texts
  • T879P : Data transfer directories
  • T880B : Valuation methods
  • T880G : Consolidation companies
  • T884 : Currency translation
  • T884B : Assignment valuation methods to company codes
  • T884F : Translation Differences: Additional Account Assignment
  • T884H : Historical currency translation
  • T884K : Exchange rate indicator for currency translation
  • T884M : Currency translation methods used in Consolidation
  • T884R : Exchange rate indicator references
  • T884S : Sets used in currency translation
  • T884T : Currency translation method table: Texts
  • TGSBK : Consolidation business areas
  • TGSBL : Text table for TGSBK
  • TKMGB : Business area consolidation: SD assignments
  • TLMGB : Business area consolidation: MM assignments
  • TSTGC : Consolidation test data

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