MWXVM07M is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component.View details, Fields & related tables of MWXVM07M in SAP.
- Table description : Fields: Update Control of Module Pool SAPMM07M
- Module : CRM
- Parent Module : CRM
- Package : MB
- Software Component : BBPCRM

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What is SAP ?SAP is the short form of Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing. It is one of the largest business process related software. This software focused on business processes on ERP & CRM.
What is table in SAP ?Like most other software, SAP also using database tables to store the data. In SAP thousands of tables are there to store different data. A table contains several fields and some of the fields will be key fields.
SAP MWXVM07M Table Fields structure
Field | Note | Data Element | Domain |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | MANDT |
MBLNR | Number of Material Document | MBLNR | BELNR |
MJAHR | Year of material document | MJAHR | GJAHR |
ZEILE | Item in material document | MBLPO | MBLPO |
ZEILV | Item in material document | MBLPO | MBLPO |
SMARC | Segment string MARC | SMARC_D | SEGST |
SMARD | Segment string MARD | SMARD_D | SEGST |
SMCHB | Segment string MCHB | SMCHB_D | SEGST |
SMBPR | Segment string MBPR | SMBPR | SEGST |
SMLIB | Segment string | SMLIB | SEGST |
SMKOL | Segment string MKOL | SMKOL_D | SEGST |
SMEIK | Segment string MEIK | SMEIK | SEGST |
SMKLK | Segment string MKLK | SMKLK | SEGST |
SMKUB | Segment string MKVB | SMKUB | SEGST |
SEKPO | Segment string EKPO | SEKPO_D | SEGST |
SFAUP | Segment string FAUP | SFAUP_D | SEGST |
SMRES | Segment string MRES | SMRES_D | SEGST |
SMSKU | Segment string MSKU | SMSKU_D | SEGST |
SMSLB | Segment string MSLB | SMSLB_D | SEGST |
SMSSL | Segment string MSSL | SMSSL_D | SEGST |
SMSKA | Segment string MSKA | SMSKA_D | SEGST |
SMSSA | Segment string MSSA | SMSSA_D | SEGST |
SMSPR | Segment string MSPR | SMSPR_D | SEGST |
SMSSQ | Segment string MSSQ | SMSSQ_D | SEGST |
SMSCA | Segment string MSCA | SMSCA | SEGST |
SMSOA | Segment string MSOA | SMSOA | SEGST |
SMSCP | Segment string MSCP | SMSCP | SEGST |
SMSOP | Segment string MSOP | SMSOP | SEGST |
LFGJA | Fiscal Year of Current Period | LFGJA | GJAHR |
LFMON | Current period (posting period) | LFMON | MONAT |
KMBEW | Indicator MBEW from configurable material | KMBEW | XFELD |
BWKEY | Valuation area | BWKEY | BWKEY |
KZBAA | Indicator: valuation type is set automatically | KZBAA | XFELD |
HRKFT | Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element | HRKFT | HRKFT |
XBBST | Indicator: purchase order update | XBBST | XFELD |
XBFAU | Update production order | XBFAU | XFELD |
WEBRE | Indicator: GR-Based Invoice Verification | WEBRE | XFELD |
KZWES | GR blocked stock | KZWES | KZWES |
PSTYP | Item category in purchasing document | PSTYP | PSTYP |
AWEWR | Value of goods received in local currency | WEWRT | WERT7 |
ELIKZ_OLD | "Delivery Completed" Indicator | ELIKZ | XFELD |
WEAKT | Indicator: Goods Receipt Message | WEAKT | XFELD |
EKORG | Purchasing organization | EKORG | EKORG |
EKGRP | Purchasing group | EKGRP | EKGRP |
NETWR | Net order value in document currency | BSTWR | WERT7 |
NETWW | Net Order Value in PO Currency | BWERT | WERT7 |
ERNAM | Name of Person who Created the Object | ERNAM | USNAM |
PABPM | Percentage variance in order price unit | PABPM | PRZ22 |
EISBE | Safety stock | EISBE | MENG13 |
MINBE | Reorder point | MINBE | MENG13 |
DISST | Low-level code | DISST | DISST |
DISKZ | Storage location MRP indicator | DISKZ | DISKZ |
APOKZ | Indicator: Is material relevant for APO | APOKZ | APOKZ |
DISPO | MRP controller | DISPO | DISPO |
MTVFP | Checking Group for Availability Check | MTVFP | MTVFP |
XPBED | Requirements reduction upon goods movements | XPBED | XFELD |
MISKZ | Mixed MRP indicator | MISKZ | MISKZ |
VRMOD | Consumption mode | VRMOD | VRMOD |
VINT1 | Consumption period: backward | VINT1 | VRINT |
VINT2 | Consumption period: forward | VINT2 | VRINT |
BDTER | Requirements date for the component | BDTER | DATUM |
VBTYP | SD document category | VBTYP | VBTYP |
MTART | Material type | MTART | MTART |
SPART | Division | SPART | SPART |
BWAER | Currency Key | WAERS | WAERS |
TBFKZ | Indicator: Creation/Cancellation of a Transfer Requirement | T321_TBFKZ | T321_TBFKZ |
BETYP | Requirement Type | LVS_BETYP | LVS_BETYP |
BENUM | Requirement Number | LVS_BENUM | LVS_BENUM |
TRART | Shipment Type | LVS_TRART | LVS_TRART |
AUTTA | Automatic Transfer Order Creation | LVS_AUTTA | AUTTA |
WEDKZ | Indicator: generate goods receipt date | T321_WEDKZ | T321_WEDKZ |
GSVBR | Total consumption | GSVBR | MENGV13 |
UNVBR | Unplanned consumption | UNVBR | MENGV13 |
VGART | Transaction/Event Type | VGART | VGART |
XINVB | Generate physical inventory document for material doc. item | XINVB | XFELD |
XIUPD | Physical inventory stock type from material document item | XIUPD | BSTAR |
SOBFI | Special stock ind.: Accounting/bookkeeping assignment | SOBFI | SOBFI |
SOBLO | Special stock indicator: Logistics assignment | SOBLO | SOBLO |
SOBVO | Special stock indicator: Transaction assignment | SOBVO | SOBVO |
QSSBW | Inspection by quality assurance | QSSBW | QSSBW |
QSSHK | Inspection Lot Origin | QSSHK | QHERK |
XQSSP | No Manual Inventory Posting for QM-Relevant Material | QQSSP | QKZ |
QPLOS | Inspection Lot Number | QPLOS | QPLOS |
LBBSA | Stock Type of Goods Movement (Primary Posting) | LBBSA | LBBSA |
KBBSA | Stock Type of Goods Movement (Complementary Posting) | KBBSA | LBBSA |
KZBWA | Movement type category | KZBWA | CHAR2 |
ETIAR | Label type | ETIAR | ETIAR |
ETIFO | Label form | ETIFO | ETIFO |
XNAPR | Print via Output Control | XNAPR | XRADI |
XCHPF | Batch management requirement indicator | XCHPF | XFELD |
XSTOR | Reversal, return delivery, or transfer posting | KZSTO | KZSTO |
VERAB | Availability date | VERAB | DATUM |
LIFCH | Vendor's account number | ELIFN | LIFNR |
LICHA | Vendor Batch Number | LICHN | LICHN |
XFMAT | Material is a missing part | XFMAT | XFELD |
DUSER | Recipient Name | SO_REC_NAM | USERNAME |
BUMRZ | Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure | UMREZ | UMBSZ |
BUMRN | Denominator for conversion to base units of measure | UMREN | UMBSN |
ETENS | Sequential Number of Vendor Confirmation | ETENS | NUM04 |
.INCLUDE | Assignment types for CO account assignments | ||
CO_KAKST | Account Assignment Type: Cost Center | CO_KAKST | CO_KONTKZ |
CO_KAAUF | Account assignment type: Order | CO_KAAUF | CO_KONTKZ |
CO_KAPRO | Project account assignment type | CO_KAPRO | CO_KONTKZ |
CO_KAKTR | Account Assignment Type: Cost Object | CO_KAKTR | CO_KONTKZ |
CO_KANPL | Account Assignment Type: Network | CO_KANPL | CO_KONTKZ |
CO_KAIMO | Account Assignment Type: Real Estate Object | CO_KAIMO | CO_KONTKZ |
CO_KAKDA | Account Assignment Type: Sales Order | CO_KAKDA | CO_KONTKZ |
CO_KAERG | Business segment account assignment type | CO_KAERG | CO_KONTKZ |
CO_KAABS | Account assignment type: reconciliation object | CO_KAABS | CO_KONTKZ |
CO_KAPRZ | Account Assignment Type: Business Process | CO_KAPRZ | CO_KONTKZ |
CO_KASAT | Account Assignment Type Not Used | CO_KASAT | CO_KONTKZ |
ABELN | Allocation Table Number | ABELN | ABELN |
ABEPL | Item number of allocation table | ABELP | ABELP |
MLMAA | Material ledger activated at material level | CK_ML_MAAC | XFELD |
KALN1 | Cost Estimate Number - Product Costing | CK_KALNR1 | CK_KALNR |
EK_CHARG | Batch Number | CHARG_D | CHARG |
EK_LIFCH | Vendor's account number | ELIFN | LIFNR |
EK_LICHA | Vendor Batch Number | LICHN | LICHN |
HKMAT | Material-related origin | HKMAT | HKMAT |
XVKBW | Sales price valuation active | XVKBW | XFELD |
DZEIT | In-house production time | DZEIT | DEC3 |
KNBDR | Print kanban card | KNBDR | KNBDR |
PRDHA | Product Hierarchy | PRODH_D | PRODH |
SATNR | Cross-Plant Configurable Material | SATNR | MATNR |
ATTYP | Material Category | ATTYP | ATTYP |
BWVOR | Procurement rule | BWVOR | BWVOR |
BWSCL | Source of Supply | BWSCL | BQSCL |
SAISO | Season Category | SAISO | SAISO |
VOLEH | Volume unit | VOLEH | MEINS |
PLGTP | Price band category | PLGTP | PLGTP |
SERVG | IS-R service level | W_SERVGRD | W_SERVGRD |
LWEDT | Date of last goods receipt | LWEDT | DATUM |
STRGR | Planning strategy group | STRGR | STRGR |
BRGEW | Gross weight | BRGEW_15 | MENG15 |
GEWEI | Weight Unit | GEWEI | MEINS |
VOLUM | Volume | VOLUM_15 | MENG15 |
QNDAT | Next Inspection Date | QNPDAT | DATUM |
CLNEW | Object indicator is new in classification | CLNEW | CHAR1 |
KZEAR_OLD | Final issue for this reservation | KZEAR | XFELD |
QPLOA | Inspection Lot on Which the Usage Decision is Based | QPLOA | QPLOS |
MONAT | Fiscal period | MONAT | MONAT |
MLAST | Material Price Determination: Control | CK_ML_ABST | CK_ML_ABST |
SAISJ | Season Year | SAISJ | CJAHR |
VRGNG | Business Transaction | J_VORGANG | J_VORGANG |
RETPO | Returns Item | RETPO | XFELD |
XNEBE | Create purchase order automatically | XNEBE | XFELD |
XKZBEW | Propose movmt type despite diff. movmt type indicator | XKZBEW | XKZBEW |
AUREL | Relevant to Allocation Table | AUREL | AUREL |
VBELN | Sales and Distribution Document Number | VBELN | VBELN |
VBELP | Sales document item | VBELP | POSNR |
XAKON | Indicator: CO account assignment field filled automatically | XAKON | CHAR1 |
AWEWW | Value of goods received in foreign currency | WEWWR | WERT7 |
LGNTB | Do not adopt storage location into transfer requirement | LVS_LGNTB | XFELD |
KALNR | Cost Estimate Number for Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure | CK_KALNR | CK_KALNR |
ANZGEB | QM - No. of Containers | QANZGEB | QGEBPLOS |
GEBEH | Lot Container | QGEBEH | MEINS |
XSTAU | Break down structure | XSTAU | XFELD |
J_1BNFREL | Nota Fiscal Relevance | J_1BNFREL | J_1BIMNFREL |
XHEAD | Indicates header of structured material | XHEAD | XFELD |
L2SKR | Relevance for 2-step picking | LVS_2SKREL | LVS_2SKREL |
KDAUF_SD | Sales Order Number | KDAUF | VBELN |
KDPOS_SD | Item number in Sales Order | KDPOS | NUM06 |
LMBMV | Under/Overdelivery | LMBMV | XFELD |
FELDV | Name of field | FELDN | CHAR16 |
WM_KZBEW | Movement Indicator | KZBEW | KZBEW |
LFBJA_INTERNAL | Fiscal Year of a Reference Document | LFBJA | GJAHR |
LFBNR_INTERNAL | Document number of a reference document | LFBNR | BELNR |
LFPOS_INTERNAL | Item of a reference document | LFPOS | MBLPO |
EXWMS | Indicator: Item for external WM | LVS_EXWMS | XFELD |
UMEXW | Indicator: Item for external WM | LVS_EXWMS | XFELD |
LFART | Delivery Type | LFART | LFART |
KUNWE | Ship-to-party for delivery for WMS | LVS_KUNWE | KUNNR |
VKORG | Sales Organization | VKORG | VKORG |
VSTEL | Shipping Point/Receiving Point | VSTEL | VSTEL |
VTWEG | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | VTWEG |
XBLNR_AVIS | Reference Document Number | XBLNR1 | XBLNR1 |
FRBNR_AVIS | Number of Bill of Lading at Time of Goods Receipt | FRBNR1 | XBLNR1 |
PABPOS | JIT call item | PABPOS | PABPOS |
PKKEY | Identification Number | PKKEY | PKKEY |
NAVNW | Non-deductible input tax | NAVNW | WERT7 |
MB_MWSKZ | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | MWSKZ |
OBJNR | Object number | J_OBJNR | J_OBJNR |
OBJTYPE | Change indicator | OCM_OBJ_TYPE | OCM_OBJ_TYPE |
SEKPK | Segment string EKPK | SEKPK_D | SEGST |
LVS_LIFNR | Account number of vendor for inbound delivery WMS | LVS_LIFNR | LIFNR |
LADGR | Loading Group | LADGR | LADGR |
XHUPF | Indicator: handling unit requirement | XHUPF | XFELD |
SDLIF | Account Number of Vendor or Creditor | LIFNR | LIFNR |
SDKUN | Customer Number | KUNNR | KUNNR |
SISEG | Segment string ISEG | SISEG_D | SEGST |
IBPOI | Pointer on phys. inv. docmt item | IBPOI | BELNR |
SEKLA | Segment string EKLA | SEKLA_D | SEGST |
BFLME | Generic Material with Logistical Variants | BFLME | BFLME |
GLOBAL_COUNTER | Unique number for one line | MIGO_GLOBAL_COUNTER | NUMC6 |
MLCCS_RELEVANT | Active Actual Cost Component Split | CK_MLCCS | BOOLE |
MWXVM07M related tables
Table | Note |
MWXVM07M | Fields: Update Control of Module Pool SAPMM07M |
MWZVM07M | Fields: Update Control of Module Pool SAPMM07M |
TZS01 | Screen control: Possible control fields per module pool |
T003M | Transaction/Event Types for SAPMM07M/SAPMM07I |
TCLFM | Control Table Include Screen Module Pool for Classification |
CRMD_POOL_MEMBER | CRM BP Assign BP Pool <-> Pool Member |
CRMR_POOL_OWNER | CRM BP Assign BP Pool <-> Pool Owner |
FMRPPOOL | Assignment of Expdt Cover Pool to Revenue Cover Pool |
WTYSCC_UPDT_CONT | Update control points for claim update from service order |
T589Z | F Status of Each Module Pool and Screen |
SDMEDPTF | DME: Dialog Pool Component 'Table Control' (Fields) |
T7PIQSC_CGVARCAT | Module Group/Module Group Variant Assignments |
ATDEALDFT | Update Types for Position Update |
SDINVUPD | VPRS Update: Worklist for VPRS Update |
OLR3_FIELDS | Pool of Fields for a Frame in a Detail Screen |
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